AWS App Sync Subscriptions not working because of MQTT error - reactjs

I am calling this graphql subscription on my react app:
export const OnCreateMessage = `
subscription OnCreateMessage($conversationId: ID!) {
onCreateMessage(messageConversationId: $conversationId) {
This is how I call it inside a class component:
graphqlOperation(subscriptions.OnCreateMessage, {conversationId: "c074c7b7-f6db-459a-a1d8-cd290aee33ea"})
next: ({ provider, value }) => console.log({provider, value}),
error: error => console.warn("did not get messages")
However, when I run my app and this is called, I get this error on my network tab:
"errors" : [ {
"errorType" : "BadRequestException",
"message" : "Subscriptions over MQTT is not supported."
} ]
I saw on the AWS docs that "MQTT over WebSockets will no longer be available for new AppSync APIs" but I don't know what to do now.
Can someone look into this and help me out?

I'm not sure if you found an answer to this, but we are facing the same thing with a project and it requires that you use a GraphQL client that can handle subscriptions over pure WebSockets. See the answer to this question about using the AWS AppSync client.


Getting 500 | Internal Server Error when using getServerSideProps only on host (not local)

I know it's an old question but I couldn't resolve this issue. I have a dynamic page using ssr (getServerSidePros). It is working perfectly on my localhost (both of development and production mode), but when I publish it ,I see 500|Internal Server Error. In my console window I see this:
main-50de763069eba4b2.js:1 A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info: and I don't get any details.
This is my code
export async function getServerSideProps(context:any) {
var data:any={}
const getData=async()=>{
const response:any= await axios.get(`http://localhost:99/api/v1/Blog/${id}`)
return data
data=await getData();
return {
props: {data}, // will be passed to the page component as props
Some solutions I've tried:
1-adding "main":"index.js"
2-adding axios.defaults.httpsAgent=new https.Agent({rejectUnauthorized:false,})
3-using .json() instead of JSON.stringify()

MongoDB Realm Functions on React Native

Just started using the Realm MongoDB and i watched this video from MongoDB and followed exactly what he did, but for some the function on the client side is not working. I'm using Expo React Native
I have this simple Realm function
exports = function(arg){
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("questiondb").collection("questions");
collection.insertOne({name:arg}).then((doc) => {
When i call it in the real console, it works fine.
This is the front end function
const connectDB = async () => {
const appID = "myapp-ckwfl";
const app = new Realm.App({ id: appID });
const credentials = Realm.Credentials.anonymous();
try {
const user = await app.logIn(credentials);
await user.functions.addQuestion("Myself");
console.log("Logged in");
} catch (error) {
I'm getting the 'Logged in' in the console.
I went to check the activity log on the MongoDB atlas and it shows OK to both login and function
However, the function log shows me this message
[ "FunctionError: can't find a table mapping for namespace questiondb.questions" ] { "name": "addQuestion" }
And i have the database 'questiondb' with the collection 'questions'.
What am i missing here?
I ran into a similar error. The problem was that my BSON did not contain an "_id" field. But the BSON validation when saving it allowed me to save the schema like that. But when querying data through graphql I got this exact same error. So the solution was to fix the BSON schema. Even if the BSON schema saves and deploys successfully it can still be that it will not work for graphql.
You can see if your BSON has errors by navigating here:

Error while deleting S3 objects - likely an issue with credentials but could not locate the problem

So I have been following other Q&A on stackoverflow and AWS SDK docs but I still couldn't delete S3 files with the following code, it simply gives the following error Error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'byteLength')
My code (s3Client.js):
import { S3Client } from "#aws-sdk/client-s3";
const REGION = `${process.env.S3_UPLOAD_REGION}`;
const creds = {
accessKeyId: process.env.S3_UPLOAD_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_UPLOAD_SECRET
// Create an Amazon S3 service client object.
const s3Client = new S3Client({
region: REGION,
credentials: creds
export { s3Client };
My nextJS component:
import { DeleteObjectCommand } from "#aws-sdk/client-s3";
import { s3Client } from "../lib/s3Client.js"
const bucketParams = { Bucket: "my bucket name...", Key: "my key..." };
const run = async () => {
try {
const data = await s3Client.send(new DeleteObjectCommand(bucketParams));
console.log("Success. Object deleted.", data);
return data; // For unit tests.
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error", err);
I understand from others that this seems like a credential issue but I still couldn't wrap my head around where the problem is.
Solution to this problem -
Check the .env, depending on whether you are using React or NextJS, you will need to have either "REACT_PUBLIC" or "NEXT_PUBLIC" in order for the environment objects to be exposed via process.env.
Check your permission in your S3 bucket and set "AllowedOrigins" to include your localhost. I had mine set as "AllowedOrigins": "*" but it wasn't enough. So I have included http://localhost:3000 and it worked.
So it looks like that you're using keys credentials for this. To debug your problem the 1st thing you should do is to check the credentials outside code and SDK and make sure they're fine.
To do this, setup the credentials on CLI by setting environment variables.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your Key here>
After this run this command to verify credentials are setup correctly aws sts get-caller-identity
If they show you the account and user details. Then delete the file using CLI. If that works then it is confirmed that issue is not with the credentials and with code. If not, it will point you in the right direction where the issue is.

react native returning network error when made get request to my django server [ which is running live on server and not on localhost ]

I tried other public api's and they worked but when I try my own GET api created in django rest framework it returns network error.
Note : I have my server running on digital ocean to which I am making request using axios.get() and not to local server.
also I have added in
and when I run the same api's in postman or directly on browser they successfully returns the data, so the problem is with react native code can someone help in guiding where I am wrong.
below the example of my code.
const getData = async () => {
try {
const {data} = await axios.get('https://myGETurl/');
} catch (error) {

React Google API

I am new to React and RN. I have looked into every single solution here but I did not find a solution for my case. I am trying to pull google calendar events from calendar v3 api. I have tried two ways, so far. I don't know which one is correct but I did not get a correct result for any of them. Firstly, I have tried to send a request to the${CALENDAR_ID}/events?key=${API_KEY}( I don't know if the key parameter is needed. I think we should delete key parameter in front of the api key.I did it like that because otherwise it was giving an error as global not found).
This is calendar.js
const CALENDAR_ID = 'public#qeqw'
const API_KEY = 'key'
let url = `${CALENDAR_ID}/events?key=${API_KEY}`
export function getEvents (callback) {
.end((err, resp) => {
if (!err) {
const events = []
JSON.parse(resp.text) => {
start: || event.start.dateTime,
end: || event.end.dateTime,
title: event.summary,
This is app.js
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { getEvents } from './gcal'
import { View, Text,
StatusBar,Image,AppRegistry,ScrollView,StyleSheet,Platform,FlatList} from
class App extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
events: []
componentDidMount () {
getEvents((events) => {
render () {
return (
// React Components in JSX look like HTML tags
However, I got an error in the below. I don't know what I am doing wrong but it should be possible to send a request like that. My only concern is that if I need to get token by giving my client information by using OAuth2 authentication. Do I need to sign up and and get token to reach the API? If I need to do it, I have implemented to do it in node js by reading the sample here. but there are some node modules which I cannot use them in my React native application like fs, googleAuth, readline etc... Some of them can be done by using nodeify but others throw an error. So, I don't know what to do from now on. If someone can guide me how I would use google calendar api in react, I'd be appreciated. Thanks to the everyone who contributes here.
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
As the error message indicates, you are beyond your usage for that API.
You need to sign up in order to continue to use the API.
Once you sign up, you can use a library like Request-Promise in order to make the API request.
You can search npm for a react component that interfaces with the Google Calendar API, such as this one
The error is caused from an silly mistake. The key parameter in the url should not be in parenthesizes. The reason it did not work is that the parameter key which is in front of the api key is in parenthesize. If you delete it, it works like a charm.
