Keil uVision - Atmel SAM3U Read Unique Identifier - arm

I've been trying to read the Unique Identifier (UID) from a Atmel SAM3U MCU, but it's proven more difficult than it needs to be to make it happen. Does anyone have any examples or can suggest how to read it properly? Whenever I do, I wait in a do while loop (like the documentation states) for the EEFC (Flash ROM) status register to change states, but it never does so the MCU is then stuck in a loop.
Here is the code I'm using
// must run this from SRAM
__attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x20080000"))) void Get_Unique_ID(unsigned int *pdwUniqueID)
Efc *p_efc;
unsigned int status;
// clear the array
pdwUniqueID[0] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[1] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[2] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[3] = 0;
// send the Start Read Unique Identifier command (STUI) by writing the Flash Command Register with the STUI command
// wait for the Flash Programming Status Register (EEFC_FSR) to fall
do { status = p_efc->EEFC_FSR; }
while ((status & EEFC_FSR_FRDY) == EEFC_FSR_FRDY);
// the Unique Identifier is located in the first 128 bits of the Flash memory mapping
pdwUniqueID[0] = *(unsigned int *)IFLASH0_ADDR;
pdwUniqueID[1] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 4);
pdwUniqueID[2] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 8);
pdwUniqueID[3] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 12);
// to stop the Unique Identifier mode, the user needs to send the Stop Read unique Identifier
// command (SPUI) by writing the Flash Command Register with the SPUI command
// when the Stop Read Unique Unique Identifier command (SPUI) has been performed
// the FRDY bit in the Flash Programming Status Register (EEFC_FSR) rises
do { status = p_efc->EEFC_FSR; }
while ((status & EEFC_FSR_FRDY) != EEFC_FSR_FRDY);
Note that __attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x20080000"))) isn't the best method to dynamically assign this function to SRAM via the linker and any suggestions on how to make it more dynamic would be appreciated.
SOLVED The problem was the chips I had were fake so SAM-BA was returning whatever was at the SRAM buffer address it specified. It's a bug in SAM-BA since if it received 0x00000000, it should give an error or warning message and then stop reading. Do not buy fake chips from China!

I don't believe p_efc is correctly initialized.
You create a pointer to a Efc datastructure which thus points to something.
You then write something to somewhere and are expect it to work.
Efc *p_efc;
My guess would be that you need to intialize it to the correct EEFC base address. The datasheet has the following to say:
The SAM3U4 (256 Kbytes internal Flash
version) embeds two EEFC (EEFC0 for Flash0 and EEFC1 for Flash1)
whereas the SAM3U2/1 embeds one EEFC.
So depending on your MCU version you need to address EEFC0 or EEFC1. I'm assuming that you use libopencm3 but this will work for any other library. Look for the EEFC location define. Following the defines/files/links we get to this page, it tells us to point our Efc pointer to EEFC0_BASE or EEFC1_BASE. I would advise you to use the EEFC0 and EEFC1 defines though as it makes your code portabler.
So your code should work if your Efc is located in EEFC0 if you do:
Efc *p_efc = EEFC0;


Understanding the writing to flash process in the STM32 reference manual

I am programming the stm32l412kb where at one point I will be writing data to flash (from UART). From the stm32l41xx reference manual, I understand the steps in how to clear the memory before writing to it but on page 84 there is one step that I do not know how to do when writing the actual data. That step is the
Perform the data write operation at the desired memory address
What data write operation is it mentioning? I can't see any register the memory address goes to so I assume its going to use pointers? How would I go about doing this?
Your help is much appreciated,
Many thanks,
Apart from a couple of things (e.g. only write after erase, timings, alignment, lock/unlock) their ain't much difference between writing to RAM and writing to FLASH memory. So if you have followed the steps from the reference manual and the FLASH memory is ready (i.e. cleared and unlocked) then you can simply take an aligned memory address and write to it.
STMs very own HAL library contains a function which does all the cumbersome boilerplate for you and allows you to "just write":
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data)
Internally this function uses a subroutine which performs the actual write and it looks like this:
static void FLASH_Program_DoubleWord(uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Set PG bit */
/* Program first word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)Address = (uint32_t)Data;
/* Barrier to ensure programming is performed in 2 steps, in right order
(independently of compiler optimization behavior) */
/* Program second word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)(Address+4U) = (uint32_t)(Data >> 32);
As you can see there is no magic involved. It's just a dereferenced pointer and an assignment.
What data write operation is it mentioning?
The "data write" is just a normal write to a address in memory that is the flash memory. It is usually the STR assembly instruction. Screening at your datasheet, I guess the flash memory addresses are between 0x08080000 and 0x00080000.
Ex. the following C code would write the value 42 to the first flash memory address:
*(volatile uint32_t*)0x00080000 = 42.
For a reference implementation you can see stm32 hal drivers:
/* Set PG bit */
/* Program the double word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)Address = (uint32_t)Data;
*(__IO uint32_t*)(Address+4) = (uint32_t)(Data >> 32);

Running a block of code from RAM instead of flash

In the following program, what is the meaning of the line of code
fnRAM_code((volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER); // execute the command from SRAM
in the below section of code. I have some idea about what is happening here,In order to overcome read while write violation, copying the code from flash to RAM using the above lines of code. But what is exact meaning of these lines.
static int fnProgram(unsigned long *ptrWord, unsigned long *ptr_ulWord)
while ((FTFL_FSTAT & FTFL_STAT_CCIF) == 0) {} // wait for previous commands to complete
if ((FTFL_FSTAT & (FTFL_STAT_ACCERR | FTFL_STAT_FPVIOL | FTFL_STAT_RDCOLERR)) != 0) { // check for errors in previous command
FTFL_FCCOB0 = FCMD_PROGRAM; // enter the command sequence
FTFL_FCCOB1 = (unsigned char)(((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord) >> 16); // set address in flash
FTFL_FCCOB2 = (unsigned char)(((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord) >> 8);
FTFL_FCCOB3 = (unsigned char)((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord);
FTFL_FCCOB7_4 = *ptr_ulWord++; // enter the long word to be programmed
FTFL_FCCOBB_8 = *ptr_ulWord; // enter the second long word to be programmed
uDisable_Interrupt(); // protect this region from interrupts
fnRAM_code((volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER); // execute the command from SRAM
uEnable_Interrupt(); // safe to accept interrupts again
return (FTFL_FSTAT & (FTFL_STAT_ACCERR | FTFL_STAT_FPVIOL | FTFL_STAT_MGSTAT0)); // if there was an error this will be non-zero
The only code that needs to be in RAM is this:
static void fnFlashRoutineInRam(volatile unsigned char *ptrFTFL_BLOCK)
*ptrFTFL_BLOCK = FTFL_STAT_CCIF; // launch the command - this clears the FTFL_STAT_CCIF flag (register is FTFL_FSTAT)
while ((*ptrFTFL_BLOCK & FTFL_STAT_CCIF) == 0) {} // wait for the command to terminate
This looks like older NXP (former Freescale/Motorola) HCS08, HCS12 or Coldfire. On those devices, you have different cases when writing a flash driver: either you can execute it from flash or you cannot. This entirely depends on which "bank" the program flash belongs to: generally you cannot execute code on a MCU from the very same flash bank it is currently programming.
So ideally you put the flash programming code in another bank, but some devices only have one single flash bank. Then they provide a work-around by executing the code from RAM, which is kind of a quick & dirty fix.
Commonly they solve this by providing an array of raw data op codes. This array of op codes is copied to RAM and then they set a function pointer to point at the RAM address. I suspect fnRAM_code is such a function pointer. The (volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER part is simply passing on the address of the flash status register. Likely, FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER is synonymous with FSTAT.
The uDisable_Interrupt(); and uEnable_Interrupt(); should correspond to asm SEI and asm CLI respectively, blocking all maskable interrupts from triggering during the flash write, which would potentially cause the write to fail or the program to hang up.
There should be app notes available describing all of this in detail.
Please note that this code is very close to the hardware and relies on tons of poorly-defined behavior. I wouldn't count on it compiling as expected on anything but the Codewarrior compiler. gcc would for example spew out numerous strict aliasing bugs.

Initialize array starting from specific address in memory - C programming

Do you have idea how to initialize array of structs starting from specific address in memory (not virtual, physical DDR memory). I am working on implementation of TxRx on SoC (ARM-FPGA). Basically ARM (PS) and FPGA (PL) communicate to each other by using shared RAM memory. Currently I am working on transmitter side, so I need to constantly load packets that I get from MAC layer to memory, then my Tx reads data and sends it in air. To achieve this I want to implement circular FIFO buffer on (ARM) side, in way that I can store up to 6 packets into buffer and send them one by one, in same time loading other packets on places of already sent packages. Because I need to use specific memory addresses I am interested is it possible to initialize array of structure that will be stored on specific addresses in memory. For example I want that my array starts at adress 0x400000 and ends at address 0x400000 + MaximumNumberOfPackets x SizeOfPackets I know how to do it for one instantiate of structure for example like this:
buffer_t *tmp = (struct buffer_t *)234881024;
But how to do it for array of structures?
A pointer to a single struct (or int, float, or anything else) is inherently a pointer to an array of them. The pointer type provides the sizeof() value for an array entry, and thus allows pointer arithmetic to work.
Thus, given a struct buffer you can simply do
static struct buffer * const myFIFO = (struct buffer *) 0x40000
and then simply access myFIFO as an array
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxPackets; ++i)
buffer[i].someField = initialValue1;
buffer[i].someOtherField = 42;
This works just the way you expect.
What you can't do (using pure standard C) is declare an array at a particular address like this:
struct buffer myFIFO[23] # 0x400000;
However, your compiler may have extensions to allow it. Many embedded compilers do (after all, that's often how they declare memory-mapped device registers), but it will be different for every compiler vendor, and possibly for every chip because it is a vendor extension.
GCC does allow it for AVR processors via an attribute, for example
volatile int porta __attribute__((address (0x600)));
But it doesn't seem to support it for an ARM.
Generally #kdopen is right but for arm you should create an entry in MEMORY section linker script that shows to linker where is your memory:
ExternalDDR (w) : ORIGIN = 0x400000, LENGTH = 4M
And than, when you are declaring variable just use the
I found the way how to do it. So could I do it like this. I set this into linker script:
ps7_ddr_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 0x1FF00000
ps7_ram_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00030000
ps7_ram_1_S_AXI_BASEADDR : ORIGIN = 0xFFFF0000, LENGTH = 0x0000FE00
DAC_DMA (w) : ORIGIN = 0xE000000, LENGTH = 64K
.dacdma : {
__dacdma_start = .;
__dacdma_end = .;
And then I set this into code
static buffer_t __attribute__((section("DAC_DMA"))) buf_pool[6];

Accessing SLE4442 memory card in C - need some help (RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA)

I'm new to SmartCard Programming, so please bear with me..
I'm trying to access an SLE4442 memory card anagrammatically using the WinSCard API.
When accessing the card with pcscdiag.exe tool from here:
I get the following information:
EBC=Longitudinal Redundancy Check
ICC type per ATR=unknown Type
Naturally, trying to access the card using T=0 or T=1 protocol fails, but I am able to connect to the read with RAW access:
lReturn = SCardConnect(
&(sc->dwAP) );
Now, I'm trying, as a first step, to read the contents of the card:
lReturn = SCardBeginTransaction(sc.hCardHandle); // successful ,err checking omitted
DWORD dwSendLength, dwRecvLength;
BYTE pbSendBuffer[512];
BYTE pbRecvBuffer[512];
dwSendLength = 512;
dwRecvLength = 512;
pbSendBuffer[0] = 0x00; // CLA
pbSendBuffer[1] = 0xB0; // INS
pbSendBuffer[2] = 0x00; // P1
pbSendBuffer[3] = 0x00; // P2
pbSendBuffer[4] = 0x00; // LEN
dwSendLength = 5;
lReturn = SCardTransmit(
I've also tries setting the CLA to 0xFF, and other variants (nested loops, with values of 0..255 for the CLA and the INS)
I keep getting an 1783 error: RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA
What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do in order to read the card?
Thanks in advance!
Accessing memory cards (I2C in this case) may depend entirely on the smart card reader you are using.
Some may provide additional API (proprietary or something more standard like CT-API) in a DLL that use smart card reader kernel driver directly, some may simulate a T=0 cards by using part 7 of MKT specification, some may need that you call SCardControl() function with special parameters.
Check the documentation of your particular smart card reader.

Can't write to SC1DRL register on 68HC12 board--what am I missing?

I am trying to write to use the multiple serial interface on the 68HC12 but am can't get it to talk. I think I've isolated the problem to not being able to write to the SC1DRL register (SCI Data Register Low).
The following is from my SCI ISR:
else if (HWRegPtr->SCI.sc1sr1.bit.tdre) {
/* Transmit the next byte in TX_Buffer. */
if ( != TX_Buffer.out || TX_Buffer.full) {
HWRegPtr->SCI.sc1drl.byte = TX_Buffer.buffer[TX_Buffer.out];
if (TX_Buffer.out >= SCI_Buffer_Size) {
TX_Buffer.out = 0;
TX_Buffer.full = 0;
/* Disable the transmit interrupt if the buffer is empty. */
if ( == TX_Buffer.out && !TX_Buffer.full) {
TX_Buffer.buffer has the right thing at index TX_Buffer.out when its contents are being written to HWRegPtr->SCI.sc1drl.byte, but my debugger doesn't show a change, and no data is being transmitted over the serial interface.
Anybody know what I'm missing?
HWRegPtr is defined as:
HARDWARE_REGISTER is a giant struct with all the registers in it, and is volatile.
It's likely that SC1DRL is a write-only register (check the official register docs to be sure -- google isn't turning up the right PDF for me). That means you can't read it back (even with an in-target debugger) to verify your code.
How is HWRegPtr defined? Does it have volatile in the right places to ensure the compiler treats every write through that pointer as something which must happen immediately?
