MongoDB - set replication to DocumentDB - database

We're setting up a local MongoDB cluster - Locally, we'll have one primary and one node, and we want to have another node in AWS. Is it possible to have that node as the DocumentDB service instead of an EC2 instace?
Also, I know I must have an odd number of total nodes, is it possible to first add one node and then add another one?
Thanks ahaed.

Also, I know I must have an odd number of total nodes
In a MongoDB replica set, you can have any number of nodes you like. It is possible to have a 2-node replica set, although it's not very practically useful since unavailability of a single node (e.g. a restart for maintenance) would make the whole deployment unavailable for writes. A 4-node replica set is a feasible construction if you wanted an additional replica somewhere (e.g. for geographically close querying from a secondary, or for analytics querying), though if you are simply doing this for redundancy you should probably stick with the standard 3-node configuration and configure proper backups.
Is it possible to first add one node and then add another one?
You can reconfigure a replica set at any time.
Is it possible to have that node as the DocumentDB service instead of an EC2 instace?
Unlikely. DocumentDB is not MongoDB. DocumentDB pretends to be like a MongoDB but it 1) pretends to be an old version of MongoDB, 2) even then many features don't work, and 3) it's not anywhere near the same architecture as MongoDB under the hood. So when you ask a genuine MongoDB database to work with a DocumentDB node, this will probably not work.
This assumes you can even configure DocumentDB in the required manner - I suspect this won't be possible to begin with.

If you're only trying to replicate the data to DocumentDB, Database Migration Service is a good tool for the job:
But like others have said, this will be a separate cluster from your MongodDB setup.


How transparent should losing access to a Postgres-XL datanode be?

I have set-up a testing Postgres-XL cluster with the following architecture:
gtm - vm00
coord1+datanode1 - vm01
coord2+datanode2 - vm02
I created a new database, which contains a table that is distributed by replication. This means that I should have the exact copy of that table in each and every single datanode.
Doing operations on the table works great, I can see the changes replicated when connecting to all coordinator nodes.
However, when I simulate one of the datanodes going down, while I can still read the data in the table just fine, I cannot add or modify anything, and I receive the following error:
ERROR: Failed to get pooled connections
I am considering deploying Postgres-XL as a highly available database backend for a fair number of applications, and I cannot control how those applications interact with the database (it might be big a problem if those applications couldn't write to the database while one datanode is down).
To my understanding, Postgres-XL should achieve high availability for replicated tables in a very transparent way and should be able to support losing one or more datanodes (as long as at least one is still available - again, this is just for replicated tables), but this does not seem the case.
Is this the intended behaviour? What can be done in order to be able to withstand having one or more datanodes down?
So as it turns out not transparent at all. To my jaw dropping surprise at it turns out Postgres-XL has no build in high availably support or recovery. Meaning if you lose one node the database fails. And if you are using the round robbin or hash DISTRIBUTED BY options if you lose a disk in a node you have lost the entire database. I could not believe it, but that is the case.
They do have a "stand by" server option which is just a mirrored node for each node you have, but even this requires manually setting it to recover and doubles the number of nodes you need. For data protection you will have to use the REPLICATION DISTRIBUTED BY option which is MUCH slower and again has no fail over support so you will have to manually restart it and reconfigure it not to use the failing node.

How to setup Solr Cloud with two search servers?

Hi I'm developing rails project with sunspot solr and configuring Solr Cloud.
My environment: rails 3.2.1, ruby 2.1.2, sunspot 2.1.0, Solr 4.1.6.
Why SolrCloud: I need more stable system - oftentimes search server goes on maintenance and web application stop working on production. So, I think about how to make 2 identical search servers instead of one, to make system more stable: if one server will be down, other will continue working.
I cannot find any good turtorial with simple, easy to understand and described in details turtorial...
I'm trying to set up SolrCloud on two servers, but I do not fully understand how it is working inside:
synchronize data between two servers (is it automatic action?)
balances search requests between two servers
when one server suddenly stop working other should become a master (is it automatic action?)
is there SolrCloud features other than listed?
Read more about SolrCloud here..!
Couple of inputs from my experience.
If your application just reads data from SOLR and does not write to SOLR(in real time but you index using an ETL or so) then you can just go for Master Slave hierarchy.
Define one Master :- Point all writes to here. If this master is down you will no longer be able to index the data
Create 2(or more) Slaves :- This is an feature from SOLR and it will take care of synchronizing data from the master based on the interval we specify(Say every 20 seconds)
Create a load balancer based out of slaves and point your application to read data from load balancer.
With above setup, you don't have high availability for Master(Data writes) but you will have high availability for data until the last slave goes down.
Assume one slave went down and you bought it back after an hour, this slave will be behind the other slaves by one hour. So its manual task to check for data consistency among other slaves before adding back to ELB.
How about SolrCloud?
No Master here, so you can achieve high availability for Writes too
No need to worry about data inconsistency as I described above, SolrCloud architecture will take care of that.
What Suits Best for you.
Define a external Zookeeper with 3 nodes Quorom
Define at least 2 SOLR severs.
Split your Current index to 2 shards (by default each shard will reside one each in 2 solr nodes defined in step #2
Define replica as 2 (This will create replica for shards in each nodes)
Define an LB to point to above solr nodes.
Point your Solr input as well as application to point to this LB.
By above setup, you can sustain fail over for either nodes.
Let me know if you need more info on this.
Aneesh N
-Let us learn together.

Solr master-master replication alternatives?

Currently we have 2 servers with a load-balancer before them. We want to be able to turn 1 machine off and later on, without the user noticing it.
Our application also uses solr and now i wanted to install & configure solr on both servers and the question is how do i configure a master-master replication?
After my initial research i found out that it's not possible :(
But what are my options here? I want both indices to stay in sync and when a document is commited on one server it should also go to the other.
Thanks for your help!
Not certain of your specific use case (why turn 1 server on and off?), there is no specific "master-master" replication. Solr does however support distributed indexing and querying via SolrCloud. From the documentation for SolrCloud:
Replication ensures redundancy for your data, and enables you to send
an update request to any node in the shard. If that node is a
replica, it will forward the request to the leader, which then
forwards it to all existing replicas, using versioning to make sure
every replica has the most up-to-date version. This architecture
enables you to be certain that your data can be recovered in the event
of a disaster, even if you are using Near Real Time searching.
It's a bit complex so I'd suggest you spend some time going thru the documentation as it's not quite as simple as setting up a couple of masters and load balancing between them. It is a big step up from the previous master/slave replication that Solr used, so even if it's not a perfect fit it will be a lot closer to what you need.
You can just create a simple master - slave replication as described here:
But be sure you send your inserts, deletes, updates directly to the master, but selects can go through the load balancer.
The other alternative is to create a third server as a master, and 2 slaves, and the lode balancer can be in front of the two slaves.

Running Solr in a cluster - high availability only

I would like to run two Solr instances on different computers as a cluster.
My main interest is High availability - meaning, in case one server crashes or is down there will be always another one.
(my performances on a single instance are great. I do not need to split the data to two servers.)
1. What is the best practice?
Is it different than clustering for index splitting? Do I need Shards?
2. Do I need zoo keeper?
3. Is it a container based configuration (different for jetty and tomcat)
4, Do I need an external NLB for that ?
5. When one computer is up after crashing. how dows it updates its index?
You can define numShards=1 and that's it. You need a single slice replicated for that. If you want automated cluster management and hot replication - yes, you need SolrCloud mode and ZooKeeper. Speaking about load balancing, it depends on your architecture. If you are going to use SolrJ, there is a basic load balancing implementation there.
When a node initializes, it enters the recovery stage. During the recovery stage it synchronizes with the other existing replicas as well as with its own transaction log. If its index version is old, it gets a newer version from other server.

couchdb replication on a lot of servers

I am currently looking at CouchDB and I understand that I have to specify all the replications by hand. If I want to use it on 100 nodes how would I do the replication?
Doing 99 "replicate to" and 99 "replicate from" on each node
It feels like it would be overkill since a node replication includes all the other nodes replications to it
Doing 1 replicate to the next one to form a circle (like A -> B -> C -> A)
Would work until one crash, then all wait until it comes back
The latency would be big for replicating from the first to the last
Isn't there a way to say: "here are 3 IPs on the full network. Connect to them and share with everyone as you see fit like an independent P2P" ?
Thanks for your insight
BigCouch won't provide the cross data-center stuff out of the box. Cloudant DBaaS (based on BigCouch) does have this setup already across several data-centers.
BigCouch is a sharded "Dynamo-style" fork of Apache CouchDB--it is to be merged into the "mainline" Apache CouchDB in the future, fwiw. The shards live across nodes (servers) in the same data-center. "Classic" CouchDB-style Replication is used (afaik) to keep the BigCouches in the various data-centers insync.
CouchDB-style replication (n-master) is change-based, so replication only includes the latest changes.
You would need to setup to/from pairs of replication for each node/database combination. However, if all of your servers are intended to be identical, replication won't actually happen that often--it will only happen if needed.
If A gets a change, replication ships it to B and C (etc). However, if B--having just got that change--replicates it to C before A gets the chance too--due to network latency, etc--when A does finally try, it will realize the data is already there, and not bother sending the change again.
If this is a standard part of your setup (i.e., every time you make a db you want it replicated everywhere else), then I'd highly recommend automating the setup.
Also, checkout the _replicator database. It's much easier to manage what's going on:
Hope something in there is useful. :)
