How to grant delegated user pemissions to managed-service-identity - azure-active-directory

How can I delegate my user permissions to a service principal in Azure Ad when the usual interactive way (e.g. web app with consent screen popup) is not feasible? This is because I cannot configure the MSI in the Azure Portal properly to work that way.
More detail
I want to grant an application permission to access the Graph API on behalf of a user. Usually, this is a well-documented scenario in which you create an app registration, acquire delegated user permissions by asking permission for the needed scopes, and then use these permissions in the app.
The app that needs Graph access is a background service that is to work on its own without user intervention/activity. For this use case, the common approach is to use application permissions. In my case this is not feasible, because application permissions require admin-consent and are all-or-nothing kind of permissions. There is no way this will be granted for me. Rightfully so, because its overkill.
But on the other hand that's really a pity. A pity, because I've found an example on how to assign Graph API application permissions directly to a Managed Service Identity rather than to a self-registered app. And my service (as an Azure Functions app) already has a MSI assigned to it. So this would be the perfect fit, b then again, there is no way I'll get those application permissions.
So what is the workaround? We have this one user principal which has all the required permissions we need for our background service. What I want to do is to delegate this user's permissions to the Function App/MSI. In order to do this, I used this SPA-template by the MSAL team to have something that will prompt me the permissions popup.
This however failed because the implicit oauth flow was not enabled. To remedy this, you usually need to update the app manifest in the portal. However, since this is a MANAGED service identity, and not a self-registered one, the MSI is not listed in the portal under app registrations. So I cannot set this property to true.
Doing the same via Azure CLI also failed because apparently the MSI is not identified as an app.
az ad app update --oauth2-allow-implicit-flow true --id <appId_of_MSI>
This yields the following error:
ResourceNotFoundError: Resource '<appId_of_MSI>' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
It shows fine when doing this
az ad sp show --id <appId_of_MSI>
So in summary: I cannot complete the process of delegating that user's permissions interactively. Is there any other way? Maybe via CLI?
The fallback the solution is to create a separate unmanaged/self-registered app identity. But I want to really avoid this because then I would need to manage and rotate client (app) credentials again, which the MSI took care of for me.
Why o why can't I just assign fine-scoped application permissions 😒
Any help on this is greatly appreciated. Cheers.

In my experience Managed Identities don't support the scenario you are suggesting.
They do not have an app registration and in that way cannot authenticate users interactively.
I would go with your fallback solution; a normal app registration and use that to access Graph API on behalf of the user.
This is what we do in our projects at least.
App permissions -> Managed Identity if possible. Delegated permissions -> normal app registration + secret/certificate in Key Vault, retrieved with Managed Identity.


Application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation in Azure AD B2C

I have created Azure AD B2C Application and tried to integrate with React JS using MSAL Library , When i tried to get access token I am getting following error.
AADB2C90205: This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation
Any Help would highly appreciated.
The link provided by #Jas Suri is correct, but I need to add some more:
You need to create two applications, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, and then use the client application to call the api application.
Next, you need to expose the api of the back-end application and record the scope name, then go to the client application to add the scope to the API permissions (you need to find it in My APIs), and grant the admin consent to the permission.
Finally, when you get the access token, you must add the scope.
You didn’t grant admin consent. Follow this:
Specifically the Grant Permissions section.

Is it possible for us to create an app on our azure and can be shared with others to use?

We are trying to integrate Onedrive with a WebApplication. Intent is to get the content from Onedrive into WebApplication on any event.
We are able to integrate and using the "APP Register" in Azure Active Directory and configuring with Graph API for delegation and then using the client id, client secret and tenant id from WebApplication.
Here, I would like to understand, Is it possible for us to create an app on our azure subscription and have a way for others (other companies/clients) to install it on their azure system using OAuth process in order to avoid any creation of app and sharing other details.
Please let me know if the query is clear or not. If not, I will explain more in detail.
Yes, you can share your application with other organizations, you only need to change your application to a multi-tenant application, because changing the application to multi-tenant application allows any tenant to log in.
Next, you need to request the consent of the administrators of other organization tenants. You can send the login request URL:{Other company tenant_id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id}. After the administrator consent, it will be added to other organization tenants as an enterprise application in.
However, you need to note that after sharing your application, the permissions granted to it in the original tenant will not exist. If you need the application to access the resources of other company tenants, you must request the other company's IT to grant similar access permissions.

Why does Microsoft Dynamics 365 ask for delegated admin in Azure app registration

I'm following a guide online to generate an access token to access Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement:
All of it works fine, however I am wondering why delegated Admin permissions need to be supplied in Azure Active directory during app registration. I have seen a lot of guides explain that permissions must be delegated but the above site documents the process well. As a general rule, I thought that starting with the lowest security permissions was the norm. I am new to Azure AD so thoughts are very much welcome.
If your app will be a client which allows the authenticated user to perform operations, you must configure the application to have the Access Dynamics 365 as organization users delegated permission.
Application permission means that you want your app to access Common Data Service without a user.
So whether to use delegated permission in Azure app registration depends on your needs. It is not mandatory.
But we can see that the Application permissions in Azure app registration is gray out. This is because Microsoft provides a different way to implement it.
We need to create a Common Data Service application user an then bound it to the registered app. After that, we could connect using the application secret. See the details here: Connect as an app.

Not able to add certain Graph API Permissions

I am currently developing a service that would be able to sync data between workforce management systems (like Kronos WFC) and Microsoft Shifts. In order to sync the data, I have to register a Workforce Integration. I have established the necessary permissions, but I am not able to add permissions and I'm returned a message on the Azure Portal that permissions are not supported. The tenant that I'm using for development has also been whitelisted. Ideally whitelisting should be solving all problems when it comes to adding Graph API scopes, but in this instance, the whitelisting does not seem to resolve. Any ideas as to why such thing is happening?
Some Graph permissions are not allowed on applications that support Microsoft accounts authentication (e.g. Skype, Xbox, Hotmail). The WorkforceIntegration permissions are one of them.
The idea is that some O365 enterprise services are not available to consumer Microsoft accounts. Unfortunately I don't know where these permissions are documented but please comment if you find the list.
Sometimes, it could be a temporary error. You may have another try at a later time.
Please do not add too many permissions at one time. I tried to add that permission and got a success:
By the way, as Azure AD V2 supports to grant permission dynamically. You may directly add and grant permission to a new scope.
Note: I just want to show you the detailed flow, but in fact all the
following steps can be done with ADAL or MSAL.
For example:
I did not have permission at first. But I can request that permission dynamically through Azure AD OAuth2 authorization code flow:
A. Make a request call to<your_tenent_id_or_name,>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?response_type=code
B. Grant the permission
C. Check the permissions in Enterprise Application
You can see that a new permission was added. And then uses in the tenant can use that permission scope.

Can I implement gradual consent with Azure AD Applications?

The Facebook app platform supports a "gradual consent" model - whereby an app can be written to request consent from the user for resources only when they are needed. For example, an app may want public_profile all the time, but for a certain function the app also needs user_birthday. The app can be created in such a way that it prompts the user for consent to public_profile as soon as it is installed, but only prompt for user_birthday when the user actually uses the function that requires it. If the user never uses that function, the app never prompts for permission to access user_birthday. Permission is granted to the users resources gradually and only when they are needed - hence, "gradual consent".
Can I implement this pattern with Azure AD Applications? For example, let's say I have a web app with an optional feature that accesses the Microsoft Graph API for a tenants Office 365 resources. Can I build this in such a way that the tenant admin is only prompted to grant access to the Graph API when they enable the optional feature?
Sure, you just need to use the new application model. For an example, see
