How can I connect to SQL Server directly from Android with an C++ Builder FMX application - sql-server

I get the following error when I try to connect to SQL Server directly with a C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo application. I couldn't locate the library requested despite all my searching.
Can anyone help? I'm at a crossroad to decide to continue with C++Builder or Xamarin.

Do you have C++ Builder Enterprise or Architect edition? You need this to connect to SQL Server using FireDAC. C++ Builder Professional edition can only connect to local databases.

Looking at this page:
Embarcadero Microsoft SQL interface
suggests to me that Microsoft SQL with Android client is not supported.

FDConnection is FMX compatible, but the drivers for various OSes are not.
There's a company called Devart that develops direct access connectivity for RAD studio mobile devices; Not sure if this will work if you only have C++ builder; but worth a try;
I'm currently in the same pickle and I'm busy writing a tcpclient/server proxy fmx app that will run on a windows server[where the mssql driver will work]
The idea is to connect from mobile device with tcp client to tcp server component running on windows and have that app grab the info i need for mobile app. Not the fastest solution in long run as you have to do all your authentication and encryption yourself and not the cheapest either as it requires an online windows server or pc... but if you already have it, you might as well use it.
Will update if it succeeds or fails


SQL Server Express installation required for clients connecting to a server?

I would like to know if an installation of SQL Server Express is required on my client PCs? I have searched a fair bit and so far all I've seen were related to attached databases or local databases.
Here's the setup of my system.
There will be a Windows Server PC that will be hosting the SQL Server instance.
Client PCs will be running a VBNet based windows form application where connection strings will be fed to table adapters that would allow them to connect to the server.
Now I have tested running the application on a Windows 7 PC without SQL Server Express installed and it works, connection was a success and data can be retrieved etc. However the system is actually going to be run on Windows XP when it goes live.
So I was wondering if the client PCs would require an installation of SQL Server Express or any sort of dlls for it to be able to connect to the server? Or would the .Net Framework be sufficient?
Thanks in advance.
You will not require a SQL instance on your client PCs. The app can just make the connection to the server via the connection strings. Our app is very similar in the fact that we support Windows Xp and SQL Server 2005 and it works well without any instance on the client PCs. We do install a local instance on the client but this is only used when transferring data to a laptop so it can be used when disconnected from the network. HTH
I think you should install .Net framework on your client pc. I'm not entirely sure if it's the case but to be sure, run it on a Windows XP machine. If you dont have an xp machine, try using desktop simulater like virtualbox of sorts.

How to avoid ODBC driver installation for a Node.js application?

I'm using in an application targeting Windows.
Therefore it requires users to install Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server located here, which is a problem if the user doesn't have admin rights.
Any workaround?
You can use another system for databases, mongoDB, sqlite, etc. if your application is simply, i recommend sqlite

Linux + Django + SQLServer

I am writing a Django application which needs to intereact with a SQLServer Database. I use the Django MSSQL Backend ADO.
I am trying to use it in a Linux machine (CentOS 6.4), but for the moment I am not able to establish the connection.
Anyone has suceeded on it or knows if it is possible to connect to django-mssql from a Linux environment?
Note: I've found this question but it is quite old. I am looking for an up-to-date answer.
Edit: The error I am receiving is the following. Remark that it is a Linux machine.
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'sqlserver_ado' isn't an available database backend.
Edit 2: PyWin32 is a requirement for the django-mssql package. But is possible any workaround for Linux?
Django-MSSQL only works on Windows, hence the pywin32 dependency (Actually, anything ADO is Windows dependent since it's built on Microsoft's ActiveX).
Try Django-SQLServer. It's based on Django-MSSQL but can pass info using python-tds which is not platform specific.
I will suggest to use django-pyodbc-azure instead of Django-MSSQL
Supports Django 2.0.3
Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
Compatible with Micosoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server, SQL Server
Native Client, and FreeTDS ODBC drivers

DSN-less connection to MS SQL with Windows Authentication

I'm looking for a way to connect from a Linux server, to MS SQL Server. I was able to do so in a variety of ways but I want the connection to be DSN-less, uses Windows Authentication and preferably for Perl. I know ADO can do so but I don't think it's available on Linux.
What are my options?
There are various commercial ODBC drivers for Linux and one free solution I know of.
The Easysoft SQL Server ODBC Driver certainly provides windows authentication and DNS-less connections using a connection string like "DRIVER={Easysoft ODBC-Access Driver};Server=myserver;Port=myport;USER=mydomain\myusername;Password=mypassword".
There are a few other commercial ODBC Drivers from Openlink and DataDirect but I have no experience with either of them.
There is also freeTDS which is open source and can probably do windows authentication but here again, I've not personally tried windows authentication with it.
As for Perl you need the DBI and DBD::ODBC modules to use the solutions above. There are other solutions I found listed here. I maintain DBD::ODBC so I can obviously vouch for that working and I do all my testing with the Easysoft driver.
BTW, just so you know, I am affiliated with Easysoft and the web site link to the martin-evans domain is mine.

SQL Server 2008 R2 "Server Accounts" installation setup question

I am installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Web on my Mac (OS X Leopard), running Parallels 6 and Windows 7...
The database will be used for ASP.NET development purposes. I am trying to figure out what Windows Accounts to use for each SQL 2008 Service when prompted by the installation (e.g. SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Database Engine, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Full-Text Filter Daemon Launcher and SQL Server Browser). If I can simply create a new user account and use it for each service, that is okay, I've seen an example of that here. I guess my concerns are twofold:
Making sure that the accounts I wind up using have the proper
privileges suitable for vs2010 development/debugging.
Making sure that the accounts I wind up using do not pose any security concerns
associated with my mac
Firstly, Windows 7 is not a supported OS for SQL Server Web Edition, so it's unlikely that what you're trying to do will even work. I don't know anything about Parallels, but if it is a similar concept to VMWare then I guess that your Windows 7 installation should behave like any other Windows 7 installation.
Second, the considerations for SQL Server service accounts are well documented, including security issues, and so is the setup required for debugging in Visual Studio.
Finally, and for what it's worth, developing software of any kind in an 'unusual' environment that isn't the same as the environment where the application will be deployed usually leads to problems. It's just much easier and more reliable to develop in a 'native' environment, although I appreciate that if you're doing this as a hobby then you may not be able to have exactly the resources you want. If you're doing this professionally, you should be able to justify the cost of a native development environment.
