How to remove published package from the qooxdoo repository? - package

I've published a package to qooxdoo, but found that I want remove this.
What is the command to remove a package from the qooxdoo repository?

I was advised by the core team to add "(deprecated)" to the About section of the Github project that i wanted removed from the package system. See here for an example:
Adding this successfully removed this project from's package browser site


MSIX Include Additional Required Files

I have a simple WinForms app that I'm trying to package with MSIX. The app itself requires additional files that when I build the MSIX App Project doesn't copy/include.
Specifically this LIBVLC folder that gets included during the WinForms app build itself.
If I manually copy that folder over into the AppX build folder, everything works. Obviously I'm trying to automate including that folder.
Folder manually copied over in screenshot below:
How can I accomplish this? GitHub minimal repo:
I suspect that this line is your issue :
The nuget package isn't really well understood by the build tools as those are native files that we collect "before build". It seems to cause issues when a project references a project that references the nuget package, and the usual workaround is to reference the nuget package directly in the topmost project.
Is it possible to reference a nuget package in a .wapproj ?
If it isn't, that's an issue for this repository . Contributions welcome

How to I update my React version in the ASP.NET Core React/Redux template project?

I've started learning React with Redux and part of my development has seen me want to use the Material UI to make my application more interesting. I created my project in Visual Studio 2017 using the React with Redux template for ASP.NET Core.
I followed the documentation presented at the MatrialUI site and opted to use the CDN option for delivery of the MaterialUI library.
I started creating a few elements and was quickly confronted with the message that I needed to upgrade my react installation to use the Toolbar.
My question is, when we use the Visual Studio React/Redux ASP.NET Core template, how do I update my react installation? Is that carried out via NPM? I can't see any nuget packages relating to React.
Many thanks
Hey not sure if you found an answer yet but here is my take:
I tried using npm update inside the "ClientApp" folder, but that didn't seem to work. Something that did work though was manually updating each package. So open up a separate terminal -> cd into the ClientApp directory and then
npm i <package name>#<newest version>
so an example would be
npm i react#16.8.6
Some packages you will definitely need to update are React, React-DOM and rimraf. But you might choose to just update all of them while you're at it. When you're using ASP.NET Core try and go for the 2.2 version, which at least already has Bootstrap 4 installed.
Another tip: With Visual Studio, if you hover over the package names in the package.json file inside, it will show you the latest version. That's gonna make it a bit easier to find out what version you want to update to.
Hope that helped! And if anyone has a better solution please let me know.

Can't install Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp NuGet package in WPF app

I'm losing my mind here trying to install the Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp NuGet package into a WPF app (need the toast notifications and possibly some more stuff from UWP), but I always get the following error, no matter which version of the toolkit I'm trying to install and no matter which .NET version I target:
Could not install package 'Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp XXX'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=ZZZ', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
The weird thing is that Microsoft actually sends you to the Toolkit to do the exact thing I'm trying: get toast notifications from a WPF app, as can be seen here:
Excerpt from Microsoft's website
Tried downloading the NuGet package and install it from the local source, tried downloading the whole GitHub project, but to no avail. What am I doing wrong here, guys? I can't seem to figure it out.
P.S: I can't use UWP directly, because this will be an internal company app which needs to do lots of stuff not supported by UWP.
The documentation tells you to download the Notifications library. The Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp package is not compatible with WPF but the Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications package is.

Karaf: how do you search for osgi.wiring.package (s) in repos

In karaf how do you search for missing packages in repos ?? seems like such a feature would be really really handy
For example, try to install activemq-broker following manual using latest karaf release (at the time of writing this question) and you need to add:
spring-legacy repo to install spring
some other stuff that's required by third party libraries and you have no idea about
Should be able to do a "search for package" and get a list of metadata about artifacts available in a repo that contain that package.

How to create a personally hosted package registry like bower

I'm looking to create a package registry for components or add-ons for the Ionic Framework, where one would be able to:
View / search packages on a website
Upload new packages (components) to the registry
Download packages from the registry
It would almost be a replica of the Bower registry. There would be a nice front-end for viewing and searching the available components inside of the registry. And a CLI would be necessary for downloading and uploading the packages/components from and to the registry.The registry could link to git/github repos just like bower.
Basically I'm asking how does Bower work, how does it store all of the packages? how does the CLI download the package for the github repo? And how can I replicate it for my own personal use?
Ideally I would like to write the whole thing in NodeJS + MongoDB + AngularJs.
Bower uses your repo Git tags to manage module versioning, it doesn't store the code like npm does. Each time you push a new Tag to GitHub it becomes available as a version for your Bower module. Bower simply constructs the tar/zip/git (not 100% sure which it uses) download link for the Git tag.
Bower does have a DB of course to manage users and published modules.
