exporting the experiment/simulation screen with PLE possible? - export

so i made the model for my thesis and like to share it with my prof. over the anylogic cloud. Unfortunatelly when i try to export the model it shows:
"Model parameter values overridden by experiment 'Simulation' will not be used; default values will be exported."
and it will not show the simulation screen in the cloud version. Is this because i use the PLE, if no: how can i improve my export?
i already tried the documentation and various google searches, but i was not able to find anything useful.
Thank you in advance! :)

There is no simulation screen in the cloud. This is independent of your version.
Learn how to create simulation-setups in the cloud by checking the "Run configuration" part of your model before uploading to the cloud. Also check the help on that and example models (those uploaded by AnyLogic to the cloud and that you find matched in the AnyLogic example library).


Semantria Integration with DB

I need to know, has someone integrated any DB to Semantria, and get output to any DB or excel or text file ?
I have tried to explore semantria via excel and API , but integration does not work perfectly.
It depends on what kind of integration you're looking for.
I have already done many integrations with different storages including indexing services and RDBMS solutions.
Unfortunately there are no ready-to-use components available on the market, so you will need to build integration by your own.
Semantria offers SDK (https://github.com/Semantria/semantria-sdk) for all modern languages, you will need to build a logic that will get analysis results and will save them to a certain storage.
Can you please explain what storage do you use and what Semantria output you're interested in?
Thanks George.
Well at the moment, we are just focusing on pulling the data from DB (take for instance mySQL, or Oracle), and output should again go back to same DB, i will take care of transformation needed in o/p.
Now where I am stuck, is the place where I can set up a link between DB and semantria, how will these SDK help, never worked on something like this.
A brief on this will surely be of great help

Report Generation API for use on Google App Engine

I have used JasperReports in past Java projects in combination with iReport for building dynamic reports that run against a database, but I understand that Google App Engine does not support JasperReports. Can anyone point me to something similar, or a report generation mechanism that is compatible with GAE?
I'm not really sure if you made any progress on this ( if you did please let us know!)
As far as I know The GAE team has marked this issue as NO-FIX. My suggestion is to try:
1) PDF Jet + Jcharts , both are pure java and do not depend on any of the balcklisted classes. I've has some limited succes with this.
2) Using Managed VMs which are not limited as the standard sandbox.
3) Finnaly, using the Google Drive API to create your docs (using a service account) and then just provide the export URL for PDF.
To be honest I ended up doing #3, while being a little more complex in the long run i found some additional benefits of having my reports pre-built and hosted on Drive.
Hope it helps.

Export Google App engine databases to excel files

I am using google app engine to store information to a small database (I have 3 tables). I would like to export these tables to excel files for data analysis. How is that possible?
Could do with some more information before being able to give a good answer to this.
Code for Java AppEngine and Python AppEngine is obviously different (and now Go is supported too) - so which language?
There are two options:
Code your own specific version of an export tool depending on your requirements
Use the built-in download/upload tools provided see : http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/uploadingdata.html
The second option will generally be quicker to get setup, but may not do everything you want/need.

Where are the specifications/XSDs for Amazon MWS feed XML processing reports?

Amazon provides a batch of documents describing the format of the feeds we can send via MWS, however, we also need to know what to expect in their responses, what status codes may be reported or what is the structure of XML when errors reported, etc...
Where can I get the information?
The MWS XML schemata are documented within the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML linked from the Developer Guides section in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation.
I'm omitting a direct link to the PDF, as this might change once in a while. For the same reason the XSD files you are looking for are not publicly linked by Amazon as well, rather you'll find the links to the most current schema documents within the respective sections of the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.
You might also be interested in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide, the Feeds API Reference and the guide for the Amazon MWS Scratchpad, which are all available there as well.
Good luck!
I know this is a rather old question but I just wanted to look at the actual XML schema files myself today.
There is an XML Documentation PDF hosted on images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com which I assume will stay there for a while. This PDF contains links to the core schema files amzn-envelope.xsd, amzn-header.xsd, and amzn-base.xsd and some other API schemas like Product.xsd which all appear to be relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_1_9/.
The PDF explicitly states that
The XSD samples shown on the Help pages may not reflect the latest XSDs. We recommend
using the provided XSD links to obtain the latest [ve]rsions.
However, the official MWS Feeds API documentation also links to some XSDs but these are relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_4_1/ now, e.g. Price.xsd. Schema references also seem to be relative to this path. For example, Price.xsd includes amzn-base.xsd via <xsd:include schemaLocation="amzn-base.xsd"/> and sure enough there it is.
Unfortunately, I have no idea whether release_4_1 is the latest release of the schemas but the link from the MWS API documentation is a good indicator to me.
Another way to get the XSD's which I think is the most "official" way is to go to your Seller Central and navigate to Help > XML & data exchange > Reference > XSDs.
There you can download all the XSD's available to your account.
Hope it helps!
It seems that this XSD files are outdated.
Just checked the official sellercentral help page for the XSD files https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/help/G1611
For the OrderReport there is still release_4_1 referenced.
Some time ago amazon has added a new field to OrderReport for EU markets. The new field is IsSoldByAB.
I am using the xsd files since many years for automatic code generation. And this fails from time to time because of new fields like this. This field is not descriped in one of this:
release_1_9 ($Revision: #7 $, $Date: 2006/05/23 $)
release_4_1 ($Revision: #10 $, $Date: 2007/09/06 $)
XSD files and I am not able to find a version that include this field.
Since some years I extend the XSD file on my own to generate my code. IsSoldByAB is just a boolean field as IsPrime or IsBusinessOrder. So this was an easy task but not "official"...

Export JIRA Data

What is the best way to export all JIRA data (projects, issues, ...)? I saw that there is an API and a plugin mechanism which probably can provide all the information. But what is the easiest way to export the data? Does it work out of the box or do I have to implement a plugin?
Generally, there are two main approaches to backup your JIRA data. The first one is to back up your database in which JIRA info is stored. The second one is to use the “Backup Data to XML feature”, which is a JIRA feature. Personally, I prefer the second one, because it can be restored to any database engine (MySQL, MSSQL, etc). In addition, as far as it is Xml, it can be compressed to a great extent.
I have written a little ruby utility that uses JIRA's REST API to export all tickets for a given project to the local file system. It is available as a ruby gem, so the installation is trivial.
The tickets are saved as individual JSON files. The tool also supports incremental updates.
I'm using JIRA v1000.747.1 which has native export to CSV of issues.
If you navigate to https://[your-jira-instance]/issues you should see a query screen with results. Fine tune that via the UI or go to the Advanced menu to do more complicated JQL. Then you can click the export button (upper right) to export to XML/Word/HTML/CSV.
The following add-ons will work out of the box, they are configurable and there is no need to code anything:
Better Excel Plugin for XLSX output
PDF View Plugin for PDF output
You can use both free for 30 days, which should be sufficient to migrate your data to the new issue tracker.
You can use this web application to export the data to Word:
It is quite basic and it could be improved but it is free.
