Karaf: how do you search for osgi.wiring.package (s) in repos - karaf

In karaf how do you search for missing packages in repos ?? seems like such a feature would be really really handy
For example, try to install activemq-broker following manual using latest karaf release (at the time of writing this question) and you need to add:
spring-legacy repo to install spring
some other stuff that's required by third party libraries and you have no idea about
Should be able to do a "search for package" and get a list of metadata about artifacts available in a repo that contain that package.


How to remove published package from the qooxdoo repository?

I've published a package to qooxdoo, but found that I want remove this.
What is the command to remove a package from the qooxdoo repository?
I was advised by the core team to add "(deprecated)" to the About section of the Github project that i wanted removed from the package system. See here for an example: https://github.com/sqville/sqv-qxthemes
Adding this successfully removed this project from qooxdoo.org's package browser site

Is Pkg.clone obsolete?

I have attempted to install several packages listed at JuliaObserver which are not in the Julia registry but instead are to be downloaded from github. The instructions at JuliaObserver look like this but depending on the particular repository:
These attempts all fail with "UndefVarError: clone not defined".
Yes, Pkg.clone is part of the old API. The new API is documented here https://julialang.github.io/Pkg.jl/v1/api.html
In particular, you get a similar behaviour by
using Pkg
pkg"add <URL or package name>" # If you want to install the package
pkg"dev <URL or package name>" # If you want to develop the package
If the package is registered, you can provide the package name above. If not, you need to provide the full URL to the repo

How to interpret suggestions when installing CakePHP via Composer?

When I try installing with command line:
composer self-update && composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name
I keep getting this message, which I didnt use to have, now which one is required, which one is not, do I have to download manually everytime?
cakephp/app suggests installing markstory/asset_compress (An asset compression plugin which provides file concatenation and a flexible filter system for preprocessing and minification.)
cakephp/app suggests installing dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper (After baking your code, this keeps your annotations in sync with the code evolving from there on for maximum IDE and PHPStan compatibility.)
cakephp/app suggests installing phpunit/phpunit (Allows automated tests to be run without system-wide install.)
cakephp/cakephp suggests installing lib-ICU (The intl PHP library, to use Text::transliterate() or Text::slug())
symfony/console suggests installing symfony/event-dispatcher ()
symfony/console suggests installing symfony/lock ()
symfony/console suggests installing psr/log-implementation (For using the console logger)
m1/env suggests installing m1/vars (For loading of configs)
asm89/twig-cache-extension suggests installing psr/cache-implementation (To make use of PSR-6 cache implementation via PsrCacheAdapter.)
aptoma/twig-markdown suggests installing michelf/php-markdown (Original Markdown engine with MarkdownExtra.)
aptoma/twig-markdown suggests installing knplabs/github-api (Needed for using GitHub's Markdown engine provided through their API.)
ajgl/breakpoint-twig-extension suggests installing ext-xdebug (The Xdebug extension is required for the breakpoint to work)
ajgl/breakpoint-twig-extension suggests installing symfony/framework-bundle (The framework bundle to integrate the extension into Symfony)
ajgl/breakpoint-twig-extension suggests installing symfony/twig-bundle (The twig bundle to integrate the extension into Symfony)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pcntl (Enabling the PCNTL extension makes PsySH a lot happier :))
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-posix (If you have PCNTL, you'll want the POSIX extension as well.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pdo-sqlite (The doc command requires SQLite to work.)
psy/psysh suggests installing hoa/console (A pure PHP readline implementation. You'll want this if your PHP install doesn't already support readline or libedit.)
These are only suggestions that may extend the functionality of already installed packages, but everything should work fine without them. For example monolog/monolog will suggest a couple of plugins that will allow logging into different backends. But monolog/monolog will work without them - you may not be able to log for example to Sentry, but monolog will still be usable without this feature.
So usually you can just ignore these suggestions. But you can take a few minutes to check what these suggested packages are actually doing - you can learn about new technologies and solutions that can make your app better and easier to maintain.
If you're really not interested in these suggestions, you can use --no-suggest switch to avoid displaying them on install/update/require:
composer install --no-suggest

Is there an official nuget package for Angular 2?

I'm currently working in a work environment where I do not have access to npm / node. The npm download location is actually blocked so I can't get any packages.
I want to build an Angular 2 site. As I can't access npm, I want to use Nuget to get the files. Although I can see the Angular 1 packages, I cannot seem to see any Angular 2 packages. Is there one for Nuget?
Also, is populating the node_module folder and compiling the Typescript the only thing that npm does for Angular? If I can just get a copy of the node_module folder (from outside work) and get TypeScript working in my solution, can I basically bypass the need for npm?
In short; No.
You can see a list of all available NuGet package versions here, with the most recent being 1.5.3.
Even performing a generic search shows most recent versions as 1.5.3.
Sometimes they'll have beta versions of packages available that you can install with a command similar to: Install-Package EntityFramework -Version 6.1.3-beta1 -Pre, but it doesn't appear as if they have created any pre-release packages.
So, as #Michal Dymel mentioned, you could get it from a CDN or some other location.

How to create a personally hosted package registry like bower

I'm looking to create a package registry for components or add-ons for the Ionic Framework, where one would be able to:
View / search packages on a website
Upload new packages (components) to the registry
Download packages from the registry
It would almost be a replica of the Bower registry. There would be a nice front-end for viewing and searching the available components inside of the registry. And a CLI would be necessary for downloading and uploading the packages/components from and to the registry.The registry could link to git/github repos just like bower.
Basically I'm asking how does Bower work, how does it store all of the packages? how does the CLI download the package for the github repo? And how can I replicate it for my own personal use?
Ideally I would like to write the whole thing in NodeJS + MongoDB + AngularJs.
Bower uses your repo Git tags to manage module versioning, it doesn't store the code like npm does. Each time you push a new Tag to GitHub it becomes available as a version for your Bower module. Bower simply constructs the tar/zip/git (not 100% sure which it uses) download link for the Git tag.
Bower does have a DB of course to manage users and published modules.
