Lua 5.2.1 - Edit and save variable in file - file

I have a file which is part of a game I'm making, and I am trying to manipulate it with code.
Here is the file:
tech =
weaponstech = 1.5,
armortech = 1.8,
shieldstech = 2
I am trying to open the file like this
local file ="tech")
and then try to change the value of the variable 'shieldstech' to 2.2.
I need this to happen automatically every time I run a function.
I usually use single variable files such as this:
v = 1
but that just gives me a clutter of files which is unmanageable.
so now I store variables the way I wrote my tech file.
This is how I used to edit these single-variable files:
local file ="file", "w")
file:write("v = "..var)
but it is just too much work to rewrite the whole file in a single line or code, so I want to just change and save the variable, something like this:
local file ="tech", "w")
shieldstech = 2.2
but it won't work like that, and I know why. I'm not telling the program to edit the file, I'm telling it to edit the variable in that instance of the program. All I'm doing to the file is opening it and then closing it.
Any of you guys know a way to do this?

My suggestion would be to use something designed for that task already. Here is an example: That will allow you to read in the data, make as many or as few changes to it as you want, and then write it back out.
EDIT: This has a dependency on this:
Might want to try inih instead (although it's written C, so integration will require a bit more knowledge):

This will rewrite the whole file each time, which is not very performing, but it will work. Consider using a sqlite database.
local file ="tech", "w")
file:write("tech = {")
for p,v in pairs(tech) do file:write(p .. " = " .. v .. "," ) end


How to create file in python?

Anyone know how to use python for creation file?
when i write
text_file= open("productlist.txt", "w")
I need create file before star use pragram, maybe python can do it independently ?
Your question is not really clear, try to edit it a little to make it better.
In general, you don't need to create the file before you start your program, the 'w' option will write to that file, and will create the file if it doesn't exist.
Now, if you just want to create an empty file, use the 'x' option, as follows:
f = open("yourfile.txt", "x")
You can create all the files that you want with this, even without closing the handle.

Advice on reading multiple text files into an array with Ruby

I'm currently writing out a program in Ruby, which I'm fairly new at, and it requires multiple text files to be pushed into an array line by line.
I am currently unable to actually test my code since I'm at work and this is for personal use, but I'm seeking advice to see if my code is correct. I knows how to read a file and push it to the array. If possible can someone check it over and advise if I have the correct idea? I'm self taught regarding Ruby and have no-one to check my work.
I understand if this isn't the right place for trying to get this sort of advice and it's deleted/locked. Apologies if so.
contentsArray = []
Dir.glob('filepath').each do |filename|
next if
r ="#{path}#{filename}")
r.each_line { |line| contentsArray.push line}
I'm hoping this snippet will take the lines from multiple files in the same directory and stick them in the array so I can later splice what's in there.
Thank you for the question.
First let's assume that 'filepath' is something like the target pattern you want to glob in Dir.glob('filepath') (I used Dir.glob('src/*.h').each do |filename| in my test).
After that,"#{path}#{filename}") prepends another path to the already complete path you'll have in filename.
And lastly, although this is probably not the problem, the code opens the file and never closes it. The IO object provides a readlines method that takes care of opening and closing the file for you.
Here's some working code that you can adapt:
contentsArray = []
Dir.glob('filepath').each do |filename|
next if
lines = IO.readlines(filename)
puts "#{contentsArray.length} LINES"
Here are references to the Ruby doc's for the IO::readlines and Array::concat methods used:
As an alternative to using the goto (next) the code could conditionally execute on files, like this:
if File.file?(filename)
lines = IO.readlines(filename)

Pharo FileSystem: setUp of SUnit test which uses a file

I want to write a SUnit test which uses a file with the Pharo 4.0 FileSystem.
I want to write a file and then later read it.
Something like this
fname := 'TabularTestExport1.xlsx'.
(FileLocator temp / fname ) delete.
TabularXSLXExport workbook: myWorkbook fileName: (FileLocator temp / fname ).
temp directory What is the method to use for using a temporary file in a platform independant way. FileLocator temp or FileLocator tempDirectory is not implemented.
deleting an existing test file How do I ensure that a file is deleted? I.e. How do I avoid a walkback in case the file does not exist.
Alternatively everything could be done in the memory: 1. creation of test file, 2. exporting test file, 3. Importing test file back
For tests, unless you have a real big archive, is better to do things in memory.
FileSystem provides you a way to do it, you just need to do:
fs := FileSystem memory.
It will give you a compatible API so you can make your tests.
If you want a file and not a directory, you can do:
file := FileSystem memory / 'myFile'.
EDIT: I forget a couple of things:
FileLocator temp is implemented and should work fine for you. Why you say is not implemented? Are you not finding it for some reason, maybe?
myFileReference ensureDelete will... well, ensure your file is deleted :)

How to extract data from multiple files with Python?

I am new to Python, which is also my first programming language. I have a set of txt files (academic papers), I need to extract the paper ID (e.g. ID: a1111111) and abstract (e.g. ABSTRACT: .....). I have no idea how to extract this data from multiple files from multiple folders? Thanks A LOT!
So your question is two part: reading files and accessing folders
Reading files
The methods/objects in python used for reading files is in Python's documentation on chapter 7:
The basic gist is that you use the open method to access files that are in the same directory
f = open('stuff.txt', 'r')
Where stuff.txt is the name of the file in the same directory that your python file is in.
Calling print will display the text (in String format) of the file. Feel free to assign to a variable to capture the data.
>>> x =
>>> print x
This is the entire file.\n
Best read the documentation for all these methods, cause there are subtleties. For example, calling once will return the entire file contents to you, but calling again will return an empty string, as the "end of the file has been reached."
Accessing Folders
Can you explain to me how exactly you'd like to access folders? In this case, it would be much easier to just put all your files in the same directory as where you are running your python file.
However, the basic way to move around in python is to use: os.chdir(path) which is basically cd'ing around. You must import os before you use this.
Leave a comment if you'd like some more information

Lua file reading and writing error

Sorry if there's already a topic like this, but I couldn't find any that have something to do with Lua... So I'm basically having some problems in writing and reading files, here's what I've done:
hp = 25
file ="player.txt","w")
if file==nil then
and it seems to work fine, it's just perfect... but then when I'm trying to add the file:write(hp) inside the if-sentence, it doesn't work. Also if I'll add file:read("*line") right after file:write(hp), this is what it says in player.txt:
file ="player.txt","w")
So what am I doing wrong? Also [NUL] is black block with white "NUL" text in it in notepad++ but it can't be copied here.
Edit: Hmmh, seems like the whole code is messed, up it always rewrites the whole file ;o
Edit2: Had actually no idea what I was talking about, nowadays I can understand file controlling bit more, here's what it should've been or what I tried to do:
function existsFile(path)
x =
if x == nil then
return false
return true
if not existsFile("player.txt") then
file ="player.txt", "w")
hp = 25
file ="player.txt", "r")
hp = file:read("*number")
And I know it doest look anything like the code I first posted, but that's what I basically meant.
Could you explain what you are trying to do in this code?
Why do you need to check if file is nil? When you open file for writing, lua automatically creates it if not exists.
"w" mode means, that you you're erase all data in file and write new data
May be you need "a" mode? In this mode new lines are added at the end of file.
Sounds like you're confused about the flags on Check the manual to be sure what you really want is the w flag since that overwrites everything.
Trying to do a file:write when you're in the if shouldn't work, and I'm not sure why you'd expect it to, since file is nil. You're saying that if the file couldn't be opened, then try to write this to the file, which doesn't make sense to me.
The "if" block checks if "file" is nil, so that code block will never run.
read() doesn't work because you opened the file in "w" (write) mode.
Erasing the whole file is the expected behavior of write mode. In that mode the file is first erased and then you write new data to it.
