React App Is In Development Mode After Deploying - reactjs

I deployed my react app to Heroku and it is running in development mode so redux-logger is shown in the console. Not sure if it's important, but I used create-react-app. Also, I didn't manually create a server.
Here is my package.json.
App is Here.


Shopify CLI 3.0 Ruby app not rendering UI in production

I've been trying to deploy the default shopify rails+react app generated via shopify cli
Deployment is successful but the UI doesn't get rendered. I get a blank screen with the message "This app does not appear to be loading and may be outdated. Try reloading the app in the legacy admin or contact the app's developer to update the app."
The same issue persists when I load the app in legacy admin ( instead of
For now, I've tried the following:
Running the Dockerfile locally
Run all commands from Dockerfile locally - bundle install, npm install, rake build:all and rails server -b -e production
Deploy the app to production on cloud66 (which runs the default Dockerfile)
All 3 have the same issue. Don't see any errors in Rails logs as well.
Can anyone help please?
Turns out I missed RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES flag as mentioned here. Not sure why it needs to be added explicitly, but it worked after I added it!

how to point from Gatsby localhost to Netlify

Technologies used
I have a TODO app developed in Gatsby, using Firebase Firestore to store the data and read from it
I have used gatsby-starter-capacitor project as a starter template. Why? I want my app to run both on iOS and Android.
What I have right now?
My local build when using npx gatsby develop, I can see the site I have created. I have successfully deployed my app to Netlify as well.
Also, I can run my app on iOS device, I did npm run build && npx cap copy ios && npx cap open ios
For Firebase, I have created a web app in my Firebase console, and used the details on my Gatsby App template. The Firebase details for the WebApp, e.g. Keys and etc, are in a .env file, which I have declared and uploaded on Netlify Environment Variables section
This launches my app on my iPhone - Fantastic.
Localhost: I can save and read data from Firebase and can see the data appearing saved on Firebase console. (Awesome)
App on iPhone/Netlify loads on a fresh slate, the data is not read from Firebase.
How do I productionise my app so my friends can use it when I release it in Appstore. Because, currently when my app runs on an iOS device, it is running on its localhost? or something that I am not sure of. My app is already running on Netlify, how do I connect this iOS project to go to that URL?
Basically, I want users to be able use this app and read/write to Firebase (which currently works on localhost).

Deploy a React app to Netlify + AWS Amplify

So I have this normal React app that is deployed in Netlify.
Then I tried using AWS Amplify for my authentication. All went well in my local.
The problem is, I think I would not be able to deploy it properly to Netlify anymore because of the aws-exports.js that is dynamically generated. Or can I? Is it still possible to deploy a React + Amplify app to Netlify? Or I have no choice but to deploy it to AWS?
UPDATE: I was able to deploy it successfully on Netlify by commenting out the aws-exports.js in the .gitignore. The problem now is how could I have different version of the file for different environments (e.g. Dev, Stage, Prod).

How to build react app for production without making the website offline?

Is it possible to build react app for production using npm run build without it making the site offline? I am using nginx to serve the react app and when I run the above command, I get Internal server error until the build is finished. It would be nice if the old version of the app is served until the build is finished.
You shouldn't be building your application on the production server. Build it locally, then deploy it to production and this won't be an issue.

Production build for react native for IIS Server

I have a demo react native app in my development machine.Now i would like deploy this to a production server there is a script for react to do this but there no documents on bundling the native app on production server.
Any Help is highly appreciated.....
[Update1]: The idea is to run a react native app using web screens from server.In detail once the user install the apk and open the app the home screen should be served from the server.I google for hours and could not find any useful resource i tried to bundle the app (web components plus native) but it was not successful. Hope i explained my problem.
This link by Clay Allsop explains the situation more briefly.
