Field Service Lightning Mobile Visualforce Login - salesforce

I am trying to login into a salesforce community that is set up to use a VF page login page from the field service lightning mobile app. The view comes as a webpage instead of an FSL app view.
Also, when the login is set to standard community login, when I login into the FSL mobile app, I see the normal FSL app view.
Note: I am able to log in properly from the web.
The ask is to get the mobile view when logging in to the FSL app even when the default login is set as the Visual force page. Can someone help here if I am missing something?

This a known limitation for Salesforce Field Service Lightning Mobile App.Visualforce pages aren’t supported in the app.
Please find link :
May be this can be an idea for future releases.


Opening new default browser window in plain React on a Mobile while using Facebook browser

We are in a unique situation here. Our React site integrates with Signicat for identity solution. Most of our user base comes from Facebook i.e. they use the Facebook app, look at our posts and click on links we post which redirect to certain sections in our website which require identification.
So an example link posted on Facebook group is converted into[0]=AT0-5n51iPMlSYghORXW8qxYXJQEejQTAhfiDQ3P3DK_ZTZM3GWbN4zXYKf-nyD_hWJdxQccenDp-5VgphfWuD6ZQ0ikeXq4lv4bjLbSJVFP9k4IxeMBT5mDa9jNdYnYlNs-DkXOM-LiPhhl-Obra9CAbtvihe-G7-8. When users click on the link, Facebook by default opens the link in its own Facebook browser. The subsequent steps in our portal need the user to identify himself and when the identification is completed and in the final step the request to Signicat hangs forever.
We identified that this issue is only happening with Facebook browser and hence one of the workarounds was to Open the default browser with the link to our website.
Note that:
a. this is not a React-Native app, our website is built using plain React hence the WebView solution does not work.
b. Facebook browser suppresses "" with "newwindow" call and simply displays the site in the same Facebook browser instance.
So bottom line is, we need a way to Open the default OS Browser from Facebook App/Browser with the link to our site. Hope somebody can help!
Thanks in advance...

Angular JS static site pages

I am wondering what is the best approach for achieving the following requirements. The site has about 5 static pages with a potential for many more in the future. Currently these pages are your typical web pages like home, about, company and so on. The site owner wants the login and signin forms to be modal window that animate in from the top. After authentication the user is redirected to the app which is an angular application.
Normally the signin/login form would be views in angular. I am wondering how to I use angular to deal with the forms while the home page is not actually part of the angular app.
Note the site owner whats the site to be on the same domain. So he doesn't want a static site that redirects to the app once the login/signin button is selected.
Thank you for any advice.

Azure Mobile App and AngularJS responsive in same host space

Is it possible to get ride of "This mobile app is up and running" page and when user enters the sitename redirect/route him to sitename/app folder where I can pretty much create a AngularJS website in my project folder. FYI - I'm a Dev beginner
using Custom site URL in Azure: I tried this and working pretty like,
when I open the site ( it's taking me to blue screen
when I go to ( it displays my AngularJS app that I am trying deploy along with and in same mobile app serivce
REST API services and details under
why I am trying this ?
On a typical note I want my app to serve all devices, web, mobile, tablet and I feel that mobile app solution is the only lean solution to do rapid application development but wondering how to reach web users without creating an other Web App services in Azure only for Views or web client which comes with cost. let us say if mobile service is just a backend stack and it doesn't allow it... I wonder why not ? by doing it, developers don't need to create 2 services in azure (1. mobile app, 2. web app)
Appreciate it.
found work around by adding MVC Razor Home controller and view for home landing page. more information in this link. this may be a temp solution to get ride of Blue screen and I am going to explore more in include AngularJS site and routing from angular too.
Since this solution works with only MVC style routing there will be a conflict between routing mechanics. will update as soon as I get something.
If Home view not showing up refer this link.
The view 'Index' or its master was not found

Lightning experience deep link to custom Visualforce tab

Do you know if it is possible to deep link a custom tab on the left hand navigation?
In my web app I allow the user to login through SSO from Salesforce ( so I use salesforce as authentication provider ), than when the user credentials are ensured i redirect the user to the tab using an aspex url like the following:
or a servlet integration link like the following:{lid}&ic=1&linkToken={linkToken}
I got those links simply right clicking the tabs and copy the link, now this is not going to work on the new ligthening experience where the link is something like the following;{token}
Now it seems to me that the token in this case is user specific, so it can't be used as high level reference to the Visualforce tab.
Do you know if there is a way to do the same in the Lightening Experience (Spring 16' release)? Or if there is a different way to achieve the same result?
In Lightning Experience, you can reference custom tabs using the developer name of the tab (note that this is the API name of the tab containing the Visualforce page, not of the page itself). This URL should work:
This assumes that you have already created a tab for your Visualforce page.

how to set visual force page as default in salesforce

I have a requirement that there is a user with particular profile and if he logs into the salesforce account, I want that he should be directly shifted to a visual force page. I tried to replace home tab with visual force page. But in profile this option is not editable. What I can do to accomplish this.
You could create a new "app". Apps are pretty much just sets of tabs (with exception of special stuff such as Service Cloud Console). In app you can define that there should be no home page, instead your visualforce (as a tab) would be added and marked as default landing page. Then you'd share this app with his profile and revoke access to other apps?
People can still add/remove tabs they wish to see in each app though so somebody might override your configuration.
