PrimeNG p-multiSelect Customize label of selected Items - primeng

I'm quite new to Angular and needed help in for a requirements.
The dropdown should have Select All as the option for user to
select all items.
The selectedItemsLabel need to be
dynamically selected to have 2 or 3 selected values as per size and
rest with +{remaining} more label.
I have so far written code like this - Link. Any help would be appreciated.


How to dynamically add a new form step to react multi-page form for each selected item on the first page?

I need a bit of direction. I'm working on an application with React, Typescript, and Material UI. I've created a simple modal. The first page contains an MUI DataGrid with checkSelection enabled. The User can select as many options as appear on the table.
Now, for each selection, the User will then have a new form step to complete. So, if the User selects 5 items from the table, they will then see 5 corresponding steps. The form steps are tied to the selection. So, if the first selection is a menu item, for example, then the next step in the form will be about that menu item, with fields to add to that item.
I've been searching for a similar solution and haven't found one. I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction or has some sources they can recommend.
Much appreciated.

How to access click event of option in React dual list box?

I am using react-dual-listbox. Here I am able to select the columns and deselect and use the selected values. But, I want to access the selected option in selected items on click of that particular item.
Ex: if 2 options are selected. If i click on second one, It should give me the value and index of the selected option. I saw something to use selectedRef for that purpose, But I am new to React.
Could anyone please help me out.

Codename One ComboBox how to highlighting already selected value

We are able to create ComboBox and populating data too. But we need to highlighting already saved values. Can you please suggest code for this.
Our requirement is if Combobox has 1,2,3. If I select 2 and save. We need to set the combo box value 2 in such way that when we open the Combobox need to display this 2 as highlight value along with 1,2,3 values.
Simply same as select box option selection.
I would generally recommend avoiding ComboBox altogether.
Assuming this isn't an option you will need to define a renderer and disable the OS specific 2 render mode using a theme constant:

Limit data based on UniqueCount

I have charts on a tab, that should only show if 1 value from a column filter is selected.
For example if a field named: BUSINESS_UNIT has values of "HR","FIN","IT" The charts should only show data if 1 value is filtered on. Such as "HR."
These charts do not contain the BUSINESS_UNIT field itself.
I tried using the Limit Data Using expression, but for some reason the limit expression UniqueCount(BUSINESS_UNIT)=1 doesn't work.
How would I hide the data in the charts, unless 1 BUSINESS_UNIT is selected?
What you could do is hide the filters panel and create radio buttons on a new text area for each property to mark data. If you need help setting this up let me know. Then in your visualisations limit data using markings and show an empty visualisation if no items are marked.
One downside to this is maintenance, if the values change you will have to update the UI.
Another possible solution (untested) is to change the filter panel properties from checkboxes to radio buttons.
Filter Panel Properties:
You want it to look something like this:

Silverlight - RadTabControl Issue

I am using Silverlight with Telerik Controls.
There is one scenarios where i stuck with it.
1) I have added Tab control into page(XAML page) with two tab Items.
2) I have also added stack panels into both tab items to dynamically add controls into respective stack panels.
3) Then Dynamically added combo boxes into stack panel and these combo boxes are binding with datasource.
4) I am giving bydefault selection functionality for combo by coding, if label name and values of the datasource matching then it will bydefault select perticular item.
5) And finally when i click on the Map button then it will give me two objects with selected comboxes list with respective tabs.
6) When i directly click on the Map buttom then it is giving me proper result.
7) But i did some changes like select some of combo boxes and remove selection from combo boxes then it is givng me correct result of currently selected tab Item. and another tab item shows with zero selction.
8) In this case, i am not able to find controls from another tab.
Can anyone plz help me for a correct way...
Have you posted this to the community forum or posted a support ticket concerning the issue you are having? If possible, please submit a support ticket or post to the forum with the code showing what you are working on so we can look a bit more into the issues you are having.
