I want to setup postgressql.conf file, but doesnt know what is '#' mean.
is '#' just to comment a parameter on postgressql.conf, or to reset to a default value ?
Everything after # is a comment and ignored by PostgreSQL.
postgresql.conf contains (almost) all available database parameters, and most of them are commented out and set to the default value. That serves as documentation, along with the comments. That only has a meaning for the human reader.
If you comment out a line and reload PostgreSQL, the parameter will be reset to its default value.
I'm trying to access a SSPRS report that has the option to select the year and the month by adding the parameters in the URL as ¶m=value but I always get the default.
This are the parameters and I know I'm sending the correct values in the URL.
This is the report panel where I can select the Year and Month, I'm trying to get the specific report that I need by passing those parameters in the URL.
What could I be doing wrong?
Thank you everyone.
There are a couple of ways these go wrong, I'm guessing your problem is URL encoding of your date parameter, but I'll give you other stuff too. Here is a working URL with 3 parameters: a date, a string, and an integer.
The key parts of this URL:
"https://db01.MyCompany.com/ReportServer_Prod?/" - db01.MyCompany.com is our database VM, and I'm using the "Prod" (production) instance of SQL on it.
NOTE: Check your Reporting Services Configuration application and look at the "Web Service URL" to get what "ReportServer_Prod" is on your installation.
"?/Reports/" is the path to the virtual directory, note that this is different from the path a browser would normally use. Normally my path would be "ReportServer_Prod/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fReports%2fR440_OutstandingRecp" if I was just viewing this from the Reporting Services interface.
Parameters are separated by "&" and it's "ParamName" "=" "ParamValue" so "¶mPropLiab=Property¶mRepPeriod=1" are the string and integer parameters respectively.
Lastly, parameter values are URL encoded if necessary. Mostly it doesn't show up, but for dates and some strings, it becomes necessary. We can't send something like "12/31/2015" because it looks like part of the path, we need a URL encoded string like "12%2f31%2f2015"
Hopefully one (or more) of these were what you needed, reply in the comments if it's still not working or if you need more explanation of why the parts are what they are.
EDIT: One more thing, if a parameter has a "Display" and a "Value" (i.e. in a drop down list) you must pass the value, not the display.
EDIT: I can't make the comment stop hiding my URL, so I'll put it here
WHAT WORKS (From #Nacho in comments, brought here for visibility)
I'm using Solr 6.1.0, in a local environment. When using the config API to change the behaviour of solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler, this somehow affects other fields in the index (and adds extra fields to managed-schema.xml).
This affects a few fields, always in the same way: content_type disappears from the query result (still in the schema though!) and instead there is Content-Type (which is added to managed-schema). My <solr_url>/config/overlay looks like this:
The indexing works fine (and is using content_type, as expected) when this overlay is not there. I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere, but I have no idea where (and why).
You have useParams=fmap.content. That's a reference to a set of additional configuration parameters. For some reason it is using a name as one of the possible parameters, which might be confusing things.
So, this may mean you have a params.json file that has a section fmap.content and some things defined there. Including ones that change defaults set otherwise.
Specifically, by default you somehow have a parameter called lowernames set to true and your override disables it.
I'm creating a route using the Java DSL in Camel.
I'd like to perform a text substitution without creating a new processor or bean.
I have this:
constant(my_template.replace("{id1}", simple("${header.subs_val}").getText())))
If I don't add 'constant' I get type mismatch errors. If I don't put getText() on the simple() part, I get text mismatch answers. When I run my route, it replaces {id} with the literal ${header.subs_val} instead of fetching my value from the header. Yet if I take the quotes off, I get compile errors; Java doesn't know the ${...} syntax of course.
Deployment takes a few minutes, so experiments are expensive.
So, how can I just do a simple substitution. Nothing I am finding on the web actually seems to work.
EDIT - what is the template? Specifically, a string (it's a URL)
I've inherited some code, so I am unable to simply to(...) the URL and apply the special .tof() (??) formatting.
Interesting case!
If you place my_template in a header you could use a nested simple expression(Camel 2.9 onwards) like in the example below. I am also setting a value to subs_val for the example, but I suppose your header has already a value in the route.
.setHeader("my_template", constant("http://this/that/{id1}/another/thing"))
After this step header MY_THING has the value http://this/that/22/another/thing.
1)In this example I could skip to_String() but I do not know what's the type of your header "subs_val" .
2) I tried first with replaceAll(\"\{id1\"}\") but it didn't work with } Probably this is a bug...Will look at it again. That's why in my regex I used .?
3) When you debug your application inside a processor, where the exchange is available you can use SimpleBuilder to evaluate a simple expression easily in your IDE, without having to restart your app
SimpleBuilder.simple("${in.header.url.replaceAll(\"\\{id1.?\",${in.header.subs_val.toString()})}").evaluate(exchange, String.class);
Hope it helped :)
I've got a set of different rules that check if various field types have been updated 'after updating existing content'. The problem is that each one works fine, except for the only filefield type which will not work. The condition used is a 'NOT Data comparison' on the field checking the 'node-unchanged' version against the new 'node' version. This works with every other type of field and actions appropriately (that I have used at least), just not the filefield type; the rule just fires regardless of changes or not on the filefield.
I also found this post about a very similar problem: https://www.drupal.org/node/1011014#comment-10040082
I think I have the makings of a workaround, but I just wanted to check this with some fellow developers first as my PHP isn't the best.
If I were to enable the PHP module then add a condition in rules that checks the 'source' attribute to see if a new file has been added... would this work? The code I have is:
if (isset($object->field_FILEFIELD_NAME[0]['source'])) { //Check for new files }
I believe that $object is the node passed on by rule function as argument.
Is this a good idea/best approach? Any ideas or workarounds would be great.
Yes, you can use PHP for filefield checks as it is more clear (but always less secure). Here are my suggestions:
Create a Rule component (of type "Condition set (AND)") instead of a rule to do this check.
Use a parameter with your rule component (of type Node) so you have the $node available.
Use php to do the checks. Get the file data from the filefield using $node.
Create a normal rule (eg with event Before Saving Content) where you will use this component as a condition among others.
As you said you need to check for differences not for empty values, right? So instead of using isset you need to see if there is a different fid (which normally changes when there is a different file). Other methods are available and if you want to see which data can change do a dpm() to the filefield using devel module.
In order to get the unchanged value of the filefield use the same component on you main Rule but with the $unchanged node as parameter.
I have a code
<link rel="canonical" href="{!$Setup.websiteSystemVariables__c.Main_URL__c+$CurrentPage.Name}"/>
I want to check from where
$Setup.websiteSystemVariables__c and
values are coming..
I page view source this is visible as a --
<link href="xyz.comhomepageAB" rel="canonical" />
But I want it to be --
I want to add back-slash between URL and page name as i mentioned in URL--
<link href="xyz.com/homepageAB" rel="canonical" />
I am not able to fix this bug..
I researched on this .. I checked on classes, component but I m not able to solve this..
Please help me out ..
Thanks !!
Full explanation of things you asked for
$Setup.websiteSystemVariables__c will be a name of custom setting object (Setup->Develop->Custom Settings). You probably have the setting already (otherwise page wouldn't compile). Check if there's at least 1 row there and has something meaningful in the Main_URL__c field. Remember that if you're in developer sandbox (not a full copy one) data is not copied from production so most likely your setting is empty. Looks like it's a hierarchy setting - add the data on "organization" level and you're good to go.
$CurrentPage.Name is whatever is the name of your Visualforce page (homepageAB?) You can read a bit more about it here and if you need - experiment with merge fields that'd mimic the methods from PageReference class (minus the "get..." part).
Solution to your actual problem ;)
Either go to this custom setting and modify the value in "Main URL" to add the backslash (so "xyz.com/") or modify the code to this:
href="{!$Setup.websiteSystemVariables__c.Main_URL__c+ '/' + $CurrentPage.Name}"
Just check what value you have on production and use same format in your sandbox, otherwise you might end up with 2 backslashes in the URL...