React remove blur onClick - reactjs

I have a search box with an autocomplete wrapped around it using antd components and when the input is populated and you click the search button, the dropdown still shows. It doesnt hide itself. Here is the link to the codesandbox. These are the steps to reproduce:
Type in any text in the input.
click outside of the area on the black page to unfocus it
Click the search button
The dropdown shouldnt show again.


How can we add height to Input tag in reactstrap?

I want to add a height to my Input tag in reactstrap as the dropdown table takes a lot of height. When I am using size prop, the table is already open and on clicking any dropdown data the value doesn't seem to work. I want to give a height and on click the dropdown should open below the dropdown menu. How can I do that?

Material UI Autocomplete: Rendering inside custom Menu dropdown looses focus

So I took the example react-mui has in the docs about having the autocomplete inside a custom popover demo here, but I replaced the popover with the Menu component because the popover gets cropped inside modals.
So the minimal code is something like this
The problem I'm experiencing is that if you write something inside the input box, then use the arrow keys for selecting an item, the input box gets blurred and so the autocomplete resets it. this behavior doesn't happen when using a popover.
Any suggestion on how to keep the input focused even when selecting an item using the keyboard arrow keys?

React bootstrap modal menu approach?

Any idea how to create a dropdown menu that is a modal dialog? that is it's triggered by selecting a menubar the modal item is the dropdown that contains the options to select and it as an apply or close in it such that no other clicks outside of the dropdown are effective until your click on apply or close.
I'm using react-boostrap but the Modal component is not what I can use since it takes over the whole screen and renders the dialog box on top, is there a way to make the contents of a Modal relative to the menu?

binding ng-model to ionic popover

Need help on this.I created the following code
When the user click on the search button after typing in some text,if the text is present in 'myArray' then it should be displayed in the popover otherwise nothing
Implemented example whenever text field contains more than 4 characters, it shows popup and hides popup when it is empty.
Following is the link

Tooltip does not disappear after a new page is loaded

I am using twitter boostrap to implement tooltip for my web app (twipsy)
My implementation is as follows:
%a{:href=>"#!/<%=nick%>/<%=question_slug%>", :rel=>"twipsy", :title=>"click to see xxxx's muse"}
%img{src: "<%= avatar_url %>"}
The sequence of steps is as follows:
1) Hover on the avatar I want to click => tooltip appears above avatar (no issue)
2) Click on avatar to load a new page
3) New page is loaded but the tooltip shown in 1) did not disappear and just remain displayed on the newly loaded page.
Is there any additional parameters I need to set to ensure that the tooltip disappears in step 3)?
As tooltip toggles on mouseenter and leave when you click the element and DOM structure is replaced with new page the mouseleave on the avatar is never triggered as the element was removed programmatically while mouse was hovering over it.
To fix that you need to call the .tooltip('hide') method when you click the avatar.
