How to show changed image after dowloading it in SVG in React? - reactjs

I'm trying to figure out how to show an image in another page after you have clicked on download button. The application itself is a Meme generator where you can add your own text. Adding text and downloading it works perfectly. I also have a way to like the memes and save the likes on firebase. I have another page that displays memes that have more than 10 likes. But I want to show memes that users have added text to and have some way to display them after the user has downloaded it.
The code I'm using to download looks like this. This excludes the return statement that attaches the text added to the meme.
saveMeme = () => {
let name = document.getElementById("memename").value
name.length > 0 ?
svg.saveSvgAsPng(document.getElementById("svg_ref"), `${name}.png`) :
svg.saveSvgAsPng(document.getElementById("svg_ref"), "meme.png")
My question is what could I add here to have the changed image be displayed.?
My code for liking the memes looks like this(if it's useful)
getMemesWithHigherLikes = () => {
let memesWithLikes = [];
const { memeLikesList, images} = this.props;
for (let i = 0; i < memeLikesList.length; i++) {
if (memeLikesList[i]?.likes >= 10) {
for (let j = 0; j < images.length; j++) {
if (images[j].id === memeLikesList[i].memeId) {
return memesWithLikes;
render() {
const memesList = !this.state?.showMemesWithHighLikes ? this.props.images :


Is it possible to show gradients with react-svgmt?

I would like to use react-svgmt to manipulate SVG's. These SVG's can be uploaded from the users. My problem is, that if the SVG has a gradient these parts of the SVG are not shown.
Has anybody a solution for my problem to reactivate these links after the import of the SVG via react-svgmt?
With the developertools of my browser I was be able the see that the elements are in the code, but the grandients will be linked to the elements and these links are broken.
I have seen that other people has the same problem with gradients and created an issue on github, but the developer did not respond.
I found a solution for my problem.
react-svgmt add to elements like linearGradients "-{nr}" to its id-names. Then this fill:url(#linear-gradient-2); does not work anymore in the style-tags, because it must be fill:url(#linear-gradient-2-{nr});.
So the first SVGProxy after loading is <SvgProxy selector="linearGradient" onElementSelected={handleGradients} ></ SvgProxy>
an the function handleGradients looks like following and saves the {nr}
const handleGradients = (gradients) => { if (typeof gradients.length !== 'undefined') { const output =, i) => { nr ="-")+1); setNr("-")+1)); if(g.href.baseVal.length > 0) { var base = g.href.baseVal; g.href.baseVal = base + '-' + nr; } return g; }); } else { nr ="-")+1); setNr("-")+1)); if(gradients.href.baseVal.length > 0) { var base = gradients.href.baseVal; gradients.href.baseVal = base + '-' + nr; } } };
Then I had another SVGProxy
<SvgProxy selector="defs > style" onElementSelected={handleStyleElem} ></ SvgProxy>
with the following handlefunction which replaces all urls with the schema from above
const handleStyleElem = (svgStyle) => { var styleStr = svgStyle.outerHTML; styleStr = styleStr.replaceAll(/url\(#((\w|-)*)\);/g, 'url(#$1-'+ nr +');'); svgStyle.outerHTML = styleStr; };

How can I open a markercluster programmatically

I want to be able to click on a list and make the map flyTo the position of a marker and open its popup. I'm able to do so as long as the marker has an identical position (not spiderfied). I've made a script to find the markerCluster which contains the marker, but I can't trigger its click method, to make the marker accessable.
// if marker is not accessible
Object.values(mapRef.current._targets).forEach(_target => {
if (_target._markers) {
const wantedMarker = _target._markers.find(_marker => {
return ( === someId
if (wantedMarker) { // is not a function
Without a living code example, I can't confirm that wantedMarker is indeed the instance of the marker you want. But if its, .click() is indeed not a function on that. However, you can get the marker's popup, if there is one, and open that programatically:
const popup = wantedMarker.getPopup();
if (popup){
popup.openOn(map) // you'll need a reference to the instance for this
Solved it by looking for "_icon" in all parent elements. Elements hidden by markerCluster does not have this property. The _icon element has click events, so I used that to open the marker clusters.
const openMarkerClustersAndMarkerPopup = (allMarkersRef, markerId) => {
const markerElementRef = allMarkersRef.current[markerId];
if (markerElementRef._icon) {;
} else {
const clusters = [];
let _currentElement = markerElementRef;
while (_currentElement.__parent) {
if (_currentElement._icon) {
_currentElement = _currentElement.__parent;
// Trigger markercluster and marker by starting with top markercluster
for (let i = clusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const _icon = clusters[i]._icon;
_icon &&;

React assign values to an array

I'm trying to handle some star rating according to some data from an api. The problem is that I have created an array for the stars and nothing is rendered. If I console .log inside the fetchMovieDetails I can see there is data. What am I missing? I even tried var stars = useState([]) but still same result
export default function MovieDetails({ match }) {
const [movie, setMovie] = useState({});
var stars = [];
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
async function fetchMovieDetails() {
// get data from api
// Handle star rating
var rating = (response.rating/ 2).toFixed(1);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var star = {};
if (i < ~~rating) star = 'filled';
else if (rating % 1 === 0) star = 'half-filled';
return (
<div className="movie-container">
<div className="movie-grid">
<div className="movie-rating">
<div className="star-rating">
// nothing is rendered here
{ => (
<span className="{`icon-star ${star}`}">
<span className="path1"></span>
<span className="path2"></span>
{(movie.rating/ 2).toFixed(1)} / 5
I guest var stars is always re-declare. Why don't you using the useState like:
const [stars, setStarts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
async function fetchMovieDetails() {
// get data from api
// Handle star rating
var rating = (response.rating/ 2).toFixed(1);
var stars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var star = {};
if (i < ~~rating) star = 'filled';
else if (rating % 1 === 0) star = 'half-filled';
If you prefer to not to keep stars in the state, and if you need to move the star logic in to a separate section then useMemo will help with it.
async function fetchMovieDetails() {
// get data from api
const stars = useMemo(() => {
if (!movie.rating) {
//if movie is not fetched then return an empty array
return [];
const rating = (movie.rating/ 2).toFixed(1);
const starsTemp = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var star = {};
if (i < ~~rating) star = 'filled';
else if (rating % 1 === 0) star = 'half-filled';
return starsTemp;
}, [movie]); //when movie gets changed call this function
Why i prefer this is, lets say you can add a rating by clicking on a star, and then lets say you need to show the updated rating, with your approach you have to change two states, rating property of movie and the stars, so basically if a one state is depending on a another state, its better to do like this.

How do I render/animate out items that leave array

Currently, I have a scraper that scrapes slack messages and stores them in a db somewhere.
On the frontend, I am pulling every second to see if new messages pop up. And then I render those messages on screen.
If anyone on slack replies or emotes on a message, the message gets removed from the backend thus getting removed from the frontend.
What I am trying to do now is when an item gets removed, I would like to animate it somehow.
Here is some of my current code:
async componentDidMount() {
await this.grab_channels()
await this.grab_slack_user_data()
await this.grab_items()
setInterval(() => {
}, this.state.settings.seconds_per_slack_messages_pull * 1000 )
grab_items() {
let url = this.state.settings.api_url + 'channel/' + this.state.selected_channel + '/now'
return new Promise( resolve => {
axios.get( url )
.then( res => {
this.setState( { items: } )
} )
And finally, items get rendered: t => {
return (
key={ t.usr + '_' + t.ts }
task={ t }
user={ this.props.slack_users[ t.usr ] }
settings={ this.props.settings }
now={ }
} )
I was thinking of doing some sort of check within grab_items() but I wouldn't know how to continue after that. It would be easy to determine which ones should be rendered out but the problem is actually doing it.
Anyone have experience building something like this out?
Using Transition Groups is one way to do this:
Take a look at this example:
For the check part in your function grab_items
/* include "clone" so that we don't modify state directly */
import clone from 'clone'
grab_items() {
let url = this.state.settings.api_url + 'channel/' + this.state.selected_channel + '/now'
return new Promise(resolve => {
axios.get(url).then(res => {
/* figure out what items to remove before you set the state */
let itemsToShow = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.items.length; i++) {
let ifFound = false
let t = clone(this.state.items[i])
for (let j = 0; j <; j++) {
if (t.key ===[j].key) {
ifFound = true
/* if ifFound is false, it means it is not in the messages any more. */
t.haveAnimation = true
itemsToShow = itemsToShow.concat(
Then every second when it re-pull the data, you will have a list of items to show. The list has the items need to have the "disappear" animation and also it has the new messages.
To make the animation work, in the render part: => {
return (
key={t.usr + '_' + t.ts}
className={t.haveAnimation ? 'animationCSS' : ''}
Above code should attach the css class to the Item. You can put whatever css animation in the class

How to convert JSON to URL params string as per my expected value?

I am working on an angular project. For a method getting a response JSON to convert stringify and POST a body to an API is done. Now the problem is for another one function I should send this value as a URL parameter I tried some ways but didn't get expected result. Please find the below codes and help me out. Thanks
Here is my JSON format value
const bodyJSON = [{FullPackageIDs:[11,7],
{Form_Name:"Form name One"},
{Form_Name:"Form name Two"}]},
{Form_Name:"Form name Three"},
{Form_Name:"Form name Four"},
{Form_Name:"Form name Five"}
My expected URL string value like below
http://localhost:4200/DownloadPackage?FullPackageIDs[0]=11&FullPackageIDs[1]=7&PartialPkg[0].PackageID=4&PartialPkg[0].FormsList[0].Form_Name=Form name One&PartialPkg[0].FormsList[1].Form_Name=Form name Two&PartialPkg[1].PackageID=6&PartialPkg[0].FormsList[0].Form_Name=Form name Three&PartialPkg[1].FormsList[1].Form_Name=Form name Four&PartialPkg[2].FormsList[2].Form_Name=Form name Five
I tried via forloop but didnt get expected result. Here is the code for what I tried.
for (let i = 0; i < getSelectedId.length; i++) {
fullPackageParams = `${fullPackageParams}FullPackageIDs[${i}]=${getSelectedId[i]}&`;
for (let j = 0; j < getPartialId.length; j++) {
// const getPartialName = => res[i].FormsList);
const getPartialName = getPartialId[j].FormsList;
partialPackageIDParams = `${partialPackageIDParams}PartialPkg[${j}].PackageID=${getPartialId[j].PackageID}&`;
for (let index = 0; index < getPartialName.length; index++) {
partialPackageNameParams = `PartialPkg[${index}].FormsList[${index}].Form_Name=${getPartialName[index].Form_Name}&`;
console.log('params for full packages', fullPackageParams + partialPackageIDParams + partialPackageNameParams);
even if it seems kinda strange to me that you need to pass all of those params using query, you can try this
it just uses ES6 map, reduce functions to create your query string
let URLQuery = => {
const packageIDs =, i) => `FullPackageIDs[${i}]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`);
const partialPkgs =, i) => {
const startKey = `PartialPkg[${i}]`;
return [
].concat(, i) => `${startKey}.FormsList[${i}].Form_Name=${encodeURIComponent(v.Form_Name)}`)
}).reduce((arr, v) => {
return arr.concat(v)
}, []);
return packageIDs.concat(partialPkgs);
}).reduce((arr, v) => {
return arr.concat(v);
}, []).join("&");
const fullURL = `${URLQuery}`;
