I've got a DWH logical model in SAP PowerDesigner. How can I choose the properties to display on the diagram?
For example, instead of showing the Attribute's data type on the scheme, I would like to represent its description.
I've tried doing this:
Right-click on the object > Format... > Content > Attributes.
There you can choose between Stereotype, Identifier indicators, Data type, Domain or data type, Domain, Mandatory and either hide or show them. However, each Attribute has custom Comment and Description and I can't select them there.
Even by going through Customize Content, Tools > Display Preferences > Entity > Advanced, it seems you can only display single-line attributes, which excludes Comment, Description, Annotation. Maybe because Attributes appear as a list on the Entity symbol, so the Attribute Description would be hard to fit in this list.
As I suggested elsewhere, you could try to use a Computed Extended Attribute.
How should I filter a list view of a custom object, if I want a certain user to see the list of records on top of the list view depending on the status of the picklist field for ex. the status is Ready then it will be on the top of the list if the user is for ex. Sales Executive. any ideas on how to do this? can I use apex to filter a listview?
You can use the List View filters for status and Sharing Setting Feature provided in the standard listview, and choose the option Share list view with groups of users where you can have the option to choose multiple
Public groups or
Roles or
Roles and Subordinates
You can use any of them or all of them.
But if the constraint of your problem is not applicable to the standard way then I suggest you can create a custom list view with help of Apex and Aura Component List view or Lightning Web Component List view.
Let me know if it helps you out or not.
I'd try to do it without any code. Make a formula field (type = number, name = Sort Order?) and do whatever you need in that field. You can reference other fields on the record but also things like $Profile.Name. It'd still be user's job to sort by this field but you know... you can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink ;)
Another way would be some Einstein scoring stuff, like all the demos where they're rating hot leads, opportunities most likely to close?
Have you considered making a report + dashboard? They'd see nice chart of top 10 records and they could drill down to a report where you control the sorting.
If you really feel need to code something... Yes, Apex would be able to pull up to 10K records from a listview, you need to read up about StandardSetController and setFilterId. But it'll really be limited to first 10K and then you apply your sorting/filtering on top of that. If there's important record after this 10K you might miss it.
I've asked this question on the Data Studio community page with no response, and haven't been able to find the answer elsewhere.
I need to stop 2 charts on a page from inheriting the page level control that I have set. From searching around, it appears that there used to be an option to disable filter inheritance, which would achieve exactly what I need. However, that option seems to no longer be available.
I've tried manually setting chart level filters that include all of the information I need, but they still seem to be overridden by the page level controls I have set. I've tried creating calculated fields that hard code the information I need, but they are also overridden by the page level controls regardless.
The comparison that I need to make is between an individual store's customer churn, and the average churn for all stores. The report is an overall report for all stores, with the ability to choose an individual store from a dropdown control to narrow down the results, so I can't set it up with chart-level filters as that would defeat the whole purpose.
Does the filter inheritance option no longer exist, or does it not apply to controls? Is there another way around this that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance! :)
Screenshot of the filter inheritance options missing:
No filter inheritance
Example Data Studio report:
Example report
UPDATE: I have figured out a temporary workaround, which is to set up a separate data source that does not include the fields referred to within the controls. However, this is not a workable solution for reports with a number of pages and a number of controls added, as it effectively requires a new data source for every control that I need to exclude (and sometimes that isn't possible).
One way to ensure that the two specific charts (referred to as Excluded_Charts in this answer) are not influenced by Controls (in this case a Drop-down list and a Date range control) is to Group all charts except Excluded_Charts, which would result in the two charts operating independently from the rest:
Right-click on a blank space in the Report
From the drop-down click on Select > All charts and controls on page
Ctrl+Click on both charts in Excluded_Charts to exclude them from selection
Right-click on one of the selected charts
Click on Group from the right-click menu
Additionally, to make sure that the Date range control does not affect Excluded_Charts select both charts in Excluded_Charts and change the default date range from Auto to Custom.
To reintegrate Excluded_Charts back with the rest of the charts in the report:
Select the grouped charts (selecting a single grouped component will highlight all grouped components)
Right-click on one of the selected charts
Select Ungroup from the right-click menu
Additionally, remember to change the default date range of the Excluded_Charts back from Custom to Auto.
Editable Google Data Studio Report (Embedded Google Sheets Data Source)
I seem to have found a solution - the issue is that I was looking at filter inheritance rather than controls. Controls can be limited in scope by grouping them with the charts you want them to apply to.
Thank you very much for your help #Nimantha! I would have never figured this out if you hadn't pointed out that I was referring to filters rather than controls.
I would like to add another property like categories in EpiServer. I am already using the categories for something, but I need the same type of functionality for something else. To be able to maintain a list of options in the CMS and give the Editor the possibility to attach them to a block / page. Can someone point me in the right direction.
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, you could just add another property of type PropertyCategory: http://world.episerver.com/documentation/Class-library/?documentId=cms/9/A942B3E7
It will essentially give you another category selector, in addition to the built-in one.
I have recently developed an odd behaviour in my views. I am trying to generate a simple view that simply lists all entered data of that content type in a table. I have stripped all bells and whistles from the view to get it working but it just won't.
When I create a new view, I can add the relevant fields for the content type, filters etc. It all works as expected. If I then save and try to create another page view for the next content type, all my fields disappear (including the original fields used in the original view). The only fields available are core fields like content:type, content:title, content:post date etc.
I have checked permissions, display values in the content type, searched extensively online. Most people's issue is the relationship hasn't been established but my view doesn't rely on a relationship, it is a simple display view.
Any help or pointers would be truly appreciated.
Thanks in advance Nelle
Drupal 7.22
Views 7.x-3.7
This is a bug in Views. See this bug report for a work-around (disable Views caching and UI Javascript).
Did you tried to remove filters from new page?
There is an important option when you use the same view to create many pages or blocks :
when you edit a field or filter, you should choose where to apply modifications (For All displays or this page (override)
I am creating a user control that I would like to be able to generate the form entry fields based on what custom data object the form is bound to. Basically, I have a drop-down box that allows the user to pick what type of data object they are working with (user, address, etc.) That choice will bind the user control to the related data object. No big deal there. I am stuck, however, on how to generate the form fields based on the properties of the object. I feel like I have seen examples of this in WPF but am not able to find them now. All form fields will be simple label, textbox combinations in a stackpanel.
I know more detial will probably be required. Let me know what specifically you would like to know. Any help of direction is greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you are looking for something which runtime generated, but check out the Xaml Power Toys, which will do this at design time