SQL Server copy data across databases - sql-server

I'm using SQL Server 2019. I have a "MasterDB" database that is exposed to GUI application.
I'm also going to have as many as 40 user database like "User1DB", "User2DB", etc. And all these user databases will have "exact same" schema and tables.
I have a requirement to copy tables data (overwriting target) from one user database (let's say "User1DB") to the other (say "User2DB"). I need to do this from within "MasterDB" database since the GUI client app going to have access to only this database. How to handle this dynamic situation? I'd prefer static SQL (in form of Stored Procedures) rather than dynamic SQL.
Any suggestion will greatly be appreciated. Thanks.

Check out this question here for transferring data from one database to another.
Aside from that, I agree with #DaleK here. There is no real reason to have a database per user if we are making the assumption that a user is someone who is logging into your frontend app.
I can somewhat understand replicating your schema per customer if you are running some multi-billion record enterprise application where you physically have so much data per customer that it makes sense to split it up, but based on your question that doesn't seem to be the case.
So, if our assumptions are correct, you just need to have a user table, where your fields might be...
I see in the comments you are referring to "source control data" ... I suggest you study up on databases and how they're meant to be designed, implemented, and how data should be transacted. There are a ton of great articles and books out there on this with a simple Google search.
If you are looking to replicate your data for backup purposes, look into some data warehouse design principles, maybe creating a separate datastore in a different geographic region for that. The latter is a very complex subject to which I can't go over in this answer, but it sounds like that goes far beyond your current needs. My suggestion is to backtrack and hash out the needs for your application, while understanding some of the fundamentals of databases (or different methods of storing data). Implement something and then see where it can be expanded upon / refactored.
Beyond that, I can't be more detailed than the original question you posted. Hope this helps.


Compare application database created in SQL Server and Oracle

I looked around for this task I have on my hands but did not find anything helpful. I am primarily a Java person with sound knowledge of database from software development point of view. I do have some knowledge of DBA functions with what can and cannot be done but not able to come up with a good solution.
The task I have is to compare the databases created in SQL Server and Oracle by our application installer.
I think I have been able to come up with some queries (of course, by searching online) in SQL Server that will give me things like number of tables in a schema, each table's columns with data types and indexes, different types of constraints, triggers, etc. (with their count) created for each of those tables. I can provide those SQLs if somebody is interested.
However, Oracle seem to be more tricky. I would appreciate if somebody can help or maybe point me in the right direction.
I am trying to find out somethings like following:
Number of tables created
Number of indexes, constraints (with their types), triggers for each of those tables
Number of stored procedures/functions created
Number of views created
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
First off, if you are already comfortable writing Java code, I'm not sure that I would be writing a bunch of SQL to do this comparison. JDBC already has a DatabaseMetaData class that has methods like getTables to get all the tables. That would give you one API to work with and let you leverage the fact that the folks that wrote the JDBC drivers already wrote all the code to query the data dictionary tables in whatever database you are using. This will also let you focus on differences in how the objects your installer creates will be perceived by the application.
If you are going to write specific SQL, the Oracle data dictionary tables are pretty easy to work with. The ones you'll care about are going to follow the pattern [user|all|dba]_<<type of thing>>. The [user|all|dba] prefix indicates whether you are looking for objects that you own (user), objects that you have access to (all), or all objects in the database (dba). Normal users often don't have access to the dba views because that is a potential security issue-- generally you don't want people to know that an object exists if they don't have access to it. In my examples, I'll use the all versions of the objects but you can change all to user or dba depending on what you're after.
all_tables will show you information about all the tables you have access to. You probably want to add a filter on owner for the schema(s) that your installer touches since you may have access to tables that are not part of your application.
all_indexes, all_constraints, and all_triggers will show you information about indexes, constraints, and triggers. Again, you may want to add a predicate on owner to limit yourself to the schema(s) that you care about.
all_procedures will show you information about procedures and functions both stand-alone and in packages.
all_views will show you information about all views.
If you are really just interested in counts, you may be able to simply go to all_objects and do a count grouping by object_type. I'm guessing that you'll want to see attributes of the various objects so you'll want to go to the various object-specific views.

why wordpress does not use views or stored procedures

I installed a wordpress blog and was tinkering with the database,
I noticed they are not using any sotred procedures or views why is this?
Or is it just not available for wordpress.org users and some premium feature for paid wordpress.com members?
Is it not advisable to use these to improve performance considering wordpress stores almost everything except media files in database.
Are there any resources / attempts to optimize wp database using these ?
The decision regarding where to keep transformations of / operations on data is heavily rooted in the concept of what you consider to be the central interface to the data within the application as a whole.
If you're a database programmer, you're much more likely to consider that central point to be the database. In this view, the data is the center, and the surrounding application can be thought of as just an interface on top of that data. This view makes sense when dealing with anything where data itself is key. I.e., where the data will stay put over time, and the ways in which the data is accessed, or the things which you want to do with the data will change over time. Examples which fit well into this view include: Financial systems, Healthcare records, Customer data, Phone records... pretty much anything that has a lot of ways of looking at the data, and is constantly growing.
If you're an application programmer, the data itself may be almost secondary. In this view, the data is transient. Where and how that data is stored is even less important. The MVC pattern encourages the database to be utterly replaceable, and strongly discourages putting any sort of logic related to anything other than basic data integrity into the the database. There is certainly nothing about the MVC pattern or other application-centric development practices which argue specifically against stored procedures or views, but there is much less room for them to be useful. Examples which fit well into this view inclue: Blogs, Message-boards, Stand-alone Documents... pretty much anything that has a very simple structure, does not have complex relations, and can be divided easily into self-contained units. Anything for which "what you can do" is tied closely in concept to "what you are doing it to".
A summary of the two above-mentioned viewpoints is that there are tools for which examining data is more important (data-centric), and there are tools for which creating data is more important (application-centric).
Another way of looking at it is that Stored Procedures and Views are just interfaces on top of a database. Wordpress is also an interface on top of a database, it's just written in PHP.
Well, I don't know their rationale for a fact but my guess would be that since MySQL actually stores the procedures in the "mysql" database - not the wordpress database where the tables are - that they did it because it can be an access issue. Let's say you have a DB server supporting multiple WP databases. All the procedures get put into the "mysql" database. So when you backup your WP database you don't get any of the procedures. You'd need to back up the mysql (system) database, and its likely the users would not have the rights to do so in such an environment, which is the typical environment for WP installs.
Excellent answers. To add, I think that from a plugin coding side, it is easier to update just the file system and do as little database work on an as needed basis.
Especially if a plugin update doesn't install right the first time and you have to restore the files and try again, a database change would be a lot more difficult to reverse.

Where Do You Put Commonly Shared Tables, Stored Procedures, and Functions?

I have a SQL Server with a number of databases. Most are for applications, but some store data for reporting and analysis. I also have information that is not specific to any one database, but can be used by several of them.
A good example is my company's fiscal calendar. I store this information in a table. Putting the same fiscal calendar table in each database is a bad idea for me. Even with the negative of having multiple database dependencies, I think it is worth it because otherwise there is too much risk for inconsistency. What I do now is put the fiscal calendar and other similar functions and procedures in a database simply titled "Community".
I have the rare and glorious opportunity of moving to a new server and refactoring everything as I go. I am wondering if I should change this practice. Below are a few specific questions:
Am I unaware of any disadvantages of my current method?
Is there a better place or name to use to store this type of information?
What is your experience with issues like this, and am I missing what should be an obvious solution?
You've already taken the important step of separating the shared data into its own database. I don't think there's a better approach. The name is fairly subjective, but Common is another term frequently used for this purpose.
I would hide this behind a "shared data service" or something. Not rely on the existence of a database.
You don't have to be a big shop before you need to put one app onto it's own servers then you're bollixed.
At the very least, I'd use a linked server to hide it even if on the same server so you are independent of actual server names.

Can you provide some advice on setting up my database?

I'm working on a MUD (Multi User Dungeon) in Python and am just now getting around to the point where I need to add some rooms, enemies, items, etc. I could hardcode all this in, but it seems like this is more of a job for a database.
However, I've never really done any work with databases before so I was wondering if you have any advice on how to set this up?
What format should I store the data in?
I was thinking of storing a Dictionary object in the database for each entity. In htis way, I could then simply add new attributes to the database on the fly without altering the columns of the database. Does that sound reasonable?
Should I store all the information in the same database but in different tables or different entities (enemies and rooms) in different databases.
I know this will be a can of worms, but what are some suggestions for a good database? Is MySQL a good choice?
1) There's almost never any reason to have data for the same application in different databases. Not unless you're a Fortune500 size company (OK, i'm exaggregating).
2) Store the info in different tables.
As an example:
T1: Rooms
T2: Room common properties (aplicable to every room), with a row per **room*
T3: Room unique properties (applicable to minority of rooms, with a row per property per room - thos makes it easy to add custom properties without adding new columns
T4: Room-Room connections
Having T2 AND T3 is important as it allows you to combine efficiency and speed of row-per-room idea where it's applicable with flexibility/maintanability/space saving of attribute-per-entity-per-row (or Object/attribute/value as IIRC it's called in fancy terms) schema
Good discussion is here
3) Implementation wise, try to write something re-usable, e.g. have generic "Get_room" methods, which underneath access the DB -= ideally via transact SQL or ANSI SQL so you can survive changing of DB back-end fairly painlessly.
For initial work, you can use SQLite. Cheap, easy and SQL compatible (the best property of all). Install is pretty much nothing, DB management can be done by freeware tools or even FireFox plugin IIRC (all of FireFox 3 data stores - history, bookmarks, places, etc... - are all SQLite databases).
For later, either MySQL or Postgres (I don't do either one professionally so can't recommend one). IIRC at some point Sybase had free personal db server as well, but no idea if that's still the case.
This technique is called entity-attribute-value model. It's normally preferred to have DB schema that reflects the structure of the objects, and update the schema when your object structure changes. Such strict schema is easier to query and it's easier to make sure that the data is correct on the database level.
One database with multiple tables is the way to do.
If you want a database server, I've recommend PostgreSQL. MySQL has some advantages, like easy replication, but PostgreSQL is generally nicer to work with. If you want something smaller that works directly with the application, SQLite is a good embedded database.
Storing an entire object (serialized/encoded) as a value in the database is bad for querying - I am sure that some queries in your mud will NOT need to know 100% of attributes, or may retrieve a list of object by a value of attributes.
it seems like this is more of a job
for a database
True, although 'database' doesn't have to mean 'relational database'. Most existing MUDs store all data in memory, and read it in from flat-file saved in a plain-text data format. I'm not necessarily recommending this route, just pointing out that a traditional database is by no means necessary. If you do want to go the relational route, recent versions of Python come with sqlite which is a lightweight embedded relational database with good SQL support.
Using relational databases with your code can be awkward. Any change to a game logic class can require a parallel change to the database, and changes to the code that read and write to the database. For this reason good planning will help you a lot, but it's hard to plan a good database schema without experience. At least get your entity classes planned first, then build a database schema around it. Reading up on normalizing a database and understanding the principles there will help.
You may want to use an 'object-relational mapper' which can simplify a lot of this for you. Examples in Python include SQLObject, SQLAlchemy, and Autumn. These hide a lot of the complexities for you, but as a result can hide some of the important details too. I'd recommend using the database directly until you are more familiar with it, and consider using an ORM in the future.
I was thinking of storing a Dictionary
object in the database for each
entity. In htis way, I could then
simply add new attributes to the
database on the fly without altering
the columns of the database. Does that
sound reasonable?
Unfortunately not - if you do that, you waste 99% of the capabilities of the database and are effectively using it as a glorified data store. However, if you don't need aforementioned database capabilities, this is a valid route if you use the right tool for the job. The standard shelve module is well worth looking at for this purpose.
Should I store all the information in
the same database but in different
tables or different entities (enemies
and rooms) in different databases.
One database. One table in the database per entity type. That's the typical approach when using a relational database (eg. MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, etc).
I know this will be a can of worms,
but what are some suggestions for a
good database? Is MySQL a good choice?
I would advise sticking with sqlite until you're more familiar with SQL. Otherwise, MySQL is a reasonable choice for a free game database, as is PostGreSQL.
One database. Each database table should refer to an actual data object.
For instance, create a table for all items, all creatures, all character classes, all treasures, etc.
Spend some time now and figure out how objects will relate to each other, as this will affect your database structure. For example, can a character have more than one character class? Can monsters have character classes? Can monsters carry items? Can rooms have more than one monster?
It seems pedantic, but you'll save yourself a whole lot of trouble early by figuring out what database objects "belong" to which other database objects.

How would you design your database to allow user-defined schema

If you have to create an application like - let's say a blog application, creating the database schema is relatively simple. You have to create some tables, tblPosts, tblAttachments, tblCommets, tblBlaBla… and that's it (ok, i know, that's a bit simplified but you understand what i mean).
What if you have an application where you want to allow users to define parts of the schema at runtime. Let's say you want to build an application where users can log any kind of data. One user wants to log his working hours (startTime, endTime, project Id, description), the next wants to collect cooking recipes, others maybe stock quotes, the weekly weight of their babies, monthly expenses they spent for food, the results of their favorite football teams or whatever stuff you can think about.
How would you design a database to hold all that very very different kind of data? Would you create a generic schema that can hold all kind of data, would you create new tables reflecting the user data schema or do you have another great idea to do that?
If it's important: I have to use SQL Server / Entity Framework
Let's try again.
If you want them to be able to create their own schema, then why not build the schema using, oh, I dunno, the CREATE TABLE statment. You have a full boat, full functional, powerful database that can do amazing things like define schemas and store data. Why not use it?
If you were just going to do some ad-hoc properties, then sure.
But if it's "carte blanche, they can do whatever they want", then let them.
Do they have to know SQL? Umm, no. That's your UIs task. Your job as a tool and application designer is to hide the implementation from the user. So present lists of fields, lines and arrows if you want relationships, etc. Whatever.
Folks have been making "end user", "simple" database tools for years.
"What if they want to add a column?" Then add a column, databases do that, most good ones at least. If not, create the new table, copy the old data, drop the old one.
"What if they want to delete a column?" See above. If yours can't remove columns, then remove it from the logical view of the user so it looks like it's deleted.
"What if they have eleventy zillion rows of data?" Then they have a eleventy zillion rows of data and operations take eleventy zillion times longer than if they had 1 row of data. If they have eleventy zillion rows of data, they probably shouldn't be using your system for this anyway.
The fascination of "Implementing databases on databases" eludes me.
"I have Oracle here, how can I offer less features and make is slower for the user??"
Gee, I wonder.
There's no way you can predict how complex their data requirements will be. Entity-Attribute-Value is one typical solution many programmers use, but it might be be sufficient, for instance if the user's data would conventionally be modeled with multiple tables.
I'd serialize the user's custom data as XML or YAML or JSON or similar semi-structured format, and save it in a text BLOB.
You can even create inverted indexes so you can look up specific values among the attributes in your BLOB. See http://bret.appspot.com/entry/how-friendfeed-uses-mysql (the technique works in any RDBMS, not just MySQL).
Also consider using a document store such as Solr or MongoDB. These technologies do not need to conform to relational database conventions. You can add new attributes to any document at runtime, without needing to redefine the schema. But it's a tradeoff -- having no schema means your app can't depend on documents/rows being similar throughout the collection.
I'm a critic of the Entity-Attribute-Value anti-pattern.
I've written about EAV problems in my book, SQL Antipatterns Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.
Here's an SO answer where I list some problems with Entity-Attribute-Value: "Product table, many kinds of products, each product has many parameters."
Here's a blog I posted the other day with some more discussion of EAV problems: "EAV FAIL."
And be sure to read this blog "Bad CaRMa" about how attempting to make a fully flexible database nearly destroyed a company.
I would go for a Hybrid Entity-Attribute-Value model, so like Antony's reply, you have EAV tables, but you also have default columns (and class properties) which will always exist.
Here's a great article on what you're in for :)
As an additional comment, I knocked up a prototype for this approach using Linq2Sql in a few days, and it was a workable solution. Given that you've mentioned Entity Framework, I'd take a look at version 4 and their POCO support, since this would be a good way to inject a hybrid EAV model without polluting your EF schema.
On the surface, a schema-less or document-oriented database such as CouchDB or SimpleDB for the custom user data sounds ideal. But I guess that doesn't help much if you can't use anything but SQL and EF.
I'm not familiar with the Entity Framework, but I would lean towards the Entity-Attribute-Value (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity-Attribute-Value_model) database model.
So, rather than creating tables and columns on the fly, your app would create attributes (or collections of attributes) and then your end users would complete the values.
But, as I said, I don't know what the Entity Framework is supposed to do for you, and it may not let you take this approach.
Not as a critical comment, but it may help save some of your time to point out that this is one of those Don Quixote Holy Grail type issues. There's an eternal quest for probably over 50 years to make a user-friendly database design interface.
The only quasi-successful ones that have gained any significant traction that I can think of are 1. Excel (and its predecessors), 2. Filemaker (the original, not its current flavor), and 3. (possibly, but doubtfully) Access. Note that the first two are limited to basically one table.
I'd be surprised if our collective conventional wisdom is going to help you break the barrier. But it would be wonderful.
Rather than re-implement sqlservers "CREATE TABLE" statement, which was done many years ago by a team of programmers who were probably better than you or I, why not work on exposing SQLSERVER in a limited way to the users -- let them create thier own schema in a limited way and leverage the power of SQLServer to do it properly.
I would just give them a copy of SQL Server Management Studio, and say, "go nuts!" Why reinvent a wheel within a wheel?
Check out this post you can do it but it's a lot of hard work :) If performance is not a concern an xml solution could work too though that is also alot of work.
