Angular JS static site pages - angularjs

I am wondering what is the best approach for achieving the following requirements. The site has about 5 static pages with a potential for many more in the future. Currently these pages are your typical web pages like home, about, company and so on. The site owner wants the login and signin forms to be modal window that animate in from the top. After authentication the user is redirected to the app which is an angular application.
Normally the signin/login form would be views in angular. I am wondering how to I use angular to deal with the forms while the home page is not actually part of the angular app.
Note the site owner whats the site to be on the same domain. So he doesn't want a static site that redirects to the app once the login/signin button is selected.
Thank you for any advice.


How to stay logged in when you're redirected from other pages?

I am developing an app with ReactJs, the basic is done but now I have a problem. My app consists of 2 screens, one is called Login and the other is called Home. It's sort of a minigame linked to other pages. So if I have logged in on other pages, and then supposedly I click a button to redirect to my app, I want it to check the authentication before rendering, if the user is valid then it goes straight to Home, if not then the Login is required. Due to security reasons, I can't share any code, I just want to know what's the approach to this situation. Many thanks.

Running a reactjs front end and i notice that the reload icon get activated -- does that mean it is not a SPA?

I was under the impression that for single page applications the reload did not occur. Can one determine from looking at the code and/or behavior whether an app is a SPA? For example the code uses (I think) a router -- does that imply that a reactjs app is a SPA?
In non SPA when you click on a link it load new page which in chrome is shown by spinning circle on tab where title is written. In spa this happens only once when you visit website after that it doesn't show spinnig circle on url change as you navigate website.
Look at reddit website for spa and stack overflow website for non spa.

Field Service Lightning Mobile Visualforce Login

I am trying to login into a salesforce community that is set up to use a VF page login page from the field service lightning mobile app. The view comes as a webpage instead of an FSL app view.
Also, when the login is set to standard community login, when I login into the FSL mobile app, I see the normal FSL app view.
Note: I am able to log in properly from the web.
The ask is to get the mobile view when logging in to the FSL app even when the default login is set as the Visual force page. Can someone help here if I am missing something?
This a known limitation for Salesforce Field Service Lightning Mobile App.Visualforce pages aren’t supported in the app.
Please find link :
May be this can be an idea for future releases.

Azure Mobile App and AngularJS responsive in same host space

Is it possible to get ride of "This mobile app is up and running" page and when user enters the sitename redirect/route him to sitename/app folder where I can pretty much create a AngularJS website in my project folder. FYI - I'm a Dev beginner
using Custom site URL in Azure: I tried this and working pretty like,
when I open the site ( it's taking me to blue screen
when I go to ( it displays my AngularJS app that I am trying deploy along with and in same mobile app serivce
REST API services and details under
why I am trying this ?
On a typical note I want my app to serve all devices, web, mobile, tablet and I feel that mobile app solution is the only lean solution to do rapid application development but wondering how to reach web users without creating an other Web App services in Azure only for Views or web client which comes with cost. let us say if mobile service is just a backend stack and it doesn't allow it... I wonder why not ? by doing it, developers don't need to create 2 services in azure (1. mobile app, 2. web app)
Appreciate it.
found work around by adding MVC Razor Home controller and view for home landing page. more information in this link. this may be a temp solution to get ride of Blue screen and I am going to explore more in include AngularJS site and routing from angular too.
Since this solution works with only MVC style routing there will be a conflict between routing mechanics. will update as soon as I get something.
If Home view not showing up refer this link.
The view 'Index' or its master was not found

Share one page with Facebook JS SDK with angularJS

I'm doing an web app with angularJS that is about books. Now that app is in the end im try to share an book page in facebook.
Every time that user click in a share button i change in the controller the meta tags but when the FB.UI Share Dialog opens nothing is scraped . This happens because facebook scraper don't run javascript?
How can i solve this?
