Is there a way of reading from sub arrays? - arrays

I am currently building an iOS application that stores user added products using Google Firestore. Each product that is added is concatenated into a single, user specific "products" array (as shown below - despite having separate numbers they are part of the same array but separated in the UI by Google to show each individual sub-array more clearly)
I use the following syntax to return the data from the first sub-array of the "products" field in the database
let group_array = document["product"] as? [String] ?? [""]
if (group_array.count) == 1 {
let productName1 = group_array.first ?? "No data to display :("`
self.tableViewData =
[cellData(opened: false, title: "Item 1", sectionData: [productName1])]
It is returned in the following format:
Product Name: 1, Listing Price: 3, A brief description: 4, Product URL: 2, Listing active until: 21/04/2021 10:22:17
However I am trying to query each of the individual sections of this sub array, so for example, I can return "Product Name: 1" instead of the whole sub-array. As let productName1 = group_array.first is used to return the first sub-array, I have tried let productName1 = group_array.first[0] to try and return the first value in this sub-array however I receive the following error:
Cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'first'
So my question is, referring to the image from my database (at the top of my question), if I wanted to just return "Product Name: 1" from the example sub-array, is this possible and if so, how would I extract it?

I would reconsider storing the products as long strings that need to be parsed out because I suspect there are more efficient, and less error-prone, patterns. However, this pattern is how JSON works so if this is how you want to organize product data, let's go with it and solve your problem.
let productRaw = "Product Name: 1, Listing Price: 3, A brief description: 4, Product URL: 2, Listing active until: 21/04/2021 10:22:17"
First thing you can do is parse the string into an array of components:
let componentsRaw = productRaw.components(separatedBy: ", ")
The result:
["Product Name: 1", "Listing Price: 3", "A brief description: 4", "Product URL: 2", "Listing active until: 21/04/2021 10:22:17"]
Then you can search this array using substrings but for efficiency, let's translate it into a dictionary for easier access:
var product = [String: String]()
for component in componentsRaw {
let keyVal = component.components(separatedBy: ": ")
product[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1]
The result:
["Listing active until": "21/04/2021 10:22:17", "A brief description": "4", "Product Name": "1", "Product URL": "2", "Listing Price": "3"]
And then simply find the product by its key:
if let productName = product["Product Name"] {
} else {
print("not found")
There are lots of caveats here. The product string must always be uniform in that commas and colons must always adhere to this strict formatting. If product names have colons and commas, this will not work. You can modify this to handle those cases but it could turn into a bowl of spaghetti pretty quickly, which is also why I suggest going with a different data pattern altogether. You can also explore other methods of translating the array into a dictionary such as with reduce or grouping but there are big-O performance warnings. But this would be a good starting point if this is the road you want to go down.
All that said, if you truly want to use this data pattern, consider adding a delimiter to the product string. For example, a custom delimiter would greatly reduce the need for handling edge cases:
let productRaw = "Product Name: 1**Listing Price: 3**A brief description: 4**Product URL: 2**Listing active until: 21/04/2021 10:22:17"
With a delimiter like **, the values can contain commas without worry. But for complete safety (and efficiency), I would add a second delimiter so that values can contain commas or colons:
let productRaw = "name$$1**price$$3**description$$4**url$$2**expy$$21/04/2021 10:22:17"
With this string, you can much more safely parse the components by ** and the value from the key by $$. And it would look something like this:
let productRaw = "name$$1**price$$3**description$$4**url$$2**expy$$21/04/2021 10:22:17"
let componentsRaw = productRaw.components(separatedBy: "**")
var product = [String: String]()
for component in componentsRaw {
let keyVal = component.components(separatedBy: "$$")
product[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1]
if let productName = product["name"] {
} else {
print("not found")


Looping over and combining Swift array of structs?

I'm trying to create an array of structs (User structs below) where, if the does not yet exist in the array, it appends the user -- but if the is already present ("Mcdonalds" in the below example), then it will simply add the item.amount to the existing struct.
In other words, the below code should create an array of 4 Users, with the User Mcdonalds item.amount totaling 23.44 + 12.33.
I remember doing this sort of thing in JS no sweat, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this in Swift. Thanks for any help!
struct User {
var name: String
var amount: Double
var user1 = User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 23.44)
var user2 = User(name: "Wendys", amount: 15.44)
var user3 = User(name: "Cabanos", amount: 12.22)
var user4 = User(name: "Shell Gas", amount: 23.33)
var user5 = User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 12.33)
To loop over the users they'll need to be in an array to start.
Then you can use .reduce(into:) to reduce them into one condensed dictionary (the dictionary will allow you to have a unique key (the name of the user here) so that you don't have duplicate entries). Then you can use .map() to just get the value and not the key of that dictionary so that the final result will be an array of users.
struct User {
var name: String
var amount: Double
var users = [
User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 23.44),
User(name: "Wendys", amount: 15.44),
User(name: "Cabanos", amount: 12.22),
User(name: "Shell Gas", amount: 23.33),
User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 12.33)
var reducedUsers = users.reduce(into: [String: User]()) { (result, nextUser) in
if let existing = result[] {
result[] = User(name:, amount: existing.amount + nextUser.amount)
} else {
result[] = nextUser
}.map { $0.value }
A clean and swifty way is to write an extension for Array. Swift is highly protocol-oriented, which means you are able to extend any existing system or self-written class with new functions.
This is just a simple implementation, which uses a function to append or update any given user object:
extension Array where Element == User {
/// Appends a not existing user to the array or updates the amount value if user is already present
mutating func appendOrUpdate(_ userObject: Element) {
// Check if user is already in the array
if let index = self.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
// Update the amount
self[index].amount += userObject.amount
else {
// Append the user
As the where clause specifies the extension the Element of the array only to be applied when the given object is your User struct, it is only available when you pass in an user object.
var userArray: [User] = []
userArray.appenOrUpdate(User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 23.44))
userArray.appenOrUpdate(User(name: "Wendys", amount: 15.44))
userArray.appenOrUpdate(User(name: "Cabanos", amount: 12.22))
userArray.appenOrUpdate(User(name: "Shell Gas", amount: 23.33))
userArray.appenOrUpdate(User(name: "Mcdonalds", amount: 12.33))
This will result in an array with just four entries and the double entry 'Mcdonalds' user's amount cumulated.
Note that the function has the mutating keyword in front, as if not you will not be able to modify the array and its entries. This is necessary due the nature of arrays being Structs themselves.
You can also write a function like the know Array's append(contentsOf:) and pass in an array of user objects and loop through them updating or appending the given objects.
Best way is to put this extension in a separate file called Array+User.swift according to best practise naming conventions.
You can read more about extensions in Swift and their power here:
Matthew Gray's answer is very good, and can be used for a wide variety of problems that may be more complex than this one. But for this specific problem, it can be done much more simply.
let reducedUsers = users.reduce(into: [:]) { (result, user) in
result[, default: 0] += user.amount
The point of this is that it tears apart the struct into key and value in a Dictionary, and then reassembles the values into an Array at the end. Swift is smart enough to figure out the type of the [:], so there's no need to specify that.
Note that there is a time-space tradeoff here. This creates a temporary Dictionary that can be very large. If this kind of operation is common and the dataset is large, you should consider storing this data in a Dictionary ([String: User] or [String: Double]) all the time rather than converting back and forth.

Cant figure out how to go through array in Swift and find specific data

Hello I have question about arrays.
I have an array with following data, also I have corresponding Struct for SpiritRelation():
var spiritRelations = [
SpiritRelation(relationName: "Thunder Lantern", relationSpirit1: "Razor", relationSpirit2: "Lamp Genie", relationSpirit3: "", relationSpirit4: "", relationStats: "Double resist +5%, ATK +1600", relationSpiritIcons: ["razor", "genie"]),
SpiritRelation(relationName: "Illusive Fantasy", relationSpirit1: "Heavenly Maiden", relationSpirit2: "Lamp Genie", relationSpirit3: "", relationSpirit4: "", relationStats: "Excellent strike +15%, Dmg Penetration +15%, Max HP +11500", relationSpiritIcons: ["maiden", "genie"]),
SpiritRelation(relationName: "Grand Demonlord Gathering", relationSpirit1: "Sand Golem", relationSpirit2: "Lamp Genie", relationSpirit3: "", relationSpirit4: "", relationStats: "Excellency Resist +20%, Double Dmg +5%, ATK +1600", relationSpiritIcons: ["golem", "genie"])
array which contains data which will be selected by user:
var selectedSpiritsForRelation = [String]()
array of type String because I put there values which corresponds to image names in Assets. I need that to display images
array where I want to keep found relations and use it to display all found relationStats in UI
var foundRelations = [SpiritRelation]()
My problems is:
lets say user has selected 2 spirits for example: selectedSpiritsForRelation["golem", "genie"]
I’m able to find and save correctly found relation by
let result3 = spiritRelations.filter{$0.relationSpiritIcons == (selectedSpiritsForRelation) } // = 3rd relation in spiritRelations[]
foundRelations.append(contentsOf: result3)
but after user select another one spirit and array become: selectedSpiritsForRelation["golem", "genie", "maiden"]
same code as for result3 does not work anymore, because how I understand it tries to filter exactly combination of 3, but my expectation is that 2nd relation from spiritRelation[] will be found also
and here is my problem, I cant figure out how to correctly go through spiritRelations[] and find all relations related to selectedSpiritsForRelation[] every time user selects new spirit
You need to use allSatisfy in your filter by checking that all relationSpiritIcons elements exists in selectedSpiritsForRelation
foundRelations = spiritRelations.filter {
$0.relationSpiritIcons.allSatisfy { icon in

How to fetch data from a dictionary

I have a list of dogs and need to fetch certain bits of data. In one case I need the row of names to show in a list, in other cases I need all or parts of the data from a single dog (name, gender, speed). I am fairly certain I should be using an array, although I started with a dictionary. I plan to add more parameters and allow users to add more dogs, so I am trying to find the most expandable option
struct Dog {
var name: String
var gender: String
var speed: Int
struct MyDogs {
let myDogs = [
Dog(name: "Saleks", gender: "Male", speed: 50),
Dog(name: "Balto", gender: "Male", speed: 70),
Dog(name: "Mila", gender: "Female", speed: 20)
WARNING I don't have my IDE available, may have a few syntax errors.
For reference, what you're demonstrating is not a multi-dimensional array. A 3d array is like this.
let some3DArray =
[["Hello", "World"],
["This", "Is", "An"],
To access the values in your example, based on what you're asking for you'd do it like so.
//To loop through all the dogs in your array. Useful for your "List"
for dog in yourDogs {
print(" Name: \( "
// To find a dog based on some property you can do something like this.
let dog = {
for dog in yourDogs {
if == yourSearchValue {
return dog
} else {
//What do you want to happen if NO dog is found?
return null
// You can use the values from the array by accessing it directly via an index.
// This can be done with whatever conditional you need to specifically reach.
let specificDog = dogs[3]
// Once you have your copy of the specific dog you want to access.
// You can then get the values of that object.
let dogName = specificDog .name
let dogGender = specificDog .gender
let dogSpeed = specificDog .speed
Your use-case seems to be on the right track. An array would be useful and provide the most flexibility to add more dogs later down the road. This could be handled very easily for example by doing something like this. You can find out more about that here. Add an element to an array in Swift
var yourDogArray = [Dogs]()
yourDogArray.append(Dog(name: "xxx", gender: "female", speed: 20))
This is a common usage And it works because your list that you populate is populated on an index from 0 to length which means if you select the first item on the list, it will match with your first item in your arrayCollection.
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath {
let name = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].name
let gender = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].gender
let speed = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].speed
//Do whatever else you need to do here with your data. In your case you'd
//probably segue to the details view controller and present this data.
//Read up on Segue and Prepare for Segue to pass data between controllers.

Check if struct string array contains elements of another string array

I created an array of struct elements. These structs get to contain an array of strings. I want to check if these strings happen to be in another array of strings.
How can I do that or what tools should I look into?
I found that I can use a command called "Set", but it doesn't seem to work arrays within a struct.
import UIKit
// Define structure
struct Drink {
var name: String
var content: Array<String>
var amount: Array<Int>
var desc: String
// Define drinks
var mojito = Drink(name: "Mojito", content: ["Rum","Club soda"], amount: [4,20], desc: "Summer drink")
var vodkaJuice = Drink(name: "Vodka juice", content: ["Vodka","Juice"], amount: [4,20], desc: "Cheap alcohol")
var list = [mojito,vodkaJuice]
// Define what ingredients you have
var stock = ["Gin", "Vodka", "Juice", "Club soda"]
How do I make a list of drinks I can make from what I have?
Use a Set instead of an array so you can simply do a subset check:
import UIKit
// Define structure
struct drink {
var name : String
var content : Set<String> // we use a Set instead
var amount : Array<Int>
var desc : String
// Define drinks
var mojito = drink(name: "Mojito", content: ["Rum","Club soda"], amount: [4,20], desc: "Summer drink")
var vodkaJuice = drink(name: "Vodka juice", content: ["Vodka","Juice"], amount: [4,20], desc: "Cheap alcohol")
var list = [mojito,vodkaJuice]
// Define what ingredients you have
var stock = ["Gin", "Vodka", "Juice", "Club soda"]
// find all instances of drinks where their contents
// are subsets of what you have in stock
let drinks = list.filter { $0.content.isSubset(of: stock) }
The importance of using sets instead of "for-loops inside for-loops" is performance. Set uses an internal hash table to look up an item in an extremely fast fashion. So the overall complexity of your lookups would be O(N.logM) for N items in list and M items in stock.
If you had done it with for loops, its complexity would be O(N.M) which could take longer and consume more battery depending on the number of items you have.
That doesn't mean you should always use sets though. Sets have tradeoffs. They bring in performance but their initial construction is slower and they don't support duplicate items. Use them only in specific cases like this. Never use sets because "they are faster", use them when they solve your specific problem.
I strongly recommend skimming over those additional data structures provided by Swift's runtime so you'll know which one to use and when.

Ruby way of summing an array of objects by field

I have an array of objects that I'd like to group by field1 and sum by field2. An example would be a class product that has a title field and a price field.
In an array of products, I have multiple gloves with different prices, and multiple hats with different prices. I'd like to have an array with distinct titles, that aggregate all the prices under the same title.
There's an obvious solution with iterating over the array and using a hash, but I was wondering if there was a "ruby way" of doing something like this? I've seen a lot of examples where Ruby has some unique functionality that applies well to certain scenarios and being a Ruby newbie I'm curious about this.
There's a method transform_values added in ruby 2.4 or if you require 'active_support/all', with this you can do something like so:
products = [
{type: "hat", price: 1, name: "fedora"},
{type: "hat", price: 2, name: "sombrero"},
{type: "glove", price: 3, name: "mitten"},
{type: "glove", price: 4, name: "wool"}
result = products
.group_by { |product| product[:type] }
.transform_values { |vals| vals.sum { |val| val[:price] } }
# => {"hat"=>3, "glove"=>7}
It's a little unclear to me from the question as asked what your data looks like, so I ended up with this:
Product =, :price)
products = ["big hat", 1),"big hat", 2),"small hat", 3),"small hat", 4),"mens glove", 8),"mens glove", 9),"kids glove", 1),"kids glove", 2)
Given that data, this is how I'd go about building a data structure which contains the sum of all the prices for a given title:
sum_by_title = products.inject({}) do |sums, product|
if sums[product.title]
sums[product.title] += product.price
sums[product.title] = product.price
This produces:
{"big hat"=>3, "small hat"=>7, "mens glove"=>17, "kids glove"=>3}
To explain:
Ruby inject takes an initial value and passes that to the iteration block as a "memo". Here, {} is the initial value. The return value from the block is passed into the next iteration as the memo.
The product.title is used as a hash key and the running sum is stored in the hash value. An if statement is necessary because the first time a product title is encountered, the stored value for that title is nil and cannot be incremented.
I probably wouldn't ship this code due to the hidden magic of the hash default value constructor but it's possible to write the same code without the if statement:
sum_by_title = products.inject( { 0 }) do |sums, product|
sums[product.title] += product.price
Hope you enjoy Ruby as much as I do!
