How do I link two items from a mongo database? - reactjs

I'm building a simple MERN stack app, where users submit reviews about cafes.
I'd like functionality whereby a user can click on the name of a cafe, resulting in a redirect to a view with all the reviews about that particular cafe - any suggestions of how I can accomplish this?
Mongo Atlas database structure
+--cafes (collection)
+-- _id:5ffb7a6bf32d1b27ac8474d9
cafeName:"Customs Coffee
+--reviews (collection)
title:"Second review of customs coffee"
blurb: "this is the blurb for the second review of customs"
cafe:"Customs Coffee"
Components rendering list of cafes
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
import Cafe from './Cafe'
const CafeList = () => {
const [cafes, setCafe] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
.then(cafe => {
.catch(err => {
<div className = 'cafe-container-container'>
<Cafe cafes = {cafes}/>
export default CafeList
import React from 'react'
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
const Cafe = (props) => {
const {cafes} = props
{ =>{
const {cafeName,photoURL} = cafe
return (
<Link to = '/cafe-reviews/' style={{ textDecoration: 'none' }} >
<div className = 'cafe-container'>
<img src = {photoURL}></img>
export default Cafe
..and here's the empty component where I eventually want to render reviews specific to a particular cafe:
import react from 'react'
const CafeReviews = () => {
This is the cafe review list
export default CafeReviews
As it stands, when you click on any cafe, it redirects to the CafeReviews component - but as I mentioned, I'd like to instead render the reviews specific to the cafe being clicked. The common element between the two collections is the cafe name (cafeName and ```cafe``, respectively), so I'm thinking I'm going to have to do some sort of join using this property.
Lastly, here's the express routes I've written:
app.get('/api/all-reviews', (req,res) => {
.then((result) => {
.catch(err => {
app.get('/api/all-cafes', (req,res) => {
.then((result) => {
.catch(err => {
})'/api/add-review',(req,res) => {
const review = new Review(req.body)
.then(() => {
console.log('review successfully posted')
.catch(err => {

I, personally, would add a Cafe reference to your Review collection instead of just having common field such as cafe name. If you are using mongoose to define your mongo schema, this would be an example of your cafe reference field in your Reviews collection
_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
userName: {Type: String, required: true},
cafeReference: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Cafe',
required: true,
... etc (your other collection fields)
Then, create an API endpoint on your back-end that gets cafe reviews by cafe Id. And then when rendering CafeReviews component you will be sending GET request with that cafe Id in your request payload. Then, finally, Mongo "find" method takes in parameters by which it can look for requested documents. Linking docs -
In your case, example would be as follows:
Review.find({cafeReference: cafeId})
Also mongoose has great method to combine fields from 2 collections (sql join equivalent), called "populate" -
Also fire off your "get reviews by cafe id" request inside the componentDidMount react lifecycle method. Here is how to implement it in hooks -
Hope this will help,


Building query with NextJS, Prisma, and ClerkJS

I'm prototyping a project using NextJS, Prisma, and ClerkJS. I'm trying to understand how I would supply various params/props to my Prisma search clause. In particular I need to get the email address of a user from ClerkJS. This is my current index file:
import React from "react";
import prisma from "../../prisma/initPrisma"
const FacilitiesPage = ({ facilities }) => {
return (
<div className={styles.dashCards}>
{ => {
return (
<div className={styles.card} key={}>
export async function getStaticProps() {
const facilities = await prisma.facility.findMany({
where: {
ownerEmail: 'harcodedemail'
return {
props: {
export default FacilitiesPage;
Obviously I can't hardcode the email address of every user in the system. ClerkJS offers several ways to query the user object and return various things from it, which I could pass into getStaticProps (or getServerSideProps probably). But nothing I've tried works. Candidly, I'm still learning the "React way" to do a lot of things.
TL;DR: how do I supply props to the query string in getStaticProps?
The folks at just answered this question. You need to use getServerSideProps and then use the new "withServerSideAuth" component. Here is a snippet from the blog post :
import { withServerSideAuth } from "#clerk/nextjs/ssr";
export const getServerSideProps = withServerSideAuth(async ({ req, resolvedUrl }) => {
const {sessionId,getToken} = req.auth;
if (!sessionId) {
return { redirect: { destination: "/sign-in?redirect_url=" + resolvedUrl } };
// use a token for your Clerk integrations
const hasuraToken = await getToken({ template: 'hasura' });
// retrieve data from your Hasura integration
return { props: {} };

Why is my data that is coming from apollo server not showing up when I refresh the page?

I am building a simple application using React, Apollo and React Router. This application allows you to create recipes, as well as edit and delete them (your standard CRUD website).
I thought about how I would present my problem, and I figured the best way was visually.
Here is the home page (localhost:3000):
When you click on the title of a recipe, this is what you see (localhost:3000/recipe/15):
If you click the 'create recipe' button on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000/create-recipe):
If you click on the delete button on a recipe on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000):
If you click on the edit button on a recipe on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000/recipe/15/update):
This update form is where the problem begins. As you can see, the form has been filled with the old values of the recipe. Everything is going to plan. But, when I refresh the page, this is what you see:
It's all blank. I am 67% sure this is something to do with the way React renders components or the way I am querying my apollo server. I don't fully understand the process React goes through to render a component.
Here is the code for the UpdateRecipe page (what you've probably been waiting for):
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button } from "#chakra-ui/react";
import {
} from "../../types/graphql";
import { useNavigate, useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { SimpleFormControl } from "../../shared/SimpleFormControl";
import { MultiFormControl } from "../../shared/MultiFormControl";
interface UpdateRecipeProps {}
export const UpdateRecipe: React.FC<UpdateRecipeProps> = ({}) => {
let { id: recipeId } = useParams() as { id: string };
const intRecipeId = parseInt(recipeId);
const { data: recipeData } = useRecipeQuery({
variables: { id: intRecipeId },
const { data: ingredientsData } = useIngredientsQuery({
variables: { recipeId: intRecipeId },
const { data: stepsData } = useStepsQuery({
variables: { recipeId: intRecipeId },
const originalTitle = recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.title || "";
const originalDescription = recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.description || "";
const originalIngredients =
ingredientsData?.ingredients?.ingredients?.map((ing) => ing.text) || [];
const originalSteps = stepsData?.steps?.steps?.map((stp) => stp.text) || [];
const [updateRecipe] = useUpdateRecipeMutation();
const navigate = useNavigate();
const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({
title: originalTitle,
description: originalDescription,
ingredients: originalIngredients,
steps: originalSteps,
return (
onSubmit={(e) => {
placeholder="Triple Chocolate Cake"
onChange={(e) => {
setFormValues({ ...formValues, title: });
placeholder="A delicious combination of cake and chocolate that's bound to mesmerize your tastebuds!"
onChange={(e) => {
setFormValues({ ...formValues, description: });
onAdd={(newValue) => {
ingredients: [...formValues.ingredients, newValue],
onDelete={(_, index) => {
ingredients: formValues.ingredients.filter(
(__, idx) => idx !== index
placeholder="Pour batter into cake tray"
onAdd={(newValue) => {
steps: [...formValues.steps, newValue],
onDelete={(_, index) => {
steps: formValues.steps.filter((__, idx) => idx !== index),
<Button type="submit">Update Recipe</Button>
I'll try to explain it as best as I can.
First I get the id parameter from the url. With this id, I grab the corresponding recipe, its ingredients and its steps.
Next I put the title of the recipe, the description of the recipe, the ingredients of the recipe and the steps into four variables: originalTitle, originalDescription, originalIngredients and originalSteps, respectively.
Next I set up some state with useState(), called formValues. It looks like this:
title: originalTitle,
description: originalDescription,
ingredients: originalIngredients,
steps: originalSteps,
Finally, I return a form which contains 4 component:
The first component is a SimpleFormControl and it is for the title. Notice how I set the value prop of this component to formValues.title.
The second component is also a SimpleFormControl and it is for the description, which has a value prop set to formValues.description.
The third component is a MultiFormControl and it's for the ingredients. This component has its value props set to formValues.ingredients.
The fourth component is also aMultiFormControl and it's for the steps. This component has its value props set to formValues.steps.
Let me know if you need to see the code for these two components.
When I come to the UpdateRecipe page via the home page, it works perfectly. As soon as I refresh the UpdateRecipe page, the originalTitle, originalDescripion, originalIngredients and originalSteps are either empty strings or empty arrays. This is due to the || operator attached to each variable.
Thanks in advance for any feedback and help.
Let me know if you need anything.
The problem is that you are using one hook useRecipeQuery that will return data at some point in the future and you have a second hook useState for your form that relies on this data. This means that when React will render this component the useRecipeQuery will return no data (since it's still fetching) so the useState hook used for your form is initialized with empty data. Once useRecipeQuery is done fetching it will reevaluate this code, but that doesn't have any effect on the useState hook for your form, since it's already initialized and has internally cached its state. The reason why it's working for you in one scenario, but not in the other, is that in one scenario your useRecipeQuery immediately returns the data available from cache, whereas in the other it needs to do the actual fetch to get it.
What is the solution?
Assume you don't have the data available for your form to properly render when you first load this component. So initialize your form with some acceptable empty state.
Use useEffect to wire your hooks, so that when useRecipeQuery finishes loading its data, it'll update your form state accordingly.
const { loading, data: recipeData } = useRecipeQuery({
variables: { id: intRecipeId },
const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({
title: "",
description: "",
ingredients: [],
steps: [],
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading && recipeData ) {
title: recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.title,
description: recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.description,
ingredients: ingredientsData?.ingredients?.ingredients?.map((ing) => ing.text),
steps: stepsData?.steps?.steps?.map((stp) => stp.text),
}, [loading, recipeData ]);

Passing props to an axios delete request

The objective is to, by pressing a button, delete the object from the database.
To do that, I have to pass the ID of the object I want to delete from the database to the axios query. But I'm stuck trying to do it.
In my opinion the problem is I am not passing the ID to erase to the query, since the query seems right to me.
File: persons.js
import axios from 'axios'
const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3001/persons'
const deleteContact = (id) =>{
const request = axios.delete('{$baseUrl}/${id}')
request.then(response =>
export default {
deleteContact: deleteContact,
The button that should call the function to delete:
File: person.js
import React from 'react'
const Person = ({ person, deleteContact }) => {
return (
{} {person.number}
<button onClick={deleteContact(}>Delete {} </button>
export default Person
So, by pressing the button I execute the deleteContact funtion and I pass to that function the so it sends the id to delete.
Here is waht's wrong. I don't know how to make the function deleteContact.
I have tried this, but of course I am not sending any props. It's wrong and does nothing. I get the error TypeError: deleteContact is not a function.
const deleteContact = (id) => {
The deleteContact funtion I try to implement is on the file App.js
It is something obvious I am missing here. But I can't figure out what is.
Likely something basic, but I have been stuck here for a while, as silly this may seem to be.
File: App.js
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import Person from './components/Person'
import Form from './components/Form'
import Filter from './components/Filter'
import FilterResults from './components/FilterResults'
import contactService from './services/persons'
//npm run server
const App = () => {
//Reminder: current state, function that updates it, initial state.
const [ newName, setNewName ] = useState('')
const [ newNumber, setNewNumber ] = useState('')
const [contacts, setContacts] = useState([])
const [ filter, setFilter ] = useState('')
//contactService is importer from /services/persons.
//.getAll is like typing: axios.get('http://localhost:3001/persons')
//Effect hooks used to fetch data from the server. The data fetched is saved
//into the contacts state variable
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => {
}, [])
second parameter of useEffect is used to specify how often the effect
is run. If the second parameter is an empty array [],
then the effect is only run along with the first render of
the component. */
console.log('render', contacts.length, 'contacts')
//adding new persons
const addPerson = (event) => {
/* complete the addPerson function for creating new persons */
const personObject = {
name: newName,
number: newNumber,
//The server will create the id
//id: persons.length + 1,
//Adding the data to the server
using separate server comunication module from persons.js
"create" instead of previous code:
.post('http://localhost:3001/persons', personObject)
replaced by:
//Passing personObject to create
.then(response => {
//After concat, the fiel is set to blank again ('').
//Updating state after creating, to display created contact.
//Delete contacts
const deleteContact = (personObject) => {
const handlePersonChange = (event) => {
const handleNumberChange = (event) => {
const handleFilterChange = (event) => {
const personsToShow = filter === ''
? contacts
: contacts.filter(person =>
const row_names = () => =>
<p key={}>{} {person.number} </p>
return (
<Filter value={filter} onChange={handleFilterChange} />
name={{value: newName, onChange: handlePersonChange}}
number={{value: newNumber, onChange: handleNumberChange}}
deleteContacts={() => deleteContact()}
<h2>Numbers from database</h2>
{/* The contents of the database are stored on the variable contacts.
I map through the array. Person.js component used. */}
{ =>
//Pass all the props from person to Person.js
<h2>Filter results</h2>
<FilterResults persons={row_names()} />
export default App
The dabatbase is hardcoded json.
file db.json
"persons": [
"name": "ss",
"number": "ssssd",
"id": 17
"name": "ddd",
"number": "6tyhhth",
"id": 18
"name": "almejas",
"number": "1234",
"id": 19
"name": "pailo",
"number": "244",
"id": 20
OK. Once again. To handle API requests you have to build API server first. When you send ajax reqests they must go somewhere, and there must be a program listening requests and doing something what depends on request params and body. The repository you show contains only frontend logic and it is OK because server side logic and front-end can be kept separately and run indepentendly. In the same git account you may find some other reps like this one containing back-end implementation. So you build API server, accepting requests, doing something (create/delete posts, users, auth etc) and sending something back, and AFTER you find it working you can send API requests from frontend. Before front part is created you may use apps like Postman to test your API server.
You mentioned the following link containing the same I have already said - the server side logic does not suppose to be implemented on this step.
In the next part of the course we will learn to implement our own
logic in the backend. We will then take a closer look at tools like
Postman that helps us to debug our server applications
As for you question - the "props" in requests to server can be sent by params in address string like:
In the example above we say to server that we want the person with id=2 to be deleted. On the server side it will be catched with instruction like:
router.delete("api/person/:id", (req, res) => {
const id =
// here you delete the person information and send response back
ID here will be handled by server as parameter and you will have an access to its value for further actions.
The exercise expected me to remove objects from the json database just using axios. Perhaps I did not express myself clarly enough, but I finally solved it.
I just wanted to pass the id to delete of each object to the axios request.
On the return sttement of App.js, I pass the person object as props to deleteContactOf
{ =>
//Pass all the props from person to Person.js
//Here you pass the props
deleteContact={() => deleteContctOf(person)}
This is how the function deleteContactOf looks like
//Delete contacts
const deleteContctOf = (person) => {
console.log('delete contact ' + + ' ????')
if (window.confirm("Do you really want to delete this person")) {
} else {
deleteContactOf passes the id ( to the axios request on file perons.js
Now the id is passed. That's were I was failing.
const remove = (id) => {
const req = axios.delete(`${baseUrl}/${id}`)
return req.then((res) =>
Now by clicking the delete button, the contacts that belong to that id are deleted
<button onClick={deleteContact}>Delete</button>
Thanks for your time effort. Of course this is implemented with APIs in real life. This was just an specific exercise I had to solve.

Needs Help To Troubleshoot Fetching Single Document From Firebase Database As Detailed Page

I'm try to get single document as detail information from Firebase database under collection "books", however my array method map does not recognize as function due to the render produce "undefined". Somehow render again and produce the object value in log. I posted the screenshot of the log above, hoping somebody help me out, thanks!!!!!
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
import firebase from '../config/fbConfig'
const BookDetails = (props) => {
const [books, setBooks] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
const db = firebase.firestore()
const id =
var docRef = db.collection("books").doc(id);
docRef.get().then(doc => {
const data =
console.log("Document data:", data)
}else {
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
}, [])
console.log('this log is before return', books.title)
return (
<div className="book_details">
<Link to="/"><h2>Home</h2></Link>
{console.log("this log is in the return method", books.title)}
<h1>The Summary Of the Book </h1>
{ book => <ul key = "" >
<li>Book Title: {book.title}</li>
<li>Book Author: {}</li>
<li>Book Summery: {book.brief}</li>
export default BookDetails
Because you are testing whether books is undefined and only call the map function if it is defined (i.e. {books && [...] )}), the problem must lie somewhere else.
You are fetching a single document from your Firebase database. Therefore, the returned data will not be an array but an object which does not have the map function in its prototype. You can verify this from your console logs.
Your component renders twice because you are changing its state inside the useEffect via setBooks(data).
const db = firebase.firestore()
const id =
First of all move these lines inside of useEffect.
Coming to the problem
You are fetching a single doc(object) from firebase and saving it in a state which is an array. Change your useState to
const \[book, setBook\] = useState(undefined) // or useState({})
Change your return to
return (
<div className="book_details">
<Link to="/"><h2>Home</h2></Link>
{console.log("this log is in the return method", books.title)}
<h1>The Summary Of the Book </h1>
{book && <div key={}> {book.brief} </div>}
// or {Object.keys(book).length !== 0 && <div key={}> {book.brief} </div>}
if you have used empty object in useState.

How to link to a show view from an index using react hooks with firestore data

I am trying to figure out how to define a link to reference that can use a firebase document id to link to a show view for that document. I can render an index. I cannot find a way to define a link to the document.
I've followed this tutorial - which is good to get the CRUD steps other than the show view. I can find other tutorials that do this with class components and the closest I've been able to find using hooks is this incomplete project repo.
I want to try and add a link in the index to show the document in a new view.
I have an index with:
const useBlogs = () => {
const [blogs, setBlogs] = useState([]); //useState() hook, sets initial state to an empty array
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = Firebase
.firestore //access firestore
.collection("blog") //access "blogs" collection
.where("status", "==", true)
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
// .onSnapshot(snapshot => {
//You can "listen" to a document with the onSnapshot() method.
const listBlogs = => ({
//map each document into snapshot
id:, //id and data pushed into blogs array //spread operator merges data to id.
setBlogs(listBlogs); //blogs is equal to listBlogs
// () => unsubscribe();
}, []);
return blogs;
const BlogList = ({ editBlog }) => {
const listBlog = useBlogs();
return (
{ => (
<Card key={} hoverable={true} style={{marginTop: "20px", marginBottom: "20px"}}>
<Title level={4} >{blog.title} </Title>
<Tag color="geekblue" style={{ float: "right"}}>{blog.category} </Tag>
<Link to={`/readblog/${}`}>Read</Link>
<Link to={`/blog/${}`}>Read</Link>
export default BlogList;
Then I have a route defined with:
export const BLOGINDEX = '/blog';
export const BLOGPOST = '/blog/:id';
export const NEWBLOG = '/newblog';
export const EDITBLOG = '/editblog';
export const VIEWBLOG = '/viewblog';
export const READBLOG = '/readblog/:id';
I can't find a tutorial that does this with hooks. Can anyone see how to link from an index to a document that I can show in a different page?
I did find this code sandbox. It looks like it is rendering a clean page in the updateCustomer page and using data from the index to do it - but the example is too clever for me to unpick without an explanation of what's happening (in particular, the updateCustomer file defines a setCustomer variable, by reference to useForm - but there is nothing in useForm with that definition. That variable is used in the key part of the file that tries to identify the data) - so I can't mimic the steps.
I found this blog post which suggests some changes for locating the relevant document.
I implemented these changes and while I can print the correct on the read page, I cannot find a way to access the document properties (eg: blog.title).
import React, { useHook } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
function ReadBlogPost() {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
return (
export default ReadBlogPost;
I tried to use the slug as the to get the post document as follows:
import React, { useHook, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
function ReadBlogPost() {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
useEffect(() => {
const blog =
blog.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
return (
export default ReadBlogPost;
It returns an error saying blog is not defined. I also tried to return {doc.title} but I get the same error. I can see all the data in the console.
I really can't make sense of coding documentation - I can't figure out the starting point to decipher the instructions so most things I learn are by trial and error but I've run out of places to look for inspiration to try something new.
My next attempt is to try and follow the lead in this tutorial.
function ReadBlogPost(blog) {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
useEffect(() => {
const blog =
blog.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
return (
<div><Title level={4} > {blog.title}
export default ReadBlogPost;
When I try this, the only odd thing is that the console.log inside the useEffect method gives all the data accurately, but when I log it form inside the return method, I get a load of gibberish (shown in the picture below).
I found this tutorial, which uses realtime database instead of firestore, but I tried to copy the logic.
My read post page now has:
import React, { useHook, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
import { Card, Divider, Form, Icon, Input, Switch, Layout, Tabs, Typography, Tag, Button } from 'antd';
const { Paragraph, Text, Title } = Typography;
const ReadBlogPost = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [currentPost, setCurrentPost] = useState();
let { slug } = useParams()
if (loading && !currentPost) {
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
if (loading) {
return <h1>Loading...</h1>;
return (
<div><Title level={4} >
export default ReadBlogPost;
Maybe this blog post is old, or maybe it's to do with it using .js where I have .jsx - which I think means I can't use if statements, but I can't get this to work either. The error says:
Line 21:9: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw
an expression no-unused-expressions
It points to the line starting with Firebase.
I got rid of all the loading bits to try and make the data render. That gets rid of the above error message for now. However, I still can't return the values from currentPost.
It's really odd to me that inside the return statement, I cannot output {currentPost.title} - I get an error saying title is undefined, but when I try to output {currentPost} the error message says:
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys
{caption, category, createdAt, post, status, title}). If you meant to
render a collection of children, use an array instead.
That makes no sense! I'd love to understand why I can log these values before the return statement, and inside the return statement, I can log them on the object but I cannot find how to log them as attributes.
First of all: is your useBlog() hook returning the expected data? If so, all you need to do is define your <Link/> components correctly.
// This will look like /readblog/3. Curly braces mean
// that this prop contains javascript that needs to be
// evaluated, thus allowing you to create dynamic urls.
// Make sure to open in a new window
Edit: If you want to pass the data to the new component you need to set up a store in order to avoid fetching the same resource twice (once when mounting the list and once when mounting the BlogPost itself)
// Define a context
const BlogListContext = React.createContext()
// In a top level component (eg. App.js) define a provider
const App = () => {
const [blogList, setBlogList] = useState([])
return (
<BlogListContext.Provider value={{blogList, setBlogList}}>
// In your BlogList component
const BlogList = ({ editBlog }) => {
const { setBlogList } = useContext(BlogListContext)
const listBlog = useBlogs()
// Update the blog list from the context each time the
// listBlog changes
useEffect(() => {
}, [listBlog])
return (
// your components and links here
// In your ReadBlog component
const ReadBlogComponent = ({ match }) => {
const { blogList } = useContext(BlogListContext)
// Find the blog by the id from params.
const blog = blogList.find(blog => === || {}
return (
// Your JSX
There are other options for passing data as well:
Through url params (not recommended).
Just pass the ID and let the component fetch its own data on mount.
I found an answer that works for each attribute other than the timestamp.
const [currentPost, setCurrentPost] = useState([]);
There is an empty array in the useState() initialised state.
In relation to the timestamps - I've been through this hell so many times with firestore timestamps - most recently here. The solution that worked in December 2019 no longer works. Back to tearing my hair out over that one...
