mystery "welcome" app from web2py on google app engine - google-app-engine

I'm deploying, for the first time, an app on google app engine.
It seems to have succeeded, however when I go to my apps url I'm directed to the traditional "welcome" page from the default installation.
I do not have a "welcome" app. nothing about "welcome" is listed in my file.
so why am I directed to myURL/welcome/default/index ?
I can't even type in the direct url that I know I want to access without an "invalid request" error.
This also only happens when I upload and run from, when I use the local development engine things are fine.

According to the dispatching rules, if you go to a URL without specifying an application, it will default to the init application, and if not found, it will then look for the welcome application. Also, if you used the standard app.example.yaml configuration file when deploying, the welcome application would have been included in your deployment (see the GAE deployment section of the book).

not much of an answer, because I still don't know exactly how the routing occurred, however I had the web2py app in 2 locations. On my local machine and on the web hosting server. I had been uploading the version from the hosting server to GAE. This one was failing. When I uploaded the one from my local machine things started to work.
So I must have had a discrepancy somewhere between the two I just couldn't find.

You must call your application: "init" and deploy it in GAE.
For example, if you have developed yourweb2pyapp, your main page will be yourweb2pyapp/default/index and your main page in GAE would be
But if you write in your browser you go to and this is the problem.
The simplest solution is that you call your application "init" instead of yourweb2pyapp when you deploy it in GAE. So you new main, and default page will be
You can pack yourweb2pyapp and then import it as init.
You have to be careful with the internal links.


How to mix Cloud Run and App Engine deployments in one project?

I have a Quarkus application already deployed on Google Cloud Run.
It depends on MySQL, hence there is an instance started on Cloud SQL.
Next step in my deployment process is to add keycloak. From what I've read the best option seems to be Google App Engine.
The approved answer in this question gave me some good insight of what needs to be done ... mostly.
What I did was:
Locally I made a sub-directory in the main project.
In that directory I added the app.yaml and the Dockerfile (as described here for instance).
There I executed the said two commands: gcloud init and gcloud app deploy.
I had my doubts about this set up and they were backed up by the error I got eventually:
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: The first service (module) you upload to a new application must be the 'default' service (module). Please upload a version of the 'default' service (module) before uploading a version for the 'morph-keycloak-service' service (module).
I understand my set up breaks the overall structure of the project but I'm not sure how to mix those two application with the right services.
I understand keycloak is a stateful application, hence cannot live on Cloud Run (by the way the intention is for keycloak to use the same database instance shared with the application).
So does any one know a more sensible set up, or what can I move in mine in order to fix it?
In short:
The answer really is in reading the error message (thanks #gaefan) - about the error itself it explains enough. So I just commented out the service: my-keycloak-service line in the app.yaml (thus leaving gcloud to implicitly mark it as the default one) and the deployment continued.
Eventually keycloak didn't connect to the database but if I don't manage to adjust the configurations that would probably be a subject to a different question.
On the point of project structure and functionality:
First off, thanks #NoCommandLine and #guillaume-blaquiere for your input!
#NoCommandLine the application on Cloud Run is sort of a headless REST API enabled backend. Most of the API calls are secured by keycloack. A next step in the deployment process would be to port an existing UI (React) client on the Firebase hosting (or on another suitable service - I'm still not completely sure which approach is best) and in order for the users to work with this client properly they must make an SSO through keycloak first.
I'm quite new to GCP and the number and variants of the available options are still overwhelming to me - one must get familiar with the nuances but I guess it takes time. So I'm still taking suggestions on how to adjust my project structure to fit better the services stack. Thanks!

How do I change the deployment web page in Google App Engine?

I'm trying to change the entry web page that gets launched in my Google App Engine deployment. It's a simple J2E web project, using IntelliJ with Cloud Code plugin. The default deployment points to 'index.jsp', which gets automatically created with the project. I want to change that, to point to a custom form I have built, e.g. 'form.xhtml'.
Steps I've been through so far...
Created base Google App Engine (Standard)
Configured GAE localhost
Configured GAE deployment server
I can do this easily on the localhost server, by just changing the server URL, e.g. from http://localhost:8080/ to http://localhost:8080/Ex_1.xhtml
I can't work out how to change this on the deployment server though. There's no URL option like there is with localhost. As a result, when I deploy my code it still just launches the default index.jsp.
I've looked through the GAE deployment descriptor documentation, but it doesn't mention how to do this. I'm sure it's a very simple change, I just can't put my finger on it.
Can anyone help?
I've resolved this, in case anyone else has a similar issue. You need to add the 'entry page' into web-xml, using the 'welcome-file-lists' tag. For some reason Eclipse adds this automatically but IntelliJ doesn't. If this isn't added, the App Engine deployment server points to the default index.jsp

GAE Launcher enforce Google account signin in app.yaml

Firstly, just letting you know I have searched a fair bit here and I am aware of some of the other questions on this topic but none answer my question.
The authentication of the Local GAE differs from the appspot deploy and I need it not to with minimal work-around code.
I'm writing an HTML5 app and I can do the google authentication via a button and it updates all the correct tokens so I can access the profile in either GAE Launched apps or appspot deployed ones.
I need the google account details of the logged in user within the app
I am writing (for API calls to calendar and contacts for example)
, and I'd rather not have to write a login handler only for my local development platform - automated for simplicity or otherwise.
I've read that adding login:required forces a login, and on appspot this works perfectly. Locally it does nothing useful.
I've read that you can write a Python decorator to use #login_required - but I'm not writing in Python (It's php generating an HTML5 page). I could write a bit of a PHP wrapper to handle it, or automate a call in Javascript on page load - but this is the workaround I don't want to write because it's handled in the production environment for me.
I want the login:required option as everything is handled for me in
. I have googled the options for the login tag and nothing there suggests I can force a google login in the locally launched app. I have googled the launcher and settings, but nothing seems apparent.
I suppose I could live with the dev workaround, and the app could assume I'm authenticated and the JSON request handlers in my app would just use the login:required with the correct google tokens being passed once I am authenticated.
Do I have any other options?
This sounds like it could be a PHP runtime bug. login:required works fine on the python local dev server. Have you checked the issues page to see if it's been reported?
Otherwise it's possible that it's bypassing the login on your dev server because you have some cookie in your browser indicating that you're already logged in. You might try clearing cookies
Alternatively (at least on the python devserver), you can go to your login page via http://localhost:8000/_ah/login to force a logout (obviously fix the hostname and port number)
There appears to be no way round this other than to write the whole OAuth handler yourself (or get one elsewhere) - significant overkill for a development environment only 'issue'.
I have written the app to handle the getting of the google profile details as it starts and force an authenticate if they are not present.
This means that the login:required will work as expected in the production world and force you to authenticate to google before you even get to the application... then the app just gets the profile details because the tokens are already present.
login:required in the dev environment just puts up a screen which you just 'ok', then the app attempts to gets the profile details but forces the authentication itself because there are no authentication tokens present.
It's unfortunate, but it's a single step in a development that users will not have to use, but it works.

Can't deploy to GAE - the application doesn't exist

Using Eclipse, I am experiencing an error when trying to deploy a rather basic web app with JAX-RS and JAXB. It runs okay locally, but when trying it on the remote servers I get the message shown below...
'Deploying to Google' has encountered a problem / This application does not exist
Below shows my appengine-web.xml
The XML file illustrates that I am using the same name in the xml as what's specified in the project properties...
The output window show...
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: '/var/folders/n8/6by626014jbfc0dwmxnb0ly00000gn/T/appcfg2754901216637807129.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update. Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u'hillingarincident').
Debugging information may be found in /private/var/folders/n8/6by626014jbfc0dwmxnb0ly00000gn/T/appengine-deploy447984481661870877.log
The referenced debug logs show...
Unable to update: Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u'hillingarincident').
Any answers will be appreciated. At one point my browser was not logged in to the target google account, so I swapped to the correct one a little later, Google does render the application name as expected.
Okay, this was simple in the end! Eclipse performs an auto-login to the Google account, unfortunately I created the Eclipse project whilst being logged in to one Google account and then tried to specify the application name afterwards.
You'll see in the bottom-right (or bottom-left in some versions) a Google icon with the name of the user that you are logged in as. If that's not the account where your application is defined, then simply logout of that account, then login as the correct Google account.
Now there's no error :-)
I know this question is super old but I had this issue all day and finally I found a solution. Maybe it will help someone out in the future.
After you create a project in Google Cloud Platform, you must go to google cloud shell in your project and run the command
gcloud beta app create
After you run this command, you will get prompted to choose a region. Then go back to eclipse and try deploying it. It worked for me.
There are not just 1 way can cause this problem. For me, I have this problem when I create the project using Maven. But I don't have the same issue if I directly create the project from the Google plugin.
There might be another issue, when you register with Google App Engine, you receive email indicating your activation. If you have not received the email yet, this problem could occur too.
Another issue could be to use the gmail account for the Google App Engine to avoid any such errors.

How to test a Facebook application on Google App Engine locally (code 191 error)?

I want to test and develop locally, while having the application on the air, and I'd rather not use two separate application id's because this means I have to change the code every time I deploy a new version and then change it back.
I understand that I can change the host file so that localdev.{{my application URL}} would refer to localhost and the URL will be valid, so I won't get the 191 code, but the Google App Engine launcher forces me to use port 8080, and this can't be defined in the host files. If I try to enter localdev.{{my application URL}}:8080 I get the 191 error code again.
Is there any way to use port 80 with the Google App Engine launcher?
Or is there another solution?
I managed to run locally on port 80 by using the Python file from the Google App Engine directory and not the Google App Engine launcher GUI. However, Facebook doesn't recognize localdev.{{my application URL}} as the URL, and it still gives me the same error code, 191.
Once I changed the host file into {{my application URL}} without the "localdev." it worked, so this must mean the URLs must match exactly, and not just the domain. Is this true? Anyway, it isn't optimal, because it means I have to change the host file all the time, but it's something you can live with...
I have 2 Facebook apps, one with my real URL (for production), and one with (for development). Then I have a utility function in my code which checks, and selects the appropriate app id and secret.
The reason I use and not http://localhost/ or http://localhost:8080/ is that I found only would work in Internet Explorer (other browsers seemed fine with those other two URLs, provided they matched the Facebook app).
