Running a block of code from RAM instead of flash - c

In the following program, what is the meaning of the line of code
fnRAM_code((volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER); // execute the command from SRAM
in the below section of code. I have some idea about what is happening here,In order to overcome read while write violation, copying the code from flash to RAM using the above lines of code. But what is exact meaning of these lines.
static int fnProgram(unsigned long *ptrWord, unsigned long *ptr_ulWord)
while ((FTFL_FSTAT & FTFL_STAT_CCIF) == 0) {} // wait for previous commands to complete
if ((FTFL_FSTAT & (FTFL_STAT_ACCERR | FTFL_STAT_FPVIOL | FTFL_STAT_RDCOLERR)) != 0) { // check for errors in previous command
FTFL_FCCOB0 = FCMD_PROGRAM; // enter the command sequence
FTFL_FCCOB1 = (unsigned char)(((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord) >> 16); // set address in flash
FTFL_FCCOB2 = (unsigned char)(((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord) >> 8);
FTFL_FCCOB3 = (unsigned char)((CAST_POINTER_ARITHMETIC)ptrWord);
FTFL_FCCOB7_4 = *ptr_ulWord++; // enter the long word to be programmed
FTFL_FCCOBB_8 = *ptr_ulWord; // enter the second long word to be programmed
uDisable_Interrupt(); // protect this region from interrupts
fnRAM_code((volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER); // execute the command from SRAM
uEnable_Interrupt(); // safe to accept interrupts again
return (FTFL_FSTAT & (FTFL_STAT_ACCERR | FTFL_STAT_FPVIOL | FTFL_STAT_MGSTAT0)); // if there was an error this will be non-zero
The only code that needs to be in RAM is this:
static void fnFlashRoutineInRam(volatile unsigned char *ptrFTFL_BLOCK)
*ptrFTFL_BLOCK = FTFL_STAT_CCIF; // launch the command - this clears the FTFL_STAT_CCIF flag (register is FTFL_FSTAT)
while ((*ptrFTFL_BLOCK & FTFL_STAT_CCIF) == 0) {} // wait for the command to terminate

This looks like older NXP (former Freescale/Motorola) HCS08, HCS12 or Coldfire. On those devices, you have different cases when writing a flash driver: either you can execute it from flash or you cannot. This entirely depends on which "bank" the program flash belongs to: generally you cannot execute code on a MCU from the very same flash bank it is currently programming.
So ideally you put the flash programming code in another bank, but some devices only have one single flash bank. Then they provide a work-around by executing the code from RAM, which is kind of a quick & dirty fix.
Commonly they solve this by providing an array of raw data op codes. This array of op codes is copied to RAM and then they set a function pointer to point at the RAM address. I suspect fnRAM_code is such a function pointer. The (volatile unsigned char *)FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER part is simply passing on the address of the flash status register. Likely, FLASH_STATUS_REGISTER is synonymous with FSTAT.
The uDisable_Interrupt(); and uEnable_Interrupt(); should correspond to asm SEI and asm CLI respectively, blocking all maskable interrupts from triggering during the flash write, which would potentially cause the write to fail or the program to hang up.
There should be app notes available describing all of this in detail.
Please note that this code is very close to the hardware and relies on tons of poorly-defined behavior. I wouldn't count on it compiling as expected on anything but the Codewarrior compiler. gcc would for example spew out numerous strict aliasing bugs.


Keil uVision - Atmel SAM3U Read Unique Identifier

I've been trying to read the Unique Identifier (UID) from a Atmel SAM3U MCU, but it's proven more difficult than it needs to be to make it happen. Does anyone have any examples or can suggest how to read it properly? Whenever I do, I wait in a do while loop (like the documentation states) for the EEFC (Flash ROM) status register to change states, but it never does so the MCU is then stuck in a loop.
Here is the code I'm using
// must run this from SRAM
__attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x20080000"))) void Get_Unique_ID(unsigned int *pdwUniqueID)
Efc *p_efc;
unsigned int status;
// clear the array
pdwUniqueID[0] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[1] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[2] = 0;
pdwUniqueID[3] = 0;
// send the Start Read Unique Identifier command (STUI) by writing the Flash Command Register with the STUI command
// wait for the Flash Programming Status Register (EEFC_FSR) to fall
do { status = p_efc->EEFC_FSR; }
while ((status & EEFC_FSR_FRDY) == EEFC_FSR_FRDY);
// the Unique Identifier is located in the first 128 bits of the Flash memory mapping
pdwUniqueID[0] = *(unsigned int *)IFLASH0_ADDR;
pdwUniqueID[1] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 4);
pdwUniqueID[2] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 8);
pdwUniqueID[3] = *(unsigned int *)(IFLASH0_ADDR + 12);
// to stop the Unique Identifier mode, the user needs to send the Stop Read unique Identifier
// command (SPUI) by writing the Flash Command Register with the SPUI command
// when the Stop Read Unique Unique Identifier command (SPUI) has been performed
// the FRDY bit in the Flash Programming Status Register (EEFC_FSR) rises
do { status = p_efc->EEFC_FSR; }
while ((status & EEFC_FSR_FRDY) != EEFC_FSR_FRDY);
Note that __attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x20080000"))) isn't the best method to dynamically assign this function to SRAM via the linker and any suggestions on how to make it more dynamic would be appreciated.
SOLVED The problem was the chips I had were fake so SAM-BA was returning whatever was at the SRAM buffer address it specified. It's a bug in SAM-BA since if it received 0x00000000, it should give an error or warning message and then stop reading. Do not buy fake chips from China!
I don't believe p_efc is correctly initialized.
You create a pointer to a Efc datastructure which thus points to something.
You then write something to somewhere and are expect it to work.
Efc *p_efc;
My guess would be that you need to intialize it to the correct EEFC base address. The datasheet has the following to say:
The SAM3U4 (256 Kbytes internal Flash
version) embeds two EEFC (EEFC0 for Flash0 and EEFC1 for Flash1)
whereas the SAM3U2/1 embeds one EEFC.
So depending on your MCU version you need to address EEFC0 or EEFC1. I'm assuming that you use libopencm3 but this will work for any other library. Look for the EEFC location define. Following the defines/files/links we get to this page, it tells us to point our Efc pointer to EEFC0_BASE or EEFC1_BASE. I would advise you to use the EEFC0 and EEFC1 defines though as it makes your code portabler.
So your code should work if your Efc is located in EEFC0 if you do:
Efc *p_efc = EEFC0;

Understanding the writing to flash process in the STM32 reference manual

I am programming the stm32l412kb where at one point I will be writing data to flash (from UART). From the stm32l41xx reference manual, I understand the steps in how to clear the memory before writing to it but on page 84 there is one step that I do not know how to do when writing the actual data. That step is the
Perform the data write operation at the desired memory address
What data write operation is it mentioning? I can't see any register the memory address goes to so I assume its going to use pointers? How would I go about doing this?
Your help is much appreciated,
Many thanks,
Apart from a couple of things (e.g. only write after erase, timings, alignment, lock/unlock) their ain't much difference between writing to RAM and writing to FLASH memory. So if you have followed the steps from the reference manual and the FLASH memory is ready (i.e. cleared and unlocked) then you can simply take an aligned memory address and write to it.
STMs very own HAL library contains a function which does all the cumbersome boilerplate for you and allows you to "just write":
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data)
Internally this function uses a subroutine which performs the actual write and it looks like this:
static void FLASH_Program_DoubleWord(uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Set PG bit */
/* Program first word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)Address = (uint32_t)Data;
/* Barrier to ensure programming is performed in 2 steps, in right order
(independently of compiler optimization behavior) */
/* Program second word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)(Address+4U) = (uint32_t)(Data >> 32);
As you can see there is no magic involved. It's just a dereferenced pointer and an assignment.
What data write operation is it mentioning?
The "data write" is just a normal write to a address in memory that is the flash memory. It is usually the STR assembly instruction. Screening at your datasheet, I guess the flash memory addresses are between 0x08080000 and 0x00080000.
Ex. the following C code would write the value 42 to the first flash memory address:
*(volatile uint32_t*)0x00080000 = 42.
For a reference implementation you can see stm32 hal drivers:
/* Set PG bit */
/* Program the double word */
*(__IO uint32_t*)Address = (uint32_t)Data;
*(__IO uint32_t*)(Address+4) = (uint32_t)(Data >> 32);

Uart receives correct Bytes but in chaotic order

Using Atmel studio 7, with STK600 and 32UC3C MCU
I'm pulling my hair over this.
I'm sending strings of a variable size over UART once every 5 seconds. The String consists of one letter as opcode, then two chars are following that tell the lenght of the following datastring (without the zero, there is never a zero at the end of any of those strings). In most cases the string will be 3 chars in size, because it has no data ("p00").
After investigation I found out that what supposed to be "p00" was in fact "0p0" or "00p" or (only at first try after restarting the micro "p00"). I looked it up in the memory view of the debugger. Then I started hTerm and confirmed that the data was in fact "p00". So after a while hTerm showed me "p00p00p00p00p00p00p00..." while the memory of my circular uart buffer reads "p000p000p0p000p0p000p0p0..."
edit: Actually "0p0" and "00p" are alternating.
The baud rate is 9600. In the past I was only sending single letters. So everything was running well.
This is the code of the Receiver Interrupt:
I tried different variations in code that were all doing the same in a different way. But all of them showed the exact same behavior.
lastWebCMDWritePtr is a uint8_t* type and so is lastWebCMDRingstartPtr.
lastWebCMDRingRXLen is a uint8_t type.
void UartISR_forWebserver()
*(lastWebCMDWritePtr++) = (uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff);
if(lastWebCMDWritePtr - lastWebCMDRingstartPtr > lastWebCMDRingBufferSIZE)
lastWebCMDWritePtr = lastWebCMDRingstartPtr;
// Variation 2:
// advanceFifo((uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff));
// Variation 3:
// if(usart_read_char(&AVR32_USART0, getReadPointer()) == USART_RX_ERROR)
// {
// usart_reset_status(&AVR32_USART0);
// }
I welcome any of your ideas and advices.
Regarts Someo
P.S. I put the Atmel studio tag in case this has something to do with the myriad of debugger bugs of AS.
For a complete picture you would have to show where and how lastWebCMDWritePtr, lastWebCMDRingRXLen, lastWebCMDRingstartPtr and lastWebCMDRingBufferSIZE are used elsewhere (on the consuming side)
Also I would first try a simpler ISR with no dependencies to other software modules to exclude a hardware resp. register handling problem.
#define DEBUG_BUF_SIZE 30
void UartISR_forWebserver()
uint8_t rec_byte;
static volatile uint8_t usart_debug_buf[DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; //circular buffer for debugging
static volatile int usart_debug_buf_index = 0;
rec_byte = (uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff);
usart_debug_buf_index = usart_debug_buf_index % DEBUG_BUF_SIZE;
usart_debug_buf[usart_debug_buf_index] = rec_byte;
if (!(usart_debug_buf_index < DEBUG_BUF_SIZE)) {
usart_debug_buf_index = 0; //candidate for a breakpoint to see what happened in the past

AVR gcc, weird array behaviour

it's the first time I see something like this. I'm starting to suspect it's a hardware fault.
whenever I try to send the contents of array "test" and that array is larger than 4 elements or I initialize all elements in the declaration it contains 0xff instead of values I try to initialise with.
this works fine. when I read values from the array in while(sending them to the lcd and uart) both readouts are consistent with test values:
uint8_t i=0;
uint8_t test[4] = {1,2,3,4};
this doesn't, it returns 0xff instead of test[i] value:
uint8_t i=0;
uint8_t test[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
but this works! it returns proper values
uint8_t i=0;
uint8_t test[6] = {1,2,3,4,5};
this also works:
uint8_t i=0;
uint8_t test[5];
it works fine when compiled on linux
I swapped out an mcu for a different one and it works the way it should. must be an hardware problem
In first example you are going out of bounds of array test[4]. You are running while 5 times, when array has only 4 items length.
I think your problem is that you're overloading the USART. I assume that GLCD_WriteData() is VERY quick, and that USART_Transmit() buffers the character for transmission and then quickly returns. I don't know your hardware, so I can't tell - but a four-character buffer for a USART sounds reasonable.
Your five-character examples don't work because the actual character that you're trying to transmit is lost - so it puts an 0xFF in instead. You need to check the state of the USART buffer and wait for it to show that space is available (note NOT empty - that'd be inefficient!).
In the 8250 and 16450 UART chips there are two status bits:
TSRE says that the Transmit Shift Register is Empty;
THRE says that the Transmit Holding Register is Empty.
THRE can be set even when TSRE isn't - it's busy. I'd test TSRE and not send the next character until there's room - or set up a buffer and an interrupt handler.
If it's not the I/O hardware, then the only other thing that I can think of is the compiler is producing incorrect code. What is the exact declaration of USART_Transmit()? Does it expect a uint8_t? Or something else, like an int (for some reason)?
If it's something else, like int, please try the following code:
int c = test[i]; // Whatever USART_Transmit wants
} // while
If that always works, then you've got a compiler problem, not a hardware problem.
EDIT: Code for USART_Transmit() provided:
void USART_Transmit( uint8_t data ) {
//Wait for empty transmit buffer
while( !( UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) );
//Put data into buffer, sends the data
UDR0 = data;
You've got something better than JTAG - you've got an LCD display! Although I don't know how many characters it has, or how long it takes to transmit a character...
You could try something like:
char Hex(uint8_t nibble) {
return nibble<10 ?
'0'+nibble :
} // Hex
void Send(uint8_t c) {
uint8_t s;
UDR0 = c; // Send character NOW: don't wait!
do {
s = UCSR0A; // Get current USART state
//s = UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0); // Or this: isolate ready bit...
GLCD_WriteData(Hex(s >> 4)); // Write state-hi hex
GLCD_WriteData(Hex(s & 0xF)); // Write state-lo hex
} while (!(s & (1<<UDRE0))); // Until is actually ready
} // Send(c)
Assuming that UDRE0 is 3, then that code will result in a sequence like x00x00x00x00x00x08x00x00x00x00x08x00x00x00x08 if it is working. If it produces x08x08x08 then you've got a stuck UCSR0A bit, and it's hardware.
Old question, but giving my feedback since this is the first place I got sent while searching solution for same issue, getting even exact same results with the code samples in original question.
For me it was a bad Makefile that caused some sections to be left out by avr-objcopy as far as I know.
For example in my case, the original parameters for building my sample hex that were causing this issue:
${OBJCOPY} -j .text -O ihex led.elf led.hex
What worked a bit better:
${OBJCOPY} -O ihex -R .eeprom led.elf led.hex

C - Store global variables in flash?

As the title may suggest, I'm currently short on SRAM in my program and I can't find a way to reduce my global variables. Is it possible to bring global variables over to flash memory? Since these variables are frequently read and written, would it be bad for the nand flash because they have limited number of read/write cycle?
If the flash cannot handle this, would EEPROM be a good alternative?
Sorry for the ambiguity guys. I'm working with Atmel AVR ATmega32HVB which has:
2K bytes of SRAM,
1K bytes of EEPROM
32K bytes of FLASH
Compiler: AVR C/C++
Platform: IAR Embedded AVR
The global variables that I want to get rid of are:
uint32_t capacityInCCAccumulated[TOTAL_CELL];
int32_t AccumulatedCCADCvalue[TOTAL_CELL];
Code snippets:
int32_t AccumulatedCCADCvalue[TOTAL_CELL];
void CCGASG_AccumulateCCADCMeasurements(int32_t ccadcMeasurement, uint16_t slowRCperiod)
uint8_t cellIndex;
// Sampling period dependant on configuration of CCADC sampling..
int32_t temp = ccadcMeasurement * (int32_t)slowRCperiod;
bool polChange = false;
if(temp < 0) {
temp = -temp;
polChange = true;
// Add 0.5*divisor to get proper rounding
temp += (1<<(CCGASG_ACC_SCALING-1));
if(polChange) {
temp = -temp;
for (cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < TOTAL_CELL; cellIndex++)
AccumulatedCCADCvalue[cellIndex] += temp;
// If it was a charge, update the charge cycle counter
if(ccadcMeasurement <= 0) {
// If it was a discharge, AccumulatedCADCvalue can be negative, and that
// is "impossible", so set it to zero
for (cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < TOTAL_CELL; cellIndex++)
if(AccumulatedCCADCvalue[cellIndex] < 0)
AccumulatedCCADCvalue[cellIndex] = 0;
And this
uint32_t capacityInCCAccumulated[TOTAL_CELL];
void BATTPARAM_InitSramParameters() {
uint8_t cellIndex;
// Active current threshold in ticks
battParams_sram.activeCurrentThresholdInTicks = (uint16_t) BATTCUR_mA2Ticks(battParams.activeCurrentThreshold);
for (cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < TOTAL_CELL; cellIndex++)
// Full charge capacity in CC accumulated
battParams_sram.capacityInCCAccumulated[cellIndex] = (uint32_t) CCGASG_mAh2Acc(battParams.fullChargeCapacity);
// Terminate discharge limit in CC accumulated
battParams_sram.terminateDischargeLimit = CCGASG_mAh2Acc(battParams.terminateDischargeLimit);
// Values for remaining capacity calibration
would it be bad for the nand flash because they have limited number of
read/write cycle?
Yes it's not a good idea to use flash for frequent modification of data.
Read only from flash does not reduce the life time of flash. Erasing and writing will reduce the flash lifetime.
Reading and writing from flash is substantially slower compared to conventional memory.
To write a byte whole block has to be erased and re written in flash.
Any kind of Flash is a bad idea to be used for frequently changing values:
limited number of erase/write cycles, see datasheet.
very slow erase/write (erase can be ~1s), see datasheet.
You need a special sequence to erase then write (no language support).
While erasing or writing accesses to Flash are blocked at best, some require not to access the Flash at all (undefined behaviour).
Flash cells cannot freely be written per-byte/word. Most have to be written per page (e.g. 64 bytes) and erased most times in much larger units (segments/blocks/sectors).
For NAND Flash, endurance is even more reduced compared to NOR Flash and the cells are less reliable (bits might flip occasionally or are defective), so you have to add error detection and correction. This is very likely a direction you should not go.
True EEPROM shares most issues, but they might be written byte/word-wise (internal erase).
Note that modern MCU-integrated "EEPROM" is most times also Flash. Some implementations just use slightly more reliable cells (about one decade more erase/write cycles than the program flash) and additional hardware allowing arbitrary byte/word write (automatic erase). But that is still not sufficient for frequent changes.
However, you first should verify if your application can tolerate the lengthly write/erase times. Can you accept a process blocking that long, or rewrite your program acordingly? If the answer is "no", you should even stop further investigation into that direction. Otherwise you should calculate the number of updates over the expected lifetime and compare to the information in the datasheet. There are also methods to reduce the number of erase cycles, but the leads too far.
If an external device (I2C/SPI) is an option, you could use a serial SRAM. Although the better (and likely cheaper) approach would be a larger MCU or think about a more efficient (i.e. less RAM, more code) way to store the data in SRAM.
