I've installed the Eclipse plugin data development in Eclipse to view my MariaDB (named "mydatabase"), hosted locally, in my project.
I've installed MariaDB java connector from https://downloads.mariadb.com/Connectors/java/latest/
I've then created a new connection, chosen Generic GDBC and in the config I've set:
Database: mydatabase
URL: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/mydatabase
user name: root
password: mypassword
I've specified in the tab for "Driver template" the Java connector that I've downloaded.
In the end, the connection is established, and the name of my database appears in the data source explorer.
The problem is: under my database, I see the structure with "schemas" as a folder, but when I click on it, it's empty.
EDIT: the tree that I see:
folder "mydatabase"
└--- folder "Authorization IDs" (empty)
└--- folder "Catalogs"
|--- folder "Information_schema"
| └--- folder "schemas" (empty)
└--- folder "mydatabase"
└--- folder "schemas" (empty)
I recovered Mariadb files from a crashed server with .frm, .ibd and .opt extensions.
How can I "mount" them into a new database ? I saw a way to do it with .sql files with something like mysql -u username -p new_database < data-dump.sql, but I don't know how to handle multiple files with this command.
I have an Inno Setup v5.5.9 file shown below;
Name: english; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl
Source: "Setups\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}\Setups; Flags: nocompression;
Filename: {tmp}\Setups\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe; Parameters: "/QS /ACTION=unInstall /FEATURES=SQLENGINE /INSTANCENAME=CASSQL";
The install works just fine, but once installed, if I go to Control Panel and right-click on the installer and select Uninstall, the uninstall will remove the installer from control panel but it doesn't actually run the SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe or uninstall the SQL Server Express named instance.
I read that Inno Setup would automatically handle uninstall, so I removed the [UninstallRun] section, but had the same result.
I can run the following :
From the command line and it works as expected.
[UPDATE #1 7/23/19]
I added SetupLogging=yes to the [Setup] section, hoping to see something useful in a log file. Inno Setup created the log file when I ran the install, but did not create any log file when I ran the Uninstall by right-clicking on the Inno Setup generated installer in Control Panel.
What am I missing here?
The files installed to {tmp} exist only for a duration of the installation:
Temporary directory used by Setup or Uninstall. This is not the value of the user's TEMP environment variable. It is a subdirectory of the user's temporary directory which is created by Setup or Uninstall at startup (with a name like "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IS-xxxxx.tmp"). All files and subdirectories in this directory are deleted when Setup or Uninstall exits. During Setup, this is primarily useful for extracting files that are to be executed in the [Run] section but aren't needed after the installation.
So at the time you run the uninstaller, the {tmp}\Setups\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe does not exist anymore.
If you run the uninstaller manually from command-line and add /log=C:\some\path\uninstall.log switch, you wil find something like this in the log:
2019-07-24 08:46:04.614 Running Exec filename: C:\Users\marti\AppData\Local\Temp\is-K316U.tmp\Setups\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe
2019-07-24 08:46:04.614 Running Exec parameters: /QS /ACTION=unInstall /FEATURES=SQLENGINE /INSTANCENAME=CASSQL
2019-07-24 08:46:04.615 CreateProcess failed (2).
If you want to be able to run SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe during uninstallation, you have to deploy it to a different folder, like to {app}.
You can can also embed the file into the uninstaller itself, if it is not too large (what it possibly is):
How keep uninstall files inside uninstaller?
I am SQL DBA using WinSCP command line in SSIS package to download backup file from SFTP server.
My default remote directory on the server is C:\sftp_root, which I can see in WinSCP as /. But my backup files is at D:\Backup folder. I can't keep my backup file on C drive as it's having space issue.
I am using below command line using WinSCP.com in my SSIS package to download the backup file. When trying to change my remote directory, I am getting an error "No Such file exists".
/log=D:\DBA\winscp.log /console /command "option batch abort" "option
confirm off" "open sftp://sftp_dba:Password#
-hostkey=""ssh-rsa 2000 2s:2g:44:12:56:ws:ss:as""" "cd /D:\Backup" "get *.bak D:\Backups\" "rm *.bak" "exit"
First of all I am wondering if it is possible to change remote directory path in the above command line? If yes, please help me with the syntax.
I am stuck here and need experts help.
Thanks in advance.
What path(s) on the server file system you can access with SFTP protocol is a matter of configuration of the SFTP server.
If the SFTP server is configured to map only C:\sftp_root to SFTP root path / (aka to jail your account to C:\sftp_root), there's no magical way for you to circumvent that (escape the jail).
You have to reconfigure the SFTP server to allow an access to a different path.
E.g. you can map the D:\Backup to /backup.
how to create symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public in homestead on window.
and how do i access my files from browser, so if i visit that image url via browser then it will show that particular image.
actually i'm building an api which accessible from any domain , so i have to return the url of that particular image which is uploaded. so it will be shown of front end.
i'm also saving path to database which is - storage/app/public/image.png . what should i do now..
I'm new to file system so may be i need steps by step instruction.
i will be so thankful for the help
I had the same problem creating a symbolic link from the "public" folder to a location on the "storage" directory.
I tried to use "mklink /j" as well to create the symlink. However, when I "vagrant ssh" to the virtualbox, I found that it did not actually create the link correctly. Attempting to "cd" to the created link would cause an error. Also it wasn't shown as a symlink in the usual linux notation.
To allow the symlink to be created in the virtualBox:
Open "Local Group Policy Editor".
Go to: Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local -Policies | User Rights Assignment
Find the "Create symbolic links" policy and add your logged in user to it.
Restart your host windows machine. ssh to your virtualbox. You may need to run "vagrant up" as an Administrator by opening your CMD using "Run as administrator" option.
Go to your "public" folder, and create your symbolic link using the linux "ln -s" command. It should work now.
I was using Windows 10, but the above should be the same for Windows 7.
The "Create symbolic links" policy may be located somewhere slightly different for earlier versions of Windows.
Credit should go to this blog: Symlink support in Windows and Virtualbox
I tried this and it works. Running homestead on VirtualBox on Windows 10:
Open cmd as administrator
Click Start->Run
Type 'cmd', and press ctrl-shift-enter
Select 'yes' from the pop-up window
Type the following command:mklink /D c:\<project_directory>\public\storage "/home/vagrant/<project_directory>/storage/app"
Then the storage/app will be accessible from public/storage in Homestead VM. Note that this is assuming C:\ is shared as /home/vagrant in Homestead VM.
On a MacOS you need to go to your Homestead folder and:
run: vagrant ssh
navigate to your project root folder
run: php artisan storage:link
And you are done.
If you do this without ssh to vagrant then it will not work.
I have tried every possible solution to change the document root on ubuntu to my new site but nothing works. I have changed the setting in available sites default file (both document root and directory root) to my new directory housing the website or creating a new available sites file pointing to my web directory and switching the site through a2ensite and a2dissite commands. But still it goes to the same default page
I already fixed that :
Install webmin
From webmin goto servers->Apache webserver
Edit the default "virtual host" :
handle all connections
add your doc-root
use httpd.conf file ..
Once done do a server restart from webmin or the command line:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart