Use commitizen on a code-agnostic project - commitizen

I would like to start incorporating commitizen in my repository; however, implementation seems to revolve around adding a js dependency on the repository, and calling it independently (and enforcing it with a hook).
My project currently is python, but that's besides the point - it seems to me that commitizen should be able to be orthogonal to the underlying repository.
However, I don't understand how would that be possible. Maybe the instructions don't exist, or I have not yet separated them from the "main usage path".

Good question #Stavros. I have recently been playing with it and started to have the same question. I tried to find an answer from its documentation but could not find it. Based on my testing, it seems to me that it only supports Python projects. However by the way it works, it should be able to support all Git projects.


How to get package depencies for Prism and Unity working?

I have a WPF application built on .Net 4.8, Prism and Unity, using PackageReference in the project files. Every once in a while I update Nuget references to the newest ones. The packages related to Prism and Unity repeatedly have been a pain in the arse.
Now is such a moment again. Or rather, the past DAYS. I am trying to use packages like
Unity.Container 5.11.8
I keep bumping into the dreaded "The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference", again & again in various variations. Seeing warnings like "Found conflicts between different versions of ... that could not be resolved", or "explicit binding redirect on ... conflicts with an autogenerated binding redirect".
I have been tinkering with this a lot, checking a whole dependency tree, removing, adding, or changing redirects, adding or removing packages. Of course searching on the web. It has driven me nuts. How to get out of this, and prevent it for the future?!
I don't know if this is combination of bugs somewhere, or just me not understanding how to use it. So I will put this as a question.
How on earth am I supposed to get things working?!
Set AutoGenerateBindingRedirects or not?
Set explicit redirects or not? If so, for which versions, to which other version? What about the publicKeyToken?
What about testing projects using MSTest, Moq, Appium, do they need a different approach?
Frankly, I was under the impression that using Nuget to install packages would just take care of all that, particularly using PackageReference. Well apparently, it doesn't.
I am at a loss. Is there anyone who can direct me to a valid approach?
Thanks in advance!

'Find Usages' IDE functionality for Angularjs (Directives, Services)

I'm starting to wonder what is the best way to work with a moderately sized AngularJS project. I'm wanting to find where a directive or service is used without having to do a 'Ctrl+F' and search the project manually. Are there any IDEs that offer this feature, or does anyone have some approaches for working with these projects that they could share?
I didn't try it personally, so my answer is going to be pretty short, but I think you should look at TypeScript ( I've seen many mentions of it being a good fit for Angular, and it allows for "Intellisense" features in IDE that should meet your needs.
Basically it means rewriting your code in an "augmented" version of JavaScript that makes your code typed and therefore should make it easier to handle a large codebase and run static analysis.
Here's some information about TypeScript support in IntelliJ, if that's your IDE:

How to create a setup of an Windows application using PowerBuilder

I am a newbie for PowerBuilder and for Windows application. I have few projects which consists corresponding code in it and after merging all that I get the final product. The problem I am facing right now is that I don't know how to make a setup of my Windows app using PowerBuilder. If I can get step by step procedure with tiny explanation, I will be able to achieve it already. Have tried Google but ended up with complex confusion. I have created the .exe, but that .exe does not work on any other computer. So please guys help me out.
There are two parts to creating a setup program for your application: defining the files and other resources that need to deployed, and building those resources into a setup executable package.
For defining files and resources, you've made it impossible for anyone to even take a shot by referring to two very different (but similar origins) versions of the product in your tags: PowerBuilder (aka PowerBuilder Classic) and PowerBuilder.NET. The deployment requirements for apps built from each of these is very different. However, even if we knew, the best advice is to go through the manuals and review what is required of the features of your specific application. (e.g. if you don't use rich text, deploying the files required to support it would be a waste). A generic list is, IMHO, just bad advice.
As far as building a setup package goes, the first decision is which package building software to pick (none comes with PowerBuilder). Any Windows setup package builder should do. I've used InstallShield and Inno, vastly preferring the latter (after many years of using the former). I know you want steps to walk you through, but a walk through is impossible before picking the software, and frankly, walk throughs of these setup building software has been done elsewhere much better than I'd do.
The bottom line is that the answer isn't as simple as you seem to have been hoping, but it is attainable.
Good luck,

Developing and debugging Sencha apps without sencha's paid services

I started working with sample sencha apps. I find it really hard to find typo and errors in my code.
I added the eclipse plugin for auto-complete during coding. Buts its a trial version just like the sencha architect. Am really confused on how the sencha app should be developed.
I want to know the tools that sencha developers are using so that I can deploy and debug effeciently.
Thanks in advance.
The workflow / tools choice when developing an application is a subjective matter so I'm going to talk about my experience, having been a Sencha Touch developer for the last year.
I find it really hard to find typo and errors in my code.
Am really confused on how the sencha app should be developed.
This is not a matter of tools in my opinion. Sencha Touch has an unavoidable steep learning curve. You should start with simple examples, and you could ask here when you have specific programming issues (I personally found Sencha Touch forums less useful than stackoverflow).
The most important thing is understanding the basics concepts:
Sencha Touch class system (,
How Sencha implements MVC (!/guide/controllers)
Sencha Touch Layouts (!/guide/layouts),
Sencha Touch Components (!/guide/components)
Also all of these guides will be very useful, make sure you understand them and learn to use Sencha Docs, which definetely has some obscure, non explained properties, but should still be your main resource when developing a Sencha Touch app.
Debugging will always be tricky, unfortunately sometimes setting the wrong property on a Component, or misunderstanding how a Component is meant to work, ends up with some obscure var is not defined error. Do not fear to check Sencha Touch source code when this happens, code is well written and usually easy to understand.
Here the tools to use are again Sencha Touch Docs (when hovering on a class title you can examine directly its source code, plus your browser debugging console. Use frequent console.debug() messages, and when something weird happens inside framework classes stop execution with debugger; and step inside source code).
Now back to your question: I have been using the following tools:
Chrome DevTools,
Chrome Ripple Extension,
Sencha Command (optional)
Compass CSS authoring framework
a couple shell scripts
The IDE is a matter of personal choice, Netbeans has some nice Javascript suggestions: it highlights variables when they are used but not defined in the current scope, or defined but not used, which really helps a lot against typos. It is very heavy in terms of memory usage. I guess Eclipse, or even a lighter one could be equally good.
Chrome is kinda a forced choice if you are on Windows, their DevTools are excellent, make sure you master them, they will be your main working tools. Once again: lot of RAM helps.
Ripple is an invaluable extension that allows you to test your mobile app on different devices and if you are using Phonegap for native deployment it emulates a part of its API on the browser.
Compass is the tool suggested by Sencha to compile their sass files. There is a detailed tutorial on how to setup compass on Sencha Docs.
I have been using Sencha Command but it's not strictly necessary, if you don't care about resources minification (but you should) you will not miss much about it. If you are developing a native app you can make up for the lack of Sencha Command deploy function with a simple shell script that copies html/js/css resources to the assets folder of your Phonegap project.
Another script activates automatically compass watch on the /resources/sass folder at startup, to avoid having to manually do that each time.
Just my two cents, hope it helps.
Anubis covered majority of the bee knees in hand coding Sencha Touch.
I'd like to add a couple more cents into the kitty.
My personal preference for IDE is Sublime Text. Searching through entire projects of code for anything, I've not seen an equal for effectiveness and speed. You can customise everything - especially colours and keybindings. It also has a ludicrous wealth of plugins, including working in correlation to Chrome, as well as Github.
Miami Coder Tutorials - great collection of practical tutorials which will help you understand development patterns faster than most other guides. Great for starters.
Figleaf Training can be a little unconventional, but a great free means of learning Sencha Touch and almost everything it is capable of. Great for starters too.
Druck IT - solid collection of guides and ST information. Has links to many other useful sites such as these listed.
Mitchell Simoens - Mitchell is Sencha staff, a quality coder, and his site has some great advice and snippets to help learn. This is where you'll truly learn how to code ST well. Helps towards getting a grasp, but mainly for mid+ knowledge.
Ladysign - one of the Sencha Trainers. Has content that clears up "how to" in many facets other sites and books never even mention. Quality information. This info will get you above basic and flesh out your knowledge and understanding.
Modus Create - Jay Garcia is one of the devs of ST. Modus Create is his enterprise, which contains some useful guides within the blog.
Custom Font Icons - complete guide for 2.2. Very useful.
There's a few other sites that were incredible sources of tidbits through to information on how to code ST professionally. These links above will help immensely though. Above all, read the source code. It is very well documented, as well as being an example in itself of how to use the code. I have learnt ludicrous amounts this way.
GRUNT (with NPM/Node.js)!
Use Grunt! This will automate the vast majority of what you want to do. For example, typing "grunt" in the command line could jshint/jslint your code, concatenate all .js files together, all css files together (including all the compass joy), obfuscate, compress, run a comprehensive set of unit tests (especially Phantom), output to desired location, then add a cherry on top by refreshing your browser window. Add in the grunt watch plugin, and it'll do that every time a file is saved in defined directories. Any bugs in your code - you get accurate specific line numbers where it is broken.
The beauty of grunt is extended by optional alternate commandlines for different tasks. Also, you can specify in the package.json file of a few kB the precise list of plugins you wish to use with the gruntfile you've created, saving megabytes of file transfer. NPM can process that file, and download and install all that is required to operate. Makes for fast setup on another computer.
Side note: Touch Node has come of age. This permits all ST's class structure to develop your serverside javascript.
Want to include Sencha Cmd?
Sencha Cmd (finally) does do a decent job of collecting only the dependent classes from the full library.
Alternative for Sencha Cmd
Extend Grunt with Matt Goldspink's grunt-sencha-dependencies which works for both ST and ExtJS, or use grunt-sencha-resolver - this latter one I haven't used.

How to implement Backbone boilerplate with views

I am trying to learn backbone, however truth be told, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Everywhere I look it is being done in a slightly different way, each with more frameworks and plugins to learn. So I have decided to put my faith in Addy Osmani and am reading his Backbone Fundamentals book. I have followed his recommendation and used the Backbone-Boilerplate. However for whatever reason, I have been unable to successfully install Grunt BBB so I cannot download the working examples.
What I am trying to do is follow this router section and use views.
The problem is that I think these instructions are incomplete. For a start the collection.fetch() variable is in the wrong scope, and I really am not understanding where I need to place the views and how. I am pretty sure that if I could see a working example of this I could understand it, but as I said, everywhere I look its a different implementation.
Does anyone know how to use the backbone-boilerplate with routers and views? Are there any working examples anywhere?
Let me make a suggestion. A couple of months ago, I was where you are now: trying to learn backbone and trying to follow best practices while I did so. Like you, I came across Addy Osmani's book and like you I tried getting stated with backbone-boilerplate.
After much stumbling around, I eventually concluded that backbone-boilerplate was not something I needed to have while I was just learning backbone. It is now, only after having created a fully working, non-trivial CRUD application that I start to see how I might incorporate backbone-boilerplate. I think you probably need to be asking the questions that backbone-boilerplate answers (How can I break up my application into modules?, etc.) before you attempt to incorporate another framework or plugin. The same goes for Backbone.Marionette: great library, but you really need to have something to apply it to before using it.
Starting out, I would suggest having just a single file for all your backbone code.
One of the things that really helped me out was playing around with and extending various jsfiddle demos people had created using backbone. A simple google search will turn up quite a few. I found it a great way to learn as I was able to manipulate working code and get immediate feedback on what worked and what was allowed.
And although backbone is a client-side library, it's often simpler and faster just to ignore html and write stuff out to the console.
Finally, if you're willing to pay for it, I highly recommend Liam McLennan's set of backbone.js training videos on pluralsight.
