xpath for specific code in WebDriverSampler - selenium-webdriver

I have a page with a set of fields I need to edit via WebSamplerDriver.
The difficulty is that field id values are not constant and change from time to time.
So, if I use an xpath like //input[#id='TextField13'],
it works only very limited time while id is actual.
Code snippet is below:
I suppose I need to describe xpath for an element with id='TextField13' (which is not a constant) with relevance to the text "First name" (always the same text) in another branch of parent tag (i.e. label).
What is the right way to do that?
Will be appreciated for tips.

Try this XPath to select input field based on label value
//label[.="First name"]/following::input

The answer is:
//label[contains(text(),'First name')]//following:://input


need xpath where the next descendant that has text is returned

I am trying to write a locator where the next text descendant is returned. I wont know the text. The following xpath works:
but I dont like the div[4] as this could easily change. The element is the first div type descendant under show that contains text. Any suggestions?
Considering the following clauses:
the next text descendant
I wont know the text
div[4] as this could easily change
element is the first div type descendant
To locate the element a couple of effective approaches are as follows:
Using xpath:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//div[text()]
Using xpath with descendant:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//descendant::div[text()]
Using xpath with following:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//following::div[text()]
I think this will work for you:
To give more confident answer we need to see the actual page / XML.
In case the desired div is a direct child of the label containing the "Show:" the above expression can be presided to

How do I access value of a selected <option> tag down 2 trees in a function?

I'll try to describe my issue in the least confusing way. So what I'm trying to achieve is create a function(pic4-PizzaBuilder2), where I compare the given key of this.state.ingredients.Bases (and other sub-objects, but that's not important for now) with value of selected option tag in Bases.js and when it matches, set the given value of that key to true. The hierarchy is like this: PizzaBuilder.js > Ingredients.js > Bases.js. I have already managed to match each option value with the key inside the object with the same name. However, what I'm still struggling with is how to access it in PizzaBuilder.js when the select option value I wanna compare it to is 2 trees down (see pic4-PizzaBuilder2, that is supposed to be const selectedOption, but I obviously still need to figure out how to access it). I'll be really grateful for any kind of advice.

Identify one particular field with RegEx

Apologies for the basic question but I'm new to regular expressions and am really struggling to find a solution to the problem I am facing.
I am trying to pull out a particular field from a json response dynamically, which can change each time I call it.
The response is:
[{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400218072057","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"0","label":"0","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["8"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400094632819","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"1","label":"1","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["10"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400218072040","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"2","label":"2","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["12"]}},"soldOut":true,"onlyOneLeft":false,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":false,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null},{"colorPartNumber":"10045112022164298","skuPartNumber":"0400468014814","productColor":{"identifier":"Dark blue","label":"Dark blue","hex":"#0000A0"},"productSize":{"identifier":"3","label":"3","name":"Designer","scaleLabel":"apparel-wmn","schema":{"name":"UK","labels":["14"]}},"soldOut":false,"onlyOneLeft":true,"limitedAvailability":false,"preorder":false,"comingSoon":false,"visible":true,"displayable":true,"buyable":true,"availableInPhysicalStore":false,"expectedShippingDate":null}]
I am trying to pull out the skuPartNumber, but only when the "buyable" value is set to true.
Every thing I try I cannot seem to get just this one value :(
So in the example above the only value I want to pull out is 0400468014814.
This json is dynamic so there could be 100 values coming back, but the principle is the same.
One example of a failed attempt is skuPartNumber(.*?)"buyable":true, which only gives me the very first value (0400218072057), which is wrong.
Once again sorry for the basic question.
Try the following regular expression:
Your answer is in the first match group.

How do get id & text from a dojo/dijit combobox?

How do you get the id for the underlying record in a combobox with dojo? I've tried altering the following sample but all I can get is the text shown to the user (the "name" property of each array element), and NOT the state's two-letter abbreviation ("id" property).
thanks. PS, I'm a total noob with dojo. This is my first experiment with it.
It's like #CodeCrisis said, you can get the item by using dijit.byId('stateSelect').item. Though I'm not really pleased with how outdated the docs are (the dijit.byId()command is deprecated), this is a proper 1.10 solution:
query("button").on('click', function() {
This will return the selected record in the store (containing both the id and name properties in this case).
A full, working example can be found here: http://jsfiddle.net/zt6xggL8/
How about this...
base on the link given
change this onclick function
i know this is not the best answer but i hope this will help you..
check out the answer of Philippe
Dojo : ComboBox selected and show data id
hehehe... :)
just passing by...
Not the prettiest but this works. Basically need to query the 'store' variable for the name that is being displayed when you just use 'value'. [0] denotes the first object in the store list, so if you have multiples with the same name, you'll need to use the foreach() function.
<button onClick="var namevar=dijit.byId('stateSelect').get('value');
Get value

How to declare, same webelement with different ids using Findby?

For instance, is it possible to define:
#FindBy(By.id("id1") OR By.id("form1:id1"))
public WebElement button
So that button having either "id1" or "form1:id1" should work fine?
You can use the #FindBys annotation, the syntax is:
#FindBys({#FindBy(id = "foo"),
#FindBy(className = "bar")})
The JavaDoc describes it here:
use whathever you want, as long as it works
Personally I would use #FindBy(By.id("id1")) but it is just point of choice.
Also, there is no value added in referring same element twice with two different methods. It will only cause mess in your code
As I understood your comment, there is element on the page which constantly changes its ID. If you need to refer to such elements, try using xPath See for example this xpath tutorial
The idea is that you will point to some place in the DOM rather than to specific ID
Use Xpath or CSS selector to do that. Or Java to store the ID name in String and then you can fill it to your Id.
