I'm trying to install oracle database, but the installation doesn't work like below.
I tried to install this as admin install, but doesn't work too.
What I can try? please give me some help
Error given
I am having trouble installing Microsoft SQL server 19 Express (I tired dev aswell, it does the same thing). It keeps giving me the error:
Error Description: An installation package for the product Microsoft
OLE DB Driver for SQL server cannot be found, Try installing again
using a valid copy of the installation pacakage 'msoledbsql.msi'
So what I tried was redownloading it from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/oledb/download-oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15 and running the .msi file. It runs fine and gives no errors but it still does not fix the issue. It still will not find the file and without it I cannot install the program. Or am I using the wrong driver for it? The other thing I have tried is when clicking on the .msi it gives me the option to remove or repair. I've done both as well (reinstalling after remove) but it still gives me the error. I'm very very lost at this point. Could anyone possibly help?
I managed to fix it, first, you need to go to programs and features and uninstall the "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server" that is there and then let the installer install the new one
Simply uninstall existing ole db then run your sql server setup afresh
I'm getting this error when I launch the SQL Management Studio 2016.
How can I solve this?
I tried to reinstall several times (the installation process does not throw any errors) and when I try to "repair" the installation I got 0x800713ec error.
I also have this error when I open the databases folder.
Try the following:
Run Windows update
Run SSMS as administrator
Make sure you are not using any add-on plugin such as SQL Assistant or the like.
If you are using version 2012 make sure to install Service Pack 1.
Install SSDT
I have a problem to install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), I get the following error:
One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup.
Bellow I added the log file.
I have Windows Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2012. I installed SSDT is from this page - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/mt186501 - SSDT in Visual Studio 2015
Can anyone help with this cause?
The failure is due to the VS2015 Isolated shell returning an error. You can run this yourself and see if it succeeds (in which case SSDT install should proceed OK) or fails, in which case you should see a good error message.
To get the shell installer run "SSDTSetup.exe /layout" from the command line. This will copy all dependencies onto your machine in a payload folder beside the setup installer. You can then run the vs_isoshell.exe installer yourself.
Install 'VS_ISOSHELL.exe' first. You can find it in the directory PAYLOAD/X86.
After the installation run SSDTSETUPD.exe. It should be working properly now.
User MLGuy's answer solved it for me: Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration and rerun the installer.
SQL Server Data Tools 2015 installation error
When I try to install Reporing Services on existing instance in SQL Server I receive the following error:
I've tried to do steps described here (http://lokna.no/?p=1180), but it didn't help. How can I solve problem and install Reporting Services successfully?
I don't know why, but uninstalling Avast helped. Thanks to this post https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b6533a3a-f215-4d8c-bef9-c8dcdbe253bd/sql-server-2014-on-windows-81-setup-failure-cwindowstemp-folder?referrer=http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b6533a3a-f215-4d8c-bef9-c8dcdbe253bd/sql-server-2014-on-windows-81-setup-failure-cwindowstemp-folder?forum=sqlsetupandupgrade
I'm trying to get data from a PostgreSQL database into PowerBI Desktop but it doesn't seem to work. I think the problem is with the installation with npgsql. When trying to setup a new database connection in PowerBI I type in the database and server, and this is the error message I get:
"Unable to connect
Details: "PostgreSQL: We were unable to find a database provider with invariant name 'Npgsql'.
This error could've been the result of provider-specific client software being required, but missing on this computer. To download client software for this provider, visit the following site and choose the 64-bit (x64) version of, at minimum, 'Npgsql version 2.0.12': https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=282716""
I've tried going npgsql website and install the required components but I can't seem to get it working. I'm not a developer so this is a bit complicated for me. Does anyone know how to get these components installed? I very much appreciate your help!
I'm using Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 3 if this helps. And I do have Visual Studio Community installed as well.
I have downloaded and tried it with version 3.6.6
Install npgsql
During the installation stage, enabled "Npgsql GAC Installation" as GAC requires Npgsql.
Restart the PC.
It should work now.
The solution from this page helped me: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Configuring-Power-BI-Connectivity-to-PostgreSQL-Database/ba-p/12567
Select the option to install to the GAC during install of the program npgsql v3.x.x downloaded from this page https://github.com/npgsql/Npgsql/releases
It worked for me (although I do not know why:-)
When you install Npgsql you should enable installation into the GAC.
Otherwise component will not be automatically detectable to other programs.