How to organize two React projects with shared components? - reactjs

I have two React projects. They share most of the components (with minor differences in certain props). Also, the Redux they both use will also share a similar data model (95% are the same) and differ in some reducer actions (one have and the other one doesn't).
Their front-end pages/containers consist of components that behave similarly. I'd like to make the common components shared between the two projects and I could pass in different props to let them render differently.
Ideally, the two projects should generate two different artifacts, but it seems better to put them in a single repository. I'm not sure how I should organize my projects.
Lerna should work but would it be too complex for my scenario? Actually, in most cases, the component implementations and handling logic behind are similar.

One solution is to maintain 3 different projects: one for each of the existing projects and a separate "library" with the shared components. You can do either 3 separate git repositories or one repo with each project in its own subdirectory. With 3 separate git repos, you can publish the library project so that you can install it with npm. This can be either to the public NPM registry, if you wish to share your library, or to a private registry.


How are React apps structured?

I'm getting started with React and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the actual "flow" of a project.
I've googled and searched around on this site regarding the structure or architecture of a React app, but most of them address file structure and often end with some variant of "There's no one right way to structure the files".
But I'm looking for something more high level than that. I'm just trying to grasp how all the pieces React provides fit together. I can't even begin worrying about how I organize my files if I don't even know entirely how each file relates to one another.
As an example of what I mean - when working with an MVC app, you have three "high level" components: model, view, and controller. Their purposes and relationships to each other are distinct. A view handles the display, a model handles the data, a controller handles the connection between them. You can find easy reference diagrams to keep track of this organization.
Of course React isn't it's own paradigm, and I know it's entirely focused on front-end, but I'm curious if there's a similar way of describing the pieces of a typical React app. How containers, components, reducers, actions, etc. all work together to make an end result.
I would agree with Marko Grešak's comment. You learn as you do and understand the code.
But, if you fill lost (which I was also), I can tell you about some architectures I saw :
A teacher of mine split the logic and the view. In one folder, you find your components, in one folder, classic JS classes that contains all the functions that handle the logic behind what the components print. Each component imported its own css file, with only the styles for this one component. We used this with MobX..
At work, we have a js folder, containing a components folder, for components that are at the 'end of the line', a containers folder, for components that have other components in them, a store folder for everything Redux, an asset folder for images and such, and a utility folder for other functions we might want to call. At the same level as the js folder, we have a sass folder. This is in no way a 'correct' or 'recommanded' way of doing things.
In general, you'll find a lot of tutorials and other things referring to dumb and smart components - splitting between the ones that just receive props and print them, and the ones accessing data and manipulating it. It's a bit like our container/component system in the end.
In the end, you're free to do how you want. Just try to keep a certain logic in how you split things so that it makes sense overall, but there is no set rules.

Angular: one module for every component: antipattern?

So I have encountered a practice where people will create a module for each component that has service dependencies. that way, when someone wants to use a given component, they dont have to read through the code to see what providers to add to the given module. is this an antipattern? will it cause performance issues or something?
Is there some recommended guidelines on lower/upper limits on how many components/directives/providers/etc should be in a given module? has there been testing of the angular/angularJs ecosystems with 100s of modules on a view? in comparison with if just regular components were all bundled in maybe like 20ish modules instead?
Generally, there are different module types in Angular and guidance as to what they should contain and what modules should import them:
Widget modules - Contains mostly UI components, but no services. Imported by Feature modules.
Features modules - Contains domain-specific private components. Imported by AppModule.
Service modules - Contains services exclusively. Imported by AppModule.
Routed modules - A specialized Feature module, that is the target of routing.
Routing modules - Contains navigation routes and resolver/guard services.
Modules can have dependencies on other modules. For example, a Widgets module could be expected to be used with a Services module, where AppModule imports the ServicesModule, and FeatureModule imports the WidgetsModule. The BrowserModule/CommonModule is an example of this pattern; so is RouterModule.forRoot()/RouterModule.forChild().
I would say its overkill to have one module per component. It would be hard to organize and group common functionality together and leverage services in any meaningful way. It could easily become unwieldy when your imports for a single module run into double-digits.
After re-reading this question, I would like to add a clarification because I think the one-component approach with NgModule encapsulation deserves more attention. I don’t believe in 1:1 module-to-component - that would be overkill. However, I am in full support of 1:many module-to-component where the module exports only one component, and all the other components are private to the module. This latter approach is known as NgModule encapsulation, and it is an excellent way to build your application in a way that loosely couples your top-level components.
If you have a relatively small app then bloating a single module is ok. Once your app starts to get relatively large then it makes sense to start lazy loading modules so your users don't have to download the entire build on app start. Grouping related functionality into modules makes things easier to maintain as well.
So for a smallish site, a single module will be fine but as your app grows it makes sense to start refactoring components and services into modules.
Practically, angular always prefer you to have basic module -
Features module, Shared module, Routing module, Core module,
But if application is big it is better to have lazy loading for modules, to have module for every component is best option, which increase app speed along with this browser load that component which is required.

How do you manage several ReactJS projects?

Background: My company's web-app is in fact several completely separated apps that have minimal effect on one another. That's why it doesn't make any sense to keep them under a single project - so I'm using separate projects. However, since I started migrating and writing new apps in ReactJS (using Webpack for bundling) I find many opportunities for reuse, in order to avoid code duplication and to avoid downloading common resources again after another app already fetched them:
I'm using specific versions of 3rd party npm modules - so no reason to bundle them over and over again - and no reason to upload them to the server more than once (for all the projects).
How do you share package.json fixed versions across projects?
Do you bundle all/groups of npm modules together or each separately? I want to get everything from the server for cases of on-premise deployment.
What measures to you take to make sure you don't forget to re-bundle the node modules in case you decided to update one of them?
Similar question goes for font files (keeping the font on the server and another font for icons)
common style sheets
common JS code - like utils & common
common web.config configurations
common images (currently some of them are inline in different bundles)
and last - common components - how do you share them? Do you use a separate project and publish to npm? symlink?
Or maybe, after all, I should go with a monorepo? And how?
You could create a separate project, my_modules, which is just a manifest of the shared, common packages. You'd have a package.json with all the common modules, and a single index.js which does something like:
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import moment from 'moment';
export { React, Component, PropTypes, moment };
Then, you'd publish this new my_modules project to github, and install that in your other projects.
import { React, Component, PropTypes } from 'my-modules';
Every time you change a package, you'd increment the version, and then update that version in your projects (which is still a bit of a pain, but you could use something like to ensure they don't get stale).
Similarly, you can do the same thing for just about everything else you've mentioned, although you don't want to go overboard with this; you should only share standard assets that doesn't change very often, and keep project-specific assets in their own repo.
EDIT: wanted to add, for React components, this is actually a really good practice, because it forces you to write generalized, independent components. You can use something like React Storybook to create these components in isolation. You can publish one master package with all the packages, individual components as packages, or somewhere in between (eg. all Form components in one package). Either way, though, they can still share a repo for convenience.

How to separate views, templates and collections in different files in backbone.js?

I have made a backbone app but the entire code is in one page. I want to separate out the views and collections and the templates in separate files. I'm not using require.js nor any other boiler plate. Is there any method by which I can separate the code in files ?
The main purpose of MV* architecture is to keep code and UI separate.
Yes, there are many ways to do this. I prefer coding each module as a CommonJS/node style file and using browserify to resolve dependencies and concatenate files to send to the browser.
Another choice would be RequireJS, which is among the most popular at the moment, although the community is still mostly undecided/unspecified/many-options mode.
Probably the other popular option is using a build tool (rails asset pipeline, gulp, grunt, etc) to combine separate files into either one big file for the whole app or one big file for each major portion of the app.

Share a model inbetween two django projects

Is it possible to have a model being shared by two or more apps located in separate projects and if so how?
I'm pretty sure you can do it in the same way that you can use any other Python class (ie. importing it).
