How to handle NSOutlineViewDataSource with loops - nsoutlineview

I have an NSOutlineView populated from an NSOutlineViewDataSource which is a thin wrapper over a supplied object model, containing a mixture of arrays, dictionaries and primitive types.
However the object model has loops in its hierarchy. I thought that this shouldn't be a problem, as a user would not expand that node (or get bored after a while) but the two different paths refer to the same object instance, what happens to one happens to the other, if the parent is expanded (as it would be) then the child item is also expanded resulting in an infinite loop.
I've tried putting conditional logic into my DataSource, to not return an object if the document dictionary key is "Parent". But all I see in isItemExpandable is a reference to the object, and I have no idea if the key is "Parent" or not.
I've tried caching the objects in an NSDictionary, with their keys, to see if I've encountered them before, this allowed me to determine the key name and return NO for isItemExpandable this partially worked but as they are same object, the parent's object key was overwritten with "Parent" changing the name shown in the NSOutlineView and preventing the "Parent" key from being expanded or collapsed.
The datasource is populated via callbacks, I haven't got much context to determine if the object is the parent node, or the child, let alone if it is referenced multiple times.
I've seen a similar questions refer to NSPathIndex but that appears to be for array indexes and not dictionary keys, NSTreeNode has a similar problem and there doesn't appear to be an NSKeyPath class.
Does anyone know how to handle this case?

Each item in the outline view must be unique. Wrap each node in a NSTreeNode or similar custom class. Repeated nodes are wrapped again. For example:
MyObject is a NSObject subclass with property children but representedObject can be anything.
#property NSTreeNode *rootNode;
// setup
self.rootNode = [[NSTreeNode alloc] initWithRepresentedObject:rootObject];
[self.outlineView reloadData];
- (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(NSTreeNode *)item {
if (!item)
item = self.rootNode;
MyObject *object = item.representedObject;
return object.children.count;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(NSTreeNode *)item {
if (!item)
item = self.rootNode;
MyObject *object = item.representedObject;
// show repeated nodes as leaves
NSTreeNode *parentItem = item.parentNode;
while (parentItem) {
if (parentItem.representedObject == object)
return NO;
parentItem = parentItem.parentNode;
return object.children.count > 0;
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(NSTreeNode *)item {
if (!item)
item = self.rootNode;
if (index >= item.childNodes.count) {
// create child nodes
NSMutableArray *childrenArray = item.mutableChildNodes;
[childrenArray removeAllObjects];
MyObject *object = item.representedObject;
for (MyObject *childObject in object.children)
[childrenArray addObject:[[NSTreeNode alloc] initWithRepresentedObject:childObject]];
return item.childNodes[index];


Are accessors of class properties useful?

Consider the following accessor methods of the property global_position of the class Node2D:
Vector2 global_position
Setter set_global_position(value)
Getter get_global_position()
But the property is not encapsulated as shown by this example:
extends EditorScript
func _run() -> void:
var n =
n.global_position = Vector2(100, 100)
which produces:
* scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp:467 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true. Returned: get_transform()
(100, 100)
Are those accessors useless?
They are NOT useless. They are useful… If the node is in the scene tree.
You can add the node to the scene tree with add_child or add_child_below_node.
I'm not sure what you mean by "not encapsulated". Just in case, I'll point out that you are NOT bypassing them.
When you use the property, you are using the getter and setter methdods. The property is a convenience for language binding. Thus, we could also say that you don't need the property, only the getter and setter.
You can see in the source for Node2D, that there is a _bind_methods function that sets all the properties and methods that are exposed to use. This is how global_position looks like:
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "global_position", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "set_global_position", "get_global_position");
That message you are getting is because you are using global_position on a node that is not on the scene tree. And, yes in that case, it is not useful. We can figure that out with a simple script:
extends Node2D
func _ready() -> void:
global_position = Vector2(200, 300)
var n =
n.global_position = Vector2(100, 100)
This outputs:
(100, 100)
(300, 400)
Thus, as you can see, it will have a different global position from what was set. And the difference depends on the position of the parent. Setting position would have the same effect. Thus setting global_position not useful here.
If you want to go deeper on what global_position does, we can have a look at the source of the getter and setter (part of the linked source for Node2D):
Point2 Node2D::get_global_position() const {
return get_global_transform().get_origin();
void Node2D::set_global_position(const Point2 &p_pos) {
Transform2D inv;
CanvasItem *pi = get_parent_item();
if (pi) {
inv = pi->get_global_transform().affine_inverse();
} else {
This is set_position, by the way (notice it writes pos):
void Node2D::set_position(const Point2 &p_pos) {
if (_xform_dirty)
((Node2D *)this)->_update_xform_values();
pos = p_pos;
And _update_transform (with conspicuous !is_inside_tree() check):
void Node2D::_update_transform() {
_mat.set_rotation_and_scale(angle, _scale);
_mat.elements[2] = pos;
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_transform(get_canvas_item(), _mat);
if (!is_inside_tree())
Notice that _update_transform updates _mat based on pos.
What about get_global_transform? Not in that file. We find it in the source for CanvasItem:
Transform2D CanvasItem::get_global_transform() const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_inside_tree(), get_transform());
if (global_invalid) {
const CanvasItem *pi = get_parent_item();
if (pi) {
global_transform = pi->get_global_transform() * get_transform();
} else {
global_transform = get_transform();
global_invalid = false;
return global_transform;
And there is the failed assert you saw: !is_inside_tree().
Oh, about that global_invalid. If you search for it on the source, you will find it is set to true when the node exits the scene tree or the transform is modified (that is in _notify_transform, which I'm not including here, but you can see it is called by _update_transform when it is in the scene tree).
What can we make out of all this?
The property global_position is simply syntactic sugar for the methods get_global_position and set_global_position.
The methods get_global_position and set_global_position work on the global transform, which is inherited from CanvasItem.
To figure out the global position, we need to work out the transforms on the parent nodes. Which means, we could also figure it out by going over the same process, and thus these methods technically not necessary.
It is done lazily. The global position gets invalidated, and it is recomputed on demand.
If the node is not in the scene tree… What parent nodes? In this case using global_position would be doing the same if we were using position. Thus, we could say global_position is not useful when the node is not in the scene tree.
There is an assert that tells you when you are using it and it is not in the scene tree. And that assert gave you the message you posted.

Duktape/C array element accessors

I am trying to implement something like a HTMLCollection which is an array that can lose/gain elements without JS action.
duk_push_string(ctx, "length");
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_length_getter, 1);
duk_def_prop(ctx, -3, DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_GETTER);
duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_item_getter, 1);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "item");
Doing it like above I get an object on which I can read the my_array.length property and get an item by calling method my_array.item(index). But I don't get an item by using my_array[index].
If I replace the first line above by
I get an error that the length property is not configurable.
Is it possible to achieve what I want? An array with 'lazy' element binding? I have the impression that NetSurf somehow manages to do this but haven't quite worked out how ...
Ecmascript provides two main standard mechanisms for property virtualization: getters/setters (accessors) and the Proxy object. Getters/setters are limited to properties you explicitly set up beforehand so they don't always work for fully virtualizing an object, but a Proxy object can capture among other things all property reads and writes.
You should be able to implement your use case using a Proxy. Duktape implements a subset of the Proxy traps (documented in As a minimal example of capturing all property reads and writes (but forwarding them to the target):
var target = { foo: 'hello' };
var proxy = new Proxy(target, {
get: function (targ, key) {
print('get', key);
// may also return a virtualized value
return targ[key];
set: function (targ, key, val) {
print('set', key, val);
// may also capture (virtualize) write, or reject write
targ[key] = val;
return true; // indicate write was allowed
print(; = 123;
Running with "duk" this prints:
get foo
set bar 123

Angular - Objects seem bound to eachother but arent

I have an edit page where the user can edit a file in the system, and then save it. When loading the file, I make two objects out of the result, one is bound to the view and the other I wish to keep (in its original state) until "save" is clicked, and then use it to compare vs the view-bound object, to see if any changes have been made.
So, when the page loads, this is being run
$http.get('/api/files/' + $
.then(function (result) {
vm.fileTemp =;
vm.fileTempCopy =;
The fileTempCopy is not being touched or referenced by anything in the view or elsewhere in the controller, except in the save-method, where i check if they are alike or not. But somehow, both of them are updated when i make changes to the input fields (as if they were both used as ng-model for the inputs).
if(vm.fileTemp === vm.fileTempCopy)//in save-function
is always true, and their fields are exactly the same.
Why does this happen and how can I solve it?
Using the assignment operator, you are actually just referencing the original array. Arrays are reference types. That means, that they don't actually store values, they only store references to those values. What you where doing is copying a reference to a memory location, meaning that any changes to the memory at that location (including removing elements) will be reflected in both arrays.
So you will want to do this instead:
vm.fileTemp = angular.copy(;
vm.fileTempCopy = angular.copy(;
here is a very basic approach to checking an object's "value equality".
function isEquivalent(a, b) {
// Create arrays of property names
var aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
var bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);
// If number of properties is different,
// objects are not equivalent
if (aProps.length != bProps.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) {
var propName = aProps[i];
// If values of same property are not equal,
// objects are not equivalent
if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) {
return false;
// If we made it this far, objects
// are considered equivalent
return true;
//After your update Outputs: false
console.log(isEquivalent(vm.fileTemp, vm.fileTempCopy));

Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor

I'm trying to make a bomb catching game (I'm actually using the code from the AS3 Classroom in a Book on arrays). As soon as I changed the word fruit to bomb in the code I got error 1007. With the exception of changing basket_mc to eod_mc and fruit to bomb (I used command-F and replaced with case sensitive on) I haven't changed much. It worked with eod_mc, but doesn't with bomb.
var bombArray:Array = new Array(bomb);
var bombsOnstage:Array = new Array();
var bombsCollected:int = 0;
var bombsLost:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i<20; i++) {
var pickBomb = bombArray[int(Math.random() * bombArray.length)];
var bomb:MovieClip = new pickBomb();
bomb.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth-bomb.width;// bomb.width is subtracted from the random x position to elimate the slight possibility that a clip will be placed offstage on the right.
bomb.y = Math.random() * -500;
bomb.speed = Math.random() * 15 + 5;
eod_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragEod);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragStop);
function dragEod(e:Event):void {
function dragStop(e:Event):void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
function catchBomb(e:Event):void {
for (var i:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
var currentBomb:MovieClip = bombsOnstage[i];
currentBomb.y += currentBomb.speed;
if (currentBomb.y > stage.stageHeight - currentBomb.height) {
currentBomb.y = 0 - currentBomb.height;
field2_txt.text = "Total Bombs Detonated: " + bombsLost;
if (currentBomb.hitTestObject(eod_mc)) {
field1_txt.text = "Total Bombs Caught: " + bombsCollected;
if (bombsCollected >= 20) {
} else if (bombsCollected > 15) {
} else if (bombsCollected>10) {
} else if (bombsCollected>5) {
if (bombsOnstage.length <= 0) {
field1_txt.text = "You Win! You have defused the bombs.";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
if (bombsLost >= 20) {
field1_txt.text = "Sorry you lose. You have lost your foot!";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
for (var j:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; j > -1; j--) {
currentBomb = bombsOnstage[j];
Maybe to avoid making your programming life more twisted than it is now...
There are objects and classes in programming, a class is a description of a set of objects, say "table" (or, as it's better to differ in names for classes and variables, "Table", first letter capitalized) is a name of a class. An instance or an object is a structure that belongs to one or more classes, with Object being the topmost, as everything in programming is either an object or a "simple variable", that is, a number, a true/false, a string of characters (these are object types in AS3 too, though, Number, Boolean, String, but these generally not need to be instantiated via new) or probably some other simple type I don't remember right now.
Classes have properties and methods. A property is something that can be requested off any object of the class, say "height" for tables. Properties can be of any type, including nested objects, depending on what your base class is. Say stage in AS3 is a property of any DisplayObject which is used to get the only Stage object there is at runtime[1]. Methods are what any object of a class can be told to do. Say, bombs fall, explode, MovieClips can be told to stop(), etc. You write class code keeping in mind that all of the objects of this class will have to behave exactly like you've written, but since they can differ in properties, you can give them conditional behavior. For example, if a bomb has already exploded, it cannot blow up once more.
A variable, whether a property or a standalone var (if you declare one in a function) is a reference to an object of a given type. Say var i:int refers to some kind of an integer. Simple type vars are containers instead, that is, i=2; will place a 2 in the referred integer, and i=j; will copy the value from j into i, while var theStage:Stage=this.stage will instead create a reference to an existing object, and if that object will change, the reference will give you the changed object instead of its previous state. An array is a collection of variables, reachable by indexes, in AS3 they don't have to be of one type, and a Vector is a typed array.
Next, the lifetime of objects. An object only lives while there's an active reference to it, whether in a property of another alive object, or in a visible variable, or in an event listener (AS3 specific). An object is created via new ClassName(<parameters>), lives while you can reach it somehow, and is destroyed once you have no active links to it and Flash player decides to run garbage collector. Prior to this programmers had to deallocate objects themselves, a rudiment can be seen at BitmapData.dispose(). So, in order to avoid Flash player to run out of free memory, take full control over creation and destruction of links. You don't need to care for simple vars, they are being cared for by Flash player.
A lot of basic functions for interactions has already been implemented in AS3, look for them and examples of how they work in Adobe's manual, navigate through packages in the lower left, most of the interactive stuff is in flash.display package, refer to other packages as necessary.
Hope this will bring you some insight into programming basics.
[1]: There is one stage unless you're doing a load of an SWF, then there could be more, one Stage per one SWF.

How does ng-repeat work?

I dissected ng-repeat and extracted the code blocks attached, seeing that these comprise the logic that handles the repeating algorithm (which I want to understand how it works).
I have quite a few questions, but since they are all about the internals of ng-repeat I chose to ask them all here. I don't see any reason to separate them into different SO questions. I have marked inline to which line(s) of code each question refers to.
Why do they need to make sure that trackById is not the native hasOwnProperty function? (that's what that assertNotHasOwnProperty function does, part of Angular's internal API)
As far as my intuition go, this code executes on items already in the repeater, when it has to update the collection - it just picks them up and pushes them into the list for processing, right?
This code block obviously looks for duplicates in the repeater collection. But how exactly does it do that is beyond me. Please explain.
Why does Angular have to store the block object both nextBlockMap and in nextBlockOrder?
What are block.endNode and block.startNode?
I assume the answer to the above question will clarify how this algorithm work, but please explain why it has to check if the nextNode has (been) '$$NG_REMOVED'?
What happens here? Again, I assume question 6 will already provide an answer to this one. But still pointing that out.
Like I said, I dug through ng-repeat to find the code I deemed relevant to the repeating mechanism. Plus, I do understand the rest of the directive. So without further ado, here is the code (from v1.2.0):
length = nextBlockOrder.length = collectionKeys.length;
for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
key = (collection === collectionKeys) ? index : collectionKeys[index];
value = collection[key];
trackById = trackByIdFn(key, value, index);
// question #1
assertNotHasOwnProperty(trackById, '`track by` id');
// question #2
if (lastBlockMap.hasOwnProperty(trackById)) {
block = lastBlockMap[trackById];
delete lastBlockMap[trackById];
nextBlockMap[trackById] = block;
nextBlockOrder[index] = block;
// question #3
} else if (nextBlockMap.hasOwnProperty(trackById)) {
// restore lastBlockMap
forEach(nextBlockOrder, function(block) {
if (block && block.startNode) lastBlockMap[] = block;
// This is a duplicate and we need to throw an error
throw ngRepeatMinErr('dupes', "Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: {0}, Duplicate key: {1}",
expression, trackById);
// question #4
} else {
// new never before seen block
nextBlockOrder[index] = { id: trackById };
nextBlockMap[trackById] = false;
for (index = 0, length = collectionKeys.length; index < length; index++) {
key = (collection === collectionKeys) ? index : collectionKeys[index];
value = collection[key];
block = nextBlockOrder[index];
// question #5
if (nextBlockOrder[index - 1]) previousNode = nextBlockOrder[index - 1].endNode;
if (block.startNode) {
// if we have already seen this object, then we need to reuse the
// associated scope/element
childScope = block.scope;
// question #6
nextNode = previousNode;
do {
nextNode = nextNode.nextSibling;
} while(nextNode && nextNode[NG_REMOVED]);
if (block.startNode != nextNode) {
// existing item which got moved
$animate.move(getBlockElements(block), null, jqLite(previousNode));
previousNode = block.endNode;
} else {
// new item which we don't know about
childScope = $scope.$new();
// question #7
if (!block.startNode) {
linker(childScope, function(clone) {
clone[clone.length++] = document.createComment(' end ngRepeat: ' + expression + ' ');
$animate.enter(clone, null, jqLite(previousNode));
previousNode = clone;
block.scope = childScope;
block.startNode = previousNode && previousNode.endNode ? previousNode.endNode : clone[0];
block.endNode = clone[clone.length - 1];
nextBlockMap[] = block;
lastBlockMap = nextBlockMap;
After some tinkering with the directive, I became familiar with ng-repeaters code, and managed to answer some of my questions. I highlighted in bold the things I couldn't yet figure out on my own, and would appreciate if anyone could shed some light on the bold parts:
The ID is tested for hasOwnProperty, because they use that method to check whether the ID is present in the iteration objects (lastBlockMap, nextBlockMap) (this process explained below). I couldn't find out on what scenario this can actually happen, however.
I was correct in my assumption. nextBlockMap contains all items that will be transcluded on the current model change. lastBlockMap contains everything from the previous model update. It used for finding duplicates in the collection.
OK, this one is pretty straightforward actually. In this for loop, ng-repeat fills up nextBlockMap with items from lastBlockMap. Looking at the order of ifs, it's easy to see that if the item cannot be found in lastBlockMap, but it is already present in nextBlockMap (meaning, it was already copied there from lastBlockMap, and therefore its trackById appears twice in the collection) - it's a duplicate. What the forEach does is simply run through all initialized items in nextBlockMap (blocks that have a startNode property) and push their ID back into lastBlockMap. I cannot however understand why this is necessary.
The only reason I could find for separating nextBlockOrder (all trackByIds in an array) from nextBlockMap (all block objects in a trackById hash), is this line, which working with an array makes it an easy and simple operation: if (nextBlockOrder[index - 1]) previousNode = nextBlockOrder[index - 1].endNode;. It is explained in the answers to question 5 and 6:
block.startNode and block.endNode are the first and last DOM nodes in the block belonging to an item in the collected being repeated. Therefore, this line here sets previousNode to reference the last DOM node of the previous item in the repeater.
previousNode is then used as the first node, in a loop that checks how the DOM changed when items have been moved around or removed from the repeater collection - again, only in case we are not working with the first block in the array.
This is easy - it initializes the block - assigning the $scope and startNode and endNode for later reference, and saves everything in nextBlockMap. The comment created right after the cloned element, is there to guarantee we always have an endNode.
