How to create file in python? - file

Anyone know how to use python for creation file?
when i write
text_file= open("productlist.txt", "w")
I need create file before star use pragram, maybe python can do it independently ?

Your question is not really clear, try to edit it a little to make it better.
In general, you don't need to create the file before you start your program, the 'w' option will write to that file, and will create the file if it doesn't exist.
Now, if you just want to create an empty file, use the 'x' option, as follows:
f = open("yourfile.txt", "x")
You can create all the files that you want with this, even without closing the handle.


How would I know that file is opened and it is saved after some writing operation using C code?

I have a set of configuration files (10 or more), and if user opens any of these file using any editor (e.g vim,vi,geany,qt,leafpad..). How would I come to know that which file is opened and if some writing process is done, then it is saved or not (using C code).
For the 1st part of your question, please refer e.g. to How to check if a file has been opened by another application in C++?
One way described there is to use a system tool like lsof and call this via a system() call.
For the 2nd part, about knowing whether a file has been modified, you will have to create a backup file to check against. Most editors already do that, but their naming scheme is different, so you might want to take care of that yourself. How to do that? Just automatically create a (hidden) file .mylogfile.txt if it does not exist by simply copying mylogfile.txt. If .mylogfile.txt exists, is having an older timestamp than mylogfile.txt, and differs in size and/or hash-value (using e.g. md5sum) your file was modified.
But before re-implementing this, take a look at How do I make my program watch for file modification in C++?

Lua 5.2.1 - Edit and save variable in file

I have a file which is part of a game I'm making, and I am trying to manipulate it with code.
Here is the file:
tech =
weaponstech = 1.5,
armortech = 1.8,
shieldstech = 2
I am trying to open the file like this
local file ="tech")
and then try to change the value of the variable 'shieldstech' to 2.2.
I need this to happen automatically every time I run a function.
I usually use single variable files such as this:
v = 1
but that just gives me a clutter of files which is unmanageable.
so now I store variables the way I wrote my tech file.
This is how I used to edit these single-variable files:
local file ="file", "w")
file:write("v = "..var)
but it is just too much work to rewrite the whole file in a single line or code, so I want to just change and save the variable, something like this:
local file ="tech", "w")
shieldstech = 2.2
but it won't work like that, and I know why. I'm not telling the program to edit the file, I'm telling it to edit the variable in that instance of the program. All I'm doing to the file is opening it and then closing it.
Any of you guys know a way to do this?
My suggestion would be to use something designed for that task already. Here is an example: That will allow you to read in the data, make as many or as few changes to it as you want, and then write it back out.
EDIT: This has a dependency on this:
Might want to try inih instead (although it's written C, so integration will require a bit more knowledge):
This will rewrite the whole file each time, which is not very performing, but it will work. Consider using a sqlite database.
local file ="tech", "w")
file:write("tech = {")
for p,v in pairs(tech) do file:write(p .. " = " .. v .. "," ) end

Making own 'tar' program... how to create files/directories with C code?

My own tar file can currently use the 'c' and 't' commands correctly (creating he archive, reading the archive), but I'm completely unaware of how to implement 'x' (extracting the archive).
Using C code, how can I recreate a directory / file? I know I can successfully read what is in my .tar file, I'm just not sure of the C function that is used to create directores / files.
NOTE: I've asked multiple people, they couldn't help me. Googled the problem for an hour, but the question is vague enough that I got about 10000 websites answering a different problem.
Use fopen to create a file (and write to it); use mkdir to create a directory.
on unix systems ,you'd use mkdir()

fseek() doesn't work

I have opened a file using a and r+ but when I use fseek and ftell the file pointer is always 0.
My file looks like this:
1 -3
2 -8
And I want to add another line between the two but it is added in the end after the last line.
Someone in another forum said that when you open the file in append the pointer is always zero and you have to open it in r+ and if that doesn't work "you have to read the complete data and then insert the data in the variables and write it back." but I don't understand what they mean by that.
Can anyone help with inserting numbers in the middle of a file?
Would something like this work?
To transfer the data?
Like others already said, there's no easy way to insert data in the middle of a file. If you really want to do this, you can implement the following steps:
Create a second file
Copy all data before the place you want to insert to the second file
Insert the line you want to the second file
Copy the remaining data to the second file
Delete the original file
Rename the second file
Other approach is using binary files instead of text files. Although binary files are a bit harder to learn, once you understand how they work you'll see that working with them is much like working with arrays. To perform this task, for example, you'd not even need to use an auxiliary file.
There is no open mode that will allow you to "insert" data into a file at a random point. The only place you can add data without overwriting existing data is the end of the file (what you get opening with mode "a").
If you want to insert at a random position, you need to do it yourself.
One of the easier ways is to re-write the file completely (transfer the start of the old file to a new file, add your data to the new file, transfer the rest of the old file, and rename/overwrite at the end).
The hard way: you need to "shift" all the data from your insertion point to the end-of-file manually. That's not trivial to get right.
There isn't an easy way to insert data in the middle of the file. A file is basically an array of characters. To add a character in the middle, you need to copy everything following your insertion point down one location. With a file you need to read the data that follows and write it after your addition.
Generally, when you want to do something like this you create a new file. You copy the old file into it up to the point where you want to insert, then you write the data you want to insert, then you copy the rest of the old file. Finally, you rename the new file to the old file.

C - Reading multiple files

just had a general question about how to approach a certain problem I'm facing. I'm fairly new to C so bear with me here. Say I have a folder with 1000+ text files, the files are not named in any kind of numbered order, but they are alphabetical. For my problem I have files of stock data, each file is named after the company's respective ticker. I want to write a program that will open each file, read the data find the historical low and compare it to the current price and calculate the percent change, and then print it. Searching and calculating are not a problem, the problem is getting the program to go through and open each file. The only way I can see to attack this is to create a text file containing all of the ticker symbols, having the program read that into an array and then run a loop that first opens the first filename in the array, perform the calculations, print the output, close the file, then loop back around moving to the second element (the next ticker symbol) in the array. This would be fairly simple to set up (I think) but I'd really like to avoid typing out over a thousand file names into a text file. Is there a better way to approach this? Not really asking for code ( unless there is some amazing function in c that will do this for me ;) ), just some advice from more experienced C programmers.
Thanks :)
Edit: This is on Linux, sorry I forgot to metion that!
Under Linux/Unix (BSD, OS X, POSIX, etc.) you can use opendir / readdir to go through the directory structure. No need to generate static files that need to be updated, when the file system has the information you want. If you only want a sub-set of stocks at a given time, then using glob would be quicker, there is also scandir.
I don't know what Win32 (Windows / Platform SDK) functions are called, if you are developing using Visual C++ as your C compiler. Searching MSDN Library should help you.
Assuming you're running on linux...
ls /path/to/text/files > names.txt
is exactly what you want.
opendir(); on linux.
Exemple :
In pseudo code it would look like this, I cannot define the code as I'm not 100% sure if this is the correct approach...
for each directory entry
scan the filename
extract the ticker name from the filename
open the file
read the data
create a record consisting of the filename, data.....
close the file
add the record to a list/array...
> sort the list/array into alphabetical order based on
the ticker name in the filename...
You could vary it slightly if you wish, scan the filenames in the directory entries and sort them first by building a record with the filenames first, then go back to the start of the list/array and open each one individually reading the data and putting it into the record then....
Hope this helps,
best regards,
There are no functions in standard C that have any notion of a "directory". You will need to use some kind of platform-specific function to do this. For some examples, take a look at this post from
Personally, I prefer using the opendir()/readdir() approach as shown in the second example. It works natively under Linux and also on Windows if you are using Cygwin.
Approach 1) I would just have a specific directory in which I have ONLY these files containing the ticker data and nothing else. I would then use the C readdir API to list all files in the directory and iterate over each one performing the data processing that you require. Which ticker the file applies to is determined only by the filename.
Pros: Easy to code
Cons: It really depends where the files are stored and where they come from.
Approach 2) Change the file format so the ticker files start with a magic code identifying that this is a ticker file, and a string containing the name. As before use readdir to iterate through all files in the folder and open each file, ensure that the magic number is set and read the ticker name from the file, and process the data as before
Pros: More flexible than before. Filename needn't reflect name of ticker
Cons: Harder to code, file format may be fixed.
but I'd really like to avoid typing out over a thousand file names into a text file. Is there a better way to approach this?
I have solved the exact same problem a while back, albeit for personal uses :)
What I did was to use the OS shell commands to generate a list of those files and redirected the output to a text file and had my program run through them.
On UNIX, there's the handy glob function:
glob_t results;
memset(&results, 0, sizeof(results));
glob("*.txt", 0, NULL, &results);
for (i = 0; i < results.gl_pathc; i++)
printf("%s\n", results.gl_pathv[i]);
On Linux or a related system, you could use the fts library. It's designed for traversing file hierarchies: man fts,
or even something as simple as readdir
If on Windows, you can use their Directory Management API's. More specifically, the FindFirstFile function, used with wildcards, in conjunction with FindNextFile
