Dynamic Array with multiple CountIfs - arrays

Is there a way how to get multiple results out of COUNTIF(S)?
I have a "compliance checklist" table of resources, where each row represents one resource. Based on the periods in columns H-J I get ✕ if person is non-compliant and ✓ if everything is OK.
Current formula for compliance calculation:
This current formula needs to be in each line separately and I would like to change it to dynamic array formula to have only 1 formula in first row. However I have tried, it seemed to me that it is not possible, I always get !SPILL or another type of error.

I don't think what you are trying is possible in a row-wise fashion through COUNTIFS(). Btw, "SPILL" error is because a formula wants to spill data but is not able to do so since those cells are allready filled with data.
Either way, you could try MMULT() instead:
Formula in G8:
If you want to, you can make the 2nd parameter dynamic too:


Dynamic Spill Formula For Reduce Function Mixed With Split

My sample sheet is probably easier to understand than my writing but here's the issue: I have a sheet that I'm trying to create a spill formula that sums an array of numbers up in each line.
Columns B:D is my existing data that's being evaluated
If values exist in Column D (which is not always the case), split values (defined by , ) and lookup each one's most recent entry (column B) and sum its value from column C with other members in same cell.
I can accomplish this using the Reduce formula shown in my sample data in blue column F, and dragging the formula to the latest entry, however it will not spill down dynamically.
I can get the C values to spill down dynamically (as shown in green columns in sample) as numeric values, but I can't figure out how to sum them.
=Filter(iferror(XLOOKUP(SPLIT(D2:D,", ",false),B:B,C:C,"",0,-1),0),A2:A>0)
I would have expected something like either of these to work, but both generate a #N/A
=Filter(iferror(REDUCE(0,SPLIT(D2:D,", ",false),
=Filter(sum(iferror(XLOOKUP(SPLIT(D2:D,", ",false),B:B,C:C,"",0,-1),0)),A2:A>0)
I've also tried these as named functions with only the spilled variables as input, but same result.
I know the reduce function can perform a spilled range, as shown here on Ben Collins' site, however I can't figure out how to get it to do so with my dataset. It's occurred to me that because I'm generating a horizontal array, a verticle array may not be possible?
Any helpful answers will be upvoted if not accepted. Thanks.
Here's one approach:
=byrow(index(map(iferror(split(D2:index(D:D,match(2,1/(D:D<>""))),", ",0,1)),lambda(z,xlookup(z,B:B,C:C,)))),lambda(y,sum(y)))
To have your formula spill down you can use MAP or BYROW:
Your formula:
=iferror(REDUCE(0,SPLIT(D2,", ",false),lambda(total,value,xlookup(value,B:B,C:C,"",0,-1)+total)),0)
With MAP:
=MAP(D2:D7,LAMBDA(ζ,iferror(REDUCE(0,SPLIT(ζ,", ",false),lambda(total,value,xlookup(value,B:B,C:C,"",0,-1)+total)),0)))
Here's another solution using FILTER:

Can I make an array out of a range of countif functions?

A truncated version of my data is in the form shown in the screenshot below: three columns of 5 unique names. The names appear in any order and in any position but never repeat in a single row.
My goal is to create an array that contains the number of times Adam appears in each row. I can fill down the formula=countif(A2:C2,$I$2) in a new column, or if I write the array manually for each row, it looks like:
Where cell I2 contains "Adam". Of course, this is not feasible for large data sets.
I know that arrays are effectively cells turned into ranges, but my main issue is that the cell I'm trying to transform already references a range, and I don't know how to tell the software to apply the countif down each row (i.e. I intuitively would like to do something like countif((A2:C2):(A99:C99),"Adam") but understand that's not how spreadsheets work).
My goal is ultimately to perform some operations on the corresponding array but I think I'm comfortable enough with that once I can get the array formula I'm looking for.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A="",,MMULT(IF(A2:C="Adam", 1, 0), {1;1;1})))

Using Index/Max/If to find multiple values in array and get for highest corresponding value result displayed

I am currently trying to use some excel formulas like "Index"/"Max"/"If" with multiple criteria. This means I want to lookup all values in A2:I2 and search them in my second table in A8:A20. At the same time I want to lookup the maximum in C8:C20 and for the entry that
1) matches A2:A20 and 2) has the highest value in C2:C20 I want to get the value of the "Result" column be displayed in I7, which is "D".
After trying multiple variations with Index/Vlookup/Max/If etc. I cannot find any formula for this problem to handle multiple matching criteria within arrays.
Perhaps is there any VBA solution to loop through both tables and get the result displayed below?
P.S. As this is only a small part of my worksheet it is not efficient to use one Index formula for each cell trying to match my second table. It would be great to work with two arrays matching each others values.
Using your provided sample, in result cell I7 use this formula: =MAX(INDEX((A8:A20=A2:I2)*C8:C20,))

SUM with IF conditions for cells containing both strings and numbers

I've got a bigger table with one column that I want to focus on, containing designation and a number. I want to simply sum the numbers that meet the criteria based on a designation.
For the simplification, I made an exercising sheet (on the pic) where I split second column into two - one string and one numeric. Since my file is quite large with many columns that would need this it would be inconvenient.
In the left column it's easy to solve the problem, it could be even easier with simple SUMIF function, but an array SUM(IF... function is, at least I think, only viable option here.
So I solved the first table with array function, but what confuses me is how to modulate the TRUE statement. Simple replacement of C:C
which would format my cells to get the numbers from string does not work that way - returns zero in E12 field. F12 is just application of string to number for last cell, F10.
THIS formula does not work, even adapting to different versions of the tool.
I could use VB but if possible anyhow I would like to avoid it since parts will be shared on mobile phones.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
Left table was split, right original format
The array formula which you used can be replaced by the SumIf formula like below...
Also without the helper column, you can use the Sumproduct formula to achieve the desired output.
But don't refer the whole column in the formula like in the above SumIf formula.
Try this..
Change the ranges as per your requirement but remember to make them equal in size.

Non-Native function returning an array - How to display the output

I apologise if this is a very simple question, but I am at a bit of a loss here.
A bespoke formula I want to use returns an array of values, as seen here:
But I cannot find a way to present this output in a cell separated format, only the first cell (39478) is returned.
There is a note included in the documentation: Hint: This function is a multiple result function. You MUST set an array for the output.
Whilst I understand I am going to need an array to display multiple results, I cannot find the method of doing so. Any tips?
If the bespoke formula wants to return an array of values, there are a couple of ways to get the results into multiple cells.
Put the formula into a cell and hit Enter↵. Next, select that cell along with several cells below it. Tap F2 then hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. The successive values should fill the cells selected until an error (no more returns) is reached.
Put that formula into a cell and hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. The formula should be wrapped in braces (e.g. { and }). If the correct relative and absolute cell addresses were used (e.g. $**A$1 or $**A1, etc) then you should be able to fill, copy or drag down the formula into successive rows.
Use an INDEX function to contain the array of returned values from the bespoke formula and peel off successive values using the row_num parameter.       =INDEX(<bespoke formula>, ROW(1:1))   Filled down.
Sooner or later, you will run out of rows to fill. An IFERROR function used as a wrapper can help avoid he display of errors.
If you want to put all of the values into a single cell, then a User defined Function (aka UDF) could concatenate the array into a single string. This last method is generally not recommended as it renders the values useless for anything other than display purposes.
Array formulas need to be finalized with Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. Once entered into the first cell correctly, they can be filled or copied down or right just like any other formula.
Array formulas chew up calculation cycles logarithmically so it is good practise to narrow the referenced ranges to a minimum.
See Guidelines and examples of array formulas for more information.
