How to preserve an array or string in x86 - arrays

I'm programming the game "15 puzzle game" in x86 using tasm asm/dosbox. I want to "save" or "preserve" my array called 'a' that is being declared in my data segment, so that after I swap the bytes around using upArrow, downArrow, etc... and then I press 'n' for new game, I can set my array 'a' back to it's original state as it was declared in my data segment. Here is my code:
PROMPT DB "Enter q to quit, arrow keys to move, n to restart (new game) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! :)$"
;this is board preset A
a DB 201,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,187,
DB 186,255,48,50,255,186,255,48,49,255,186,255,48,51,255,186,255,48,52,255,186,255,48,53,255,186,255,48,54,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,48,55,255,186,255,48,56,255,186,255,48,57,255,186,255,49,48,255,186,255,49,49,255,186,255,49,50,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,49,51,255,186,255,49,52,255,186,255,49,53,255,186,255,49,54,255,186,255,49,55,255,186,255,255,255,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,49,56,255,186,255,49,57,255,186,255,50,48,255,186,255,50,49,255,186,255,50,50,255,186,255,50,51,255,186,
DB 200,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,188,"$"
col DB 0
row DB 0
board DB 0
org 100h
;initialize display step 0
MOV AH, 00h
MOV AL, 03h
INT 10h
MOV AX, 0B800h
XOR di,di
;initialize configuration and dislay prompt step 1
call initConfig
;display board step 2
;wait for key step 3
;print board
call printBoard1
;get cursor x y
call SetCursor
;up arrow
CMP AH, 48h
jz upArrow
;down arrow
CMP AH, 50h
jz downArrow
;right arrow
CMP AH, 4dh
jz rightArrow
;left arrow
CMP AH, 4bh
jz leftArrow
;lowercase q
CMP AL, 71h
;uppercase q
CMP AL, 51h
;lowercase n
CMP AL, 6eh
jz newGame
;uppercase n
CMP AL, 4eh
jz newGame
jmp game
MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS
mov dl, col
mov dh, row
mov bh, 0
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
cmp al, 24h
je strlen_end
inc bx
jmp getStrlen
dec cx
jne loadAndDisplayStr
MOV board, 1
xor dx,dx
xor ax,ax
mov cx, 9
push cx
lea si, a
add si, dx
mov cx, 31
mov di, ax
push ax
mov ah, 4
call loadAndDisplayStr
pop ax
add ax, 160
add dx, 32
pop cx
dec cx
jnz myloop1
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
sub row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
add row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
sub row, 2
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
add row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
sub row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
add row, 2
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
sub col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
add col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
sub col, 5
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
add col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
sub col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
add col, 5
jmp game
;put the cursor at 00
mov col, 27
mov row, 5
;gets strlen of prompt and stores it in BX
lea si, PROMPT
xor bx, bx
call getStrlen
;display prompt
lea si, PROMPT
mov cx, bx
mov ah, 2
mov di, 5a0h
call loadAndDisplayStr
The way I see it is there are 2 ways of doing this. One way would be to create an empty array, and every time the user makes a move (up/down/left/right) I can push this to a stack, and then when the user hits 'n' for new game, I just pop through that stack and reverse all the moves.
Another alternative would be to create 2 identical boards (arrays/string) 'a' and 'b', and then the user would manipulate board 'a' till they decide to hit 'n' for a new game, and then I would some how set 'a' = 'b'

There's no magic way, you just have to copy the array like you would in C.
I'd suggest having one master copy of the data that you keep clean / untouched, never ever writing into it.
Allocate uninitialized space for the working game state somewhere, e.g. on the stack or in the BSS1.
At the start of every game (including the first one), copy the preset whole array to the scratch space for the current game. (e.g. with rep movsb or rep movsw after setting CX, SI, and DI. ES and DS segment regs are already equal segment because of .model tiny. i.e. implement a memcpy however you like.)
So you don't need to write the initializer data twice or anything like that, and only one copy of it needs to be in the file.
And no you don't need any exchanging, just a block copy. Get the assembler to calculate the size of the whole thing by putting a label at the end, or put datasize = $ - a right after the end of a to get the size in bytes.
Footnote 1: See #MichaelPetch's comment for details on how to declare a label in the .data? segment so you can use normal label/symbol syntax. Like gamestate datasize dup(?), where datasize is an = or equ constant you got the assembler to calculate earlier from the size of the preset.
I think .data? is just space past the end of where DOS loads your .com file, and you can use space from there out to near the end of a 64k segment where the program-loader put your stack. (Unlike the .bss under a modern OS is not zeroed to start with. That's fine for this, you want to write the space you use before you read/modify it anyway.)
#DavidWohlferd also suggests you could re-read part of the executable from disk, with DOS file open/read system calls. That could be the start of a save-game mechanism. In its simplest form, if the first n bytes of your program are all read-only (code and constant data) apart from this game-state array, you could read the first n bytes of the raw .com file into memory at ds:100h (or cs or es, it's all the same in a tiny memory model). Overwriting instructions with themselves (like a jmp rel16 over the data) is fine.


Printing an array but specific values highlighted {emu8086}

I want to print this array but also highlight specific characters from said array. This is my code:
include ''
animales1 db 'BUBRPQYFODFZXIQ'
lenguajes2 db 'SLKFMBCULKVYUIM'
char db 'a'
flag db 0
;Pez= 12,27,42
;Ave= 76,92,108
indx db 5,11,26,41,45 dup (' ')
.start up
mov ax,0000h
mov bx,0000h
mov cx,0000h
mov dx,0000h
lea si, animales1
;call valueInArray
call printArrays
printArrays proc
mov bx,0000h
mov dx,0000h
mov ah, 02h
mov dl,byte ptr[si+bx]
call valueinArray
cmp flag,1
jz printSpecial
int 21h
mov dl, 20h
int 21h
add bx, 1
add cl, 1
cmp cl,15
jz nextRow
jnz printArray
call nwLine
add ch,1
mov cl, 00h
cmp ch,15
jz finproc
jnz printArray
lea di,char
mov byte ptr[di],dl
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bp, offset char
mov dh,00h
mov al, 1
mov bh, 0
mov bl, 1111_0000b
mov cx, 1; calculate message size.
mov dx,0000h
mov ah, 13h
int 10h
mov dl, 20h
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add bx, 1
add cl, 1
cmp cl,15
jz nextRow
jnz printArray
printArrays endp
nwLine PROC
MOV AH,02h
MOV DX,0Ah; imprime asscii 10 (nueva linea)
INT 21h
MOV DX,0Dh; imprime asscii 13 (retorno de carro)
INT 21h
nwLine ENDP
valueInArray proc
mov flag, 0
mov di,0001h
mov dh, indx[di]
cmp dh,20h
jz finvalueproc
cmp bl,dh
jz found
add di,1
jmp iterar
mov flag,1
jmp finvalueproc:
valueInArray endp
As you can see, the array 'indx' have the positions of the chars (The first number is the effective lenght of said array) that I want to highlight so I check if bx is in the position of said character to print it highlighted.
I have two problems at the moment, the first one is the highlighted characters are printing in a kinda random position and that messes up the rest, but I think I know why the position of the highlighted character that prints is wrong, because the interrupt that I use uses dh and dl as positioners but I do not know how to make it so it continues the flow of the rest. The second problem is that the character that prints is wrong, if you run it and check the variable char, it has an 'Z' but it prints a 'T'. I really need help. Pretty please. :(
indx db 5,11,26,41,45 dup (' ')
It could be that this line is not what you think it is!
Reading your explanation I think you really meant:
indx db 5, 11, 26, 41, 45, ' '
That is the length of the array which is 5, then followed by 4 offsets to the highlighted characters and 1 space character as a list terminator.
the first one is the highlighted characters are printing in a kinda random position and that messes up the rest, but I think I know why the position of the highlighted character that prints is wrong, because the interrupt that I use uses dh and dl as positioners but I do not know how to make it so it continues the flow of the rest.
Because your code to output the highlighted character uses mov dx,0000h, the BIOS function 13h places the character in the upperleft corner of the screen and the other, 'normal' characters will continue from there.
All you have to do is to ask BIOS where the cursor is at that moment using function 03h:
mov cx, 1; calculate message size.
mov dx,0000h
mov ah, 13h
int 10h
mov ah, 03h ; BIOS.GetCursorAndConfiguration
int 10h ; -> CX DX
mov cx, 1 ; message size
mov ah, 13h ; BIOS.WriteString
int 10h
Function 13h fetches from ES:BP. Did you setup the ES segment register?
The second problem is that the character that prints is wrong, if you run it and check the variable char, it has an 'Z' but it prints a 'T'.
Probably resolving the first problem will also resolve the second one.
There's a better, less convoluted way to output your highlighted character.
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cx, 1 ; ReplicationCount
mov bx, 00F0h ; DisplayPage 0, Attribute BlackOnBrightWhite (11110000b)
mov al, dl ; Character
mov ah, 09h ; BIOS.WriteCharacterAndAttribute
int 10h
mov ah, 0Eh ; BIOS.TeletypeCharacter
int 10h
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Function 09h will write your character with the colors that you need, and then function 0Eh will advance the cursor normally.

How to sort an array using stack in assembly

I want to sort an array while using the stack:
so first things first I pushed it all into the stack.
then I'm locating the minimum element in the stack, swapping it with the top element popping it out and move it back to the array.
but something isn't right and about halfway there it got messed up (DI is one index below than what it should really be)
data segment
a db 5h,12h,6h,4h,9h
len equ $-a
loop_counter db len
min_index dw 0
min db ?
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment ;TODO: Locate min in stack xchg it with top element copy to array and pop it :|
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov cl,loop_counter
mov al,a[bx]
push ax
inc bx
loop push_arr_to_stack
mov bx,len-1
mov ax,0
mov cl,loop_counter
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp]
mov bx,[bp]
mov di,0
mov dx,0
mov si,2
mov di_check,len-loop_counter
cmp bx,ax
jb new_min
mov bx,[bp+si]
add si,2
loop find_min_to_arr
mov min,al
xchg a[di],al
jmp pop_min
mov ax,bx
mov bx,[bp+si]
mov min_index,si
sub min_index,2
add si,2
dec cx
jmp find_min_to_arr
mov dx,[bp]
xchg di,min_index
mov [bp+di],dx
xchg di,min_index
pop dx
mov dx,0
inc di
mov si,0
cmp di,len
je b
dec loop_counter
mov cl,loop_counter
jmp find_min_to_arr
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
end start
first I pushed it all into the stack.
This part is fine although for speed reasons you should forget about loop .. and replace it with dec cx followed by jnz ..
then I'm locating the minimum element in the stack, swapping it with the top element popping it out and move it back to the array.
Here your code gets very complicated and it contains many errors. Also the code does not perform true swapping between the located minimum and the element at the top of the stack.
I tried amending your code but as is often the case, it is beyond repair. Below is my rewrite that you should study, not just copy!
I have defined the loop_counter a word variable because that's easier. Additionally I kept it in the DX register that was sitting there doing nothing...
Pushing it all into the stack
mov bx, dx
mov al, a[bx-1]
push ax
dec bx
jnz push_arr_to_stack
I push the array in reverse so the stack has the elements in the same order as the original array. This is not necessary for the task, but it is simpler and it leaves the BX register at zero for use below.
Locating the minimum in the stack
mov bp, sp
xor si, si
mov al, [bp+si] ; Chosen minimum
mov di, si ; Remember its position
mov cx, dx
dec cx ; N elements = N-1 compares
jz .c
.a: add si, 2
cmp al, [bp+si]
jbe .b
mov al, [bp+si] ; New minimum
mov di, si ; Remember its position
.b: dec cx
jnz .a
Swapping it with the top element
.c: xchg al, [bp]
mov [bp+di], al
Popping it out and moving it back to the array
pop ax
mov a[bx], al
inc bx
dec dx
jnz Again
The important thing here is that the above exactly does what the task description said.

TASM assembly array being funky and not working

I'm trying to make a snake game in TASM assembly. currently, main problem is the fact that the array of the snake game (a 400 cell array of bytes) is being completely funky.
when i try to put it later on in the DATASEG (like being one of the last vars defined) and i try to paint the array for the start of the game, it loads up as if some random cells have value different than 0 (they should not). another problem is when i change the value of 1 random cell to generate an apple, it sometimes goes and paints 2 apples, meaning something went awry...
This is how i defined my array: GameArray db 400 dup(0)
This is how i mov array: mov bx, offset GameArray
also, the timer just doesn't seem to work. what i have right now in the code are just the functions and the attempt at seeing if the timer works:
model small
stack 100h
GameArray db 400 dup(0) ;20x20 array for the snake game. need to be first variable for some reason, or cell values are jumbled up. wierd...
ApplePresent db 0 ;incase 2 or more cells with applevalue, disregard the later cells and make them empty squares
seconds db 99 ;variable for timer to check in how many miliseconds there is change.
One db 1 ;used as number '1' as word so bx which array is moved to will have no problems.
AppleValue db 255 ;used as number '256' as word so bx which array is moved to will have no problems.
Zero db 0 ;used as number '0' as word so bx which array is moved to will have no problems.
PointGained db 0 ;Boolean var to check if point was gained in the movement. if so, snake will be grown.
NumCell dw 0 ;NumCell represents the cell in the array which the snake's head will be going to.
Score db 0 ;keeps score of the game.
xArr dw 10 ;x coordinate of head (value 5 at start) at start of game. (x of array)
yArr dw 9 ;y coordinate of head (value 5 at start) at start of game. (y of array)
SnakeHead db 5 ;SnakeHead value will be copied to element of array snake head will go to.
xDraw dw ? ;x coordinate for drawing screen
yDraw dw ? ;y coordinate for drawing screen
xDrawlim dw ? ;x coordinate for drawing screen limit of box
yDrawlim dw ? ;y coordinate for drawing screen limit of box
Direction db 1 ;1 = right, 2 = up, 3 = left, 4 = down. gets value from last click of WASD keys
Clock equ es:6ch ;looks at clock memory segment.
proc ApplesFix ;FUnction to fix if there are 2 or more cells with value of 255 in them. if so, reset the value of the array cell to 0.
mov bx, offset GameArray
mov ax, 400
mov cl, [AppleValue]
cmp [bx], cl
je IncrementApplePresent
inc bx
dec ax
jnz ApplesFixLoop
jmp EndFix
inc [ApplePresent]
cmp [ApplePresent],1
jg FixCell
inc bx
dec ax
jnz ApplesFixLoop
jmp EndFix
mov cl, [Zero]
mov [bx], cl
inc bx
dec ax
jnz ApplesFixLoop
endp ApplesFix
proc RandApple
pusha ;pushes all registers. never knew the command so only using it now.
push [Numcell]
mov [NumCell],0
mov ax, 40h
mov es, ax
mov cx, 10
mov bx, 0
mov ax, [Clock]
mov ah, [byte cs:bx]
xor al, ah
and al, 11111111b
xor ah, ah
mov [NumCell], ax
add [NumCell], 11
loop random_loop_apple
mov bx, offset GameArray
add bx, [NumCell]
mov cl, [Zero]
cmp [bx], cl
je GenerateApple
jmp RandGen
mov cl, [AppleValue]
mov [bx], cl
pop [Numcell]
endp RandApple
proc KeyPress ;function which gets key press from WASD and will change var 'Direction' according to it.
push ax
mov ah, 1d
int 21h
cmp al, 87;'W'
je MovingUp
cmp al, 65;'A'
je MovingLeft
cmp al, 83;'S'
je MovingDown
cmp al, 68;'D'
je MovingRight
jmp Wait_for_Data
mov [Direction], 2d
jmp EndKeyPress
mov [Direction], 3d
jmp EndKeyPress
mov [Direction], 4d
jmp EndKeyPress
mov [Direction], 1d
jmp EndKeyPress
pop ax
endp KeyPress
proc MoveHead ;Head value will be copied into the array cell which snake moves to.
mov bx, offset GameArray
add bx, [NumCell]
mov cl, [SnakeHead]
mov [bx], cl
endp MoveHead
proc DirectionSnake ;proc for changing x,y values of array to know which square head value will be copied to.
cmp [Direction], 1d
je MoveRight
cmp [Direction], 2d
je MoveUp
cmp [Direction], 3d
je MoveLeft
cmp [Direction], 4d
je MoveDown
add [xArr] ,1d
cmp [xArr], 19d
jg OtherSideRight
jmp EndDirectionSnake
sub [yArr], 1d
cmp [yArr], 0d
jb OtherSideUp ;function for making snake head appear at the highest layer if snake goes down out of boundaries. (same with labels of same name, just for different function)
jmp EndDirectionSnake
sub [xArr], 1d
cmp [xArr], 0d
jb OtherSideLeft
jmp EndDirectionSnake
add [yArr], 1d
cmp [yArr], 19d
jg OtherSideDown
jmp EndDirectionSnake
mov [xArr], 0d
jmp EndDirectionSnake
mov [yArr], 19d
jmp EndDirectionSnake
mov [xArr], 19d
jmp EndDirectionSnake
mov [yArr], 0d
endp DirectionSnake
proc findHeadXY ;find xy coordinate of the cell in array which head will be going to
push ax ;preserving value of ax by pushing him into stack and popping him at the end of function.
mov ax, [xArr]
mov [NumCell], ax ;NumCell represents the cell in the array which the snake's head will be going to.
mov ax, [yArr]
FindArrayCelly: ;label for loop of finding the array cell's y value that snake head is going to be copied into.
add [NumCell], 20d
sub ax, 1d
jnz FindArrayCelly
pop ax
endp findHeadXY
proc MoveAction ;function will find whats inside the cell snake head will be going to and see if snake eats apple and moves, regular movement or lose.
push bx
push cx
mov bx, offset GameArray
add bx, [NumCell] ;goes to the cell which the snake head will be moving to.
mov cl, [AppleValue]
cmp [bx], cl
je SnakeEatsApple
mov cl, [Zero]
cmp [bx], cl
je SnakeMoves
jmp GameLost
add [Score], 1d ;if apple is eaten score is increased by 1.
mov [PointGained], 1d ;sets boolean to 1 meaning 'True', snake will lengthen
cmp [Score], 255d
je GameWon
call MoveHead
call MoveHead
mov ax, 0c00h ;replicating exit interrupt.
int 21h
mov ax, 0c00h ;replicating exit interrupt.
int 21h
pop cx
pop bx
endp MoveAction
proc BlackSquare ;when array element has value which is 0, draw white square
push cx
push dx
mov cx,[xDraw]
mov dx,[yDraw]
mov al, 15d
mov bh,0h
mov ah,0ch
int 10h
inc cx
cmp cx,[xDrawlim]
jne loopboxB
mov cx,[xDraw]
inc dx
cmp dx,[yDrawlim]
jne loopboxB
pop dx
pop cx
endp BlackSquare
proc SnakeSquare ;when array element has value which is not 0 or 256, draw green square (green color)
push cx
push dx
mov cx,[xDraw]
mov dx,[yDraw]
mov al, 2d ;al assigned different value for different color
mov bh,0h
mov ah,0ch
int 10h
inc cx
cmp cx,[xDrawlim]
jne loopboxS
mov cx,[xDraw]
inc dx
cmp dx,[yDrawlim]
jne loopboxS
pop dx
pop cx
endp SnakeSquare
proc AppleSquare ;when array element has value which is 256, draw yellow square
push cx
push dx
mov cx,[xDraw]
mov dx,[yDraw]
mov al, 14d ;al assigned different value for different color
mov bh,0h
mov ah,0ch
int 10h
inc cx
cmp cx,[xDrawlim]
jne loopboxA
mov cx,[xDraw]
inc dx
cmp dx,[yDrawlim]
jne loopboxA
pop dx
pop cx
endp AppleSquare
proc DrawScreen ;draws screen according to value in array elements.
mov bx, offset GameArray
mov ax, 0d
mov [xDraw], 121d ;starting values for painting screen
mov [ydraw], 101d
mov [xDrawlim], 130d
mov [yDrawlim], 110d
mov cl, [Zero]
cmp [bx], cl
je CallBlackSquare ;goes to label to call function BlackSquare
mov cl, [AppleValue]
cmp [bx], cl ;cx is copying AppleValue since comparing memory (var) to memory (array which is copied in bx) is illegal.
je CallAppleSquare ;goes to label to call function AppleSquare
jmp CallSnakeSquare ;goes to label to call function SnakeSquare
call BlackSquare
add [xDraw], 10d
add [xDrawlim], 10d
inc ax
cmp ax, 400d
je EndDrawingScreen
add bx,1
cmp [xDrawlim], 330d
je DropLine
jmp CheckElementValue
jmp CheckElementValue
call AppleSquare
add [xDraw], 10d
add [xDrawlim], 10d
inc ax
cmp ax, 400d
je EndDrawingScreen
add bx,1
cmp [xDrawlim], 330d
je DropLine
jmp CheckElementValue
call SnakeSquare
add [xDraw], 10d
add [xDrawlim], 10d
inc ax
cmp ax, 400d
je EndDrawingScreen
add bx,1
cmp [xDrawlim], 330d
je DropLine
jmp CheckElementValue
add [yDraw], 10d
add [yDrawlim], 10d
mov [xDraw], 121d
mov [xDrawlim], 130d
cmp [yDrawlim], 310d
jne MidJumP
endp DrawScreen
proc CycleChange ;the procedure reduces all cells in array which value is greater than 0 by 1, so tail of the snake will get erased after new head is formed.
mov bx, offset GameArray
mov ax, 400d
cmp [word ptr bx], 0 ;checks current element of array looked at and checks if equal to 0. need to add that will not reduce value if its 256 as well.
jne DecreaseCellValue
add bx, 1d
dec ax
jz EndCycleChange
mov cl, [One]
sub [bx], cl
add bx, 1d
dec ax
jmp CheckArray
endp CycleChange
proc ResetArray ;restore all array values to 0.
mov bx, offset GameArray
mov ax, 400d
mov cl, [Zero]
mov [byte ptr bx], cl
inc bx
dec ax
jnz ResetArrayL
endp ResetArray
mov ax, #data
mov ds, ax
mov bx, offset GameArray
add bx, 210
push cx
mov cx, [word ptr SnakeHead]
GenerateSnake: ;puts snake of length 5 in the array.
mov [word ptr bx], cx
inc bx
loop GenerateSnake
call RandApple ;Puts apple randomly in cell of array before starting the game.
call ApplesFix
mov ax,012h
int 10h ;640 x 480 16 colors. graphic mode interrupt.
call DrawScreen
mov ah,02ch ; Get current second
int 021h
mov bh,dh ; Store current second
mov ah,02ch ; Get new time. Seconds are stored in dh
int 021h
sub dh,1 ; Subtract 1 from new second. Giving 1 Secs for input.
GoBackCheck: ;if no key has been pressed, until second is over input from keyboard will be checked.
cmp bh,dh
je SecondPassed ; Exit when DH is finally equal to BH.
mov ah,06h ; Function 06h of INT 021 will directly read from the Stdin/Stdout
mov dl,0ffh ; Move 0ff into the DL register to read from the keyboard
int 21h
jz GoBackCheck ; If the zero flag of the FLAGS register is set, no key was pressed.
call KeyPress
jmp GoBackCheck
SecondPassed: ;here snake moves and checks if you lost/won game.
call findHeadXY
call MoveHead
jmp secstart
mov ax, 0c00h
int 21h
END start`

Asm Assembler - CX loop never executes

I have a vector and I have to put in the AX register the sum of the numbers that are greater than 50 ( > 50 ).
I do not understand why my loop does not work when I run it. First it compares 100 with 50, jumps at adunare , add 100 to AX but then it exits the loop and terminates the program.
.STACK 10h
vect DB 100,70,3,10,60,200,30
len DB 7
mov ax,#DATA
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0
mov cl,len
mov ch,0
mov si, -1
inc si
cmp vect[si],50
ja adunare
jb mic
add ax, word ptr vect[si]
loop bucla
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
END begin
.STACK 10h
With such a small stack the debugger could very well terminate your program as soon as an interrupt occurs, leaving you thinking that the loop doesn't execute.
Specify a larger stack. 256 bytes is a reasonable minimum.
add ax, word ptr vect[si]
To add the byte at vect[si] to the word in AX, you have several options:
using an intermediate register like zx485 suggested
clearing the extra register:
xor dx, dx
mov dl, vect[si]
add ax, dx
extending from byte to word in one instruction:
movzx dx, vect[si]
add ax, dx
without an extra register but using a cascaded addition:
add al, vect[si]
adc ah, 0
cmp vect[si],50
ja adunare
jb mic
add ax, word ptr vect[si]
loop bucla
You can write this simpler and if the number 50 were present in the array, it would erroneously be added to the sum. Besides the above and below conditions there's also the equal condition to take care of.
cmp vect[si], 50
jna mic
add al, vect[si]
adc ah, 0
loop bucla
For perfection you could dismiss the loop instruction (it has a reputation for being slow) and use instead dec cx jnz bucla. This in turn gives you the opportunity to not having to zero CH and rather use dec cl jnz bucla.
Everything together:
xor ax, ax ; This makes AX=0
mov cl, len
mov si, -1
inc si
cmp vect[si], 50
jna mic
add al, vect[si]
adc ah, 0
dec cl
jnz bucla
mov ah, 4ch ; DOS.Terminate (exitcode is in AL)
int 21h
I've tested a good number of variations.
This is a faster version of the loop:
xor ax, ax ; This makes AX=0
xor si, si
mov cl, len
cmp vect[si], 50
jna mic
xor dx, dx
mov dl, vect[si]
add ax, dx
inc si
dec cl
jnz bucla

Assembly two-dimensional array of pixels

How could I do something like this in assembly? DOS 16bit graphic mode
int start_x=1, start_y=1;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
for(int j=0; j<8; j++){
if(T34[i][j]==1) put_colour_pixel(start_x+i, start_y+j);
else put_black_pixel(start_x+i, start_y+j);
So my loops pretty work. How to connect it to table with 0 and 1.
mov ax, 10 ; Y start line
mov bx, 20 ; X start line
mov dl, 4 ; colour (red)
mov cx, 5 ; loop top counter
add ax, 1
push cx ;loop top counter
mov cx, 10
add bx, 1
push ax
push bx
push cx
call putpixel
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
loop inside
mov bx, 20 ;next line X go to start X
pop cx ;loop top counter
loop top
My new code:
segment .data
segment .code
mov ax, 13h
int 10h ; switch to 320x200 mode
mov ax, 0a000h ; The offset to video memory
mov es, ax ; We load it to ES through AX,
; because immediate operation
; is not allowed on ES
mov di, T34
mov si, 8
P1: mov bp, 8
P2: cmp BYTE[di], 1
jnz short NOHIT
NOHIT: ; increase the x position
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov ax,si ;Y
mov bx,bp ;X
mov dl, 1 ; here I should take '0' or '1' from table
call putpixel
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
inc di ; increase offset address of array
dec bp
jnz P2
; increase the y position + substract 8 from x position
dec si
jnz P1
xor ah, ah
int 16h ; keyboard (wait for key)
mov ax, 3
int 10h ; go to text mode
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h ; return to DOS, exit code 0
push dx ; mul changes dx too
mov cx, 320
mul cx ; multiply Y (ax) by 320 (one row)
add ax, bx ; and add X (bx) (result= dx:ax)
mov di, ax
pop dx
mov [es:di], dl ; store color/pixel
T34 DB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
DB 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DB 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DB 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
DB 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DB 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DB 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
I have changed order and now it is drawing square in left corner (as I expected). Did I change order rigth?
I suppose that letter will be spinned, but it is not problem for me. I can fix it later.
Now I should go to '0' or '1' in table and set color. Which register have "0" or "1"?
So mostly I have problem with colour.
I have try this, but I have error. I have try set colour black (0) or blue (1)
push dx
mov ax, bp ; X*8
mov cx,8
mul cx
add ax, si ; X*8 +Y
add ax, di ; tab0 + X*8+Y
mov dl, ax; here is error, here I set the colour
pop dx
So I don't know how to fix it :( I have try different possibilities and northing work.
mov di, T34
mov si, 8
P1: mov bp, 8
P2: cmp BYTE[di], 1
jnz short NOHIT
; save used REGISTER
; load register with the X,Y position and color
call putpixel
; get back the saved Register
NOHIT: ; increase the x position
inc di ; increase offset address of array
dec bp ; decrease counter and set zeroflag if register is zero
jnz P2 ; jump if zeroflag is not set
; increase the y position + substract 8 from x position
dec si
jnz P1
It is also possible to start the counters for the loops with 0 for to increase the counter, but then we need a compare instruction for to leave the loop, if we want to run the loop from 0 to 8. The offset addresses inside of the array are pointed independent with no relationship to the counters.
With a little modifying (put an additional jump instruction in the code and a second call) it is also possible to set a black pixel if the byte of the array is 0. But i think this simple form of a nested loop is easier to understand in the first time.
Edit: Now it is compatible for NASM.
Edit2: Maybe it is more simple to store the x,y coordinates into a known ram location for modifying and reloading inside of a loop, if many parameters are in use.
Our ram location:
Color DB ? ; define byte
X_Pos DW ? ; define word
Y_Pos DW ?
Examples for to show how to access a memory location (default segment is DS):
mov [X_Pos], ax
mov [X_Pos], bx
mov [Color], dl
mov ax, [X_Pos]
mov bx, [Y_Pos]
mov dl, [Color]
mov WORD[X_Pos], 10
inc WORD[X_Pos]
sub WORD[X_Pos], 8
mov BYTE[Color], 4
inc BYTE[Color]
mov dl, ax; here is error, here I set the colour
It is not possible to mix an 8 bit register with a 16 Bit register.
Existing instruction are:
mov dl, al
mov dl, ah
mov dx, ax
movzx dl, ax
