How to get object in deeply nested array in mongoose using nodes - arrays

In my collection of users I have the following
_id: ObjectId('whatever user id'),
movies: [
_id: ObjectId('whatever id of this movie'),
name: 'name of this movie',
actors: [
_id: ObjectId('whatever id of this actor'),
name: 'name of this actor'
So in my users collection I want to be able to query for a actor by the,, and the
I want to return the actor somewhat like this...
actor: {
I tried the following...
const actor = await User.findById(, {
movies: {
$elemMatch: {
_id: req.params.movie_id,
actors: {
$elemMatch: {
_id: req.params.actor_id,
I have tried other things but can't seem to get it to work. I saw that you can maybe use aggregate but I am not sure how to query that while using the ids I have at my disposal.

I was able to figure it out by using aggregate. I was using this before but it seems that I needed to cast my ids with mongoose.Types.ObjectId so a simple would not work.
In order to get my answer I did...
const user = await User.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId( } },
{ $unwind: '$movies' },
{ $match: { 'movies._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.movie_id) } },
{ $unwind: '$movies.actors' },
$match: {
'movies.actors._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.actor_id),
This did not return data in the following format...
actor: {
but returns it instead like this...
user: {
movies: {
actor: {
then sending the response back...
status: 'success',
data: {
gives that format I wanted. However, I would still want to know how to just get the data actor without getting the full document


Mongoose how to sort by date which is in array of objects of a field

i want to grab data sorted by its date but the date is not in a field's value, its in the field's value's object's array(if i said it correctly).
here is an example of the data i have:
role: "User",
fullName: "Verna Pagac",
username: "dwightkoss95",
email: "",
orders: [{
buyerUsername: 'admin',
boughtAt: 2022-09-20T20:14:59.304Z
buyerUsername: 'admin',
boughtAt: 2022-10-30T22:35:35.546Z
after i extracted the orders by the following command, i want to sort them by the boughtAt but how?
const usersWithOrders = await users
orders: { $exists: true, $ne: [] }
const orders = [] => {
for (i=0 ; i<user.orders.length ; i++) {
i want the newer order to be top.
// now it shows the following out put:
buyerUsername: 'admin',
boughtAt: 2022-09-20T20:14:59.304Z
buyerUsername: 'admin',
boughtAt: 2022-10-30T22:35:35.546Z
If you want you can sort directly from db using the aggregation framework
{ $unwind: '$orders' },
{ $sort: { 'orders.boughtAt': -1 } },
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
user: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
orders: { $push: '$orders' },
or if you prefer you can sort in JS
orders.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.boughtAt) - new Date(a.boughtAt))

Exclude field from a document based on another field value mongodb mongoose

I have a users schema in which there is a companies field which I only want to select if role field value is admin else it should not be returned in find query.
user Schema:
const userInfoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
companies: [
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'companyinfos',
role: {
type: String,
enum: ['user', 'admin', 'employee'],
default: 'user',
I have tried to solve this by using pre find hook but was unable to exclude the companies field.^find/, function (doc, next) {
if (doc.role !== 'admin') {
Or is there any way to conditionally set select in the companies field in the userInfoSchema based on the role value?
Please help.
use aggregate
"$project": {
companies: {
"$cond": {
"if": {
$eq: [
"then": "$companies",
"else": 0
$match: {
companies: {
$ne: 0

Match $and based on array of filter items in MongoDB

I have a Collection in MongoDB of CatalogItems. Every CatalogItem contains a product that has an array of metafields.
In these metafields there are 2 fields that are Brand_ID and Article_No
Example CatalogItem document:
CatalogItem = {
product: {
metafields: [
key: "Brand_ID",
value: "317"
key: "Article_No",
value: "48630"
I have an array of filters that is used to match the CatalogItems documents based on these metafields
filter array
filter = [
{ brandId: '317', articleId: '48630' },
{ brandId: '257', articleId: 'ZSA04036' }
I want to return all CatalogItems that match any of the exact combinations in filter.
For example to return the stated CatalogItem I currently use this query
// Checks for { brandId: '317', articleId: '48630' }
query = {
$and: [
{ "product.metafields": { $elemMatch: { key: "Brand_ID", value: filter[0].brandId } } },
{ "product.metafields": { $elemMatch: { key: "Article_No", value: filter[0].articleId } } },
The issue that I have is that in order for me to look trough all the filter items I have to increment the filter index and rerunning the query.
For example looking for the second filter index I would have to change
filter[0].brandId to filter[1].brandId
Is there a way in Mongo to query using a predefined array of objects instead of rerunning the query multiple times?
I figured out a way to set variables to the query using $or and .forEach()
let query = {
$or: []
filter = [
{ brandId: '317', articleId: '48630' },
{ brandId: '257', articleId: 'ZSA04036' }
filter.forEach(filterItem => {
$and: [
{ "product.metafields": { $elemMatch: { key: "Brand_ID", value: filterItem.brandId } } },
{ "product.metafields": { $elemMatch: { key: "Article_No", value: filterItem.articleId } } },

How to return id with Mongoose Aggregate Lookup with Apollo GraphQL

I have an aggregate function that returns people in a collection:
const getById = ({ id }) => {
return Project.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: Types.ObjectId(id) } },
$lookup: {
from: "members",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "project_id",
as: "members"
.then(data => {
const [project] = data;
console.log(project) // see below
return {
id: project._id,
.catch(err => console.log(err));
If I return the data from this I get the following:
// Server response
{ _id: 5e2f57b577a8ce59c79e74af,
title: 'ok',
user_id: 5e2dc7961e6b840c315b5a03,
__v: 0,
[ { _id: 5e447683b4f732cc9c4a9531,
name: 'Karl Taylor',
email: '',
project_id: 5e2f57b577a8ce59c79e74af,
position: 1,
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5e45be128ed96a5eaef5d13e,
name: 'John Smith',
email: '',
project_id: 5e2f57b577a8ce59c79e74af,
position: 2,
__v: 0 } ] }
However, when I query from the frontend using Apollo GraphQL, the id is null. (But it works on other items, as id is a getter for id but this does not happen on aggregate functions).
What is the best practice to map the id to the correct value? I would normally just use but I feel like that might be overkill if I have too many members (at which point I would probably break this out to do pagination, but that's a different story.)
This is the response from frontend
// Client response
"project": {
"id": "5e2f57b577a8ce59c79e74af",
"title": "ok",
"members": [
"id": null, // <-- Notice here is null
"name": "Karl Taylor",
"email": "",
"__typename": "Member"
"id": null, // <-- Notice here is null
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "",
"__typename": "Member"
"__typename": "Project"
This question here is similar, however, I do not believe it is a duplicate because we are querying different data. (the answer does not solve my question.)
I need to be able to return id otherwise cached redirects will not work.
I ran into this problem as well when I try to use aggregations.
simply you can you both ID's(id and _id) but it's not good thing.
what I use is to iterate the data
if the returning data of the query is not array use this
return {
id: res._id,
but the returning data is an array you can add id to the response variable like below using forEach
res.forEach(element => { = element._id
return res;

How to remove Object from array using mongoose

I'm trying to remove an object from an array in a document using mongoose.
The Schema is the following:
var diveSchema = new Schema({
//irrelevant fields
divers: [{
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true },
meetingLocation: { type: String, enum: ['carpool', 'onSite'], required: true },
dives: Number,
exercise: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Exercise' },
a possible entry can be
//irrelevant fields
"divers": [
"_id": "012345678",
"user": "123456789",
"meetingLocation": "carpool",
"exercise": "34567890",
"_id": "012345679",
"user": "123456780",
"meetingLocation": "onSite",
"exercise": "34567890",
Say I want to remove the entry where user is 123456789 (note I do not know the _id at this point).
How do I do this correctly?
I tried the following:
var diveId = "myDiveId";
var userIdToRemove = "123456789"
Dive.findOne({ _id: diveId }).then(function(dive) {
dive.divers.pull({ user: userIdToRemove }); {
//do something smart
This yieled no change in the document.
I also tried
Dive.update({ _id: diveId }, { "$pull": { "divers": { "diver._id": new ObjectId(userIdToRemove) } } }, { safe: true }, function(err, obj) {
//do something smart
With this I got as result that the entire divers array was emptied for the given dive.
What about this?
Dive.update({ _id: diveId }, { "$pull": { "divers": { "user": userIdToRemove } }}, { safe: true, multi:true }, function(err, obj) {
//do something smart
I solve this problem using this code-
await Album.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: albumId },
{ $pull: { images: { _id: imageId } } },
{ safe: true, multi: false }
return res.status(200).json({ message: "Album Deleted Successfully" });
Try this
Dive.update({ _id: diveId },{"$pull": { "drivers": {"user": "123456789"}}})
Try this async code
var diveId = "myDiveId";
var userIdToRemove = "123456789"
const dive=await Dive.findOne({ _id: diveId })
await dive.divers.pull({ user: userIdToRemove });
Use this with try/catch:
await Group.updateOne(
{ _id: groupId },
{ $pull: { members: {id: memberId }}}
