using function names as functions in a C macro - c

Suppose i have code like this in my program:
if (!strcmp(current, "sin")) {
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "cos")) {
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "tan")) {
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ctg")) {
pushFloat(1. / tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ln")) {
pushFloat(log(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "sqrt")) {
pushFloat(sqrt(x), &operands);
There are function names such as "sin" or "cos" saved in the current char array
Instead of using this long if block, or replacing it with an even longer switch block, i wanted to write a simple macro like this: #define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value)(pushFloat(func(value), &stack)) and call it like this PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
Doing it this way creates an error "current is not a function or function pointer". I initially thought macros are just text replacement, so if i force a string that is equal to an actual function into a macro, it would expand to the function itself, but looks like i was wrong. Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?

I initially thought macros are just text replacement,
That's your problem: macros are just text replacement. So if you have:
#define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value) (pushFloat(func(value), &stack))
And you write:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
You get:
(pushFloat(current(value), &operands))
And indeed, you have no function named current. Macros are expanded before your code compiles; the preprocessor has no knowledge of the content of your variables.
If you really want to avoid a long chain of if statements, you could implement some sort of table lookup:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef double (*floatop)(double x);
typedef struct {
char *name;
floatop operation;
} entry;
double ctg(double);
entry opertable[] = {
{"sin", sin},
{"cos", cos},
{"tan", tan},
{"ctg", ctg},
{"sqrt", sqrt},
double ctg(double x) {
return 1. / tan(x);
floatop findop(char *name) {
int i;
for (i=0; opertable[i].name; i++) {
if (strcmp(opertable[i].name, name) == 0) {
return opertable[i].operation;
int main() {
float x = 4;
printf("sin(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sin")(x));
printf("sqrt(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sqrt")(x));
printf("tan(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("tan")(x));
printf("ctg(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("ctg")(x));
...but this requires that all of your functions take the same arguments, so for things like ctg you would need to add a helper function. You also need to decide if the increased complexity of the table lookup makes sense: it really depends on how many different operation names you expect to implement.
The output of the above code is:
sin(4.000000) = -0.756802
sqrt(4.000000) = 2.000000
tan(4.000000) = 1.157821
ctg(4.000000) = 0.863691

Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I would recommend using an enum containing symbols for all the functions you might want to call, and using that in a switch-case block, instead of comparing a bunch of strings. Here's a very brief sample that only uses some of the functions you refer to...
enum which_func { SIN, COS, TAN, };
enum which_func which = SIN;
switch (which) {
case SIN:
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
case COS:
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
case TAN:
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
assert(false); // shouldn't be reachable if enum value is well-defined
This version will be easier to maintain in the long run, more efficient to execute and possibly more robust to logic errors (there are some compiler warnings that you can enable which will warn you if you're not handling all enum values, which can help you catch missed cases in your logic).

To add to what other answers said, what you can do is to make a macro that expands to the "basic block" of your if chain, avoiding some repetitions thanks to the stringizing operator:
#define HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, expr) \
else if(!strcmp(current, #fn)) \
pushFloat((expr), &operands)
#define HANDLE_FN(fn) \
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, fn(x))
Then you can do
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(ctg, 1./tan(x));

Macros do in fact do text replacement. Given your macro definition, this:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
expands to this:
(pushFloat(current(x), &operands))
So as you can see, the text that is being replaced is the name of the variable, not the text that it contains.
And even if this did work as you expected, it wouldn't be able to properly handle the 1. / tan(x) case.
This means there isn't really a better way to do what you want.

Why not create some objects for each function type? I know, this is C not C++, but the idea will still work. First, create the function object type:-
typedef struct _Function
char *name;
float (*function) (float argument);
} Function;arg
And now create an array of function objects:-
Function functions [] =
{ "sin", sin },
{ "cos", cos }
// and so on
where the functions are defined:-
float sin(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
float cos(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
Finally, parse the input:-
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof functions / sizeof functions[0]; ++i)
if (strcmp(functions[i].name, current) == 0)
pushFloat(functions[i].function(arg)); // add operands!
I find using enums for stuff like this very hard to maintain! Adding new functions means going through the code to find cases where the enum is used and updating it prone to errors (like missing a place!).
All because it's not C++, doesn't mean you can't use objects! It's just there's no language support for it so you have to do a bit more work (and, yeah, there are features missing!)


How to pass a string as a macro?

There are many functions in the C libraries that require users to input with macros.
I wonder, if I have an array of strings, with contents of macros, like so:
char s[][3] = {"SIGINT", "SIGKILL", "SIGSTOP"};
How can I pass these strings as macros? (Like so:)
signal(s[0], do_something);
with do_something is a function pointer.
(and yes, technically I can pass ints in this case, but... hypothetically, ya know?)
As #RemyLebeau and SGeorgiades point out, the "SIGINT",... are aliases for integer consts, and therefore can be stored in an int array, like so:
Although SGeorgiades and Remy Lebeau already gave you the answer, here is something that I've used in the past to allow conversion and pretty printing of signal numbers and names:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
struct sigfun {
int signo;
const char *signame;
#define SIGFUN(_sig) \
{ \
.signo = _sig, \
.signame = #_sig \
struct sigfun siglist[] = {
// ...
{ .signo = 0, .signame = NULL }
#define SIGFORALL(_sig) \
_sig = siglist; _sig->signame != NULL; ++_sig
signame_to_signo(const char *signame)
struct sigfun *sig;
for (SIGFORALL(sig)) {
if (strcmp(sig->signame,signame) == 0)
return sig->signo;
const char *
signo_to_signame(int signo)
struct sigfun *sig;
for (SIGFORALL(sig)) {
if (signo == sig->signo)
return sig->signame;
why not put for into SIGFORALL? –
For a few reasons ...
I've done that before (e.g.):
#define SIGFORALL(_sig) \
for (_sig = siglist; _sig->signame != 0; ++_sig)
// do stuff
This tends to confuse certain IDEs and/or tools that parse the code without running it through the preprocessor.
It's also more difficult for programmers to quickly (without digesting the macro) skip over it.
They don't see a for and have trouble figuring out what SIGFORALL(sig) { does.
Is the macro a wrapper for if, for, or while?
#define SIGFORALL(_sig) \
_sig = siglist; _sig->signame != 0; ++_sig
for (SIGFORALL(sig)) {
// do stuff
there is a better chance they can continue around the construct because they can understand (i.e. skip over) the for (...) [syntactically] without having to know what the macro is doing. That is, nobody has to "drill down" into the macro unless they wish to.
Another reason is that without the for in the macro, we can add extra code to the for loop's initialization and iteration expressions. It's more flexible.
For example, I've used a similar macro for linked list traversal and wanted to know the index/count of an element:
#define LLFORALL(_node) \
_node = nodelist; _node != NULL; _node = _node->next
int idx;
for (idx = 0, LLFORALL(node), ++idx) {
if (node->value == 5)
printf("found value at index %d\n",idx);
There's no absolute rule about this. Ultimately, it's a [personal] style preference.
Perhaps what you want instead is:
int s[3] = { SIGINT, SIGKILL, SIGSTOP };
signal(s[0], do_something);

pass struct of arrays into function

I am trying to pass a struct of 2D arrays and to do calculations on them.
typedef struct{
float X[80][2];
float Y[80][2];
float Z[80][2];
int T[80][2];
int K[80];
void MovingAverage(STATS *stat_array, int last_stat) {
//Average = Average(Prev) + (ValueToAverage/n) - (Average(Prev)/n)
stat_array->**X**[last_stat][0] = stat_array->**X**[last_stat][0] +
(stat_array->**X**[last_stat][1] / stat_array->T[last_stat][0]) -
(stat_array->**X**[last_stat][0] / stat_array->T[last_stat][0]);
calling the function:
MovingAverage(*stat_array, last_stat);
My question is:
how do I access in a generic way to X Y and Z inside MovingAverage function?
void MovingAverage(STATS *stat_array, int last_stat, (char *(array_idx)) {
//Average = Average(Prev) + (ValueToAverage/n) - (Average(Prev)/n)
stat_array->**array_idx**[last_stat][0] =
stat_array->**array_idx**[last_stat][0] +
(stat_array->**array_idx**[last_stat][1] /
stat_array->T[last_stat][0]) -
(stat_array->**array_idx**[last_stat][0] /
I know it won't work, but just to demonstrate my willings,
Somebody here (not me) could probably come up with some preprocessor magic to do what you're asking, but that is a solution I would not pursue. I consider it bad practice since macros can quickly get hairy and tough to debug. You can't have "variables" inside your source code, if that makes sense. During the build procedure, one of the first things that runs is the preprocessor, which resolves all your macros. It then passes that source code to the compiler. The compiler is not going to do any text substitutions for you, it cranks on the source code it has. To achieve what you want, write a function that operates on the type you want, and call that function with all your types. I'd change your MovingAverage function to something like this:
void MovingAverage(float arr[80][2], const int T[80][2], int last_stat)
arr[last_stat][0] = ... // whatever calculation you want to do here
int main(void)
STATS stat_array;
int last_stat;
// .. initialize stat_array and last_stat
// now call MovingAverage with each of your 3 arrays
MovingAverage(stat_array.X, stat_array.T, last_stat);
MovingAverage(stat_array.Y, stat_array.T, last_stat);
MovingAverage(stat_array.Z, stat_array.T, last_stat);
return 0;

C is there a workaround to allow dynamic function calls?

I have read that C does not support dynamic function calls. My program has an ever growing number of test cases implemented as separate functions like -
int testcase1(void);
int testcase2(void);
int testcase3(void);
Each time I add a new test case, I also have have to add the call to my main function like -
int main(int argc, char **argv){
I would prefer to call something like assert(!testcase*()) where * matches any string which resolves to a valid function name in my program.
Can you think of a more convenient solution?
If you all your testcases have same signature then you can use an array of function pointers:
void (*func[])() = { testcase1, testcase2 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(func)/sizeof(func[0]); i++) {
The best solution is likely to write a few extra lines of code when you add new test cases - it really isn't a big issue. I would recommend something along the lines of the function pointer array, as suggested in another answer.
However, just to show that everything is possible in C if you throw ugly macros at the problem, here is a not recommended alternative:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TEST_CASES \ // list of "x macros"
X(testcase1) \
X(testcase2) \
#define X(func) bool func (void); // declare function prototypes
#undef X
bool (*const test_cases[])(void) = // array of read-only function pointers
#define X(func) &func, // point at each function
#undef X
int main (void)
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(test_cases)/sizeof(test_cases[0]); i++)
bool testcase1 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase2 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase3 (void) { puts(__func__); return false; }
Assertion failed!
For each new test case, you would only have to write a function definition and then add it to the "x macro" list TEST_CASES. However, you need very good reasons to introduce ugly tricks like these in production code!
You can use function pointers. Read also about closures (but C99 or C11 don't have them) and callbacks.
Many operating systems provide dynamic loading. On POSIX operating systems (such as Linux or MacOSX) you can get a function pointer (actually an address) from its name in some library (or in the program executable) using dlopen & dlsym. Other operating systems may provide similar functionalities.
At last, you should consider having your testing main function be generated by some script (or some program emitting C code), using metaprogramming techniques. So you would write something which generates the C code of your testing main having a long sequence of assert, and improve your build procedure (e.g. your Makefile if using make) to run appropriately that specialized C code generator. Details are of course specific to your code. You might add some conventions (e.g. add some special comment to be parsed by your test generator, etc...).
I decided to follow #Nominal Animal and #Basile Starynkevitch's approach. In mymainprog.c, I added -
int runtests(void){
void *testh;
int (*testp)(void);
char *dlmsg;
int rc;
char funcname[8];
int testnum;
testh = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!testh){
printf("%s\n", dlerror());
return 1;
for (testnum =1; testnum < 1000; testnum++){
sprintf(funcname,"testcase%d", testnum);
*(void **) (&testp) = dlsym(testh, funcname);
dlmsg = dlerror();
if (dlmsg == NULL) {
rc = (*testp)();
printf("%s called, rc=%d\n", funcname, rc);
return 0;
I add my testcases to a separate file (testcases.c) like this -
int testcase1(void){
return [some testcase expression]
int testcase2(void){
return [another testcase expression]
and then compile it as a shared library with position-independant code (-fPIC) to The advantage is slightly less typing since I don't need to code a call to testNNNN() after adding the implementation of a new functionint testcaseNNN(void) to testcases.c

Force function to accept specific definitions only?

I would like to force a functions parameters to accept only specific definitions. For example, consider #define OUTPUT 1, #define INPUT 0 and void restrictedFunction(int parameter); .
How would I force restrictedFunction(int parameter) to accept only OUTPUT or INPUT?
I would also like to take into consideration that another definition may have the same value, for example, #define LEFT 1 and #define RIGHT 0.
So in this case I would like restrictedFunction(int parameter) to be able to accept only OUTPUT and INPUT specifically.
typedef enum { INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1 } IO_Type;
void restrictedFunction(IO_Type parameter) { ... }
It doesn't absolutely force the use of the values (the compiler will let someone write restrictedFunction(4)), but it is about as good as you'll get.
If you truly want to force the correct type, then:
typedef enum { INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1 } IO_Type;
typedef struct { IO_Type io_type } IO_Param;
void restrictedFunction(IO_Param parameter) { ... }
In C99 or later, you could call that with:
restrictedFunction((IO_Param){ INPUT });
This is a compound literal, creating a structure on the fly. It is not entirely clear that the structure type really buys you very much, but it will force the users to think a little and may improve the diagnostics from the compiler when they use it wrong (but they can probably use restrictedFunction((IO_Param){ 4 }); still).
What this means is that your restrictedFunction() code should be ready to validate the argument:
void restrictedFunction(IO_Type io_type)
switch (io_type)
case INPUT: input handling...
case OUTPUT: output handling...
assert(io_type != INPUT && io_type != OUTPUT);
...or other error handling...
You could use an enum.
typedef enum TrafficDirection { INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1 } TrafficDirection;
restrictedFunction(TrafficDirection direction);
of course, this isn't perfect. You can still pass any int to it as long as you use a cast.
restrictedFunction((TrafficDirection) 4);
You don't get quite as much protection as you might like, but you can do:
enum func_type { INPUT, OUTPUT };
void restrictedFunction( enum func_type parameter );
You can use a wrapper to validate the argument:
#define restrictedFunction(x) do { \
static_assert((x) == INPUT || (x) == OUTPUT); \
assert(!strcmp(#x, "INPUT") || !strcmp(#x, "OUTPUT")); \
restrictedFunction(x); \
} while(0)
This assumes restrictedFunction() returns a void. If it returns a value which you actually use, you'll need something like gcc's compound statement Or--better--you can use BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO (see What is ":-!!" in C code?), which I keep forgetting about, because it doesn't seem to work with C++.
The do ... while(0) is to "swallow the semi-colon"; not really relevant here.
static_assert() is a compile-time assert; there are many variants available. Here is a link to one,, if you don't have your own handy.
assert() is the standard run-time assert.
With gcc 4.1.2, and my version of static_assert(), you can replace the run-time assert() with a compile-time assert when the two !strcmp()'s are replaced with ==; see example below. I haven't tested this with other compilers.
x is only used once in the macro expansion, since the first four references are only used at compile-time.
When your actually define your function, you'll have to add parentheses to disable the macro expansion, as in:
void (restrictedFunction)(int x){ ... }
Also, if your code has a special case (whose code doesn't?) where you need to call restrictedFunction() with the argument foo, you'll need to write:
Here is a complete example, which puts a wrapper around the standard library function exit():
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CONCAT_TOKENS(a, b) a ## b
#define ASSERT(e) enum{EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(ASSERT_line_,__LINE__) = 1/!!(e)}
#define ASSERTM(e,m) enum{EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(m##_ASSERT_line_,__LINE__)=1/!!(e)}
#define exit(x) do { \
ASSERTM((x) == EXIT_SUCCESS || (x) == EXIT_FAILURE, value); \
ASSERTM(#x == "EXIT_SUCCESS" || #x == "EXIT_FAILURE", symbol); \
exit(x); \
} while(0)
int main(void) {
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // good
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // good
exit(0); // bad
exit(3); // doubly bad
If I try to compile it, I get:
gcc foo.c -o foo
foo.c: In function 'main':
foo.c:17: error: enumerator value for 'symbol_ASSERT_line_17' is not an integer constant
foo.c:18: warning: division by zero
foo.c:18: error: enumerator value for 'value_ASSERT_line_18' is not an integer constant
foo.c:18: error: enumerator value for 'symbol_ASSERT_line_18' is not an integer constant

Is this a valid macro in C?

If I use the macro:
#define AND
in the following way:
What output does the preprocessor produce?
I intend to use:
#define TEST(params) if(...){...}else
the ... in if(...) is a complicated expression using params
the ... in {...} performs some operations & is independent of params
#define AND
//the code for the final else
Is the AND helping here or can I do without it?
No, this isn't going to work as you expect. And you can test what the preprocessor does by running your code through cpp.
eliben#eliben-desktop:~/temp$ cat z.c
#define AND
eliben#eliben-desktop:~/temp$ cpp z.c
# 1 "z.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "z.c"
The technical reason is that when cpp expands macros it looks for a complete identifier token matching this macro's name. I.e. in your case, it looks for the identifier AND. However when it parses the code it doesn't find such an identifier. It finds elseANDif which is quite a different identifier. It has no way to break elseANDif into constituents, and that's a good thing because otherwise macros would work very badly. Imagine:
const int FUSIONDEBUG = 5;
Whatever that means, in real C code this would break awfully, since NDEBUG is almost always defined in production code to be empty (google on what NDEBUG means).
Regarding your edit, the best advice I can give you on such matters is DON'T DO IT. (ab)Using macros like this may appear at first to make the code more readable, but in the long term it makes it much less readable, with the added peril that macros are tricky to get perfectly right and with certain combination of tokens can blow up on you badly.
So you can definitely do without the AND as well as without the TEST altogether.
#define TEST(condn) if(...){...}else
is nonsense; what do you expect the ellipses (...) to do!?
the example usage you gave would expand to
if(...){...} else if(...){...}else
//the code for the final else
which is patently nonsense; where is the condn argument used?. Either way whatever you really intended the AND has no effect other than dummy readability. If you are trying to invent a new language, the C preprocessor is not the way to do this. I can see no advantage to what you appear to be trying to achieve over more straightforward code.
If you intended:
#define TEST(condn) if(condn){/*some code*/}else
then how is the resultant:
if(a==b){/*some code*/} else if(b==c){/*some code*/}else
//the code for the final else
better than:
if(a==b || b==c)
/*some code*/
//the code for the final else
where /*some code*/ is not unnecessarily duplicated?
Note that here the single condition chained by || is equivalent to your multiple conditions chained by else if, so even if you use the TEST macro, there is no need to use it that way when:
TEST( a==b || b==c)
//the code for the final else
will suffice.
Macros are often ill-advised at the best of times, but you have chosen a particularly prime example of macro abuse! Consider for example how you might debug such code in a source-level debugger.
The short answer to your question is "yes". You can certainly do what you are suggesting. Here is a basic, working example:
#include <stdio.h>
#define AND
#define TEST(params) if (!params) { printf(#params " was false\n"); } else
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int param_1 = 1;
int param_2 = 0;
TEST(param_1) AND TEST(param_2)
After macro expansion, the code would essentially look like this:
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int param_1 = 1;
int param_2 = 0;
if (!param_1) { printf("param_1 was false\n"); } else
if (!param_2) { printf("param_2 was false\n"); } else
As pointed out by others, doing something like this is questionable because it messes with the way people read code and can make future debugging difficult. In a case such as this, I would definitely recommend using a function call if at all possible. This is the approach that Secure recommends in his comment:
int test_parameters(int params)
if (!params) { printf("bad parameters"); return 0; }
else { return 1; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int param_1 = 1;
int param_2 = 0;
if (test_parameters(param_1) && test_parameters(param_2))
