AngularJS shared service not acting as singleton between modules - angularjs

I have seen numerous flavors of this question, but cannot seem to find the right answer for my issue.
The problem with the following is the service cannot share data between the other modules/controllers. It does not act as a singleton. Meaning, if I add windows in dashboard and call windowService.getWindows() I will see the windows I added. But if I do the same from myWidget after adding them via the dashboard, or vice versa, the collection in the service is empty as if the other module/controller hasn't added anything. What am I doing wrong here? I expected a single collection of windows to be retained by the service and be accessible from either of my other modules.
Module 1
var dashboard = angular.module('dashboard', [windowServiceModule]);
dashboard.controller('DashboardController', function DashboardController(windowService) {...stuff});
Module 2
var myWidget = angular.module('myWidget', [windowServiceModule]);
myWidget.controller('MyWidgetController', function MyWidgetController(windowService) {...stuff});
var windowServiceModule = angular.module('windowService', []);
windowServiceModule.service('windowService', function() {
var windows = [];
this.addWindow = function(win)
this.getWindows = function()
EDIT: while walking through other answers, I tried this: Share a single service between multiple angular.js apps
That exposed a part of the problem, I think. The above suggests iterating over a $rootScope collection, but in my case, there is only one $rootScope in the collection and it is not the same between dashboard and myWidget. As it is, myWidget is in an iframe and now I'm thinking I need to take a different approach, currently testing a solution similar to the link I left in the comments.

Ok, I'm pretty sure my initial code would have worked fine if the myWidget wasn't being loaded in an iframe. I have a dashboard that can open windows embedded or popped out and I wanted to use the service to manage the windows and handle passing state back and forth since popping out the iframe requires a reload of the page.
Anyways, I now have something like this in place in the service and it is working:
var windowServiceModule = angular.module('windowService', []);
windowServiceModule.service('windowService', function($window) {
var parentScope = $window.parent.getScope();
...other stuff
After that you can access anything in the parent's scope with parentScope. I pass in the angular $window.
Just for reference, getScope() already existed in the parent JSP file. This is what is looks like:
function getScope()
return angular.element($("#DashboardController")).scope();


dynamic header/menu in angularjs

While transitioning an existing angular site, I encountered an annoying problem. The initial symptom was that a certain controller was not running it's initialize function immediately following the login. I logged and I tracked, and eventually I realized it was a design flaw of the page. Essentially, index.html contains a <header>, <ng-view>, and <footer>. There are a couple of ng-if attributes that live in the header that I want to evaluate after the login, but since the view is the only thing that is reloaded, it was not reinitializing the header controller, and thus not updating the ng-if values.
Then I was reminded of ngInclude, which seems like the perfect solution, until I got it hooked up and realize that doesn't work either. It loads the template the first time, and doesn't reinitialize when the view changes. So then I got the bright idea of passing the HeaderController to another controller or service, and controlling this one stubborn boolean value through a proxy of sorts. That also didn't work. Then I tried putting a function and a boolean into another service, and mirroring that property in the header controller, but thus far I have not gotten this working.
I have done plenty of research about multiple views in the index, and so far I hear a lot about this ui-router, but I'm still not convinced that is the way I want to go. It does not seem to be a simple solution. I have not tried putting the ng-include into the templates yet either, because then I feel like that is going back in time to when we had to update 100 pages every time we changed the menu.
I lost a whole day to this. If anyone could tell me how to trigger the evaluation of this one property in my header controller which I would like to live outside the other templates, please let me know!
Ok so you need to know in your HeaderController when the view has reloaded. There's a number of ways of doing this but the easier and maybe the more correct in this particular case is with an event.
So when you are refreshing the view you just do this, let's say you need the new value of ob1 and ob2 variables.
// ViewController
$rootScope.$emit('viewRefresh', {ob1: 'newvalue1', ob2: 'newvalue2'});
And in your HeaderController you need to listen for that event, and set on your $scope the new values for those attrs (if you're not using controller as syntax).
// HeaderController
$rootScope.$on('viewRefresh', function onRefresh(event, data) {
$scope.ob1 = data.ob1;
$scope.ob2 = data.ob2;
Another Solution
Sharing a Promise through a Service (using $q)
function HeaderService($q) {
var defer = $q.defer();
return {
getPromise: function() {return defer.promise},
notify: function(data) {defer.notify(data)}
function HeaderController(HeaderService) {
var vm = this;
HeaderService.getPromise().then(function(data) {
vm.ob1 = data.ob1;
vm.ob2 = data.ob2;
function ViewController(HeaderService) {
var data = {ob1: 'newvalue1', ob2: 'newvalue2'};

Passing data to new page using Onsenui

I am trying to call an API end point once a user clicks a button holding a myNavigator.pushPage() request. However,I can not get the $scope data generated from the $http.get request to be passed to the new page.
If I test using console.log('test'); inside the .success of the $http.get request I successfully get the log info in the console but any data held in $scope.var = 'something'; does not gets passed to the page! Really confused!
$scope.historyDetails = function(id){
var options = {
animation: 'slide',
onTransitionEnd: function() {
$http.get(''+id).success(function(data) {
$scope.testscore = 'something'; // this is not getting passed to page!
console.log('bahh'); // But I see this in console
myNavigator.pushPage("activity.html", options);
<ons-page ng-controller="HistoryController">
<span style="font-size:1.2em">{{testscore}} </span><span style="font-size:0.5em;color:#555"></span>
Yes, that's so because both pages has different controllers, resulting in different scopes. One can not access variables from one scope to another.
Hence one solution in this case can be using rootScope service.
Root Scope is parent scope for all scopes in your angular application.
Hence you can access variable of root scopes from any other scope, provided that you are injecting $rootScope service in that controller.
to know more about rootScope check this link.
Good luck.
Update 1:
check these articles$rootScope-and-$scope.html
As Yogesh said the reason you're not getting your values is because if you look at $scope.testscore and try to find where is the $scope defined you will see that it's an argument for the controller function (thus it's only for that controller).
However we can see that the controller is attached to the page and you are pushing another page.
So in that case you have several options:
Use the $rootScope service as Yogesh suggested (in that case accept his answer).
Create your own service/factory/etc doing something similar to $rootScope.
var historyData = {};
myApp.factory('historyData', function() {
return historyData;
Technically you could probably make it more meaningful, but maybe these things are better described in some angular guides.
If you have multiple components sharing the same data then maybe you could just define your controller on a level higher - for example the ons-navigator - that way it will include all the pages. That would be ok only if your app is really small though - it's not recommended for large apps.
If this data is required only in activity.html you could just get it in that page's controller. For example:
myApp.controller('activityController', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get(...).success(function(data) {
$ = data;
But I guess you would still need to get some id. Anyway it's probably better if you do the request here, now you just need the id, not the data.
You could actually cheat it with the var directive. If you give the activity page <ons-page var="myActivityPage"> then you will be able to access it through the myActivityPage variable.
And the thing you've been searching for - when you do
myNavigator.pushPage("activity.html", options);
actually the options is saved inside the ons-page of activity.html.
So you can do
myNavigator.pushPage("activity.html", {data: {id: 33}, animation: 'slide'});
And in the other controller your id will be
If you still insist on passing all the data instead of an id - here's a simple example. In the newer versions of the 2.0 beta (I think since beta 6 or 7) all methods pushPage, popPage etc return a promise - which resolve to the ons-page, making things easier.
$scope.historyDetails = function(id){
myNavigator.pushPage("activity.html", {animation: 'slide'}).then(function(page) {
$http.get('...' + id).success(function(data) { = data;
Side note: You may want to close the question which you posted 5 days ago, as it's a duplicate of this one (I must've missed it at that time).

Node Webkit / Angular / Change Model

Sorry for a not very specific question by someone new to node webkit, new to Angular, new to about everything in web development:
My app is based on a JSON file that I load at the init of my node webkit app and which is at the center of a bunch of calculations.
In the app, one can open a file dialog to create a new JSON file. Now, of course, I would like the app to recalculate everything based on the new JSON. It works when I press the "refresh" button of node webkit, but I couldn't get it running by using either
I am also wondering if handling this on the node level is the good way to do it. Shouldn't it rather be done by Angular? But I couldn't really connect to the content of my controller from an "outside" javascript.
Grateful for any hint...
Having logic on the page loading is always tricky and as you mentioned - requires page reloading what is not very elegant and modern applications avoid this.
In your case, I suggest that if your JSON file is not very big - store it in variable and modify it as needed. The elegant way will be to create Angular service, which can act as a "model".
angular.service('JsonService', function() {
var json = {
// content
return {
getJson: function () {
return json;
setJson: function (newJson) {
json = newJson;
Then, whenever you need to update JSON invoke setJson(newJson) method and modify your controllers to use the service getJson() method.
You can also add the loading/saving to file functions to this service. The loading function can be invoked in your main controller connected to your dashboard page. Then before the first page will be visible, the JSON file will be already loaded and you preserve desired behavior.

angular.bootstrap to run multiple angular apps

This is NOT a Twitter Bootstrap question...
I have a use case that requires the loading of separate angular applications.
Based on several stack overflow questions and this google thread, it's doable. However, I can't get it to work.
Looking at the documentation:
It looks like you need to provide the element (how to get a handle on the element?), and then how to tie it back to config, controllers, etc. And how would this work with routes? Seems if one app uses otherwise and the other uses otherwise, the second would just override the first?
to grab references to your app(s), you can do something along the lines of:
var first = document.getElementById('firstapp-id');
var second = document.getElementById('secondapp-id');
angular.bootstrap(angular.element(first), ['firstapp']);
angular.bootstrap(angular.element(second), ['secondapp']);
where 'firstapp' and 'secondapp' are module/app names, and 'firstapp-id' and 'secondapp-id' are the id's of the container div's for each app (or your favorite DOM element). just define your apps in the usual manner:
var firstapp = angular.module('firstapp', []);
var secondapp = angular.module('secondapp', []);

push data from one controller to another, $resource service

I'm using angular routing for a SPA with a sidebar (on index.html) that loads a list of categories from a categoryListController, which has a categoryData $resource service injected for retrieving the category list.
Then i have a template, addCategory.html which adds a category with the help of a addCategoryController, which also uses categoryData $resource service.
$scope.categories = categoryData.query(); //categoryListController (for sidebar) // on addCategoryController (for addCategory.html)
The problem is, the sidebar won't update unless I refresh the entire page. I'm thinking i've got to somehow tell the categoryListController to refresh, but i'm not sure how to do that. I can do $scope.categories.push(newCategory) right after, and get the new category showing immediately on addCategory.html, but i don't think that's the answer for my sidebar, unless this is something that needs to be handled with $rootscope? I'm not sure. Thanks
One of the approach that you can take here to update the list of categories in categoryListController would be to use $rootScope to broadcast message detailing the category added.
Catch this message in the list controller to either fetch the list again from server or use the newly added item send using the broadcast message to the list.
Something like this in the Add controller
$rootScope.$broadcast('categoryAdded', { 'category': newcategoryObject });
Something like this in list controller
$scope.$on('categoryAdded', function (event, args) {
You can inject $rootScope as a dependency into the controller.
You can do a similar thing by creating a CategoryList service too. Since service are singleton by nature and can be shared across controllers, using the service approach you would define a CategoryList service with methods to get and `add' categories and bind to data returned by this service.
You should create a service that share the data structure and care of managing the content.
Something like this:
angular.service('categoryService', function() {
var categories = [], initilized;
return {
this.getCategories = function() {
if (!initialized) {
// call resource to fulfill the categories array
initialized = true;
// you cold return a promise that would be resolved as soon
// as you get the first response from server
return categories;
this.addCategory = function(category) {
// code to call $resource, add the category and update the
// categories array, shared between both controllers
// you could return the promise for adding the content
this.removeCategory = ...
You wouldn't need to even call $resource, this service would care of any need of persisting. Of course, you might change and add more method if you need to expose the promises.
