The program needs to iterate trough the input that a user enters and replace every underscore character ("_") that it finds with "#".
The program does it, but just one time, then every underscore character that is found, stays the same.
string_input DB "Enter a string: $"
string_output DB "Your string is: $"
bufferLong db 250
inputLong db 0
buffer db 250, 0, 250 dup ("$"), "$"
mov ax, #data
mov ds, ax
mov dx, offset string_input
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
call inputString
;mov cl, al
mov dl, 0Ah
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
mov dl, 0Dh
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
mov dx, offset string_output
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
;mov al, cl
call outputString
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
inputString proc
mov dx, offset bufferLong
mov ah, 0Ah
int 21h
inputString endp
outputString proc
mov dx, offset buffer
mov ah, 09h
mov si,0
mov cx, 0
mov bl, "_"
cmp bl, buffer[si]
je replace
inc cx
inc si
jne loop
mov buffer[si], "#"
int 21h
outputString endp
end start
bufferLong db 250
inputLong db 0
buffer db 250, 0, 250 dup ("$"), "$"
This looks like you don't truly know what the required input structure for this DOS.BufferedInput function 0Ah should look like. Read more about it at How buffered input works.
This is the correct definition:
bufferLong db 250
inputLong db 0
buffer db 250 dup (0)
Upon the first replacement, you immediately print the result, where in fact you should continu the loop. Better change the conditional jump to the opposite like this (from je to jne):
xor si, si
mov al, buffer[si]
cmp al, 13
je print ; Exit the loop upon finding 13
cmp al, "_"
jne skip ; While skipping you stay in the loop
mov buffer[si], "#"
inc si
jmp loop ; Unconditionally to the top where a possible exit can get detected
mov buffer[si], "$"
mov dx, offset buffer
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
What your 'loop' was missing is a clear way to exit. The string that you process ends with a carriage return (13). Use that to stop iterating. This could happen from the start if the user did not type in characters and just used enter.
Next you need to provide the correct string termination so DOS can print the result. Preloading the input buffer with $ characters serves no purpose. Just store one $ character either replacing the byte 13 or else right behind the byte 13.
I'm programming the game "15 puzzle game" in x86 using tasm asm/dosbox. I want to "save" or "preserve" my array called 'a' that is being declared in my data segment, so that after I swap the bytes around using upArrow, downArrow, etc... and then I press 'n' for new game, I can set my array 'a' back to it's original state as it was declared in my data segment. Here is my code:
PROMPT DB "Enter q to quit, arrow keys to move, n to restart (new game) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! :)$"
;this is board preset A
a DB 201,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,203,205,205,205,205,187,
DB 186,255,48,50,255,186,255,48,49,255,186,255,48,51,255,186,255,48,52,255,186,255,48,53,255,186,255,48,54,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,48,55,255,186,255,48,56,255,186,255,48,57,255,186,255,49,48,255,186,255,49,49,255,186,255,49,50,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,49,51,255,186,255,49,52,255,186,255,49,53,255,186,255,49,54,255,186,255,49,55,255,186,255,255,255,255,186,
DB 204,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,206,205,205,205,205,185,
DB 186,255,49,56,255,186,255,49,57,255,186,255,50,48,255,186,255,50,49,255,186,255,50,50,255,186,255,50,51,255,186,
DB 200,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,202,205,205,205,205,188,"$"
col DB 0
row DB 0
board DB 0
org 100h
;initialize display step 0
MOV AH, 00h
MOV AL, 03h
INT 10h
MOV AX, 0B800h
XOR di,di
;initialize configuration and dislay prompt step 1
call initConfig
;display board step 2
;wait for key step 3
;print board
call printBoard1
;get cursor x y
call SetCursor
;up arrow
CMP AH, 48h
jz upArrow
;down arrow
CMP AH, 50h
jz downArrow
;right arrow
CMP AH, 4dh
jz rightArrow
;left arrow
CMP AH, 4bh
jz leftArrow
;lowercase q
CMP AL, 71h
;uppercase q
CMP AL, 51h
;lowercase n
CMP AL, 6eh
jz newGame
;uppercase n
CMP AL, 4eh
jz newGame
jmp game
MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS
mov dl, col
mov dh, row
mov bh, 0
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
cmp al, 24h
je strlen_end
inc bx
jmp getStrlen
dec cx
jne loadAndDisplayStr
MOV board, 1
xor dx,dx
xor ax,ax
mov cx, 9
push cx
lea si, a
add si, dx
mov cx, 31
mov di, ax
push ax
mov ah, 4
call loadAndDisplayStr
pop ax
add ax, 160
add dx, 32
pop cx
dec cx
jnz myloop1
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
sub row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
add row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
sub row, 2
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
add row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
sub row, 2
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
add row, 2
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
sub col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
add col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
sub col, 5
jmp game
xor si, si
xor di, di
lea bx, a
mov ax, 32
add col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov di, ax
mov ax, 32
sub col, 5
mul row
add al, col
mov si, ax
mov dx, [bx+si]
xchg dx, [bx+di]
xchg [bx+si], dx
add col, 5
jmp game
;put the cursor at 00
mov col, 27
mov row, 5
;gets strlen of prompt and stores it in BX
lea si, PROMPT
xor bx, bx
call getStrlen
;display prompt
lea si, PROMPT
mov cx, bx
mov ah, 2
mov di, 5a0h
call loadAndDisplayStr
The way I see it is there are 2 ways of doing this. One way would be to create an empty array, and every time the user makes a move (up/down/left/right) I can push this to a stack, and then when the user hits 'n' for new game, I just pop through that stack and reverse all the moves.
Another alternative would be to create 2 identical boards (arrays/string) 'a' and 'b', and then the user would manipulate board 'a' till they decide to hit 'n' for a new game, and then I would some how set 'a' = 'b'
There's no magic way, you just have to copy the array like you would in C.
I'd suggest having one master copy of the data that you keep clean / untouched, never ever writing into it.
Allocate uninitialized space for the working game state somewhere, e.g. on the stack or in the BSS1.
At the start of every game (including the first one), copy the preset whole array to the scratch space for the current game. (e.g. with rep movsb or rep movsw after setting CX, SI, and DI. ES and DS segment regs are already equal segment because of .model tiny. i.e. implement a memcpy however you like.)
So you don't need to write the initializer data twice or anything like that, and only one copy of it needs to be in the file.
And no you don't need any exchanging, just a block copy. Get the assembler to calculate the size of the whole thing by putting a label at the end, or put datasize = $ - a right after the end of a to get the size in bytes.
Footnote 1: See #MichaelPetch's comment for details on how to declare a label in the .data? segment so you can use normal label/symbol syntax. Like gamestate datasize dup(?), where datasize is an = or equ constant you got the assembler to calculate earlier from the size of the preset.
I think .data? is just space past the end of where DOS loads your .com file, and you can use space from there out to near the end of a 64k segment where the program-loader put your stack. (Unlike the .bss under a modern OS is not zeroed to start with. That's fine for this, you want to write the space you use before you read/modify it anyway.)
#DavidWohlferd also suggests you could re-read part of the executable from disk, with DOS file open/read system calls. That could be the start of a save-game mechanism. In its simplest form, if the first n bytes of your program are all read-only (code and constant data) apart from this game-state array, you could read the first n bytes of the raw .com file into memory at ds:100h (or cs or es, it's all the same in a tiny memory model). Overwriting instructions with themselves (like a jmp rel16 over the data) is fine.
Well as the title said , I am working on a NASM project: the idea is simple , I need to take a month from input (string) and give the number of day (using cases regarding numbers). Until now I spent the day dealing with reading/printing and finally comparing 2 strings , which I could do after some struggles and thanks to some old questions I've found here and on other forums.My current problem is that I need to put the months (names) in an array so I could do the comparing with a loop, I saw on another answer that I could label the 'array' like this:
label: db str1,str2
I tried that and when I try printing with just the label I get only the last month (I tried label+i but I still get the same thing)
Well, here is a part of my code:
segment .data
org 100h
msg db "a"
mon1 db "janvier",0
mon2 db "fevrier",0
mon3 db "mars",0
mon4 db "avril",0
mon5 db "mai",0
mon6 db "juin",0
mon7 db "juillet",0
mon8 db "aout",0
mon9 db "septembre",0
mon10 db "octobre",0
mon11 db "novembre",0
mon12 db "decembre",24h
mo dw 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
dw mon1,mon2,mon3,mon4,mon5,mon6,mon7,mon8,mon9,mon10,mon11,mon12
segment .code
mov dx,mon
mov ah,09h
int 21h
edit2: I tried the solution given by #ecm , I had to make a few change because It gave me some errors then after i could finally run it It went to error, Here is the whole code:
segment .code
; takes month 1 to 12 in ax
dec ax ; make number 0-based
cmp ax,amount
jae error ; if out of range -->
add ax, ax ; make it an index into a word array
mov bx, ax ; use bx for addressing memory
mov dx, word [mon+ bx] ; access array entry
mov di, dx
mov cx, -1
mov al, 0
repne scasb
not cx
dec cx ; string length
mov bx, 1
mov ah, 40h
int 21h ; write to stdout
clc ; indicate not error
mov dx,msg1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ah,0Ah
mov dx, len ;start of buffer
int 21h
mov ah,02h
mov dl,10
int 21h
mov dl,13
int 21h
mov bx,act
mov dx,buffer
add dl,byte [bx]
mov bx,dx ; move pointer into BX
mov byte [bx],24h ; put the $ there.
; compare input with msg variable(a placeholder for the moment ) I want to compare with the mon array values , and then use the index as an argument to call the cond procedure.
mov ax,msg
mov si,ax
mov ax,buffer
mov di,ax
jz Yep ; if strings equal goto Yep
jmp Nope ; goto Nope
mov dx,good
mov ah,9
int 21h ; tell the user it's good
mov dx,bad
mov ah,9
int 21h ; tell the user it's bad
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
cmp ax,2
je fev
cmp ax,7
jg odd
jle even
else: mov bx,31
jmp endif
fev: mov bx,28
odd: test ax,1
jnz trente
jmp else
even: test ax,1
jp trente
jmp else
trente: mov bx,30
endif: ret
segment .data
org 100h
;; variables declaration
msg1 db "Veullez entrer un mois:",24h
msg db "a",24h
mon1: db "janvier",0
mon2: db "fevrier",0
mon3: db "mars",0
mon4: db "avril",0
mon5: db "mai",0
mon6: db "juin",0
mon7: db "juillet",0
mon8: db "aout",0
mon9: db "septembre",0
mon10: db "octobre",0
mon11: db "novembre",0
mon12: db "decembre",0
good db "Bon choix!",24h
bad db "Mauvais choix!",24h
dw mon1,mon2,mon3,mon4,mon5,mon6,mon7,mon8,mon9,mon10,mon11,mon12
len db 254 ; a fair amount of space
act db 0 ; will be filled with actual amount of chars received
buffer times 254 db 0
size equ tend - start
amount equ size / 2
I forgot to add how I am compiling , well I am using dosbox to run .com files , because they don't work on windows 10 , and I use the command : nasm name.asm -o to create the .com file and then I just open it in dos.
EDIT: Well I struggled a lot to make that happen , I couldn't do it even thought I tried different ways , the last thing I went with was to use the first month and keeping adding the size of months to pass to the other ones (i.e mon1+8 gives me mon2 ...) but then I encountered with the difference in sizes , so I changed all the months to just 3 letters (4 for june) so I could move with multiples of 4 but then I couldn't go all the way to the end .. So after that I just decided to use the mon(i) by calling the names and repeating the manoeuvre , which seemed to work thought I encountered a problem with comparing (I am still trying to figure out) , well here is the last version until I figure out how to fix that.The problem at this moment is that even if I type something different than the mon1 to mon12 I get this:Le mois de 'input' est de 30 jours while normally it should take me back to the start of the nope label.
segment .code
org 100h
mov dx,msg1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
here: mov ah,0Ah
mov dx, len
int 21h
mov ah,02h
mov dl,10
int 21h
mov dl,13
int 21h
mov bx,act
mov dx,buffer
add dl,byte [bx]
mov bx,dx
mov byte [bx],24h
jmp comp
mov dx,g1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov dx,buffer
int 21h
mov dx,g2
int 21h
mov ax, [i]
call cond
mov ah,02h
mov dl,bh
int 21h
mov dl,bl
int 21h
mov dx,g3
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp end
comp: mov bx,0
mov [i],bx
jan: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov bx,mon1
mov di,bx
jz yep
fevr: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov bx,mon2
mov di,bx
jz yep
mar: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov bx,mon3
mov di,bx
jz yep
avr: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov bx,mon4
mov di,bx
jz yep
mai: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov cx,mon5
mov di,cx
jz yep
juin: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov bx,mon6
mov di,bx
jz yep
jmp jui
jui: call inct
mov cx,buffer
mov si,cx
mov cx,mon7
mov di,cx
jz yep
aout: call inct
mov cx,buffer
mov si,cx
mov cx,mon8
mov di,cx
jz yep
jmp sep
sep: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov cx,mon9
mov di,cx
jz yep
jmp oct
oct: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov cx,mon10
mov di,cx
jz yep
jmp nov
nov: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov cx,mon11
mov di,cx
jz yep
jmp dect
dect: call inct
mov bx,buffer
mov si,bx
mov cx,mon12
mov di,cx
jz yep
jmp nope
mov dx,bad
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp here
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
push bx
mov bx,[i]
inc bx
mov [i],bx
pop bx
cmp ax,2
je fev
cmp ax,6
je th
cmp ax,8
je th
cmp ax,7
jg odd
jle even
else: mov bl,'1'
mov bh,'3'
jmp endif
fev: mov bl, '8'
mov bh,'2'
jmp endif
th: jmp else
odd: test ax,1
jnz trente
jmp else
even: test ax,1
jp trente
jmp else
trente: mov bh,'3'
mov bl,'0'
endif: ret
segment .data
i db 0
msg1 db "Veullez entrer un mois:",24h
mon1: db "janvier",24h
mon2: db "fevrier",24h
mon3: db "mars",24h
mon4: db "avril",24h
mon5: db "mai",24h
mon6: db "juin",24h
mon7: db "juillet",24h
mon8: db "aout",24h
mon9: db "septembre",24h
mon10: db "octobre",24h
mon11: db "novembre",24h
mon12: db "decembre",24h
g1 db "Le mois de",20h,24h
g2 db 20h,"est de",20h,24h
g3 db 20h,"jours",24h
bad db "Le mois saisi n'est pas correct!",10,13,"Veuillez entrer un autre mois:",24h
len db 254 ; a fair amount of space
act db 0 ; will be filled with actual amount of chars received
buffer times 254 db 0
Try this:
segment .code
; takes month 1 to 12 in ax
dec ax ; make number 0-based
cmp ax, montab.amount
jae .error ; if out of range -->
add ax, ax ; make it an index into a word array
mov bx, ax ; use bx for addressing memory
mov dx, word [montab + bx] ; access array entry
mov di, dx
mov cx, -1
mov al, 0
repne scasb
not cx
dec cx ; string length
mov bx, 1
mov ah, 40h
int 21h ; write to stdout
clc ; indicate not error
segment .data
mon1: db "janvier",0
mon2: db "fevrier",0
mon3: db "mars",0
mon4: db "avril",0
mon5: db "mai",0
mon6: db "juin",0
mon7: db "juillet",0
mon8: db "aout",0
mon9: db "septembre",0
mon10: db "octobre",0
mon11: db "novembre",0
mon12: db "decembre",0
align 2
dw mon1
dw mon2
dw mon3
dw mon4
dw mon5
dw mon6
dw mon7
dw mon8
dw mon9
dw mon10
dw mon11
dw mon12
.size equ .end - .
.amount equ .size / 2
You could use 12 as the hardcoded array length in this case. But using equates for the length and amount of entries is useful for static data arrays more generally.
ETA: I added alignment for the table, which is good for performance. Not needed but it doesn't cost much.
Note that I dropped the org directive from my example. This is because I am presenting just one function that should be called from other program logic. If you're assembling into a simple style flat .COM executable for 86-DOS, you still need to include the org 256 at some point.
Here's a breakdown of your question's attempt:
msg db "a"
This seems like an unused leftover.
mon1 db "janvier",0
mon2 db "fevrier",0
mon3 db "mars",0
mon4 db "avril",0
mon5 db "mai",0
mon6 db "juin",0
mon7 db "juillet",0
mon8 db "aout",0
mon9 db "septembre",0
mon10 db "octobre",0
mon11 db "novembre",0
These are all fine, they define ASCIZ strings. (The Z stands for zero-terminated.)
mon12 db "decembre",24h
This one uses a different terminator, in this case the dollar sign (24h = 36). It is not appropriate to mix terminators between array entries. Either use all ASCIZ or all CP/M-style dollar-terminated strings.
mo dw 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
This is useless. If you wanted to map a number from 1 to 12 as index into this array, the original value would be found at that array entry. If the entries had different numbers this type of array could be useful, but not with identity mapping.
dw mon1,mon2,mon3,mon4,mon5,mon6,mon7,mon8,mon9,mon10,mon11,mon12
This is essentially correct. (I put each entry on its own line and prepended the align directive, but neither is absolutely necessary.)
mov dx,mon
mov ah,09h
int 21h
This loads the address of your message table into dx then passes dx to interrupt 21h function 09h. This function expects a dollar-terminated string, so only your December string would work. More importantly, it will try to display the literal bytes that make up your array. You need to, instead, dereference a pointer to one of your array's entries to load the address stored therein, which is the address of the associated message string.
I am working on a project for class, and it works as required by the rubric, though I am wondering if there is a slightly better way to implement a few things. I was docked a few points for an unnecessary 'mov' in another project. Here is problem 1.
"If—else (34 points): Write a program that asks the user to enter a single digit. If that digit is less 5, you will state so and you will add 5 to it and store it in a variable; if the digit is greater than 5, you will state so and then subtract 5 from it and store it in a variable; if the digit is 5, you will add 3 to it and state so and store it in a variable."
org 100h
mov dx, offset start ;move start of string address 'start' into dx
mov ah, 09h
int 21h ;print the string stored at DS:DX
mov ah, 01h ;function for getting keyboard input
int 21h
sub al, 30h ;subtract 30h to store our number as hexadecimal
mov bl, al ;copying data to BL as the following commands manipulate the data
;at AL.
cmp bl, 5 ;BL = AL
jz ifZero ;jump to ifZero if BL = 5
jl ifLess ;jump to isLess if BL < 5
jg ifGreater ;jump to ifGreater if BL > 5
ifZero: ;direct console output function
mov ah, 06h
mov dl, 0Ah
int 21h
mov dl, 0Dh
int 21h ;print newline and character return
add bl, 03h ;add 3 to BL, BL = 8
mov temp, bl
mov dx, offset eq ;move start of string address 'eq' into dx
mov ah, 09h
int 21h ;print string
jmp exit ;unconditional jump to end program
ifLess: ;direct console output function
mov ah, 06h
mov dl, 0aH
int 21h
mov dl, 0Dh
int 21h ;print newline and character return
add bl, 05h ;add 5 to BL
mov temp, bl
mov dx, offset less ;move start of string address 'less' into dx
mov ah, 09h
int 21h ;print string
jmp exit ;unconditional jump to end program
mov ah, 06h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh
int 21h ;print newline and character return
sub bl, 05h ;subtract 5 from BL
mov temp, bl
mov dx, offset great ;move starting address of string 'great' into dx
mov ah, 09h
int 21h ;print string
jmp exit ;unconditional jump to end program
temp db ?
start db "Please enter a number: $"
less db "Less than 5... adding 5 $"
great db "Greater than 5... subtracting 5 $"
eq db "Equal to 5... adding 3 $"
in this case, would 'mov bl, al' be not needed? Running through the disassembler shows that the data in AL changes after most of these commands. Is this supposed to happen? Is there a better way to do so?
Problem 3:
Counter-controlled loop. The program will ask the user to enter a character and then it will display
that character with a label five times
For example:
Enter a character: A
You entered: A
org 100h
mov cx, 05h ;counter controlled loop, start as 5
mov dx, offset prompt ;move string offset to dx
mov ah, 09h ;function for printing string from dx
int 21h
mov ah, 01h ;function to read character from keyboard
int 21h
mov bl, al ;preserving character read by copying to BL
;as register data for AL will be changing
;due to various functions
mov ah, 06h ;function for direct console output
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh ;these just make the text appear on a new
int 21h
mov dx, offset output ;move the memory offset of output to dx
mov ah, 09h ;printing another string
int 21h
mov ah, 02h ;function to write a character to console
;gets the value from DL
mov dl, bl ;so we copy BL to DL and print it
int 21h
jmp newLine ;we unconditionally jump to the newLine
;label and print a new line for the program
;to run again
mov ah, 06h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh
int 21h
loop LabelLoop ;we jump to LabelLoop and CX = CX - 1
mov dx, offset goodbye
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
prompt db 'Enter a character: $'
output db 'You entered: $'
goodbye db 'Good bye!$'
So, my question for these problems, is there a better way to do this? keyboard input is stored in AL, but the register value changes for each time i do a mov function into AH, whether string printing or character printing. in order to avoid a variable (since it wasn't a part of the requirements) or allocating it to memory (which we haven't learned), I moved the data to a different register. Is this an unnecessary 'mov' for either program?
edit: i realize that AL = DL after
mov ah, 06h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h ;AL = DL after execution
cmp bl, 5 ;BL = AL
jz ifZero ;jump to ifZero if BL = 5
jl ifLess ;jump to isLess if BL < 5
jg ifGreater ;jump to ifGreater if BL > 5
The first improvement you should do is making use of the possibility to fall-through in the code. Don't use jz ifZero but rather fall through as equality is the only state that remains after jl and jg. Also ifEqual would be a more correct name for this state.
cmp bl, 5 ;BL = AL
jl ifLess ;jump to isLess if BL < 5
jg ifGreater ;jump to ifGreater if BL > 5
A second optimization will be to get rid of all of those direct console outputs for CR and LF. You should incorporate these in the messages that you will print. Doing so will also remove the need to copy AL to BL using mov bl, al (you specifically asked this):
less db 13,10,"Less than 5... adding 5 $"
great db 13,10,"Greater than 5... subtracting 5 $"
eq db 13,10,"Equal to 5... adding 3 $"
Here's another opportunity to fall through:
jmp exit ;unconditional jump to end program
Your second program can benefit from these advices too.
I'm new at programming assembly. Now I'm trying to write a program that converts number from decimal to binary. But I got stuck with one program while trying to input. After i output msg2 and get into loop, program doesn't turn off. I can input a lot of numbers and program doesn't turn off. I guess problem is in convertnumber: cmp si,cx (si is how many numbers I have to input, cx- how many numbers I have already written), but I am not sure about that. Where have I made a mistake and how could I correct it?
.MODEL small
.Stack 100h
msg0 db 'how many numbers will include your input number(example. 123 is 3 numbers)? $'
msg1 db 'Now input number from 0 to 65535: $'
number db 255, ?, 256 dup ('$')
numberinAscii db 255, ?, 256 dup ('$')
enterbutton db 13,10,'$'
mov ax, #data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,09h
mov dx, offset msg0 ; first message output
int 21h
xor ah,ah ; function 00h of
int 16h ; int 16h gets a character (ASCII translation in AL)
int 3
mov bl,al
mov dl,al
mov ah,02h ; function 02h - display character
int 21h ; call DOS service
mov ah,09h
mov dx, offset enterbutton
int 21h
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset msg1 ; output second message
int 21h
jmp covertHowMany ; converting number that we entered
xor si,si
mov si, ax ; number that we entered now is in si
xor cx,cx
mov cx,0 ;cx=0
enterfirstnumber: ;entering first number (example 123, first number is 1)
xor ah,ah
int 16h ; int 16h gets a one character
int 3
mov bl,al
mov dl,al
mov ah,02h ; function 02h - display character
int 21h ;
jmp convertnumber ; converting this number
input: ;converting number from ascii char to ascii integer
mov ax,bx
mov dx,10
mul dx ; ax:=ax*10
mov bx,ax ; number that I try to convert is in bx now
xor ah,ah
int 16h ; int 16h gets a character (ASCII translation in AL)
int 3
mov bl,al
mov dl,al
mov ah,02h ; function 02h - display character
int 21h
jmp convertnumber
sub al,30h ; convert from ascii character to ascii number
jmp next
sub al,30h
add bx,ax
inc cx
cmp cx, si
jne input
jmp ending
mov ax,04C00h
int 21h
end start
I see at least two problems with your code:
The first is that when you reach convertHowMany you assume that AL still contains the character that the user typed in. That will not be the case, since both INT 21h/AH=02h and INT 21h/AH=09h modify AL. You'll have to save and restore the value of AL somehow (e.g. by pushing and popping AX).
The second problem is how you initialize SI before the loop. You're moving the value of AX into SI, which means both AL and AH. AH is not zero at that point, because you've just used INT 21h/AH=09h.
You could change the sequence xor si,si / mov si,ax into something like mov si,ax / and si,0FFh.