Check if user with specified email already exists in firebase - reactjs

On my signup page i want to check if a certain user with the an email that i specify exists or not. I did try the approach on the answer given to this question (react native firebase check if user already exisits in real time database) but i get an error when i try to do that
I am aware that when you are doing firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword it tells you weather user already exists or not, but for reasons that are complicated to explain, i dont want to do that for the time being. I do, however, have access to the config

If the create user func is done on a different page from where the actual form its-self is, then the options are:
Query the results as seen in the link above, given you fix the error
Use Firebase Admin SDK (the better option in my opinion), which gives you access to a number of useful functions, which won't require a form, one of which is:
There are several functions that will get you the information you need.
Here is a guide for adding the Admin SDK to your project (should you wish):

In the firebase console you can already set it up under Authentication -> Sign-in method tab and scroll down to the bottom you will see Advanced and set 'One account per email address'


User Roles / Permissions on Frontend - React / GraphQL / Apollo Client

Recently started working with React / Apollo Client / Auth0 / Hasura and have some questions on handling frontend permissions. I'm using Auth0 to handle my authorization on whether a user is logged in and have my backend setup to check as well when handling mutations / queries. My question is now how to handle it on the front end.
A user can create a team that will store the info in my "teams" table and also create a record in my "team_staff" table as either a manager or coach. That was all straight forward. What I'm looking to do now is when a user visits, for example: to check if the user exists in the "team_staff" table and if not show them an error message or even a redirect. Also looking to hide certain buttons when viewing a team based on whether they are a staff member or not.
Should I handle this at the login and do a query for all the teams that user is a staff member on and store in a session / cookie or have a query / check inside that component each time it's called? Or am I way off and should do it another way?
Hopefully this question makes sense. Thanks!
This question makes sense, I believe many developers would have some similar problems.
Make API request in componentDidMount to get the right permissions (after signed in of course).
For this question, we have many solutions, and which is the best, depends on your infrastructure, your team and so on. Basically you need to call API to check the permission because your permission stored in the backend. Never store permission on the frontend storage like session, cookie, etc.
I can give some approaches.
First, call API right after signed in to get permission information, for example:
Get list of permitted routes, then, whenever user browse to a specific route, check to make sure that route in list of permitted routes.
Get list of permitted team like array of team ids, then in each route, get team id, check if that that team exist in above list.
But I'm sure you will realize they're almost the same, just different the data you get and how to process them. And two solutions totally depends on you.
All API request should be placed in componentDidMount of page component, because you will want to make sure the permission should be applied correctly as soon as the backend has changes.
Happy coding!

How to write correct feature file in Cucumber

I am trying to learn BDD cucumber and i am trying to write a feature file for login scenario with valid and invalid usernames.
For valid user will be logged and will logout however for invalid username, the user will be asked to go to login page again and asked to write correct credentials.
I would like to ask, can we have both positive and negative scenarios in "Scenario Outline"?
Could you please help me in writing perfect feature file for this simple scenario?
Take a look at my feature file code ( PS, I am a beginner :))
Feature: Login Action
Description: This feature will test a LogIn and LogOut functionality
Scenario Outline: Login with valid and Invalid Credentials
Given User is on Home Page
When User navigate to Login Page
Then User enters "<username>" and "<password>"
And Keeping case as Valid
Then User should get logged in
And Message displayed Login Successfully
Then User enters "<username>" and "<password>"
And Keeping case as InValid
Then user will be asked to go back to login page
And Provide correct credentials
Scenario: Successful logout from application
When user logs out from application
Then Message displayed Logout successfully
And Browser quit by driver
'Perfect' - Ain't no such thing...
The ScenarioOutline you have written is very confusing and possibly a wrong interpretation of how scenariooutline works. Basically you are logging in twice with each row of the examples table ie. same username and password (line 3 and 7 in the SO). In a scenariooutline all the steps will be repeated with each row of data that u provide in examples. Refer to multiple tutorials available.
Why mix up valid and invalid logins? Keep them in separate scenarios. Easy to follow.
Move the logout to a separate feature file.
Then you can move the first 3 steps of the login scenario into a background. Reduces repetition.
You are going to have a problem with checking login functionality for the valid case for multiple data. Once a valid user logs in then most web applications store the login credentials in a cookie etc etc. So when a new request is made for login page it might just skip the login page and land up in maybe lets say home page. Then you will get the NoSuchElementException when the selenium code looks for the userid input box. So for valid cases you need to have a logout too.
Scenario Outline: Login with valid and Invalid Credentials
Given User is on Home Page
To run the Valid Login cases use the tags option in runner as {"#Login","#Valid"} or if on cucumber 2 #Login and #Valid. For Invalid one replace with #InValid.
As pointed out here in an excellent answer - each scenario is essentially one test case and must therefore be clearly separated.
Nevertheless, it's critical to understand that Given/When/Then (in their most basic essence) are equivalent to the traditional three stages of a system test: Arrange/Act/Assert, therefore:
Given: Arrange the system in a known state
When: Command the system (what you want to test)
Then: Assert that the outcome was what you expected.
That's it! (of course there's a lot more to BDD than that - but these are the basics of an executable specification)
Given User is on Home Page is not arranging the system in a known state, but Given I am registered is. Though it might not be enough to state just this, because as soon as you go through the whys and whats of the scenario you'll quickly realize that you're missing something more concrete as an example.
To paraphrase the previous answer:
Given I am registered -> set up the user (but does it matter who?) as being registered in the system (database entry?), registered for what? does it matter to the outcome?
When I sign in -> Give the system the command to sign-in (who?) - this might be done via a web form or via an API (or over the phone?). Does it matter what time you sign in, can you sign in immediately?
Then I should be signed in -> Check response from web app, database, session? cookie?
Saying that, logging in scenarios are probably not worth using BDD to tackle since they are as well defined as CRUD - there's almost no need for analysis.
Scenario: Good sign in
Given I am registered
When I sign in
Then I should be signed in
Scenario: Not registered sign in
Given I am not registered
When I sign
Then I should not be signed in
And ...
Scenario: Registered with wrong password
Given I am registered
When I sign in with a bad password
Then I should not be signed in
And ...
Keep things simple
Don't use outlines
Keep details of HOW you do things out of scenarios
Have one scenario for each path
10 simple scenarios are better than one complex one.
You can see details of how to write scenarios like this (in Ruby) at
this is just one persons opinion
you need to be able to write code to work this way (as you push all the details of how things are done out of cucumber and into helper code).
registration is a pre-requisite to sign in

Azure B2C Issues and Questions

I've been working with the Azure B2C for a couple of days now and have a few issues and questions:
Url that it creates to redirect for login is formed incorrectly. It contains a question mark twice - after the url, and again after the profile name. This causes a 404 not found error every time you login, log out, etc. For example, the URL it tries to redirect to for login looks like this: You'll notice a second question mark after the profile name, and that's what breaks it.
If I fix that and try and log in, it doesn't recognize the username / password of my account that's a global admin. It DOES recognize the username / password of a new user I created locally in the directory.
In the OnRedirectToIdentityProvider method, when the request type is authentication, the AuthenticationResponseChallenge is null, which makes this call fail:
OpenIdConnectConfiguration config = await mgr.GetConfigurationByPolicyAsync(CancellationToken.None, notification.OwinContext.Authentication.AuthenticationResponseChallenge.Properties.Dictionary[Startup.PolicyKey]);
I worked around this by using the static string SignInPolicyId for the second parameter. That works fine when an account already exists, but if it doesn't then Azure fails at login and says an account doesn't exist for the user. So what is the right value to use there, and/or how does one initialize it so it isn't null?
The type of a claim that was added to a profile is preceded with "extension_"; is that always going to be true or just for now? For example, I added a property called "favoriteTeam", but the claim type for it is "extension_favoriteTeam".
When you use FaceBook as an identity provider, is there any way to pass along the Facebook access token claim ( This was useful when using ACS with Facebook because your app can then use that token to make additional calls to Facebook to get data from it.
In relation to issue 1 - I updated my reference Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions to v1.0.2.206221351 and it started working. I made some updates to other references before this, so if the first one doesn't work, try updating more assemblies from nuget.
This is as expected. A page that signs in "local account" users will not sign in your work or school account (in this case, the global admin user).
Always going to be true. We will be cleaning up the Admin UX to make this more clear.
This is on our roadmap. No ETA as yet.

Does exposing a user's uid in the url pose a security threat for Firebase?

I've got a small review system built in AngularJS and Firebase and the only way to identify which review is made by which user is via the uid of the user. The idea is when you then click on the user's name, you should be taken to the profile of that user.
So I would then create a route looking like /profile/{{}} which could translate into /profile/facebook:123234243 for example.
My question is, does it pose a security threat showing the uid in the url like this? Can it be used for any malicious actions against a user's third party account etc?
I've tried looking through their website but I can't find anything on this subject.
EDIT: Note that I need a Firebase specific answer, not a generic one about database id:s.

Is it possible to access a user's Google +1 (Plus One) history via an API?

I would like to access a user's Google Plus One history
With +1 enabled, the history is saved in your Google profile and optionally can be displayed:
It is possible to access this programatically (once the user has given permission via normal Google Authentication and Authorization?)
I have only been able to find information for the API to add the button to sites.
You can allways try to parse the data used by G+ itself.
The G+ user profile has a tab with all public +1, that can be fetched with<google-plus-id>
It seems to be related to JSON, but with some differences.
Check this out....
I'm not sure about a user's history, but the count for particular URL is available via a JSON-RPC service ( Here's a little post on how to:
I'm guessing that same service can get additional data, but I can't find any public documentation either.
