Creating C macro: concatenate string and number - c

I would like to concatenate a string and an integer (enum) for addressing a port/pin in an embedded system project.
Ports are namend:
and the pins are named accordingly
Now I would like to have a function that gets a number, and calles the GPIO_Write function.
I tried something like
#define SETMS1(NUMBER) (HAL_GPIO_WritePin(M##NUMBER##_GPIO_Port ...)
void set_MS1( int M )
SETMS1( M );
But M is not resolved as a number. Is there any way to do this?

You can not "call" macro functions during run-time. Macros are expanded during compile-time.
Option 1:
You use a switch statement.
void set_MS1(int m)
switch (m)
case 1:
case 2:
// if applicable, error handling
Option 2:
You use an array and index the ports and pins. This is only possible if the port names and pin names are constants.
void set_MS1(int m)
static const int ports[] =
if (m >= 1 && m < sizeof ports / sizeof ports[0])
// if applicable, error handling
Final note:
I'm sure there are more options. Just look at other sources and learn. We all did. Oh, and experiment!


using function names as functions in a C macro

Suppose i have code like this in my program:
if (!strcmp(current, "sin")) {
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "cos")) {
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "tan")) {
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ctg")) {
pushFloat(1. / tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ln")) {
pushFloat(log(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "sqrt")) {
pushFloat(sqrt(x), &operands);
There are function names such as "sin" or "cos" saved in the current char array
Instead of using this long if block, or replacing it with an even longer switch block, i wanted to write a simple macro like this: #define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value)(pushFloat(func(value), &stack)) and call it like this PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
Doing it this way creates an error "current is not a function or function pointer". I initially thought macros are just text replacement, so if i force a string that is equal to an actual function into a macro, it would expand to the function itself, but looks like i was wrong. Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I initially thought macros are just text replacement,
That's your problem: macros are just text replacement. So if you have:
#define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value) (pushFloat(func(value), &stack))
And you write:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
You get:
(pushFloat(current(value), &operands))
And indeed, you have no function named current. Macros are expanded before your code compiles; the preprocessor has no knowledge of the content of your variables.
If you really want to avoid a long chain of if statements, you could implement some sort of table lookup:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef double (*floatop)(double x);
typedef struct {
char *name;
floatop operation;
} entry;
double ctg(double);
entry opertable[] = {
{"sin", sin},
{"cos", cos},
{"tan", tan},
{"ctg", ctg},
{"sqrt", sqrt},
double ctg(double x) {
return 1. / tan(x);
floatop findop(char *name) {
int i;
for (i=0; opertable[i].name; i++) {
if (strcmp(opertable[i].name, name) == 0) {
return opertable[i].operation;
int main() {
float x = 4;
printf("sin(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sin")(x));
printf("sqrt(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sqrt")(x));
printf("tan(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("tan")(x));
printf("ctg(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("ctg")(x));
...but this requires that all of your functions take the same arguments, so for things like ctg you would need to add a helper function. You also need to decide if the increased complexity of the table lookup makes sense: it really depends on how many different operation names you expect to implement.
The output of the above code is:
sin(4.000000) = -0.756802
sqrt(4.000000) = 2.000000
tan(4.000000) = 1.157821
ctg(4.000000) = 0.863691
Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I would recommend using an enum containing symbols for all the functions you might want to call, and using that in a switch-case block, instead of comparing a bunch of strings. Here's a very brief sample that only uses some of the functions you refer to...
enum which_func { SIN, COS, TAN, };
enum which_func which = SIN;
switch (which) {
case SIN:
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
case COS:
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
case TAN:
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
assert(false); // shouldn't be reachable if enum value is well-defined
This version will be easier to maintain in the long run, more efficient to execute and possibly more robust to logic errors (there are some compiler warnings that you can enable which will warn you if you're not handling all enum values, which can help you catch missed cases in your logic).
To add to what other answers said, what you can do is to make a macro that expands to the "basic block" of your if chain, avoiding some repetitions thanks to the stringizing operator:
#define HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, expr) \
else if(!strcmp(current, #fn)) \
pushFloat((expr), &operands)
#define HANDLE_FN(fn) \
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, fn(x))
Then you can do
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(ctg, 1./tan(x));
Macros do in fact do text replacement. Given your macro definition, this:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
expands to this:
(pushFloat(current(x), &operands))
So as you can see, the text that is being replaced is the name of the variable, not the text that it contains.
And even if this did work as you expected, it wouldn't be able to properly handle the 1. / tan(x) case.
This means there isn't really a better way to do what you want.
Why not create some objects for each function type? I know, this is C not C++, but the idea will still work. First, create the function object type:-
typedef struct _Function
char *name;
float (*function) (float argument);
} Function;arg
And now create an array of function objects:-
Function functions [] =
{ "sin", sin },
{ "cos", cos }
// and so on
where the functions are defined:-
float sin(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
float cos(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
Finally, parse the input:-
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof functions / sizeof functions[0]; ++i)
if (strcmp(functions[i].name, current) == 0)
pushFloat(functions[i].function(arg)); // add operands!
I find using enums for stuff like this very hard to maintain! Adding new functions means going through the code to find cases where the enum is used and updating it prone to errors (like missing a place!).
All because it's not C++, doesn't mean you can't use objects! It's just there's no language support for it so you have to do a bit more work (and, yeah, there are features missing!)

Set buffer contents as defined in header file macros

I have various array content "templates" of type uint8_t that I'd like to define in a special header file. Those content templates also have different lengths:
#define CONTENT_VARIANT_A { 5, 3, 8, 1, 4, 23 }
#define CONTENT_VARIANT_B { 1, 10, 2 }
#define CONTENT_VARIANT_C { 4, 39, 2, 39 }
// '0' is not a valid element value (=> can be used for loop termination)
#define CONTENT_MAX_SIZE = 20;
In my code, I'd like to have a method to set the content of an array buffer to one of those pre-defined values. This is my code so far, using switch and memcpy:
Method to set the content:
void SetBuffer(uint8_t *my_buffer, uint8_t chosen_content) {
memset(my_buffer, 0, CONTENT_MAX_SIZE);
switch (chosen_content) {
uint8_t new_content[] = CONTENT_VARIANT_A;
memcpy(my_buffer, new_content, sizeof(new_content));
uint8_t new_content[] = CONTENT_VARIANT_B;
memcpy(my_buffer, new_content, sizeof(new_content));
uint8_t new_content[] = CONTENT_VARIANT_C;
memcpy(my_buffer, new_content, sizeof(new_content));
// Buffer declaration (done once)
uint8_t my_buffer[CONTENT_MAX_SIZE] = { 0 };
// Buffer population + usage (executed multiple times, with varying values for 'chosen_content')
SetBuffer(my_buffer, chosen_content);
uint8_t i = 0;
while (i < CONTENT_MAX_SIZE && my_buffer[i] > 0) {
// ...
I'm a C# programmer, and new to C; the code in SetBuffer seems overly complicated to me, but is the only thing my mind could come up with that should work (with regards to what I think I know about C), and that also compiles. Is it the correct way of doing what I want, or is it pell-mell and should be done completely different?
In case the zero-out isn't necessary, you can shave the function down to something like this:
void SetBuffer(uint8_t *my_buffer, uint8_t chosen_content) {
switch (chosen_content) {
case CHOICE_VARIANT_A: memcpy(my_buffer, (uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_A, sizeof((uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_A)); break;
case CHOICE_VARIANT_B: memcpy(my_buffer, (uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_B, sizeof((uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_B)); break;
case CHOICE_VARIANT_C: memcpy(my_buffer, (uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_C, sizeof((uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_C)); break;
Where (uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_A is not a cast but together with the macro forms a compound literal. Essentially a local, anonymous temporary array. The sizeof expression is similar and calculated at compile-time.
If you must zero-out non-used cells, then replace (uint8_t[]) with (uint8_t[CONTENT_MAX_SIZE]). C guarantees that items not contained in the initializer list gets set to zero.
Yet another alternative for speed over readability is an evil macro:
#define SetBuffer(my_buffer, content) \
memcpy(my_buffer, \
(uint8_t[])CONTENT_VARIANT_##content, \
Call as SetBuffer(buf, A); etc. It's fairly type safe since unknown letter prefixes will result in compiler errors. You might also want to ask yourself why you aren't simply using memcpy on the caller side.

Can I turn this requirement into a macro?

I have C programs with decrementing software counters. If for instance I want to blink an led every 2 seconds I can do:
if(!ledT) {
ledT = 200;
// code
// code
// code
Because I always do the exact same combination with every counter, I tend to type it one line.
if(!ledT) { ledT = 200;
// code
// code
// code
For the entire if-line I'd like to use a macro instead. So the code would look something like:
expired(ledT, 200) {
// code
// code
// code
I use something similar in my state machine code for the entry state.
if(runOnce) { runOnce = false;
// code
// code
// code
Desired syntax:
entryState {
// code
// code
// code
#define entryState if(runOnce) { runOnce = false; // this ofcourse cannot work But something like this is what I want.
I've made several attempts but I got nowhere. The problem is that the { is somewhere in the middle of the macro and I want to type a { behind the macro because as we all know, no code editor can live with an unequal number of { and }.
expired(ledT, 200); // expired is macro, not function
// code
// code
// code
So this is out of the question.
Whilst reading about macros, I've read something interesting about using: do ... while(0). This 'trick' abuses the compiler's optimization feature to create a certain macro, which would otherwise be impossible.
This site
sheds some light about this manner.
Is there a way to use some kind of 'macro trick' to achieve what I want?
So again, that is transforming:
// this
if(runOnce) {
runOnce = false;
// code
// code
// code
// into this
entryState {
// code
// code
// code
// and this:
if(!someTimer) {
someTimer = someInterval;
// code
// code
// code
// must be transformed into:
timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) {
// code
// code
// code
And an answer like "No, it simply cannot be done" will also be accepted (providing you know what you are talking about)
I need to add an addition because not everybody seems to know what I want, the last given answer is not even aimed at the specific problem at hand. Somehow toggling IO suddenly became important? Therfor I altered my code examples to better illustrate what the problem is.
I agree that the the timeExpired macro does not improve readability at all
To show that some macros can improve readabilty I'll give a snippet of a state and a state machine. This is how a generated state looks like in my code:
State(stateName) {
entryState {
// one time only stuff
onState {
// continous stuff
exitFlag = true; // setting this, exits the state
exitState {
// one time only stuff upon exit
return true;
Currently in place with these macros:
#define State(x) static bool x##F(void)
#define entryState if(runOnce)
#define onState runOnce = false;
#define exitState if(!exitFlag) return false; else
I think I should I should exchange return true; in the states by EXIT or something prittier.
And the state machine which calls these States looks like:
#undef State
#define State(x) break; case x: if(x##F())
extern bit weatherStates(void) {
if(enabled) switch(state){
default: case weatherStatesIDLE: return true;
State(morning) {
if(random(0,1)) nextState(afternoon, 0);
else nextState(rain, 0); }
State(afternoon) {
nextState(evening, 0); }
State(evening) {
if(random(0,1)) nextState(night, 0);
else nextState(thunder, 0); }
State(night) {
nextState(morning, 0); }
State(rain) {
nextState(evening, 0); }
State(thunder) {
nextState(morning, 0); }
break; }
else if(!weatherStatesT) enabled = true;
return false; }
#undef State
The only thing which is not generated are the 'if' and 'else' before the 'nextState()' functions. These 'flow conditions' need filling in.
If a user is provided with a small example or an explanation, he should have no difficulty at all with filling in the states. He should also be able to add states manually.
I'd even like to exchange this by macros:
extern bit weatherStates(void) {
if(enabled) switch(state){
default: case weatherStatesIDLE: return true;
break;} }
else if(!weatherStatesT) enabled = true;
return false;}
Why would I do this? To hide irrelevant information out of your display. To remove alot of tabs in the state machine. To increase overal readability by using a simple syntax. Like with 3rd library functions you need to know how to use the code rather to know how the function does the trick.
You don't need to know, how a state signals that it is ready. It is more important to know that the function in question is used as a state function than to know that it returns a bit variable.
Also I test macros before using. So I don't provide somebody with state machines that may show strange behavior.
There’s no need to employ macros here, and doing so leads to highly un-idiomatic C code that doesn’t really have any advantages over proper C code.
Use a function instead:
int toggle_if_unset(int time, int pin, int interval) {
if (time == 0) {
time = 200;
return time;
ledT = toggle_if_unset(ledT, ledPin, 200);
(I’m guessing appropriate parameter names based on your example; adjust as appropriate.)
What’s more, it looks as if ledT and ledPin are always paired and belong together, in which case you should consider putting them into a struct:
struct led {
pin_t pin;
int interval;
void toggle_if_unset(struct led *led, int new_interval);
Or something along these lines.
Given that this is for some old 8051 legacy project, it is extremely unlikely that you need to create abstraction layer macros for pin I/O handling. You'll only have just so many pins. Your original code is most likely the best and clearest one.
If you for some reason worry about code repetition, because you have multiple combinations of the product/support multiple PCB with different routing etc, and you are stuck with your current code base... then as a last resort you could use macros to avoid code repetition. This also assuming that you are a seasoned C programmer - otherwise stop reading here.
What you will be looking at in that rare scenario is probably something that's known as "X macros", which is about declaring a whole list of pre-processor constants. Then whenever you need to do something repetitive, you call upon that list and use the constants inside it that you are interested for that specific call. Each call is done by specifying what the macro "X" should do in that particular call, then undefined the macro afterwards.
For example if you have ports A, B, C, you have LEDs on port A:0, B:1 and C:2 respectively and wish to use different delays per pin, you can declare a list like this:
#define LED_LIST \
/* port pin delay */ \
X(A, 0, 100) \
X(B, 1, 200) \
X(C, 2, 300) \
Then you can call upon this list when you need to do repetitive tasks. For example if these ports have data direction registers you need to set accordingly and those registers are called DDRA, DDRB, DDRC (using Motorola/AVR naming as example):
/* set data direction registers */
#define X(port, pin, delay) DDR##port |= 1u<<pin;
#undef X
This will expand to:
DDRA |= 1u<<0;
DDRB |= 1u<<1;
DDRC |= 1u<<2;
Similarly, you can initialize the counters as:
/* declare counters */
#define X(port, delay) static uint16_t count##port = delay;
#undef X
/* check if counters elapsed */
#define X(port, delay) if(count##port == 0) { count##port = delay; PORT##port ^= 1u << pin; }
#undef X
(I replaced the toggle macro with a simple bitwise XOR)
Which will expand to:
static uint16_t countA = 100;
static uint16_t countB = 200;
static uint16_t countC = 300;
if(countA == 0)
countA = 100;
PORTA ^= 1u << 0;
if(countB == 0)
countB = 200;
PORTB ^= 1u << 1;
if(countC == 0)
countC = 300;
PORTC ^= 1u << 2;
And of course avoid using 16 bit counters like done here unless you must, since you are working with a crappy 8-bitter.
#define LL(ledT) do {if(!ledT) { ledT = 200; TOG(ledPin); }}while(0)
Whilst reading about macros, I've read something interesting about
using: do ... while(0). This 'trick' abuses the compiler's
optimization feature to create a certain macro, which would otherwise
be impossible.
Most of the opinions there are actually wrong. There is nothing about optimizations.
The main reason is to make macros using curled braces to compile at all.
This one will not compile
#define A(x) {foo(x);bar(x);}
void foo1(int x)
if (x) A(1);
else B(0);
but this one will compile
#define A(x) do{foo(x);bar(x);}while(0)
void foo1(int x)
if (x) A(1);
else B(0);
DISCLAIMER: I don't recommend using this solution.
I had a go at trying to make this into macro's. It is indeed possible but if it's faster, that's another question. As you make a new variable each time you call the macro.
#include <stdio.h>
#define entryState(runOnce) int temp_state = runOnce; if (runOnce) runOnce = 0; if (temp_state)
#define timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) int temp_expired = someTimer; if (!someTimer) someTimer = someInterval; if (!temp_expired)
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
int runOnce = 1;
int someTimer = 0;
int someInterval = 200;
timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) {
printf("someTimer is Expired\n");
printf("someTimer: %i\n\n", someTimer);
entryState(runOnce) {
printf("this is running once\n");
printf("runOnce: %i\n", runOnce);
Compiling and running:
c:/repo $ gcc test.c -o test
c:/repo $ ./test.exe
someTimer is Expired
someTimer: 200
this is running once
runOnce: 0
I don't have a C51 compiler at hand now, so I let the testing on the 8051 over to you.

C macros with opening and closing tags?

I just started reading this article about exception handling in c with the use of setjmp( jmp_buf ) and longjmp( jmp_buf, int ). So I basically build the linked list that uses the local variables from type xRecord and links it to the list. (Example 2) It works just fine. But in example 3 the steps get summarized into macros (XTRY and XEND). What irritates me most is that the actual switch statement of example 2 just "vanished" in 3.
Example 2:
#define DIVIDE_BY_ZERO -3
int SomeFunction(int a, int b)
if (b == 0) // can't divide by 0
return a / b;
void main(void)
XRecord XData;
switch (setjmp(XData.Context))
case 0: // this is the code block
int Result = SomeFunction(7, 0);
// continue working with Result
printf("a division by zero occurred\n");
printf("some other error occurred\n");
printf("cleaning up\n");
Example 3:
void main(void)
case XCODE: // this is the code block
int Result = SomeFunction(7, 0);
// continue working with Result
case DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: // handler for a
specific exception
printf("a division by zero occurred\n");
default: // default handler
printf("some other error occurred\n");
case XFINALLY: // finally handler
printf("cleaning up\n");
My question is, how can I build these "opening and closing" macros?
If you compare the two examples, and keep in mind that C macros are simple text substitutions, what the macros should be is evident:
#define XTRY XRecord XData; \
XLinkExceptionRecord(&XData); \
switch (setjmp(XData.Context)) \
#define XEND } \
Note the use of \ to allow the macro to span more than one line.
You may also want to have the macros open and close a new scope (by adding { and }), so that using the macros multiple in succession doesn't give an error due to multiple definitions of the variable XData. You can also use the do / while(0) trick to allow these macros to be placed directly inside if, for, etc. without issues.
Don't hide the {} this only causes trouble. With a C99 compliant compiler, you can hide local variables and some code that is executed before and after the block:
#define MY_BLOCK \
for (int once = 0; once < 1; ++once) \
for (XRecord XData = { 0 }; once < 1; ++once) \
for (XLinkExceptionRecord(&XData); (XUnLinkExceptionRecord(&XData), (once < 1)); ++once) \
switch (setjmp(XData.Context))
Benefit would be that you only need one macro instead of two, and the {} would clearly indicate the scope of the construct, even for your favorite editor.

Calling functions through arrays in C?

I am in the middle of writing a program which has a function which runs another function:
int executePuzzle(int input) {
switch (input) {
case 1: puzzle1();break;
case 2: puzzle2();break;
However it may be more efficient to simply have something like:
int puzzle[2] = {puzzle1(),puzzle2()};
Then call puzzle0; I was wondering how this would be done.
It sounds like a place where function pointers would be useful
typedef void (*puzzlePointer)();
puzzlePointer puzzles[] = { puzzle1, puzzle2, puzzle3 };
void executePuzzle(int input) {
if (input >= 0 && input < 2) {
Use the Function Pointers
When the cases of the switch statement are contiguous like in your executePuzzle function, it is actually likely that the compiler internally uses function pointers (through a jump table) to implement the switch statement.
