React: useContext vs variables to store cache - reactjs

I have the following code which I implemented caching for my users:
import { IUser } from "../../context/AuthContext";
export const usersCache = {};
export const fetchUserFromID = async (id: number): Promise<IUser> => {
try {
const res = await fetch("users.json");
const users = await res.json();
Object.keys(users).forEach((userKey) => {
const currentUser = users[userKey];
if (!currentUser) {
console.warn(`Found null user: ${userKey}`);
usersCache[users[userKey].id] = currentUser;
const user = usersCache[id];
return user;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch user from ID: ${id}`, e);
throw Error("Unable to fetch the selected user.");
As you can see, the variable userCache stores all the users.
It works fine and I can access this variable from all my components.
I decided that I want to "notify" all my components that the userCache has changed, and I had to move this logic to a react Context and consume it with useContext.
So the questions are:
How I can set the userCache context although the above code is not a react component? (it's just a typescript file I called 'UserService')?
I can't do:
export const fetchUserFromID = async (id: number): Promise<IUser> => {
const { setUserCache } = useContext(MembersContext);
React Hook "useContext" is called in function "fetchUserFromID" that is neither a React function component nor a custom React Hook function. React component names must start with an uppercase letter. (react-hooks/rules-of-hooks)eslint
Is there a reason to prefer Context over variable as above altough the data is not subject to change frequently?

How I can set the userCache context although the above code is not a react component? (it's just a typescript file I called 'UserService')?
You need to declare your context value somewhere in a component in order to use it.
const MembersContext = React.createContext({}); // initial value here
function App() {
const [users, setUsers] = useState({});
const fetchUserFromID = async (id: number) => {
/* ... */
// This will call `setUsers`
/* ... */
return (
<MembersContext.Provider value={users}>
{/* your app components, `fetchUserFromId` is passed down */}
function SomeComponent() {
const users = useContext(MembersContext);
return (/* you can use `users` here */);
Is there a reason to prefer Context over variable as above altough the data is not subject to change frequently?
If you need your components to update when the data changes you have to go with either :
a context
a state passed down through props
a redux state
More info here on how to use Contexts.


React Testing Library - how to correctly test that my provider is being populated with data and the child components are displaying properly?

I have a pretty simple use case - I have a global app context where I'm trying to store data fetched from an endpoint. My goal is to load this data into the context on app load and I'm going about it using the useReducer hook. I settled on the solution of calling an action getIssuerDetails() that dispatches various states throughout the method and invokes the issuerApi service to actually call the API (it's a simple Axios GET wrapper). This action is called from a useEffect within the Provider and is called on mount as shown below.
I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around how to properly test that 1) my AppProvider actually gets populated with the data fetched within the useEffect and 2) my child components within my AppProvider are being populated correctly with the data passed down from the provider. Am I approaching this data fetching portion correctly? I can either make the actual API call within my App component on mount and then dispatch actions to update the global state OR I keep my solution of fetching my data from within the useEffect of the provider.
I know I'm not supposed to be testing implementation details but I'm having a hard time separating out what data/methods I should mock and which ones I should allow to execute on their own. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import { createContext, FC, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useRef } from 'react';
import { getIssuerDetails } from './issuer/actions';
import { appStateReducer } from './global/reducer';
import { combineReducers } from '#utils/utils';
import { GlobalAppStateType } from './global/types';
* Our initial global app state. It just stores a bunch
* of defaults before the data is populated.
export const defaultInitialState = {
issuerDetails: {
loading: false,
error: null,
data: {
issuerId: -1,
issuerName: '',
ipoDate: '',
ticker: '',
export type AppStateContextProps = {
state: GlobalAppStateType;
export type AppDispatchContextProps = {
dispatch: React.Dispatch<any>;
export const AppStateContext = createContext<AppStateContextProps>({
state: defaultInitialState,
export const AppDispatchContext = createContext<AppDispatchContextProps>({
dispatch: () => null,
* #param
* #returns
export const mainReducer = combineReducers({
appState: appStateReducer,
export type AppProviderProps = {
mockInitialState?: GlobalAppStateType;
mockDispatch?: React.Dispatch<any>;
* Our main application provider that wraps our whole app
* #param mockInitialState - mainly used when testing if we want to alter the data stored in our
* context initially
* #param children - The child components that will gain access to the app state and dispatch values
export const AppProvider: FC<AppProviderProps> = ({ mockInitialState, mockDispatch, children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(mainReducer, mockInitialState ? mockInitialState : defaultInitialState);
const nState = mockInitialState ? mockInitialState : state;
const nDispatch = mockDispatch ? mockDispatch : dispatch;
// Ref that acts as a flag to aid in cleaning up our async data calls
const isCanceled = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
// Await the API request to get issuer details
if (!isCanceled.current) {
await getIssuerDetails(nDispatch);
return () => {
isCanceled.current = true;
}, [nDispatch]);
return (
<AppStateContext.Provider value={{ state: nState }}>
<AppDispatchContext.Provider value={{ dispatch: nDispatch }}>{children}</AppDispatchContext.Provider>
* Custom hook that gives us access to the global
* app state
export const useAppState = () => {
const appStateContext = useContext(AppStateContext);
if (appStateContext === undefined) {
throw new Error('useAppState must be used within a AppProvider');
return appStateContext;
* Custom hook that gives us access to the global
* app dispatch method to be able to update our global state
export const useAppDispatch = () => {
const appDispatchContext = useContext(AppDispatchContext);
if (appDispatchContext === undefined) {
throw new Error('useAppDispatch must be used within a AppProvider');
return appDispatchContext;
Note: Code still needs to be cleaned up here but it's functioning at the moment.
import * as T from '#context/global/types';
export const appStateReducer = (state: T.GlobalAppStateType, action: T.GLOBAL_ACTION_TYPES) => {
let stateCopy;
switch (action.type) {
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = true;
return stateCopy;
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = false; = action.payload;
return stateCopy;
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = false;
stateCopy.issuerDetails.error = action.payload;
return stateCopy;
return state;
export const getIssuerDetails = async (dispatch: React.Dispatch<any>) => {
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.REQUEST_ISSUER_DETAILS, payload: null });
try {
// Fetch the issuer details
const response = await issuerApi.getIssuerDetails(TEST_ISSUER_ID);
if (response) {
* React Testing Library gives me an error on the line below:
* An update to AppProvider inside a test was not wrapped in act(...)
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.GET_ISSUER_DETAILS_SUCCESS, payload: response });
return response;
// No response
error: { message: 'Could not fetch issuer details.' },
} catch (error) {
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.GET_ISSUER_DETAILS_FAILURE, error });
import { render, screen, cleanup, act } from '#testing-library/react';
import { AppProvider, AppStateContext } from '#context/appContext';
import { GlobalAppStateType } from '#context/global/types';
afterEach(() => {
describe('Dashboard page', () => {
it('should render the page correctly', async () => {
act(() => {
<Dashboard />
expect(await screen.findByRole('heading', { level: 1 })).toHaveTextContent('Stock Transfer');
I won't dive into the code specifically since there is too much you want to test all at once.
From what I could gather, you are trying to do an Integration Test and not a Unitary Test anymore. No problem there, you just need to define where you want to draw the line. For me, it's pretty clear that the line lies in the issuerApi.getIssuerDetails call, from which you could easily mock to manipulate the data how you want.
1) my AppProvider actually gets populated with the data fetched within the useEffect and 2) my child components within my AppProvider are being populated correctly with the data passed down from the provider.
Well, I would advise you to make a simple mock component that uses the hook and displays the data after fetching. You could make a simple assertion for that, no need for an actual component (<Dashboard />).
Am I approaching this data fetching portion correctly?
It all depends on how you want to structure it but ideally the AppProvider should be thin and lay those data fetching and treatments inside a service just for that. This would provide a better way to unit test the components and smoother code maintenance.

Custom React-native Hook runs the component that calls it twice. I don't understand why

I am trying to learn to work with custom Hooks in React-native. I am using AWS Amplify as my backend, and it has a method to get the authenticated user's information, namely the Auth.currentUserInfo method. However, what it returns is an object and I want to make a custom Hook to both returns the part of the object that I need, and also abstract away this part of my code from the visualization part. I have a component called App, and a custom Hook called useUserId. The code for them is as follows:
The useUserId Hook:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Auth } from "aws-amplify";
const getUserInfo = async () => {
try {
const userInfo = await Auth.currentUserInfo();
const userId = userInfo?.attributes?.sub;
return userId;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to get the AuthUserId", e);
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
const userId = getUserInfo();
useEffect(() => {
userId.then((userId) => {
}, [userId]);
return id;
export default useUserId;
The App component:
import React from "react";
import useUserId from "../custom-hooks/UseUserId";
const App = () => {
const authUserId = useUserId();
However, when I try to run the App component, I get the same Id written on the screen twice, meaning that the App component is executed again.
The problem with this is that I am using this custom Hook in another custom Hook, let's call it useFetchData that fetches some data based on the userId, then each time this is executed that is also re-executed, which causes some problems.
I am kind of new to React, would you please guide me on what I am doing wrong here, and what is the solution to this problem. Thank you.
The issue is likely due to the fact that you've declared userId in the hook body. When useUserId is called in the App component it declares userId and updates state. This triggers a rerender and userId is declared again, and updates the state again, this time with the same value. The useState hook being updated to the same value a second time quits the loop.
Bailing out of a state update
If you update a State Hook to the same value as the current state,
React will bail out without rendering the children or firing effects.
(React uses the comparison algorithm.)
Either move const userId = getUserInfo(); out of the useUserId hook
const userId = getUserInfo();
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
userId.then((userId) => {
}, []);
return id;
or more it into the useEffect callback body.
const useUserId = () => {
const [id, setId] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
getUserInfo().then((userId) => {
}, []);
return id;
and in both cases remove userId as a dependency of the useEffect hook.
Replace userId.then with to getUserId().then. It doesn't make sense to have the result of getUserId in the body of a component, since it's a promise and that code will be run every time the component renders.

Testing in React with preloadedState: redux store gets out of sync when having a manual import of store in a function

I'm writing tests for React using react-testing-library and jest and are having some problems figuring out how to set a preloadedState for my redux store, when another file imports the store.
I Have a function to set up my store like this
export const history = createBrowserHistory()
export const makeStore = (initalState?: any) => configureStore({
reducer: createRootReducer(history),
preloadedState: initalState
export const store = makeStore()
and another js file like this
import store from 'state/store'
const userIsDefined = () => {
const state = store.getState()
if (state.user === undefined) return false
return true
I then have a test that looks something like this:
utils.test.tsx (the renderWithProvider is basically a render function that also wraps my component in a Render component, see:
describe("Test", () => {
it("Runs the function when user is defined", async () => {
const store = makeStore({ user: { id_token: '1' } })
const { container } = renderWithProvider(
And the <SomeComponent> in turn calls the function in utils.ts
const SomeComponent = () => {
if (userIsDefined() === false) return (<Forbidden/>)
Now.. What happens when the test is run seem to be like this.
utils.ts is read and reads the line import store from 'state/store', this creates and saves a store variable where the user has not yet been defined.
the utils.test.tsx is called and runs the code that calls const store = makeStore({ user: { id_token: '1' } }).
The renderWithProvider() renderes SomeComponent which in turn calls the userIsDefined function.
The if (state.user === undefined) returns false because state.user is still undefined, I think that's because utils.ts has imported the store as it were before I called my own makeStore({ user: { id_token: '1' } })?
The answer I want:
I want to make sure that when call makeStore() again it updates the previously imported version of store that is being used in utils.ts. Is there a way to to this without having to use useSelector() and pass the user value from the component to my utils function?
e.g I could do something like this, but I'd rather not since I have a lot more of these files and functions, and rely much on import store from 'state/store':
const SomeComponent = () => {
const user = useSelector((state: IState) => state.user)
if (userIsDefined(user) === false) return (<Forbidden/>)
//import store from 'state/store'
const userIsDefined = (user) => {
//const state = store.getState()
if (user === undefined) return false
return true
As I said above I'd prefer not to do it this way.
(btw I can't seem to create a fiddle for this as I don't know how to do that for tests and with this use case)
Thank you for any help or a push in the right direction.
This is just uncovering a bug in your application: you are using direct access to store inside a react component, which is something you should never do. Your component will not rerender when that state changes and get out of sync.
If you really want a helper like that, make a custom hook out of it:
import store from 'state/store'
const useUserIsDefined = () => {
const user = useSelector(state => state.user)
if (user === undefined) return false
return true
That way your helper does not need direct access to store and the component will rerender correctly when that store value changes.

Best practice for marking hooks as not to be reused in multiple places

It seems a lot of my custom React Hooks don't work well, or seem to cause a big performance overhead if they are reused in multiple places. For example:
A hook that is only called in the context provider and sets up some context state/setters for the rest of the app to use
A hook that should only be called in a root component of a Route to setup some default state for the page
A hook that checks if a resource is cached and if not, retrieves it from the backend
Is there any way to ensure that a hook is only referenced once in a stack? Eg. I would like to trigger a warning or error when I call this hook in multiple components in the same cycle.
Alternatively, is there a pattern that I should use that simply prevents it being a problem to reuse such hooks?
Example of hook that should not be reused (third example). If I would use this hook in multiple places, I would most likely end up making unnecessary API calls.
export function useFetchIfNotCached({id}) {
const {apiResources} = useContext(AppContext);
useEffect(() => {
if (!apiResources[id]) {
fetchApiResource(id); // sets result into apiResources
}, [apiResources]);
return apiResources[id];
Example of what I want to prevent (please don't point out that this is a contrived example, I know, it's just to illustrate the problem):
export function Parent({id}) {
const resource = useFetchIfNotCached({id});
return <Child id={id}>{resource.Name}</Child>
export function Child({id}) {
const resource = useFetchIfNotCached({id}); // <--- should not be allowed
return <div>Child: {resource.Name}</div>
You need to transform your custom hooks into singleton stores, and subscribe to them directly from any component.
See reusable library implementation.
const Comp1 = () => {
const something = useCounter(); // is a singleton
const Comp2 = () => {
const something = useCounter(); // same something, no reset
To ensure that a hook called only once, you only need to add a state for it.
const useCustomHook = () => {
const [isCalled, setIsCalled] = useState(false);
// Your hook logic
const [state, setState] = useState(null);
const onSetState = (value) => {
return { state, setState: onSetState, isCalled };
If you introduce a global variable in your custom hook you will get the expected result. Thats because global variables are not tied to component's lifecycle
let isCalledOnce = false;
const useCustomHook = () => {
// Your hook logic
const [state, setState] = useState(null);
const onSetState = (value) => {
if (!isCalledOnce) {
isCalledOnce = true;
return { state, setState: onSetState, isCalled };

How do I fetch data in a React custom hook only once?

I have a custom hook that fetches a local JSON file that many components make use of.
export function useContent(lang) {
const [content, setContent] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const abortController = new AbortController();
const signal = abortController.signal;
fetch(`/locale/${lang}.json`, { signal: signal })
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
.then((json) => {
.catch((error) => {
return () => {
}, [lang]);
return { content };
import { useContent } from '../../hooks.js';
function MyComponent(props) {
const { content } = useContent('en');
import { useContent } from '../../hooks.js';
function MyOtherComponent(props) {
const { content } = useContent('en');
My components behave the same, as I send the same en string to my useContent() hook in both. The useEffect() should only run when the lang parameter changes, so seeing as both components use the same en string, the useEffect() should only run once, but it doesn't - it runs multiple times. Why is that? How can I update my hook so it only fetches when the lang parameter changes?
Hooks are run independently in different components (and in different instances of the same component type). So each time you call useContent in a new component, the effect (fetching data) is run once. (Repeated renders of the same component will, as promised by React, not re-fetch the data.) Related: React Custom Hooks fetch data globally and share across components?
A general React way to share state across many components is using a Context hook (useContext). More on contexts here. You'd want something like:
const ContentContext = React.createContext(null)
function App(props) {
const { content } = useContent(props.lang /* 'en' */);
return (
<ContentContext.Provider value={content}>
function MyComponent(props) {
const content = useContext(ContentContext);
function MyOtherComponent(props) {
const content = useContext(ContentContext);
This way if you want to update the content / language / whatever, you would do that at the app level (or whatever higher level you decide makes sense).
