Deploy a React app to Netlify + AWS Amplify - reactjs

So I have this normal React app that is deployed in Netlify.
Then I tried using AWS Amplify for my authentication. All went well in my local.
The problem is, I think I would not be able to deploy it properly to Netlify anymore because of the aws-exports.js that is dynamically generated. Or can I? Is it still possible to deploy a React + Amplify app to Netlify? Or I have no choice but to deploy it to AWS?
UPDATE: I was able to deploy it successfully on Netlify by commenting out the aws-exports.js in the .gitignore. The problem now is how could I have different version of the file for different environments (e.g. Dev, Stage, Prod).


Deploying Next Js application to Firebase Hosting

I selected '.next' folder as the public folder and gave firebase deploy command. The deployment was completed successfully however my website is not being shown. What could be the reason? How should I deploy Next Js application to Firebase Hosting?
As far as i know Firebase hosting is for static sites. If you use SSR its not possible (or very hard) to deploy Nextjs app.
If you only use SSG from next and get build with command "next export" that is should be easy to deploy this build folder which should be called 'out'.
more info here

React App Is In Development Mode After Deploying

I deployed my react app to Heroku and it is running in development mode so redux-logger is shown in the console. Not sure if it's important, but I used create-react-app. Also, I didn't manually create a server.
Here is my package.json.
App is Here.

Stopping Heroku from building a react app, and deploying with local production build

I want to deploy a React + Django application on Heroku. When I push to Heroku, it automatically rebuilds my application without referring to my webpack. Is there any way I can push my build directory directly to Heroku?

How can I deploy React App to GoDaddy domain

I am new to using Reactjs, I just finished a project for a client and I need to upload it to a domain on GoDaddy. I ran npm run build already and I now have a build folder. I'm just not sure how to proceed. Can somebody please help me?
A domain name is not enough, you need to host your application somewhere. You can use netlify or zeit (both have free tiers) to deploy your application. After deploying the app you can link your domain to navigate to the application.
There's a few options, but heres a simple one to get you up and running quick. Upload to github repo and link your github account to netlify. In the netlify account deploy your project which will show at a random netlify domain. Change the nameservers in netlify to point to your godaddy domain and your app is live.

How to Deploy React app on Regular server without build command

I want to Deploy my react site to the regular server without build command
without Netlify or DigitalOcean, Heroku, GitHub Pages, aws
Is there a way to run modular bundlers like Webpack on Host?
actually what Netlify or DigitalOcean, Heroku, GitHub Pages, aws doing for show webpage without npm run build command?
