We are working with a google my business integration.
The API documentation is pretty exhaustive, except for the notification schema used on pub/sub.
we are unable to find the correct information.
Does anybody know what the data looks like?
API docs
For the new Notifications API, you have the following basic pattern:
Q&A messaging is broken (more see Google My Business push notification is not sent for Question and Answers ).
For GoogleUpdate messages, you will just get the type and location properties.
I want to implement a connected OAuth app in Salesforce which should trigger push events in case some entities changed, for example an opportunity was closed.
Zapier implemented something similar
Could not find something I need which is a simple way to subscribe to entity changes using the OAuth client's token and passing a webhook endpoint. I read about apex callouts, streaming API and outbound messages.
Yeah, we solved this exact problem at Fusebit and I can help you understand the process as well.
Typically speaking here's what you need to do:
Create triggers on the Salesforce Objects you want to get updates for
Upload Apex class that will send an outgoing message to a pre-determined URL
Enable Remote Site Setting for the Domain you want to send the message to
Add in Secret Verification (or other auth method) to prevent spamming of your external URL
If you're leveraging javascript, then you can use the jsforce sdk & salesforce tooling API to push the code into the salesforce instance AFTER the Auth flow has occurred AND on Salesforce Instances that have API access enabled (typically - this is enterprise and above OR professional with API enabled).
This will be helpful for you to look through: https://jamesward.com/2014/06/30/create-webhooks-on-salesforce-com/
FYI - Zapier's webhooks implementation is actually polling every 15 minutes, instead of real-time incoming events.
In which programming language?
For consuming outbound messages you just need to be able to accept an XML message and send back "Ack" message to acknowledge receiving, otherwise SF will keep trying to resend it for 24h.
For consuming platform events / streaming API / Change Data Capture (CDC) you'll need to raise the event in SF (Platform Event you could raise from code, flow, process builder, CDC would happen automatically, you just tell it which objects it should track).
And then in client app you'd need to login to SF (SOAP or REST API), subscribe to channel (any library that supports cometd should be fine). Have you seen "EMP Connector", mentioned for example in https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/change-data-capture/subscribe-to-events?trail_id=architect-solutions-with-the-right-api ?
Picking right messaging way is an art, there's free course that can help: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/trails/architect-solutions-with-the-right-api
And pretty awesome PDF if you want to study for certification: https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/integration_patterns_and_practices.pdf
I am having trouble using Microsoft Face API. Below is my sample request:
curl -v -X POST "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/face/v1.0/detect?returnFaceId=true&returnFaceLandmarks=false&returnFaceAttributes=age,gender" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 1xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxd" --data-ascii "{\"url\":\"http://www.mrbeantvseries.co.uk/bean3.jpg\"}"
I use the subscription id from my cognitive services account and I got below response:
"error": {
"code": "Unspecified",
"message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."
Not sure if I've missed out anything there. Can someone help me on this? Very much appreciated.
I ran into the same problem. I read the API documentation and it states the following.
You must use the same region in your REST API call as you used to obtain your subscription keys.
First, you must find the location of your subscription.
In order to find the location of your subscription region, you must go to Cognitive Services -> Properties under the Label Location, you will find your subscription region.
See below.
Second you must find the correct endpoint to make the call to.
For example, if I want to make a call to the Computer Vision API,
My location is East US, I will use either key 1 or 2, then I will use the following endpoint
East US - https://eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/face/v1.0/detect
You will now be able to have access to the API.
It appears that you've entered your Azure subscription ID instead?
In the Azure portal, you can find the API key under 'Keys', shown below:
It will be a 32-digit hexadecimal number, no hyphens.
I had faced the same issue, it seems like there is some problem with the keys generated newly. To fix this you can actually add your endpoint as well, when you create the object for IFaceServiceClient. You can see the code below.
private readonly IFaceServiceClient faceServiceClient = new FaceServiceClient("your key", "Your endpoint");
CesarB is correct. You must create a Resource of Cognitive Service in Azure first and then get the subscription key from it.
the region is not always 'westus', it really depends on what region you select when you created the resource. You can also check it on the endpoint of overview of the Resource
I ran into a similar problem. I figure it might be helpful to some people, so I am posting it here. (btw Azure support points me to this post here)
I was trying to run through the sample file for ImageSearch of Azure. I was refering to these pages:
I was receiving a mixture of 404 Not Found error & 401 unauthorized error when send requests to the Bing Search resource, using
Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.ImageSearch. I figure it must be something wrong with either my credentials or my endpoints.
After struggling with it for hours, reading through posts and talking to Azure support member, I finally find the problems:
The base Uri Endpoint I was assigned on the Azure Keys & Endpoints webpage is incomplete. (https://api.bing.microsoft.com/)
The base Uri Endpoint on the sample tutorial pages was outdated because of the 2020.10.30 transition between Cognitive Services to Bing Search Services. (https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/images/search)
As of 2021.09.22, the correct global base Uri Endpoint for Bing Image Search is:
Hope this would be helpful to anyone and save mankind some time.
Endpoint and the subscription key must be consistent.
look at Microsoft Overview for this info!
UPDATE: Please, if anyone can help: Google is waiting for inputs and examples of this problem on their bug tracking tool. If you have reproducible steps for this issue, please share them on: https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=10937
I'm trying to fetch data from the StackExchange API using a Google App Engine backend. As you may know, some of StackExchange's APIs are site-specific, requiring developers to run queries against every site the user is registered in.
So, here's my backend code for fetching timeline data from these sites. The feed_info_site variable holds the StackExchange site name (such as 'security', 'serverfault', etc.).
data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("%sme/timeline?%s" %
(self.API_BASE_URL, urllib.urlencode({"pagesize": 100,
"fromdate": se_since_timestamp, "filter": "!9WWBR
(nmw", "site": feed_info_site, "access_token":
decrypt(self.API_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, self.access_token), "key":
for item in data['items']:
... # code for parsing timeline items
When running this query on all sites except Stack Overflow, everything works OK. What's weird is, when the feed_info_site variable is set to 'stackoverflow', I get the following error from Google App Engine:
HTTPException: Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
Of course, if I run the same query in Safari, I get the JSON results I'm expecting from the API. So the problem really lies in Google's URLfetch service. I found several topics here on Stack Overflow related to similar HTTPS/SSL exceptions, but no accepted answer solved my problems. I tried removing cacerts.txt files. I also tried making the call with validate_certificate=False, with no success.
I think the problem is not strictly related to HTTPS/SSL. If so, how would you explain that changing a single API parameter would make the request to fail?
Wait for the next update to the app engine (scheduled one soon) then update.
Replace browserid.org/verify with another service (verifier.loogin.persona.org/verify is a good service hosted by Mozilla what could be used)
Make sure cacerts.txt doesnt exist (looks like you have sorted but just in-case :-) )
Attempt again
Good luck!
I was facing the same error, google has updated the app engine now, error resolved, please check the updated docs.
I am learning endpoints and saw that other Google APIs have this "fields" query attribute.
Also it appears in the api explorer.
I would like to get a partial response for my api also, but when using the fields selector from the api explorer it is simply ignored by the server.
Do I need to implement something in the server side?
Haven't found anything in the docs.
Any help is welcome.
From what I gather, Google has enabled partial response for their APIs, but has not yet explained how to enable it for custom APIs.
I'm assuming if they do let us know, it might entail annotations, and possibly overriding a method or two.
I've been looking also, to no avail.
I've been looking into this just due to a related question, where I'd like to know how to force the JSON object in the response from my google Endpoint API, to include even the members of the class that are null valued.
I was trying to see if anything would be returned if I used a partial response with a field indicated that was null.. would the response have the property at least, or would it still not even exist as a property.
Anyway, this lead me into the same research, and I do not believe we can enable partial responses in our own APIs yet.
You can return a partial response by defining the parameter in #MyModel.method
response_fields=('model_id', 'date_time'))
def mymodel_insert(self, mymodel):
return mymodel
Check out this tutorial Endpoints tutorial
I've been following the HTML5rocks webRTC guide and I have the Javascript set up as described, however the guide is not clear on how to receive a channelToken, roomKey, and User ID. The guide says,
"Note that values used in the JavaScript, such as the room variable and
the token used by openChannel(), are provided by the Google App Engine
app itself: take a look at the index.html template in the repository
to see what values are added."
Unfortunately the link provided is no good and I'm left with very little information regarding the most essential step in this process. The guide isn't clear about whether or not the Google App Engine is a necessary component and I don't see why it should be. I have searched the web in an attempt to find a more useful source, but I was unsuccessful. I also took a look at the webRTC Demo(https://apprtc.appspot[dot]com), that too was no help seeing that the channel information is generated server side. I feel like I should just be able to make a simple http request to some Google server and then run from there. Any information regarding my problem would be much appreciated.
Apologies: the code for this example has been moved to here.
(Been meaning to update the article, but haven't had a chance...)
The apprtc.appspot example uses the Channel API on App Engine for signaling, but there are lots of other ways to do this. Signaling mechanisms are not defined by the WebRTC spec. (Note that signaling, which is accomplished via a signaling service, is the exchange of network and media metadata in order to set up a WebRTC 'call': the actual data is communicated directly between peers.)
We ran a codelab at Google I/O, which describes from start to finish how to build a video chat application that uses Socket.io on Node.js for signaling (it's very simple!) You might want to try that instead.