Obtain OpenACC free (or total) device memory - nvcc

I have a GPU code that, at each iteration, decides if the iteration can be offloaded to the accelerator. OpenACC come to be the best tool:
void module(struct my_aos *aos, int n_aos){
int criteria = /* check either that n_aos is large enough and that aos[:n_aos] will fit the GPU */
#pragma acc data copy(aos[0:n_aos]) if(criteria)
#pragma acc parallel loop if(criteria)
for(int i = 0; i < n_aos; i++){
/* work on my_aos*/
How can I decide in advance if aos[0:n_aos] will fit the GPU memory? Is there an openacc_get_free_device_memory() sort of function?
Other wise how can I start a device copy and get back to CPU-only run in case of out-of-memory failure?

See section "3.2.6 acc get property" section of the OpenACC standard. In particular the "acc_property_free_memory" property.


Manual synchronization in OpenMP while loop

I recently started working with OpenMP to do some 'research' for an project in university. I have a rectangular and evenly spaced grid on which I'm solving a partial differential equation with an iterative scheme. So I basically have two for-loops (one in x- and y-direction of the grid each) wrapped by a while-loop for the iterations.
Now I want to investigate different parallelization schemes for this. The first (obvious) approach was to do a spatial a parallelization on the for loops.
Works fine too.
The approach I have problems with is a more tricky idea. Each thread calculates all grid points. The first thread starts solving the equation at the first grid row (y=0). When it's finished the thread goes on with the next row (y=1) and so on. At the same time thread #2 can already start at y=0, because all the necessary information are already available. I just need to do a kind of a manual synchronization between the threads so they can't overtake each other.
Therefore I used an array called check. It contains the thread-id that is currently allowed to work on each grid row. When the upcoming row is not 'ready' (value in check[j] is not correct), the thread goes into an empty while-loop, until it is.
Things will get clearer with a MWE:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
int main()
// initialize variables
int iter = 0; // iteration step counter
int check[100] = { 0 }; // initialize all rows for thread #0
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
int ID, num_threads, nextID;
double u[100 * 300] = { 0 };
// get parallelization info
ID = omp_get_thread_num();
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
// determine next valid id
if (ID == num_threads - 1) nextID = 0;
else nextID = ID + 1;
// iteration loop until abort criteria (HERE: SIMPLIFIED) are valid
while (iter<1000)
// rows (j=0 and j=99 are boundary conditions and don't have to be calculated)
for (int j = 1; j < (100 - 1); j++)
// manual sychronization: wait until previous thread completed enough rows
while (check[j + 1] != ID)
//printf("Thread #%d is waiting!\n", ID);
// gridpoints in row j
for (int i = 1; i < (300 - 1); i++)
// solve PDE on gridpoint
// replaced by random operation to consume time
double ignore = pow(8.39804,10.02938) - pow(12.72036,5.00983);
// update of check array in atomic to avoid race condition
#pragma omp atomic write
check[j] = nextID;
}// for j
#pragma omp atomic write
check[100 - 1] = nextID;
#pragma omp atomic
#pragma omp single
printf("Iteration step: %d\n\n", iter);
}// omp parallel
The thing is, this MWE actually works on my machine. But if I copy it into my project, it doesn't. Additionally the outcome is always different: It stops either after the first iteration or after the third.
Another weird thing: when I remove the slashes of the comment in the inner while-loop it works! The output contains some
"Thread #1 is waiting!"
but that's reasonable. To me it looks like I created somehow a race condition, but I don't know where.
Does somebody has an idea what the problem could be? Or a hint how to realize this kind of synchronization?
I think you are mixing up atomicity and memory consitency. The OpenMP standard actually describes it very nicely in
1.4 Memory Model (emphasis mine):
The OpenMP API provides a relaxed-consistency, shared-memory model.
All OpenMP threads have access to a place to store and to retrieve
variables, called the memory. In addition, each thread is allowed to
have its own temporary view of the memory. The temporary view of
memory for each thread is not a required part of the OpenMP memory
model, but can represent any kind of intervening structure, such as
machine registers, cache, or other local storage, between the thread
and the memory. The temporary view of memory allows the thread to
cache variables and thereby to avoid going to memory for every
reference to a variable.
1.4.3 The Flush Operation
The memory model has relaxed-consistency because a thread’s temporary
view of memory is not required to be consistent with memory at all
times. A value written to a variable can remain in the thread’s
temporary view until it is forced to memory at a later time. Likewise,
a read from a variable may retrieve the value from the thread’s
temporary view, unless it is forced to read from memory. The OpenMP
flush operation enforces consistency between the temporary view and
To avoid that, you should also make the read of check[] atomic and specify the seq_cst clause to your atomic constructs. This clause forces an implicit flush to the operation. (It is called a sequentially consistent atomic construct)
int c;
// manual sychronization: wait until previous thread completed enough rows
#pragma omp atomic read
c = check[j + 1];
} while (c != ID);
Disclaimer: I can't really try the code right now.
Furhter Notes:
I think the iter stop criteria is bogus, the way you use it, but I guess that's irrelevant given that it is not your actual criteria.
I assume this variant will perform worse than the spatial decomposition. You loose a lot of data locality, especially on NUMA systems. But of course it is fine to try and measure.
There seems to be a discrepancy between your code (using check[j + 1]) and your description "At the same time thread #2 can already start at y=0"

Why doesn't this code scale linearly?

I wrote this SOR solver code. Don't bother too much what this algorithm does, it is not the concern here. But just for the sake of completeness: it may solve a linear system of equations, depending on how well conditioned the system is.
I run it with an ill conditioned 2097152 rows sparce matrix (that never converges), with at most 7 non-zero columns per row.
Translating: the outer do-while loop will perform 10000 iterations (the value I pass as max_iters), the middle for will perform 2097152 iterations, split in chunks of work_line, divided among the OpenMP threads. The innermost for loop will have 7 iterations, except in very few cases (less than 1%) where it can be less.
There is data dependency among the threads in the values of sol array. Each iteration of the middle for updates one element but reads up to 6 other elements of the array. Since SOR is not an exact algorithm, when reading, it can have any of the previous or the current value on that position (if you are familiar with solvers, this is a Gauss-Siedel that tolerates Jacobi behavior on some places for the sake of parallelism).
typedef struct{
size_t size;
unsigned int *col_buffer;
unsigned int *row_jumper;
real *elements;
} Mat;
int work_line;
// Assumes there are no null elements on main diagonal
unsigned int solve(const Mat* matrix, const real *rhs, real *sol, real sor_omega, unsigned int max_iters, real tolerance)
real *coefs = matrix->elements;
unsigned int *cols = matrix->col_buffer;
unsigned int *rows = matrix->row_jumper;
int size = matrix->size;
real compl_omega = 1.0 - sor_omega;
unsigned int count = 0;
bool done;
do {
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(done)
bool tdone = true;
#pragma omp for nowait schedule(dynamic, work_line)
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
real new_val = rhs[i];
real diagonal;
real residual;
unsigned int end = rows[i+1];
for(int j = rows[i]; j < end; ++j) {
unsigned int col = cols[j];
if(col != i) {
real tmp;
#pragma omp atomic read
tmp = sol[col];
new_val -= coefs[j] * tmp;
} else {
diagonal = coefs[j];
residual = fabs(new_val - diagonal * sol[i]);
if(residual > tolerance) {
tdone = false;
new_val = sor_omega * new_val / diagonal + compl_omega * sol[i];
#pragma omp atomic write
sol[i] = new_val;
#pragma omp atomic update
done &= tdone;
} while(++count < max_iters && !done);
return count;
As you can see, there is no lock inside the parallel region, so, for what they always teach us, it is the kind of 100% parallel problem. That is not what I see in practice.
All my tests were run on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 # 2.50GHz, 2 processors, 10 cores each, hyper-thread enabled, summing up to 40 logical cores.
On my first set runs, work_line was fixed on 2048, and the number of threads varied from 1 to 40 (40 runs in total). This is the graph with the execution time of each run (seconds x number of threads):
The surprise was the logarithmic curve, so I thought that since the work line was so large, the shared caches were not very well used, so I dug up this virtual file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index0/coherency_line_size that told me this processor's L1 cache synchronizes updates in groups of 64 bytes (8 doubles in the array sol). So I set the work_line to 8:
Then I thought 8 was too low to avoid NUMA stalls and set work_line to 16:
While running the above, I thought "Who am I to predict what work_line is good? Lets just see...", and scheduled to run every work_line from 8 to 2048, steps of 8 (i.e. every multiple of the cache line, from 1 to 256). The results for 20 and 40 threads (seconds x size of the split of the middle for loop, divided among the threads):
I believe the cases with low work_line suffers badly from cache synchronization, while bigger work_line offers no benefit beyond a certain number of threads (I assume because the memory pathway is the bottleneck). It is very sad that a problem that seems 100% parallel presents such bad behavior on a real machine. So, before I am convinced multi-core systems are a very well sold lie, I am asking you here first:
How can I make this code scale linearly to the number of cores? What am I missing? Is there something in the problem that makes it not as good as it seems at first?
Following suggestions, I tested both with static and dynamic scheduling, but removing the atomics read/write on the array sol. For reference, the blue and orange lines are the same from the previous graph (just up to work_line = 248;). The yellow and green lines are the new ones. For what I could see: static makes a significant difference for low work_line, but after 96 the benefits of dynamic outweighs its overhead, making it faster. The atomic operations makes no difference at all.
The sparse matrix vector multiplication is memory bound (see here) and it could be shown with a simple roofline model. Memory bound problems benefit from higher memory bandwidth of multisocket NUMA systems but only if the data initialisation is done in such a way that the data is distributed among the two NUMA domains. I have some reasons to believe that you are loading the matrix in serial and therefore all its memory is allocated on a single NUMA node. In that case you won't benefit from the double memory bandwidth available on a dual-socket system and it really doesn't matter if you use schedule(dynamic) or schedule(static). What you could do is enable memory interleaving NUMA policy in order to have the memory allocation spread among both NUMA nodes. Thus each thread would end up with 50% local memory access and 50% remote memory access instead of having all threads on the second CPU being hit by 100% remote memory access. The easiest way to enable the policy is by using numactl:
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=... OMP_PROC_BIND=1 numactl --interleave=all ./program ...
OMP_PROC_BIND=1 enables thread pinning and should improve the performance a bit.
I would also like to point out that this:
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(done)
bool tdone = true;
// ...
#pragma omp atomic update
done &= tdone;
is a probably a not very efficient re-implementation of:
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel reduction(&:done)
// ...
if(residual > tolerance) {
done = false;
// ...
It won't have a notable performance difference between the two implementations because of the amount of work done in the inner loop, but still it is not a good idea to reimplement existing OpenMP primitives for the sake of portability and readability.
Try running the IPCM (Intel Performance Counter Monitor). You can watch memory bandwidth, and see if it maxes out with more cores. My gut feeling is that you are memory bandwidth limited.
As a quick back of the envelope calculation, I find that uncached read bandwidth is about 10 GB/s on a Xeon. If your clock is 2.5 GHz, that's one 32 bit word per clock cycle. Your inner loop is basically just a multiple-add operation whose cycles you can count on one hand, plus a few cycles for the loop overhead. It doesn't surprise me that after 10 threads, you don't get any performance gain.
Your inner loop has an omp atomic read, and your middle loop has an omp atomic write to a location that could be the same one read by one of the reads. OpenMP is obligated to ensure that atomic writes and reads of the same location are serialized, so in fact it probably does need to introduce a lock, even though there isn't any explicit one.
It might even need to lock the whole sol array unless it can somehow figure out which reads might conflict with which writes, and really, OpenMP processors aren't necessarily all that smart.
No code scales absolutely linearly, but rest assured that there are many codes that do scale much closer to linearly than yours does.
I suspect you are having caching issues. When one thread updates a value in the sol array, it invalids the caches on other CPUs that are storing that same cache line. This forces the caches to be updated, which then leads to the CPUs stalling.
Even if you don't have an explicit mutex lock in your code, you have one shared resource between your processes: the memory and its bus. You don't see this in your code because it is the hardware that takes care of handling all the different requests from the CPUs, but nevertheless, it is a shared resource.
So, whenever one of your processes writes to memory, that memory location will have to be reloaded from main memory by all other processes that use it, and they all have to use the same memory bus to do so. The memory bus saturates, and you have no more performance gain from additional CPU cores that only serve to worsen the situation.

segmentation fault when using omp parallel for, but not sequentially

I'm having trouble using the #pragma omp parallel for
Basically I have several hundred DNA sequences that I want to run against an algorithm called NNLS.
I figured that doing it in parallel would give me a pretty good speed up, so I applied the #pragma operators.
When I run it sequentially there is no issue, the results are fine, but when I run it with #pragma omp parallel for I get a segfault within the algorithm (sometimes at different points).
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < dir_count; i++ ) {
int z = 0;
int w = 0;
struct dirent *directory_entry;
char filename[256];
directory_entry = readdir(input_directory_dh);
if(strcmp(directory_entry->d_name, "..") == 0 || strcmp(directory_entry->d_name, ".") == 0) {
sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", input_fasta_directory, directory_entry->d_name);
double *count_matrix = load_count_matrix(filename, width, kmer);
//normalize_matrix(count_matrix, 1, width)
for(z = 0; z < width; z++)
count_matrix[z] = count_matrix[z] * lambda;
// output our matricies if we are in debug mode
printf("running NNLS on %s, %d, %d\n", filename, i, z);
double *trained_matrix_copy = malloc(sizeof(double) * sequences * width);
for(w = 0; w < sequences; w++) {
for(z = 0; z < width; z++) {
trained_matrix_copy[w*width + z] = trained_matrix[w*width + z];
double *solution = nnls(trained_matrix_copy, count_matrix, sequences, width, i);
normalize_matrix(solution, 1, sequences);
for(z = 0; z < sequences; z++ ) {
solutions(i, z) = solution[z];
printf("finished NNLS on %s\n", filename);
gdb always exits at a different pint in my thread, so I can't figure out what is going wrong.
What I have tried:
allocating a copy of each matrix, so that they would not be writing on top of eachother
using a mixture of private/shared operators for the #pragma piece
using different input sequences
writing out my trained_matrix and count_matrix prior to calling NNLS, ensuring that they look OK. (they do!)
I'm sort of out of ideas. Does anyone have some advice?
Solution: make sure not use static variables in your function when multithreading (damned f2c translator)
Defining "#pragma omp parallel for" is not going to give you what you want. Based on the algorithm you have, you must have a solid plan on which variables are going to shared and which ones going to private among the processors.
Looking at this link should give you a quick start on how to correctly share the work among the threads.
Based on your statement "I get a segfault within the algorithm (sometimes at different points)", I would think there is a race condition between the threads or improper initialization of variables.
Function readdir is not thread safe. To quote the Linux man page for readdir(3):
The data returned by readdir() may be overwritten by subsequent calls to readdir()
for the same directory stream.
Consider putting the calls to readdir inside a critical section. Before leaving the critical section, copy the filename returned from readdir() to a local temporary variable, since the next thread to enter the critical section may overwrite it.
Also consider protecting your output operations with a critical section too, otherwise the output from different threads might be jumbled together.
A very possible reason is the stack limit. As MutantTurkey mentioned, if you have a lot of static variables (like a huge array defined in subroutine), they may use up your stack.
To solve this, first run ulimit -s to check the stack limit for the process. You can use ulimit -s unlimited to set it as ulimited. Then if it still crashes, try to increase the stack for OPENMP by setting OMP_STACKSIZE environmental variable to a huge value, like 100MB.
Intel has a discussion at https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/determining-root-cause-of-sigsegv-or-sigbus-errors. It has more information of stack and heap memory.

problems when creating many plans and executing plans

I am a little confused about creating many_plan by calling fftwf_plan_many_dft_r2c() and executing it with OpenMP. What I am trying to achieve here is to see if explicitly using OpenMP and organizing FFTW data could work together. ( I know I "should" use multithreaded version of fftw but I failed to get a expected speedup from it ).
My code looks like this:
/* I ignore some helper APIs */
#define N 1024*1024 //N is the total size of 1d fft
fftwf_plan p;
float * in;
fftwf_complex *out;
omp_set_num_threads(threadNum); // Suppose threadNum is 2 here
in = fftwf_alloc_real(2*(N/2+1));
std::fill(in,in+2*(N/2+1),1.1f); // just try with a random real floating numbers
out = (fftwf_complex *)&in[0]; // for in-place transformation
/* Problems start from here */
int n[] = {N/threadNum}; // according to the manual, n is the size of each "howmany" transformation
p = fftwf_plan_many_dft_r2c(1, n, threadNum, in, NULL,1 ,1, out, NULL, 1, 1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i ++)
// fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(p,in+i*N/threadNum,out+i*N/threadNum);
What I got is like this:
If I use fftwf_execute(p), the program executes successfully, but the result seems not correct. ( I compare the result with the version of not using many_plan and openmp )
If I use fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(), I got segmentation fault.
Can somebody help me here? How should I partition the data across multiple threads? Or it is not correct in the first place.
Thank you in advance.
Do you properly allocate memory for out? Does this:
out = (fftwf_complex *)&in[0]; // for in-place transformation
do the same as this:
out = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex)*numberOfOutputColumns);
You are trying to access 'p' inside your parallel block, without specifically telling openMP how to use it. It should be:
pragma omp parallel for shared(p)
If you are going to split the work up for n threads, I would think you'd explicitly want to tell omp to use n threads:
pragma omp parallel for shared(p) num_threads(n)
Does this code work without multithreading? If you removed the for loop and openMP call and executed fftwf_execute(p) just once does it work?
I don't know much about FFTW's plans for many, but it seems like p is really many plans, not one single plan. So, when you "execute" p, you are executing all plans at once, right? You don't really need to iteratively execute p.
I'm still learning about OpenMP + FFTW so I could be wrong on these. StackOverflow doesn't like it when i put a # in front of pragma, but you need one.

Local copies of arrays for threads in OpenMP?

I am new to OpenMP so this might be very basic.
I have a function:
void do_calc(int input1[], int input2[], int results[]);
Now, the function modifies input1[] during calculations but still can use it for another iteration (it sorts it in various ways), input2[] is different for every iteration and the function stores results in results[].
In one threaded version of the program I just iterate through various input2[]. In parallel version I try this:
#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:counter) schedule(static) private (i,j)
for (i = 0; i < NUMITER ; i++){
int tempinput1[1000];
int tempresults[1000];
int tempinput2[5] = derive_input_from_i(i, input2[]);
array_copy(input, tempinput);
do_calc(tempinput, tempinput2, tempresults);
for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
counter += tempresults[i] //simplified
This code works but is very inefficient because I am copying input to tempinput every iteration and I need only one copy per thread. This copy could be then reused in subsequent do_calc invocations. What I would like to do is this:
#do this only once for every thread worker:
array_copy(input, tempinput);
and then tell the thread to store tempinput for iterations it does in the future.
How do I go about it in OpenMP?
Additional performance issues:
a) I would like to have the code which works on dual/quad/octal core processors and let OpenMP determine number of thread workers and for every of them copy input once;
b) My algorithm benefits from input[] being sorted in previous iteration (as then next sort is faster as keys change only slightly for similar i's) so I would like to make sure that number of iterations is divided equally among threads and that thread no 1 gets 0 ... NUMITER/n portion of iterations, thread no 2 gets NUMITER/n ... 2*NUMITER/n etc.
b) Is not that important but it would be very cool to have :)
(I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I have OpenMP 2.0 version)
