Veeva CLM: No CLM available after syncing to CRM - salesforce

I've tried for hours to sync the CLM presentation to CRM. But i can recive the presentation on ipad CRM.
What I've tried:
I've created as "Multichannel Presentatio"n (Binder) with 29
"Presentation Slides". Reditions automatically created -> thumbnails created automatically
Moved each Slide trough the Lifecycle (In my Case (Darft -> Staged -> Approved).
CLM Content -> Yes
Product -> Cholecap
Approved the whole presentation binder
Doing a Force full Refresh in CRM Saleforce CLM Admin Tab
Open CRM on Ipad and sync again -> sync ready
Click on Media on Ipad in Veeva CRM -> no presentation available
Can someone give me a hint?
I've alread spend days in reading the documentation... but nothing works.

In Salesforce CLM Admin you have to edit CRM Connection and set Connection type from "All" to "Binder and Slide".

First check is your Presentation available in the CRM using admin account.
If yes then this is could config issue for viewing in particular account if no then issue with vault level.


Publish and "Save Drafts" feature in Django

I am working on a Django Rest Framework B2B application with a React Frontend. The data is fed from a csv and then Analytics dashboards are rendered in React. Each Account ("User") is a company - and within a company, the app is used by the entire marketing team (say). Each company account has data unique to that co. and dashboard preferences unique to that company. An administrator is a human user who is some Manager / employee of a company (let's say, for example, Boeing, Nike etc) who has edit / administrator rights on behalf of the company. That "admin" makes some changes to the dashboard preferences and wants to "Publish" the changes so that rest of the employees (the rest of the Marketing team) of the company Account can view the updated dashboard. But maybe not yet, hence a "Save Drafts" feature.
I'm not sure how to get these two features in the most industry-standard way in Django (DRF) - When I hit "Publish", the entire marketing team should be able to see the changes. (It's a B2B app). But when I save drafts, I should be able to view the changes (as admin) but not the rest of the marketing team. I'd be grateful for any help. Thank you!
You can use a choices field to manage the status of a a model (Dashboard in your case)
Example code follow
class Dasboard(models.Model):
STATUS_CHOICES = (('draft', 'Save Draft'), ('published', 'Published'))
status = models.Charfield(max_length=20, choices=STATUS_CHOICES)
# Others models fields
def dashboard(request):
objects = None
if request.user.is_admin:
# The admin users can see draft and saved (all Dashboard objects)
objects = Dashboard.objects.all()
# Others users are seeing only published
objects = Dashboard.objects.filter(status='published')
return render(request, 'app_name/dashboard.html', {'objects': objects})
NB : Here i used only Django filter features to retrives some data according to the type of users.
But you can also use Django permissions too for more advanced handling.

how to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud objects using API

I am trying to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud object using API calls.
data: all available instances for the passed object.
I did this for salesforce objects using bulk api call.
I am very new to sfmc.
Glad if someone can share the example link.
Not sure if this is what you want, there are several trailheads to get started with MC.
Log in to your MC account
Hover on Audience Builder
Click Contact Builder
Click on tab Data Sources
Click sub tab Synchronised
(if you have already connected your CRM to MC) A box with your connected user should appear. Click on it.
Here you can see all your sObjects that are connected and synced. If you dont have any or want to connect some or more then:
click Set up Object button on the top right
Now all the sObjects that are available will appear and you can sync them. This will make them available in the MC environment.
Some will be unavailable at the moment, this is because they require others to be synced first. Once you start syncing the most basic ones, others will become available.
Hope this is what you were looking for.

How do I manage / delete my Azure logic app connections

We are building a logic app in Azure.
It consists of an Office 365 new mail item and a service bus queue item.
What we cant work out is how to manage / delete the connections:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Reference MSDN blog
Using Powershell to manage connections
There is a first class UI support also available now in Azure Portal
Update: connections are now supported in the resource explorer
Let me know if this helps.
There are a few options available:-
Search for API connections -> Click on the connection you want to delete.
Go to your resource group -> Overview -> List of items available in resources will be shown -> Click on the item(type - API Connection). -> Delete.
For sake of completeness, you can access the API connections associated to your Logic App from the options menu:

sharepoint 2007 custom error message

For a sharepoint application, we have 5 content databases each dedicated to hold one site collection. Eventually, we dettached one content database from SQL server and so from sharepoint central administration.
Now, when user tries to access that perticular site url or any list/libraries within that site, they recieve a common 404 site not found error!.
is there any possibility to show them a customized error message like "The content has been removed by administrator" which should be displayed when user tries to access any content within this site collection which is being removed.
Just override the Error page, and show them your customized message if they have entered a URL that matches the removed site.
Refer to this article for creating a custom error page:

Silverlight XAP is getting shared across 2 session in the same machine

I have a problem on my silverlight application.
I login in my application using my ID (assume x) (using Internet explore 8),
so assume i can see some reports which is releated to my ID.
Without closing the above browser in another Internet explore 8 in the same machine i am login into the
same application using another ID(assume y), so now i can see 2nd set of reports which is related to this ID.
Now If i refresh the report page of the first browser which is got logged with the ID (x), I am seeing the (y)
userid's report not the earlier.
How to fix this?
In internet explorer choose "New Session" from the "File" menu. This will create a new IExplore.exe process tree which manages its own set of session level cookies. This should allow you to maintain two separate logins at the same time.
Sounds like you are using the ASP membership provider... if so that is limited to 1 session per browser/user on the same PC (same limitation if it was a web app).
Why are you trying to login 2 different users from the same machine? If it is for testing you can probably open two different browsers (IE and FireFox?) and get two session that way.
Update (based on comments below):
Option A. As you need multiple user logins on the same machine in the same browser type, you cannot use the asp membership provider and will have to replace that provider with a Silverlight-specific credential/login system.
Option B. The alternative is to change your application to allow selection of client from within the app (this would be my choice as you are misusing users as a convenience).
