How do I change the deployment web page in Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I'm trying to change the entry web page that gets launched in my Google App Engine deployment. It's a simple J2E web project, using IntelliJ with Cloud Code plugin. The default deployment points to 'index.jsp', which gets automatically created with the project. I want to change that, to point to a custom form I have built, e.g. 'form.xhtml'.
Steps I've been through so far...
Created base Google App Engine (Standard)
Configured GAE localhost
Configured GAE deployment server
I can do this easily on the localhost server, by just changing the server URL, e.g. from http://localhost:8080/ to http://localhost:8080/Ex_1.xhtml
I can't work out how to change this on the deployment server though. There's no URL option like there is with localhost. As a result, when I deploy my code it still just launches the default index.jsp.
I've looked through the GAE deployment descriptor documentation, but it doesn't mention how to do this. I'm sure it's a very simple change, I just can't put my finger on it.
Can anyone help?

I've resolved this, in case anyone else has a similar issue. You need to add the 'entry page' into web-xml, using the 'welcome-file-lists' tag. For some reason Eclipse adds this automatically but IntelliJ doesn't. If this isn't added, the App Engine deployment server points to the default index.jsp


Deploy create-react-app on Azure App services

I am new to React and created a simple react app using create-react-app , it builds and runs fine on local. I created a Azure Build and release pipelines and tried deploying using App Services , refereed below Microsoft link to implement the same.
Build and release pipeline runs successfully however when I click the Azure app services link to access the react app, I receive below message :-(
"This page can’t be found
No web page was found for the web address:
Can someone please suggest what I am missing.
fyi, I am using react-router, hence added the web.config as mentioned in the link above.
I'm thinking that there is a problem with your deployment pipeline. The first step for your here is to go to your Azure portal and open up your app service. From your app service, go to -->Development tools --> App service editor.
Do you see your code inside it? If you don't, you can confirm that the code didn't deploy correctly. If you do, then you have a misconfiguration somewhere in your app that is preventing anybody from seeing it.

Setting target url with gcloud

I have been using the Google App Engine Launcher's "Deploy" button. I realize that the Launcher is going away at the end of July 2020, so I'm trying to learn to use gcloud. My web site has a custom url,, but "gcloud app deploy" uploads to instead of to, presumably because "target url" is set to Can someone please tell me what gcloud command I need to use to change "target url" to, or some other scheme that would work? I've wandered through lots of gcloud and GAE documentation and web searches without being able to figure out what I need to do.
There is a very good and complete guide about mapping a custom domain to your application in the official documentation. As #DanCornilescu said,it needs to be configured, but it is not necessary to be done before deployment.
Basically, you need to follow the steps from the guide:
1) Verify that you are the owner of your domain through Webmaster
2)Ensure that your domain has been verified, otherwise you will not be able to proceed with the following steps. Note that only verified domains will be displayed.
3)If you need to delegate the ownership of your domain to other users or service accounts, you can add permission through the Webmaster Central page
4)After you verify ownership of your domain, you can map that domain to your App Engine app
5)Add the resource records that you receive to the DNS configuration of your domain registrar
6)Test for success by browsing to your app via its new domain URL, for example
In case you need to do more complex mappings for different urls and subdomains you can always write down the routing rules in the dispatch.yaml file and they will be mapped successfully.
Also, to add a bit more of information about the dipatch.yaml file, it will handle the routing in the App as opposed with the app.yaml which will take care of the App's settings. Both .yamls can exist in the same application and can be deployed at the same time by using the following gcloud command:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml dispatch.yaml
The deployment is always done to, the custom domain is automatically updated if it is already configured. If it is not then it needs to be configured (it can be done after the deployment as well).

App Engine works when access by version specific url, but not by the main url

The Problem:
I can access my Cloud Endpoints API via the following version-specific URL:
but I can't access it via this main URL:
the error I receive in the chrome console is this:
https://[myappid]*%2Fid&pp=0 404 (Not found)
What I've done:
First off let me say I'm very new to App Engine so apologies if this is a silly question.
I've created a Google Cloud Endpoints Backend module as part of my project in Android Studio (v0.5.6) which uses all the new gradle stuff and Objectify annotations.
I've tested my back end locally on the dev server and it all runs fine.
I then deployed it to appengine using the gradle task appengineUpdate and all went well.
I deleted previous version instances running in my app engine cloud console and made the newly deployed version (version-2) the default.
I can access and use the endpoint API fine via the version specific URL as described above but not via the main url.
I have a simple index.html file which is using the endpoint via the javascript client library to test with before building client libraries for my android app.
On both versions of the URL the index.html file renders properly, it just can't connect to the API.
If anyone knows how I can get the app to run properly on the main URL (or let me know if it's not supposed to) that would be awesome!
Many thanks!
Solution was to use appengineUpdateAll which calls both: appengineUpdate and appengineUpdateAllBackends my bad!

Can't deploy Google App Engine application on local server

I am trying to follow the instructions for running a simple new Google App Engine web application locally (without Google Web Toolkit, just the Web App) named "tunes".
I am following these instructions. Step one is to make a run configuration. I made one using all the defaults; I checked that under the Server tab the "Run built-in Server" box is checked. However, when I Run the app, I get the Console; right below the console tab it says
&ltterminated> tunes [Web Application] C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe (Feb 26, 2014, 5:35:44 PM)
then below the line is what looks like a classic Unix "Usage" error message in the console, in red type, whose first line is
Usage: &ltdev-appserver> [options] &ltapp directory>
followed by a list of options, and then nothing else happens that I can see.
I tried pointing a browser at http://localhost:8888/tunes as suggested by the documentation, but Firefox could not find a server active at that port.
Under the Arguments tab in the Run Configuration is the following:
"-codeServerPort 9997 --port=8888 C:\Users\cdf\java\eclipse4.3.1workspace\tunes\war"
I can successfully deploy the web application to the Google App Engine site and run it there.
What do I have misconfigured?
Google AppEngine application is not meant to run on local server, and neither you could create its docker image etc to deploy it anywhere you wish.
Instead I suggest you to port your application to Google Compute Engine (GCE) first within your deployment setup, which might require minor code refactorings, and Kubernetes kinda auto-scaling deployment will functional equivalent to what you have now. But with approach you may port the application easily to local server setup, or a docker image to run from any virtualization environment

mystery "welcome" app from web2py on google app engine

I'm deploying, for the first time, an app on google app engine.
It seems to have succeeded, however when I go to my apps url I'm directed to the traditional "welcome" page from the default installation.
I do not have a "welcome" app. nothing about "welcome" is listed in my file.
so why am I directed to myURL/welcome/default/index ?
I can't even type in the direct url that I know I want to access without an "invalid request" error.
This also only happens when I upload and run from, when I use the local development engine things are fine.
According to the dispatching rules, if you go to a URL without specifying an application, it will default to the init application, and if not found, it will then look for the welcome application. Also, if you used the standard app.example.yaml configuration file when deploying, the welcome application would have been included in your deployment (see the GAE deployment section of the book).
not much of an answer, because I still don't know exactly how the routing occurred, however I had the web2py app in 2 locations. On my local machine and on the web hosting server. I had been uploading the version from the hosting server to GAE. This one was failing. When I uploaded the one from my local machine things started to work.
So I must have had a discrepancy somewhere between the two I just couldn't find.
You must call your application: "init" and deploy it in GAE.
For example, if you have developed yourweb2pyapp, your main page will be yourweb2pyapp/default/index and your main page in GAE would be
But if you write in your browser you go to and this is the problem.
The simplest solution is that you call your application "init" instead of yourweb2pyapp when you deploy it in GAE. So you new main, and default page will be
You can pack yourweb2pyapp and then import it as init.
You have to be careful with the internal links.
