I created a quick batch file to check on valheim server and do backup of the save as it's not in the server folder, but i want to make it easier with variables.
would like to set a variable here
for %%a in (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds\Dedicated.db)
eg for %%a in (%%valserverdb\Dedicated.db)
How can this can be done?
#echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq valheim_server.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "valheim_server.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" echo Valheim Server is running
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo Valheim Server is not running starting it. | E:\gameservers\valheim\start_headless_server.bat
SET valserverdb=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds
SET valbackup=E:\gameservers\backup\IronGate\Valheim\worlds
for %%a in (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds\Dedicated.db) do set valserverdbcheck=%%~ta
for %%b in (E:\gameservers\backup\IronGate\Valheim\worlds\Dedicated.db) do set valbackupcheck=%%~tb
if "%valserverdbcheck%" gtr "%valbackupcheck%" (xcopy "%valserverdb%" "%valbackup%" /S /E /Y) else (#echo File has not been changed. skipping)
timeout /t 300 /nobreak > NUL
goto loop
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo Valheim Server is not running starting it. | E:\gameservers\valheim\start_headless_server.bat
This runs E:\game...rver.bat and provides Valheim Server is not running starting it. as input on stdin to that .bat.
I'd suggest you replace | with & to execute both the echo and run the .bat.
Tips : Use set "var1=data" for setting values - this avoids problems caused by trailing spaces. In comparisons, use if "thing1" == "thing2" ... to avoid problems caused by spaces in thing1/2.
if "%valserverdbcheck%" gtr "%valbackupcheck%" compares the two dates a strings, not as date-values. I use dd/mm/yy... format for date, so for me, if the server date was 01/02/2021 (Feb 1st) and the backup date was 31/01/2021 then since "01/02/2021" is less than "31/01/2021" the comparison would not choose the appropriate option. I'd suggest neq would be a more appropriate comparison-operator.
%%a in (%%valserverdb\Dedicated.db) is incorrect syntax. Please provide examples of the what the prior and desired strings are.
I am new to StackOverflow. I want to run a batch file to find and replace a single string in an .ini file. I tried several solutions given on stackoverflow and other sites too.
A few of them are working - but delete my other lines having "space" or ";".
Here is the string that I want to find and change in my file RDConfigSettings.ini
I want it vice-versa:
if it is "CommunicationMode:1" then change it to "CommunicationMode:0"
if it is "CommunicationMode:0" then change it to "CommunicationMode:1"
Here is the whole content of my RDConfigSettings.ini file
;0 for Staging, 1 for Pre-Production, 2 for Production
;0 for disable, 1 for Enable
;0 for disable, 1 for Enable
;Validate Management Server Certificate -- 0 for Yes, 1 for No
;Proxy Configuration -- 0 for Direct Internet Access, 1 for Access via Proxy
ProxyIP:[Proxy IP]
ProxyPort:[Proxy Port]
;0 for Https, 1 for Http
;Port Range Setting in below field
Could anyone help me? THis is my code:
#echo off
set "file=E:\CSC Softwares\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\RDConfigSettings.ini"
findstr "^CommunicationMode:0$" "%file%" >nul || (
type "%file%"|repl "^CommunicationMode:1" "CommunicationMode:0" >"%file%.tmp"
move "%file%.tmp" "%file%" >nul
timeout 120 >nul
goto :loop
Moreover, it will be a great help if someone can add an Command with administrative rights that will stop a particular service "MORPHO_RD_Service" before replacing the string and then after replace the string, start the same service again.
You have code to switch from 1 to 0, but no code to switch from 0 to 1.
Below code alternates between 1 and 0 with each run of the loop.
I also changed to jrepl (more modern and powerful). It isn't necessary (though possible) to process piped data and redirect the result to another file. The /f switch gives the inputfile to process, the /o switch gives the outputfile. By giving it a single -, it uses the same filename as the input file (and overwrites it with the new(changed) data).
#echo off
set "file=t.txt"
findstr "^CommunicationMode:" "%file%" & REM this line for troubleshooting only
findstr "^CommunicationMode:0$" "%file%" >nul && (
call jrepl "CommunicationMode:0" "CommunicationMode:1" /f "%file%" /o -
) || (
call jrepl "CommunicationMode:1" "CommunicationMode:0" /f "%file%" /o -
timeout 1 >nul
goto :loop
Don't forget to adapt the data file name and the timeout to your needs.
Without the need for an external utility such as jrepl, which is great for some things, but not needed for such a task:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "file=E:\CSC Softwares\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\RDConfigSettings.ini"
for /f "tokens=1,*delims=]" %%i in ('type "%file%" ^| find /v /n "" ^& break^>"%file%"') do (
set "line=%%j"
if "!line!" == "CommunicationMode:1" (
set "line=!line:1=0!"
set "hold=!line!"
) else if "!line!" == "CommunicationMode:0" (
set "line=!line:0=1!"
set "hold=!line!"
echo Changed to !hold!
I am writing a batch script which processes many files at once using an external Python script. I'd like to implement a feature where, if the Python script hangs on any file for too long (e.g. the file is corrupted), the Python script will terminate and the batch script will move onto the next file. I have seen others on this site suggest using a timeout for terminating a program after a certain amount of time; however, that is far from ideal for this scenario, as that will add that many seconds to the running time of the script for each tile.
My question is: is there a way to limit the running time of an external process, without causing a delay if the process completes before the time is up?
Here is a bit of my code. TexIDfix.py at the end is the Python script which I need to prevent from hanging. Any help is much appreciated :)
for /f %%f in ('dir /b "workspace\content\patch\data\fighter\%1\model\%3"') do (
set val=%%f
set val=!val:~1!
if /I !val!==01 set val=1
if /I !val!==02 set val=2
if /I !val!==03 set val=3
if /I !val!==04 set val=4
if /I !val!==05 set val=5
if /I !val!==06 set val=6
if /I !val!==07 set val=7
if /I !val!==08 set val=8
if /I !val!==09 set val=9
set /a "val=val*4"
if /I !val! GTR 255 (
set /a "mod/=255"
echo !mod!
set /a "val=val-(255*mod)"
echo !val!
TexIDfix.py "workspace\content\patch\data\fighter\%1\model\%3\%%f\%2.nud" "workspace\content\patch\data\fighter\%1\model\%3\%%f\model.nut" !val!
I am trying to loop through a file which contains few names and search the same with two patterns in another file and echo some statements.
Like I have two files :
abc.jar deployment started
abc.jar deployed successfully
def.jar deployment started
So my requirement is to read the Installers.txt file one line at a time and search for the 2 patterns "abc.jar deployment started" and "abc.jar deployed successfully" and report successful or else if both patterns are yet to be found to show as still in progress.
I have tried writing below but its failing at many things while doing pattern and the logic also does not look good. can someone help here.
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("Installer.txt") do (
set /A i+=1
call echo installing %%i%% : %%a
findstr /I "%%k\ in\ progress" %1%\progress.txt
If errorlevel 1 (
echo "installation still in progress.."
PING -n 1 >NUL 2>&1 || PING ::1 -n 1 >NUL 2>&1
) else (
set /A i+=1
echo "installation completed.."
call set array[%%i%%]=%%a
call set n=%%i%%
Try the below code which suite your requirement :
#echo off
for /f %%g in (Installers.txt) do type Progress.txt|findstr "%%g" || echo %%g is Yet to start , still in progress
Above code will read a single line from installer and then search for that string in file Progress.txt and then print the output if it is found or not.
I have multiple TraceRT log files containing 30 hops. I'm only looking for similar IP (ex. 192.168.1) and would like to log it on one file with:
1) Successful: %IP% found in %Filename%
2) Fail: Specified IP not found in %Filename%
I'm trying to use:
rem US date
set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
rem US hour
set HOUR=%TIME:~0,2%
set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%
set SEC=%TIME:~6,2%
set HUNDREDS=%TIME:~9,2%
rem Make sure that hour has two digits
IF %HOUR% GEQ 10 goto twoh
set HOUR1=%TIME:~1,1%
goto fulltid
#echo off & setLocal EnableDELAYedeXpansion
findstr /m "192.168.1" *.txt > FILENAME
echo on
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (*.txt ^| find "192.168.1") do (
IF %%a neq %%b (
echo Suscessful: %%a %FILENAME% >> Log%YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%.txt
) ELSE (
echo Fail: Specified IP not found in %FILENAME% >> Log%YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%.txt
goto START
You have specified an invalid pipe | find. You cannot pipe (a) text file(s) into a command.
Either provide the file(s) as argument(s) to find, or use redirection (this works for a single file only but not for multiple ones nor */? patterns though).
You are using for /f not correctly.
It looks as if you wanted to parse the output of find. To accomplish that, but you must enclose the command within single-quotes '. Type for /? and see the help text for more details.
The following line of code should work:
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('find "192.168.1" *.txt') do (
To get current date and time, I strongly recommend to read variables %DATE% and %TIME% once only and within a single line! Otherwise you might run into problems, especially concerning the fractional seconds, which might not be equal between consecutive expansions.
To ensure %HOUR% to have two digits, you simply need to use set HOUR=0%HOUR% then set HOUR=%HOUR:~-2%.
Since a one-digit %HOUR% is prefixed by a space here, you can have it even simpler (thanks for your comment, #Stephan!) by just replacing the space by a zero: set HOUR=%HOUR: =0%.
I'm trying to write a batch script that will run every 15 minutes, check number of files in a directory and if that number is bigger then set limit, move all files to another directory. I would easily do this in bash script, but this is my first batch script.
I split this task in several steps:
Find number of files in directory.
I managed to do this with this command:
dir/b/a-d d:\test\test2 | find /v /c "::"
Next thing is to assign output of this command to some variable so I can compare it with my desired limit. This is where problem starts.
setlocal enableextensions
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%a IN (`dir/b/a-d d:\test\test2 ^| find /v /c "::"`)
I'm getting: "| was unexpected at this time". Obviously, pipe is getting in the way. I found that it is special character and as such must be escaped with caret. After doing so, I'm getting: "The syntax of the command was incorrect." This is Windows server 2003.
3.After getting this problem solved, I plan to insert something like this:
IF %%NUMFIL%% > 20
(move "d:\test\test2\ti*" "d:\test\test2\dir\")
That would move all that files (all of them starts with "ti") to desired directory.
So my questions would be: what to do with #2 issue and will #3 work in this case?
Not sure ":: will work in your first case, since :: is unlikely to appear in a DIR output. A single colon would suffice, since the /c option of find counts the number of LINES in which the target string occurs.
The secret to the second problem is that the do keyword must occur on the same line as the closing-parenthesis of the IN clause. It is possible to break the structure into
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%a IN (
' dir/b/a-d d:\test\test2 ^| find /v /c ":" '
Note the # is not required - it suppresses the command's being echoed, which is turned off by the initial #echo off (the # there suppresses the echoing of the ECHO OFF
Also, the parentheses around this set are not required. IF they are used, the open-parenthesis must occur on the same physical line as the do.
You also don't need to use usebackq since you have no need here to change the interpretation of quotes.
Third item - > is a redirector. For a comparison operator, use one of EQU GEQ LSS LEQ GTR NEQ depending on comparison required.
And again, the open-parenthesis must be on the same line as the if. With an else, the close-parenthsis before the ELSE , the ELSE keyword and the open-parenthesis after must all be on the same physical line.
I think this should work. Note that it does not use backticks.
setlocal enableextensions
FOR /F %%a IN (' dir /b /a-d "d:\test\test2" ^| find /c /v "" ') DO SET NUMFIL=%%a
IF %NUMFIL% GTR 20 (move "d:\test\test2\ti*" "d:\test\test2\dir\")