My greeting, Some problems with react routing when project hosted - reactjs

I created react dom routing in my react app. Component navigation works if you run npm start, but if the project is built and hosted, a 404 error occurs during navigation This happens because the hosting requests index.html when the react changes the main html file to (page name) .html during navigation.


Nginx + React fail to load resources

Hey. I have a problem with react. I use '/' path for client (some static html content), and '/panel' for example for another server using 1 domain.
But i have errors which don't load my react page.
So on home location (http://localhost/) all good.
http://localhost/panel - only 'react app' in title.
That's because your React app tries to load the CSS and JS from the root path. Configure the homePage field in package json to be
"homePage": "/panel"

Deploying React Router application to Subfolder on Server

The Problem:
We have our website and we are trying to deploy a react router application to Routing works fine if the user first navigates to and then navigates around the app from there. However, if someone navigates to directly (or via bookmark) they get a 404 even though /home is one of our routes.
What We tried:
In our package.json we have the "homepage": "/react-app/" set. Using BrowserRouter we set the basename prop to /react-app and the app works when deployed except for 404 when navigating directly to a nested route. We have heard that HashRouter can be useful in this situation, however, when we use HashRouter we are getting instead of
How can we configure this to allow users to navigate directly to nested routes in our React Router application deployed to a the /react-app Subfolder on our server?
React: 17.0.2, React-Router-Dom: 5.2.0
I think the problem must be not connected with React. Your React app is configured right. Check the configuration of your web server. Your webserver must return index.html with React application when the user navigates to any page.

React Router / Wordpress htaccess Issue

I'm building a React plugin in Wordpress (for my own purposes).
I've used 'create-react-app', then 'yarn build' and then upload the production 'build' folder into Wordpress to a custom directory '/apps/my-custom-app/frontend/build'.
I've used this tutorial to create a Wordpress plugin that gets all the assets from the 'build' folder and renders the React App in the target div on a Wordpress page.
All of this works as expected, the React App renders on my Wordpress page "" and the React routing/navigation works fine ... but only within the React App.
The issue is that if I'm on a React page (except for the root slug) and refresh the browser, I end up getting a 404 error.
After researching on StackOverflow, I've found that this is resolved using the .htaccess file.
I've used this function from the solution in this article ...
add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_app_frontent_rewrite_rule' );
function my_custom_app_frontent_rewrite_rule() {
add_rewrite_rule('^react-app-root-url/(.+)?', 'index.php?pagename=wp-page-slug', 'top');
... to add a rewrite rule, but there's something wrong. When I enable it, the entire frontend of the website goes blank (white screen).
Is the 'add_rewrite_rule' not correct? I don't know what's wrong here.
Wordpress Permalinks are currently set to 'Post Name'.
The Wordpress page slug is '/wp-page-slug'.
The React App Router Base URL is '/react-app-root-url'.
And the homepage property in the React package.json file is '/apps/my-custom-app/frontend/build'.
Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.

client side routing to component on browser refresh throws 404 error

I have a react app created with the create-react-app template and want it be deployed on IIS as a part of another application folder.
On client navigation after loading the navigated component is loaded but when i refresh the url from the browser i get a 404 error
For example:
i build using npm run build with package.json
I have also set the base name to the Router component
on open of the react site and navigation to the component "Admin" it shows the component properly. But when i reload the same url by refreshing from the browser refresh button i get an 404 error page not found.
When i run using the npm start it runs with http://localhost:3000/ as default and on component navigation changes the url to http://localhost:3000/admin . here if i refresh from the browser it loads the page and navigates properly showing the navigated component.
What am i missing to make this work ?

Accessing other html files on a cloudfront distribution hosting a react app

I have a react app that's hosted on AWS Cloudfront, and the default root is set to index.html, which loads the react app.
So far so good.
I created a new html page page1.html, and then tried accessing it using the full URL,
Uh oh.
The React app is loaded, and it's router intercepted the URL, and displayed the page not found error. React has no knowledge of the html page, which sounds about right.
If the cache is cleared the page1.html file loads correctly, however as soon as the react app is loaded, the react router starts intercepting the page1.html URL.
Why is that? I kind of expected the direct URL to load the html file bypassing the react app.
And is there a way to add an exception in react router to allow the page to be loaded without being intercepted?
