I have the following array of objects:
[Car, Train, Train, Motorbike, Train, Car, Car]
I would like to group any object of the same type that follow one another resulting into the following:
[Car, [Train, Train], Motorbike, Train, [Car, Car]]
or even better:
[Car, GroupOfVehicles(type: .train, vehicles:[Train, Train]), Motorbike, Train, GroupOfVehicles(type: .car, vehicles:[Car, Car])
I have found some SO posts about grouping by property but I need to keep the sequential nature of the array intact.
For those interested in my objective: I would like to present objects in a table one below the other, but if there is a group of similar sequential objects, they should show all on the same 'row' and thus the user will scroll through them horizontally.
Below is a solution based on an array of Any but if the types all conform to a common protocol or has a common superclass then this hopefully can be solved in a more effective way.
var grouped: [[Any]] = []
var previous: String = ""
motors.forEach {
let vehicleType = "\(type(of: $0))"
if vehicleType != previous {
previous = vehicleType
} else {
grouped[grouped.count - 1].append($0)
You can use use chunked(by:) function from open source swift package Swift Alogrithms
import Algorithms
protocol X {} // Assuming that you have protocol or superclass
struct A: X {}; struct B: X {}; struct C: X {}
let arr: [X] = [A(), A(), B(), C(), C(), C(), B(), A()]
let chunks = arr.chunked { type(of: $0) == type(of: $1) }
// You should have something like this [ArraySlice([A(), A()]), ArraySlice([B()]), ArraySlice([C(), C(), C()]), ArraySlice([B()]), ArraySlice([A()])]
And you can transform this collection further as you need.
I got two arrays from API call,
One is nameArray - which contains recipe names ( menuNameArray = ["pohe","bread","cheese chilli toast"]
And another array - which contains prices of those recipes (menuPriceArray = ["10", "40", "120"].
I have got theses two arrays from API call.
I am displaying both the arrays on the table view & I am searching through the menuNamesArray because I want to search by recipe names.
I am getting recipe names by searching those from menuNameArray. Now I want menuPriceArray to get updated also according to searched menuName Array.
means if I search for "bread" then I must get price value as "40" and accordingly for other names also.
How should I perform such filtering on the second array?
My code Snippet -
//MARK: UISearch result update delegate
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
// here arrFilter is the resulting array to sotre searched items from menuNamesArray
arrFilter.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
let searchPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "SELF CONTAINS[c] %#", searchController.searchBar.text!)
let array = (menuNamesArray as NSArray).filtered(using: searchPredicate)
let result = menuPriceArray.firstIndex(of: array.startIndex)
arrFilter = array as! [String]
//here now I got the searched menu names, Now I want prices for searched menu names from menuPrice Array..
Never use multiple arrays as data source.
Swift is an object oriented language. Take advantage of it.
Create a struct
struct Menu {
let name : String
let price : Double
and a data source array
var menues = [Menu]()
Filter the array by name and get the price, pretty easy and straightforward
if let foundMenu = menues.filter(where: {$0.name == "bread"}) {
You can merge the two arrays into one array of dictionary elements.
I want to sort an Array of objects, by the properties it shares with another Array of objects
struct GeneralComposition : Decodable {
let id, formId, relationId, fixedContentTypeId, separatorId: Int
let orderBy: Int
struct FixedContentType: Decodable {
let name, htmlType: String
let isEditable: Int
let typeId : String
var fixedContentType = [FixedContentType]()
var generalComposition = [GeneralComposition]()
In GeneralComposition I get the order the items must have, with orderBy, and then take every item's fixedContentTypeID, compare with the typeId in FixedContentType to get the order in which this content must be showed in screen.
Any idea about how can it be done?
You can build a dictionary for the fixedContentTypeID’s of generalComposition:
let order = generalComposition.reduce(into: [Int: Int]()) { result, value in
result[value.fixedContentTypeId] = value.orderBy
You now have an efficient way to lookup the orderBy value for a given typeId within your array of FixedContentType objects. You can use that for sorting:
fixedContentType.sort {
(order[$0.typeId] ?? 0) < (order[$1.typeId] ?? 0)
By the way, your typeId is a String, and fixedContentTypeId is an Int. I’m assumed that was a typo introduced when preparing the question, and that they’re really both Int. If they’re really different types (which would be weird), the solution would be similar, though you’d have to do some conversions. But I didn’t want to go there unless you confirmed that this is really what you model was.
But, given that your typeId really is a String, you could make your dictionary a [String: Int]:
let order = generalComposition.reduce(into: [String: Int]()) { result, value in
result[String(value.fixedContentTypeId)] = value.orderBy
I have a dictionary of prices and quantities. I am getting updates on the price and values multiple times in a second so I don't want to store them in an array because dictionary are much faster.
let mainPriceValDict = [Double:Double]()
The data is coming in as an array of JSON so I am using codable to parse the JSON and put it into a dictionary. When I use the data, it needs to be sorted in ascending and/or descending order because I am looping through each price in order to get to a certain total quantity. The format that the array is in that I am looping through is as follows:
let loopingArray = [PriceQuantityEntry]()
struct PriceQuantityEntry {
let price : Double
let size : Double
I want to sort the prices which are the keys in the dictionary above and convert them into an array of PriceQuantityEntry. What is the best way to do this? In ascending and deciding order. I have tried first getting all the keys sorted and then grabbing associated values and putting them into the array in order but this seems like more processing than this task actually requires.
I think the best way to do this would be to put a custom initializer in the struct to convert the dictionary value to a value of type PriceQuantityEntry but I am not exactly sure how that would work with the sorting.
This is what I am currently doing to get it to work. I just feel like there is a more efficient way for it to be done. If you feel like I should keep the structure as an array instead of converting it to a dict, let me know.
loopingArray = self.mainPriceValDict.sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 }.map { PriceQuantityEntry(price: $0.0, size: $0.1) }
If you are getting a lot of updates to individual entries, both a dictionary and an array may cause memory copies of the whole memory structure every time an entry is changed.
I would suggest using objects (classes) instead of structures. This will allow you to use both an array and a dictionary to reference the object instances. The dictionary will provide direct access for updates and the array will allow sequential processing in forward or backward order.
[EDIT] Example:
class PriceQuantityEntry
static var all:[PriceQuantityEntry] = []
static var prices:[Double:PriceQuantityEntry] = [:]
var price : Double
var size : Double
init(price:Double, size:Double)
self.price = price
self.size = size
// PriceQuantityEntry.all.resort() // on demand or when new prices added
PriceQuantityEntry.prices[price] = self
class func update(price:Double, with size:Double)
if let instance = PriceQuantityEntry.prices[price]
{ instance.size = size }
let _ = PriceQuantityEntry(price:price, size:size)
class func resort()
PriceQuantityEntry.all.sort{$0.price < $1.price}
// if adding multiple initial entries before updates ...
let _ = PriceQuantityEntry(price:1, size:3)
let _ = PriceQuantityEntry(price:1.25, size:2)
let _ = PriceQuantityEntry(price:0.95, size:1)
// for updates ...
PriceQuantityEntry.update(price:1, with: 2)
// going throug list ...
var count:Double = 0
var total:Double = 0
var quantity:Double = 5
for entry in PriceQuantityEntry.all
total += min(entry.size,quantity-count) * entry.price
count = min(quantity,count + entry.size)
if count == quantity {break}
Goal: I have two different classes, and two arrays containing members of each class. Using Swift 2.0, I would like to find the unique members of one array compared to the other based on specific attributes of each class.
class A {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
class B {
var title: String
init(title: String) {
self.title = title
let aArray = [A(name:"1"), A(name:"2"), A(name:"3"), A(name:"4")]
let bArray = [B(title:"1"), B(title:"2"), B(title:"5")]
So, I'm looking for some operation between aArray and bArray which returns the 3rd and 4th element of aArray, because they are uniquely in aArray, where the basis of comparison is the attributes A.name and B.title.
Of course, reversing the order of the operation would pick out the 3rd element of bArray, because it is uniquely in bArray.
I know I can accomplish the goal straightforwardly using a simple for loop, but I was hoping for something more elegant and more optimized. But if a for loop is as fast or faster than anything fancier, I'm happy to use it just as well.
I'm not sure fancy or elegant this code is, but, we could do something like this:
let mappedArray = bArray.map { $0.title }
let filteredArray = aArray.filter { !mappedArray.contains($0.name) }
So when we want the unique elements from aArray, we first map the elements from bArray to get an array of the value we want to actually compare:
let mappedArray = bArray.map { $0.title }
mappedArray is just an array of strings based on the title property of the objects in bArray.
Next, we use the filter method to filter objects from aArray. The filter method returns an array with objects that pass the test in our closure. The test we want to apply is objects that are not contained in the mapped array we just built.
let filteredArray = aArray.filter { !mappedArray.contains($0.name) }
If we want to do it the other way, just change a few things:
let mappedArray = aArray.map { $0.name }
let filteredArray = bArray.filter { !mappedArray.contains($0.title) }
I’m new to Swift and have been having some troubles figuring out some aspects of Arrays and Dictionaries.
I have an array of dictionaries, for which I have used Type Aliases - e.g.
typealias myDicts = Dictionary<String, Double>
var myArray : [myDicts] = [
"lat": 44.444444,
I then want to iterate through the dictionaries in the array and change the “distance” key value. I did it like this:
for dict:myDicts in myArray {
dict["distance"] = 5
Or even specifically making sure 5 is a double with many different approaches including e.g.
for dict:myDicts in myArray {
let numberFive : Double = 5
dict["distance"] = numberFive
All my attempts cause an error:
#lvalue $T5' is not identical to '(String, Double)
It seems to be acting as if the Dictionaries inside were immutable “let” rather than “var”. So I randomly tried this:
for (var dict:myDicts) in myArray {
dict["distance"] = 5
This removes the error and the key is indeed assigned 5 within the for loop, but this doesn't seem to actually modify the array itself in the long run. What am I doing wrong?
The implicitly declared variable in a for-in loop in Swift is constant by default (let), that's why you can't modify it directly in the loop.
The for-in documentation has this:
for index in 1...5 {
println("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)")
In the example above, index is a constant whose value is automatically
set at the start of each iteration of the loop. As such, it does not
have to be declared before it is used. It is implicitly declared
simply by its inclusion in the loop declaration, without the need for
a let declaration keyword.
As you've discovered, you can make it a variable by explicitly declaring it with var. However, in this case, you're trying to modify a dictionary which is a struct and, therefore, a value type and it is copied on assignment. When you do dict["distance"] = 5 you're actually modifying a copy of the dictionary and not the original stored in the array.
You can still modify the dictionary in the array, you just have to do it directly by looping over the array by index:
for index in 0..<myArray.count {
myArray[index]["distance"] = 5
This way, you're sure to by modifying the original dictionary instead of a copy of it.
That being said, #matt's suggestion to use a custom class is usually the best route to take.
You're not doing anything wrong. That's how Swift works. You have two options:
Use NSMutableDictionary rather than a Swift dictionary.
Use a custom class instead of a dictionary. In a way this is a better solution anyway because it's what you should have been doing all along in a situation where all the dictionaries have the same structure.
The "custom class" I'm talking about would be a mere "value class", a bundle of properties. This was kind of a pain to make in Objective-C, but in Swift it's trivial, so I now do this a lot. The thing is that you can stick the class definition for your custom class anywhere; it doesn't need a file of its own, and of course in Swift you don't have the interface/implementation foo to grapple with, let alone memory management and other stuff. So this is just a few lines of code that you can stick right in with the code you've already got.
Here's an example from my own code:
class Model {
var task : NSURLSessionTask!
var im : UIImage!
var text : String!
var picurl : String!
We then have an array of Model and away we go.
So, in your example:
class MyDict : NSObject {
var id = 0.0
var lat = 0.0
var lng = 0.0
var distance = 0.0
var myArray = [MyDict]()
let d1 = MyDict()
d1.id = 0
d1.lat = 55.55
d1.lng = -55.55
d1.distance = 0
let d2 = MyDict()
d2.id = 0
d2.lat = 44.44
d2.lng = -44.44
d2.distance = 0
myArray = [d1,d2]
// now we come to the actual heart of the matter
for d in myArray {
d.distance = 5
println(myArray[0].distance) // it worked
println(myArray[1].distance) // it worked
Yes, the dictionary retrieved in the loop is immutable, hence you cannot change.
I'm afraid your last attempt just creates a mutable copy of it.
One possible workaround is to use NSMutableDictionary:
typealias myDicts = NSMutableDictionary
Have a class wrapper for the Swift dictionary or array.
class MyDictionary: NSObject {
var data : Dictionary<String,Any>!
init(_ data: Dictionary<String,Any>) {
self.data = data