Disable date range swipe left/right action with two fingers in stock charts - anychart

Has anyone found a way to disable the swipe right/left action with two fingers when you're visualizing a specific date range of your stock chart? I've implemented my own zoom-in/out feature and it's currently conflicting with that.


Timeline\gantt control in winforms approach

I want to create a control that shows a list of activities like in a gantt chart in winforms.
I don't want to use any of the non official products out there.
The diagram will have to:
Show the activities as rectangles of different colors. each activity have a start and an end date
Show an X-axis for the global time line reference (years, months, days)
Allow the user to zoom in\zoom out, changing the axis accordingly
Where should I start? I first started from scratch with an empty User Control, I can easily draw rectangle as activities but the logic of the axis and the zoom-in zoom-out feature seems too complicated to build.
An alternative could be start from a chart like an horizontal histogram and on that grid and axis draw the activities.

How can I hide absolute numbers from the tooltip on a Pie Chart in Google Data Studio?

I have a Google Data Studio pie chart showing the % of the Record Count metric, for various slices, but on hover, the tooltip shows the absolute number of Record Count. I don't want to share the absolute numbers with the customer receiving this report. How can I hide that?
Unfortunately it seems not possible as of now, here is the same question in the official support forum.
As stated by a user, the only possible workaround is to add a trasparent square over the chart, this would prevent the hover functionality to work.
Define your metric used in the pie chart as a percentage by setting the Comparison Calculation field to "percent of total". When hovering the mouse, something in the format 10%(10%) will be displayed on the card. Thus, the absolute value does not appear, even if the percentage is doubled.

HighCharts bubble charts customization

Do you have any solution on how to add additional functionalities to highcharts bubble chart in react like this one bubble chart?
I need a stoke/circumference around each bubble it has two segments success in white and failure in red those values comes from series data of each point?
I tried some approaches but no luck.
Could you please guide us on how to achieve this?
another requirement is there any option to disable bubbles i.e no hover and select functionalities for particular bubbles

How to create a chart that shows timeline against months in Qlikview?

I need a quick help my requirements are a bit complex. I need to show multiple timelines against months accordingly. Such that on the left side i have all the Products and in the chart i want to show Dates on a time line and bottom line represents months.
So i need to display multiple time lines against all those products according to months i am attaching an image of requirements.
I just need to know whether this kind of report is possible in QlikView.
We are already using QlikView for our project and have developed many reports but not kind of this report.
Please provide your input whether this kind of report is possible in QlikView and if you can provide an example and some explanation of controls that would be helpful.
I found this helpful when i made a similar type of project chart.
Here is an example .qvw also
To be able to create this chart, you need some type of event in the data model, where each event has a start date (or time) and possibly also an end date. Further, an event should belong to some grouping, typically a project or a phase in time.
Given the above, we can now start making the graph:
Create a bar chart with the appropriate event grouping as dimension (e.g., project, phase, or other group of events)
Add the duration of the project as expression: Max(EndDate)-Min(StartDate). If you only have one date per event, you just replace both StartDate and EndDate with the date that you have. The duration will then be the time between the first event and the last.
Add the start of the project as an offset to the bars: Min(StartDate). [Chart Properties-Expressions-The plus sign to the left of the Expression-Bar Offset]
Set the graph orientation to horizontal bars. [Chart Properties-Style-Orientation]
Remove the “Force 0” option. This option will force the start of the time axis to be Dec 30th 1899. [ChartProperties-Axes-Expression Axes-Force 0]
Format the expression axis labels as dates or as months (e.g. M/D/YY or YYYY MMM). [Chart Properties-Number-Date]
Now you should have a Gantt chart. If you want to improve the way it looks, you may want to consider the following suggestions:
Add a grid. [Chart Properties-Axes-Expression Axes-Show grid]
If you want a label on each bar, add a second expression defining the text for the label and use this as “Value on Data Points.” [Chart Properties-Expressions-Display Options] Don’t forget to disable the “Bar” option for this expression. This is the first check box in the Display Options group.
If the chart shows a range which is too large, add static min and static max to define the display range of the expression, e.g. Min(StartDate)-5 and Max(EndDate)+40, respectively. The additional distance on the upper limit is to leave space for the text. The unit is number of days. [Chart Properties-Axes-Scale]
If you have a second dimension, you can add this too. But if you do, make sure you use the “Grouped” option and not “Stacked.” The latter does not work well with bar offsets. [Chart Properties-Style-Subtype]
You may want to use the same color within each value of the first dimension, e.g., one color per project. One good way to define the color (e.g. RGB values) is to do it already in the dimension table in the script and use this color in a color function in the bar background color, e.g. RGB (ProjR,ProjG,ProjB). [Chart Properties-Expressions-The plus sign to the left of the Expression-Background Color]

substitutes for vertically scrolling through a large list

I am envisioning a Google Glass knitting app to help my sister. Many knitters, including her, like to work from knitting charts, which are big grids with special symbols to indicate the type of stitch. You work your way down the chart, one row at a time, knitting the indicated stitches, and voila! you have a fancy sweater or whatever. She often knits while sitting on the bus, or even while walking, and having the chart on Glass would leave her hands free to do what's important.
Let me describe the ideal, but apparently unsupported, interface, and then you can tell me if there's any good substitute. Ideally, there would be a bundle containing 100 numbered rows of knitting symbols (or however long the chart is). The user sees the current row across the middle of the screen, with the rows above and below displayed more dimly. Swiping back and forward would move up and down the chart, vertically scrolling by one row and highlighting the current row. Because there are so many rows, the user needs a way to skip to a particular row, if they are picking up where they left off. I imagine them tapping to bring up a menu that allows them to speak the desired row number.
It appears that this is completely impossible at the moment. Vertical scrolling is not supported; instead, I would need to create a bundle of horizontally scrolling images of sets of three rows, with the one in the middle highlighted to be the "current" one. OK, that's an acceptable substitute. But then how does the user select a particular row? Do I need to give each card a menu allowing them to somehow request a particular row, which then gets sent over the network to the server, which then sends back a new version of the bundle with the desired row toward the beginning? That sounds wasteful, slow and fragile. Does the Glass UI provide any way to handle this kind of data? If not, is it possible that it will handle it in the future?
I can imagine plenty of applications (teleprompter, karaoke, etc.) that involve vertically scrolling through significant numbers of rows, so I'm sure I'm not the only requester of this, which makes me think that maybe, if it's not currently supported, it might be in the future. Thanks.
It sounds like you are interested in filing a feature request with the Glass team. You can do so here by clicking the New Issue button in the top left. In your request, it will be helpful to the Glass team to summarize the use case that you have described in this question.
