I have a main program that generates a few threads (using a while loop with accept() to get clients), and one that all it has to do is "listen to the keyboard" and when the user enters the word exit it will close the entire program.
first, the main program create the listening thread, then it enters a while loop that accept the clients. even if the listening thread get the exit input the loop is still stuck on accept.
i don't have to use a seperate thread to listen to the keyboard but i could'nt find a none blocking way that would work.
the listening thread:
DWORD WINAPI ListenService(LPVOID lpParam)
char buffer[5];
if (EOF == scanf("%s", buffer))
printf("faile get word from keyboard\n");
if (buffer[4] != '\0')
strcat(buffer, "\0");
if (STRINGS_ARE_EQUAL(buffer, "exit"))
return 999;
return -1;
in the main code:
ThreadListen = CreateThread(NULL,0,ListenService,NULL,0,&(ThreadId));
SOCKET AcceptSocket = accept(MainSocket, NULL, NULL);
if (AcceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Accepting connection with client failed, error %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
printf("Client Connected.\n");
There are many different ways you can handle this.
You can abort a blocked accept() by simply closing the listening socket.
Or, you can use select() with a short timeout to detect when a new client is waiting before then calling accept(). You can check your exit condition in between calls to select(). Just be aware that there is a small race condition where a client may disconnect between the time select() and accect() are called, so accept() may still block, if there are no more clients waiting.
Or, you can get rid of your threads and just use non-blocking sockets in a single thread, checking your exit condition periodically in between socket operations.
Or, you can use asynchronous sockets, using WSACreateEvent(), WSAEventSelect(), and WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() to detect socket activity. Then you can create an addition event to wait on for when the exit condition happens.
Or, you can use an I/O Completion Port to handle socket activity, and then you can post a custom exit packet into the IOCP queue using PostQueuedCompletionStatus() to "wake up" any waiting threads.
Background: My code structure: I have a master socket on main thread, then each time a new client is coming, the threadpool will be notified and let one pre allocated thread take the task.
Inside this thread, I will pass a slave socket to it, and let it using accept call to listen to the client.
Scenario: In my thread pool, thread A is listening to a client right now, now I want to stop all the pre-allocated thread and close all the connection to the client, the main thread is trying to close the connection using close the connection to the client, and trying to terminate thread A using pthread_join.
main() {
// create threadpool
// logic to create mastersocket
IwantToCloseServer() // this function is not directly called in main, but simulated by a terminal signal , like kill -quit pid.
int startServer(int msock) {
int ssock; // slaveSocket
struct sockaddr_in client_addr; // the address of the client...
unsigned int client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); // ... and its length
while (!stopCondition) {
// Accept connection:
ssock = ::accept((int)msock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &client_addr_len); // the return value is a socket
// I was trying to replace this line of code to poll(), but it's not does the same thing as before
if (ssock < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR) continue;
running =0;
return 0;
// exit(0);
} else {
// push task to thread pool to deal with logic
// main thread continues with the loop...
return 1;
IwantToCloseServer(slaveSocket) {
// when i want to close() or shutdown() function to close connections, these 2 function always return -1, because the thread is blocked on accept call
// logic try to terminate all the preallocated threads, the pthread_join function is stuck because the thread is blocked on accept
Problem: The thread A is keeping blocking on the ::accept function , the close and shutdown function return -1, they won’t close the connection , and the pthread_join is not keep going because thread A is blocked on accept.
Things I tried:
I have try to change my while loop related accept function, for example, set a flag stopCondition,
while(!stopConditon) {
ssock = ::accept((int)msock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &client_addr_len);
However, when the main thread change stopCondtion, the thread A is blocked inside the accept function.
It won’t go inside the while loop, so this solution won’t affect the accept function, it’s not working
I have also tried to send a signal to this blocked Thread A, using
pthread_cancel or pthread_kill(Thread A, 9)
However, if I do this, the whole process gets killed.
3.try to use poll() to replace the line, where the accept functions at, with a timeout
however, the program doesn't behave like before, the program can't listen to client anymore.
How do I terminate thread A (which is blocked on accept function call right now), so that I can clean this pre allocated thread and restart my server ?
btw i can not use library like boost in my current program. And this is under linux system not winsocket
to check periodically stopConditon in your while(!stopConditon) { first call accept/pool with a timeout to know if there is something new about msock, then depending on the result call accept etc else do nothing
I was trying to replace this line of code to poll()
try to use poll() to replace the line, where the accept functions at, with a timeout
you cannot replace accept by poll, you have to call accept / pool first and of course check the result then may be call accept
Out of that
while(!stopConditon) {
if(!stopCondtion) {
is redundant and can be replaced by
while(!stopConditon) {
I have an app (server) that uses accept() to receive TCP socket connections from mobile phones (clients). It seems to work, but when I run my app in Apple Instruments I can see this app uses about 100% CPU and the main reason 95% of it accounts for call to non-blocking accept(). I think I have added this non-blocking accept() method call in order to be able to stop server in any time by clicking GUI button "Stop Server". By this solution I can each time check whether I have a flag shouldShutDown equal to true and then I am closing the server()
Here is the code of server loop:
* Function is looping infinitely and waiting
* for new incoming connections.
* It handles each connection on thread pool's worker thread
result_t thread_pool_stream_server_loop(server_info_t *server_info, connection_handler_t conn_handler) {
sock_fd_t cs_fd, ps_fd;
thread_pool_t *thread_pool;
// get passive server socket
ps_fd = server_info_sock(server_info);
// initialize thread pool and set its size
thread_pool_init(&thread_pool, 5, 10, 3000 /* [ms] */);
while(1) {
if(server_info_should_shut_down(server_info)) {
return CLOSED;
if(server_info_force_shut_down(server_info)) {
// check to accept new connections on the main thread...
cs_fd = accept_new_connection(ps_fd);
if(cs_fd == FAILURE) {
fprintf(stderr, "accept_new_connection: failed!\n");
server_info_connection_error_event(server_info, cs_fd, CONN_ERROR_ACCEPT, "accept_new_connection: failed!");
} else if(cs_fd == CONTINUE) {
// publish client connected event
server_info_client_connected_event(server_info, cs_fd);
// revert connection socket to non-blocking
int opts = fcntl(cs_fd, F_GETFL);
opts = opts & (~O_NONBLOCK);
fcntl(cs_fd, F_SETFL, opts);
// handle new connection by thread pool's worker thread
conn_thread_runner_attr_t *connection_thread_runner_attr;
conn_thread_runner_attr_fill(connection_thread_runner_attr, conn_handler, server_info, cs_fd, NULL, NULL);
thread_pool_run(thread_pool, (runner_t) connection_thread_runner, (runner_attr_t) connection_thread_runner_attr, NULL);
// adjust thread pool actual size to number of added connection handling tasks
return FAILURE;
The code is busy waiting, for accept() to return something different then EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK, so what else then burning CPU cycles do you expect?
You could fix this by calling select(), with 10ms time-out, before calling accept().
Was writing program with server capability.
Here is short snippet demonstrating accept:
for (;;) {
if ((c = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &b)) == -1) {
if (EINTR == errno) {
syslog(LOG_INFO, "recovering after system call interruption");
} else
/* forking, client handling code */
Also I handle HUP by rereading configuration file so that signal could happen when accept is being blocked waiting for client requests.
Is the approach I use correct or there is another proper method for doing accept and handling signals?
Does interruption by a signal flushes clients queue waiting to be serviced, that is my main concern regarding the question.
Does interruption by a signal flushes clients queue
No, it doesn't.
Is the approach I use correct
It is a common approach, yes.
or there is another proper method for doing accept and handling signals?
Not answerable, as you do not show the related code, how you actually do the signal handling.
I am trying to make a simple client-server chat program. On the client side I spin off another thread to read any incomming data from the server. The problem is, I want to gracefully terminate that second thread when a person logs out from the main thread. I was trying to use a shared variable 'running' to terminate, problem is, the socket read() command is a blocking command, so if I do while(running == 1), the server has to send something before the read returns and the while condition can be checked again. I am looking for a method (with common unix sockets only) to do a non-blocking read, basically some form of peek() would work, for I can continually check the loop to see if I'm done.
The reading thread loop is below, right now it does not have any mutex's for the shared variables, but I plan to add that later don't worry! ;)
void *serverlisten(void *vargp)
while(running == 1)
read(socket, readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("CLIENT RECIEVED: %s\n", readbuffer);
You can make socket not blockable, as suggested in another post plus use select to wait input with timeout, like this:
fd_set input;
FD_SET(sd, &input);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = sec;
timeout.tv_usec = msec * 1000;
int n = select(sd + 1, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (n == -1) {
//something wrong
} else if (n == 0)
if (!FD_ISSET(sd, &input))
;//again something wrong
//here we can call not blockable read
fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
or, if you have other flags:
int x;
x=fcntl(socket ,F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, x | O_NONBLOCK);
then check the return value of read to see whether there was data available.
note: a bit of googling will yield you lots of full examples.
You can also use blocking sockets, and "peek" with select with a timeout. It seems more appropriate here so you don't do busy wait.
The best thing is likely to get rid of the extra thread and use select() or poll() to handle everything in one thread.
If you want to keep the thread, one thing you can do is call shutdown() on the socket with SHUT_RDWR, which will shut down the connection, wake up all threads blocked on it but keep the file descriptor valid. After you have joined the reader thread, you can then close the socket. Note that this only works on sockets, not on other types of file descriptor.
Look for function setsockopt with option SO_RCVTIMEO.
Sockets on Linux question
I have a worker thread that is blocked on an accept() call. It simply waits for an incoming network connection, handles it, and then returns to listening for the next connection.
When it is time for the program to exit, how do I signal this network worker thread (from the main thread) to return from the accept() call while still being able to gracefully exit its loop and handle its cleanup code.
Some things I tried:
pthread_kill to send a signal. Feels kludgy to do this, plus it doesn't reliably allow the thread to do it's shutdown logic. Also makes the program terminate as well. I'd like to avoid signals if at all possible.
pthread_cancel. Same as above. It's a harsh kill on the thread. That, and the thread may be doing something else.
Closing the listen socket from the main thread in order to make accept() abort. This doesn't reliably work.
Some constraints:
If the solution involves making the listen socket non-blocking, that is fine. But I don't want to accept a solution that involves the thread waking up via a select call every few seconds to check the exit condition.
The thread condition to exit may not be tied to the process exiting.
Essentially, the logic I am going for looks like this.
void* WorkerThread(void* args)
DoSomeImportantInitialization(); // initialize listen socket and some thread specific stuff
while (HasExitConditionBeenSet()==false)
listensize = sizeof(listenaddr);
int sock = accept(listensocket, &listenaddr, &listensize);
// check if exit condition has been set using thread safe semantics
if (HasExitConditionBeenSet())
if (sock < 0)
printf("accept returned %d (errno==%d)\n", sock, errno);
HandleNewNetworkCondition(sock, &listenaddr);
DoSomeImportantCleanup(); // close listen socket, close connections, cleanup etc..
return NULL;
void SignalHandler(int sig)
printf("Caught CTRL-C\n");
void NotifyWorkerThreadToExit(pthread_t thread_handle)
// signal thread to exit
int main()
void* ptr_ret= NULL;
pthread_t workerthread_handle = 0;
pthread_create(&workerthread, NULL, WorkerThread, NULL);
signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler);
sleep((unsigned int)-1); // sleep until the user hits ctrl-c
printf("Returned from sleep call...\n");
SetThreadExitCondition(); // sets global variable with barrier that worker thread checks on
// this is the function I'm stalled on writing
// wait for thread to exit cleanly
pthread_join(workerthread_handle, &ptr_ret);
Close the socket using the shutdown() call. This will wake up any threads blocked on it, while keeping the file descriptor valid.
close() on a descriptor another thread B is using is inherently hazardous: another thread C may open a new file descriptor which thread B will then use instead of the closed one. dup2() a /dev/null onto it avoids that problem, but does not wake up blocked threads reliably.
Note that shutdown() only works on sockets -- for other kinds of descriptors you likely need the select+pipe-to-self or cancellation approaches.
You can use a pipe to notify the thread that you want it to exit. Then you can have a select() call which selects on both the pipe and the listening socket.
For example (compiles but not fully tested):
// NotifyPipe.h
class NotifyPipe
int m_receiveFd;
int m_sendFd;
virtual ~NotifyPipe();
int receiverFd();
void notify();
// NotifyPipe.cpp
#include "NotifyPipe.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int pipefd[2];
int ret = pipe(pipefd);
assert(ret == 0); // For real usage put proper check here
m_receiveFd = pipefd[0];
m_sendFd = pipefd[1];
int NotifyPipe::receiverFd()
return m_receiveFd;
void NotifyPipe::notify()
Then select with receiverFd(), and notify for termination using notify().
Close the listening socket and accept will return an error.
What doesn't reliably work with this? Describe the problems you're facing.
pthread_cancel to cancel a thread blocked in accept() is risky if the pthread implementation does not implement cancellation properly, that is if the thread created a socket, just before returning to your code, a pthread_cancel() is called for it, the thread is canceled, and the newly created socket is leaked. Although FreeBSD 9.0 and later does not have such a race condition problem, but you should check your OS first.