Polarion description field broken on some work item type - polarion

For some reason, one of the work item type has a broken description field. When creating a new work item 'Requirement' in a document, opening the item, then clicking edit, the description box seems to drop down a bit but the rich text options etc are not shown and we can't change the text either.
Creating other work items doesn't cause this behaviour. Also tried in various browser just in case and various users. I've checked the Form Layouts but can't see what's wrong with this one.
Anyone having any suggestions?

Polarion hast a configuration for read-only-fields.
Check if this file contains configuration to protect these fields.


How to show more fields on custom object tabs in Salesforce?

Ok so this problem is probably easily solvable, but since I am a beginner in Salesforce and I didn't find anything useful on Google, I am asking if someone can please help me.
So, as you can see, I have created a custom object called Students, and added some fields to it.
Next, I have created a custom object tab, called Student, as you can see on the following image and added some records.
On the custom object tab, only field 'Student Name' is shown. Does anybody know how to display all (or some) of the fields that were added to the object Student?
Thank you so much for your answers and have a great day :)
On the far right of the 2nd screenshot there's a gear/cog icon. Use it for o create new "list view". Or click that "recently viewed", change it to "all" (there should be an auto-generated one for you) and use that gear icon to select which fields to display.
You can even pin the list view to be your default if you don't want "recently viewed".
As for recently viewed itself - it's special, the gear icon won't work. Follow this article: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.customize_recent_records_list_lex.htm&type=5

Issue in automating table data filling in firefox using webdriver

This is data driven approach. I am trying to get data from sheet to be entered in table in a web application. Now in the table there are fields as below:
Textfield (To enter name), Datatype drop-down (To select data type), Length field(to enter the length), Status field (Isactive or not)
Now here there is a dynamic logic as for only “String” datatype the “Length” field would appear else in default table “Length” field/column is not shown because for other data types there is static length value provided.
Now when automating I am getting data in sequence from sheet and setting that in table. Switching over the fields is done by using “Tab” mechanism.
The only issue in this whole process is that while selecting “String” data-type from drop-down and after that tab is applied. At this point the “Length” field is supposed to appear for which data can be entered from the sheet but here at only tabbing/loosing focus from one field to another is not revealing the hidden “Length” field.
And at this point automation gets stuck up. Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
It would be of really great help if anyone can please suggest on above issue.
Hoping to hear soon from someone. Thanks for your efforts in advance.
Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when
same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
Seems selenium isn't setting focus to the same object/element that you are. How are you using selenium to tab between fields? Do you have to tab to this element, or can you have selenium select it directly? Also, it would help us if you shared the selenium code and html.

Finding empty label in Windows form

I am new to Windows Form application and trying to build a small application.
I had dragged and dropped a label on the main form.
Then I deleted its text property to empty string basically hiding the label.
Now I would like to move this label to some other location on the form but unable to do so because I cannot find it.
I checked the designer file and its there.
But I cannot find it in the form so that I can grab it and move to a different location.
Please help.
Use Document Outline. Look at the following images.
That happens to me several times, and a few weeks ago I found a way to get the empty label like this:
On the tab "Properties" just click on the arrow to show all controls and click on the label you want, this will automatically select the label on your form..

Sitecore MVC Checkbox

In Sitecore MVC, FieldRenderer.Render(Item, "Field Name") automatically checks its field type. In another word, all XSLT extensions (sc:text, sc:image, sc:date, …) is affected by the RenderField pipeline.
But, I couldn't find sc:checkbox information and it doesn't show "CheckBox" in page edit mode. It just shows the value of the check box.
How can I make it show as like input type=checkbox in page editor?
Sorry for the link only answer but the general approach here is to use a Field Editor Button.
This will open a pop up window with the content editor style control for the field.
If using a custom experience button is not an option for you, you can output different markup (i.e. your input button) to the client when the page mode is in 'Edit' mode.
This will allow you to present the author with the controls you wish to display, but still output the normal output values for end users.
If you are able to use controller renderings, you can use the controller to load a different view to make this easier, but otherwise you can use if statements within your View to output different markup.

How to edit EXIF populated content type fields in Drupal 7

I am using Drupal 7. I have created a content type IMAGE with keywords, caption, headline, category populated by EXIF and I also autogenerate the label. All I have to do is select a local image and hit save and everything I need is populated from the image metadata - all good so far.
The only problem is that I cannot edit the EXIF populated fields. If I want to move an image from one category (taxonomy) to another or notice a typo in the caption the only way I can make corrections is to delete the image, correct the text locally and reupload the image - when I select EDIT having found the content the default edit page does not show the field populated by EXIF. If I change them on the content type to a text or taxonomy field I can edit them, but I can't do that each time I want to edit a field.
I have searched but found nothing to help. Alternatively I have considered duplicating the EXIF populated fields on the IMAGE content type amd populating them using tokens from the EXIF populated fields and using those to drive my display views etc. I should then be able to edit them but it is not a very elegant solutions. I am not sure that will work after initially trying it.
I also have an issue that I need a multi-valued field other than keywords that I can use for the category/gallery (and there isn't one in the standard it seems). That will probably be a separate question when I have solved the editing problem.
I also tried using EditableViews modules which looked promising but it would still not let me edit the fields although it did display them.
