DB Backup to Azure url - SQL Server 2014 - sql-server

I'm attempting to backup my database to Azure url from SQL Server 2014.
When I do so I get this error talked about in this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/sql/admin/nonrecoverable-io-error-backup-url
However, I've checked the storage type or kind and it is general purpose and still receive this error. Any other reasons this would occur?

Make sure you have followed the Azure tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/sql-server-backup-to-url?view=sql-server-ver15.
If the error still exist, I would suggest you update your SQL Server to 2016 or later version. Try this way: Quickstart: SQL backup and restore to Azure Blob storage service.

Since you are working with SQL Server 2014, you need to provision a General Purpose V1 Storage account, not V2. It should work then.


How to get latest SQL Server version when creating Azure SQL database

I believed that I always got the latest version of SQL Server when creating a new Azure database from the Azure Portal. But that is not happening.
I always get sql Server version (12.0.2000.8) which is SQL 2014. I can't find other places to set a new compability level either.
Is there a problem with my subscription (pay as you go)??
Have any of you had the same experience as me, have you been able to solve it?
The reason I want SQL 2017 is that I want to publish SSIS packages to the SSISDB catalog, which is not possible on SQL 2014?
Hope any of you can help me out here
regards GEir
It's possible to use SSIS on DB engine 12 on Azure. Check out official documentation.
Additionally, you may upgrade your already-created azure databases by setting COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL modificator. Look into ALTER_TABLE documentation for examples.
Please note that although SQL Azure's engine share similar "engine api" as SQL Server 2014 (v12), those are not the same. What's more relevant in terms of supported features is maximum supported "Compatibility level".

2016 answer to sync SQL Azure with local SQL Server

SQL Data Sync Tool is old and unsupported for PROD. It is also for SQL Server 2012, Azure has SQL Server 2014 now..
I simply need a way to sync my local full version of SQL Server 2014 with Azure SQL database.. both ways... meaning I want to pull down the azure version locally.. AND push my local version up.. at will.
The permissions are totally different and break when you use sync tools..
Has ANYONE solved this for 2016? All the answers I see say to use manually options or SQL Data Sync Tool..either of which work for us.
One option would be SQL data sync as you mention. We hope to be able to share more plans in this space soon.

Copying SQL Server Transaction Logs from Local Server to Azure

I've Googled this a lot and can't really find anything. The SQL Server for our main system is on-premise, not in the cloud. I figured out how to copy our nightly SQL Server backup to Azure. I also want to copy the Transaction Logs each time they roll so if our server dies we have the transaction logs, can restore to that point and only lose at most five minutes of work, not potentially a full day.
I'm really new to Azure, just starting to learn it. Is there an easy way to copy the logs to Azure? Can it be done within SSMS? Does someone already have a script they'd be willing to share? Thanks for any tips you might have!
Yes, there is SQL Server Backup to Azure Tool
Microsoft SQL Server Backup to Microsoft Azure Tool enables backup to
Azure Blob Storage and encrypts and compresses SQL Server backups
stored locally or in the cloud.
There's also Powershell option:
Use PowerShell to Backup Multiple Databases to Windows Azure Blob Storage Service
This topic provides sample scripts that can be used to automate backups to Windows Azure Blob storage service using PowerShell cmdlets. PowerShell support for Backup and Restore to Windows Azure Blob Storage service is introduced in SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU4.
The parent article gives you TSQL options as well.

Unable to import/deploy database to SQL Azure: "The service objective (Business/Web) specified is invalid."

I'm trying to move my databases to a newer Azure subscription. I used to simply click "Deploy to Azure" on a local database from SSMS and have it deployed to a specified Azure server. Importing/Exporting a BACPAC file also works. However, I can't seem to do any of this on the new server. I keep getting the error:
"The service objective 'Web' specified is invalid."
Googling around, I found this thread explaining the need to update the CREATE DATABASE template to accommodate Azure Databases (Azure upgrade, I'm guessing). However, the hotfix provided is specifically for SQL Server 2014 and I'm using SQL Server 2012. I checked other cumulative updates for 2012 here but found no fix for the issue.
Is there any other way I can fix this without having to upgrade to 2014?
Just to summarize my software versions:
SQL Server 2012
SQL Management Studio 11.0.2100.60
Local database: SQL Server 10.50.16000
Old Azure server: SQL Server 11.0.9230
New Azure server: SQL Server 13.0.15
You are getting this error because the latest V12 servers are not supporting the Web and Business Editions anymore. If you don't want to upgrade to SSMS 2014, you can create a V11 server and import your DB on this server. However this is only a temporary solution as Web and Business edition databases will be retired in September. At this point you will have to work with the latest tools to avoid this problem.
There is a Hotfix for it you can download and install on your machine. Please navigate to:
You need to enter your email then download link will be sent to your email address. Then install it on your machine and you can see the following options:
Install the database as a Data Project into Visual Studio,
Set the target framework in the properties window to SQL Azure,
Build the project and resolve any unsupported issues.
Publish to your azure site.
I have tried the above and did not work for me - this solution worked!

Creating a SQL Server Database on the local Azure emulator (Not online)

I have succeeded in creating a basic tables running on the azure emulator in Visual Studio 2012 and I have also managed to create a couple of SQL Server databases that work with applications on a single computer. I was wondering how you would combine these to create a SQL Server database running on my local azure emulator ,that allows other computers and mobile devices to connect to it.
I have done a bit of research on this and there are quite a few topics about it, but it seems like you have to create the database on the Azure online portal and then connect to it, but I was hoping to skip this since I want to avoid connecting to any online resources.
If someone could just please point me in the right direction , because I'm still pretty unsure about using azure and all it's features. It would be great if I could create a SQL Server database on visual studio and then just specify a connection string to it through azure. (Must connect through Azure)
"For local testing, you can use a local SQL Server (full, express or even CE) within your app - just use local connection string's in place of the SQL Azure ones in your .cscfg or .config files - then the local compute instance will connect just like any other local process would." Quoted from How do I test locally against SQL Azure?
I have read that question post, but the answer was a bit too vague for rooky programming knowledge.
I think it might be able to help me if someone could also maybe elaborate on it.
Thanks in advance !
there is no emulator for Azure SQL Database.
As the post you referenced pointed out, you use a local SQL instance (CE, server, express, localdb) to simulate your database operations.
when you're ready to move to Azure SQL Database, you just change your connection string to point to your Azure SQL Database instead of your local database.
please take note though that Azure SQL Database and your typical SQL installation have feature differences, so that into account. you may be able to run some T/SQL on your local instance that is not supported in Azure SQL
